I wanna get circumcised at 21 cause tbh I think it's hot...

I wanna get circumcised at 21 cause tbh I think it's hot. Ever since I was watching porn at 12-13 I've wanted to (jewish brainwashing).

Now that I'm older I still think it looks better and it's kinda hot like a permanent punishment that makes you last longer lol.

The thought of getting snipped turns me on

Should I do it for 1000 bux?

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Not by a Jew

How do I not boner while getting circumcised

Yeh it looks better but u will lose 90% of ur feeling cuz the skin at the gland is the most precious and pleasure giving. I know this cos my friend told me cus he did it late i life and say it sucks. Dont mutilate ur body without a real cause bro!

I completely agree, I wish I was not circumcised.

Tbh that's part of the turn and I expect that to happen

*Turn on

You really want to pay to have your dick sliced? Come in user. I'm circumcised and I think this would be stupid.

I have a tiny dick so least I could do is make it more aesthetic

Who's the bitch

And don't pretend you didn't take that pic from the thread of her that just shut down

>i want a barbaric jewish ritual performed one me

Okay then

Idk I saved some super hot

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I give it a year before you cut the entire thing off also because you're a stupid cumbrain.

Kek ok incel

Most adults who get circumcised end up regretting it.

There are two exceptions. One is if you have a medical reason. Basically phimosis.
Second is if you did for religious purpose (yeah being circumcised like my religion/family requires is totally better).

> Allan also claims that his penile sensitivity has decreased significantly since being circumcised. "It's night and day," he said. "The head used to be the most pleasurable part. There was natural lubrication. It was fun. Afterwards, I had to relearn how to work my bird. Everything was up in the air. It was like learning to walk again.". Allan said he regrets having it done.

Welp, you're talking about chopping your dick and using incel like a tranny already. You'll have a thanksgiving day turkey in time for next year's celebration.

pi pi pi

Live stream it.

Don’t blame the Jews. We do it to set ourselves apart. You copying us is problematic. It was Christians who believed getting cut cut down on masturbation. No joke. American Christians. That’s why you don’t see it being common in Europe. They didn’t buy into the anti touching yourself at night argument put forth by the anti spicy food crowd. Yeah. They also believed spicy foods led to "self abuse".

its still a dick you jerk up and down wtf allan

Don’t worry. The trauma to the penis causes it to deflate. It’s not like you’re damaging the shaft which can lead to priapism. Ever bottomed out hard during sex? Instant boner killer. It’s a defense mechanism. The penis retracts into the body.

Why the long face?

If you get cut as an adult and they go high and tight you won’t necessarily have enough skin on it to wank without lube. Seriously. There literally won’t be enough in some cases. This can be remedied by stretching the skin with a device. You see skin grows or accommodate stretching. That’s why fat people don’t just explode. Or growing babies for that matter. You cannot really completely restore the penis to mint but you can actually grow a new foreskin

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I've have a major circumcision fetish, but it's more fucked up than simply enjoying the look. I hated being cut and it made me feel inferior, and I've already got several other humiliation fetishes, so it just kind of happened naturally. circumcision is emasculation, and being emasculated became a turn on. when I see a cut cock, I see an emasculated man.

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All he aged like milk

Proper doctors won't do it without medical necessity. It will count as plastic surgery and be expensive as shit.

No. He’s using incel like a normie. Not that ad hom is a good style for debate but he's not wrong. If you are on here arguing that getting cut leads to you identifying as a girl then you probably don’t get out much. So we can assume you haven’t had sex in a while.

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Are you American?

Will it should be a plastic surgeon because accuracy is paramount. If they take too much from too low it will hinder recovery and perhaps even leave him with some erectile dysfunction that can be remedied through stretching over time. If he cuts too high he will be left with little sensation. If he’s really worried he could get a mohel that specializes in conversions. He will have the most practice and a single legit complaint could send him packing from the community. It’s a pretty serious line of work.

I have a dumb question for cut people : can cut people masturbate without lube?

I thought that since cut people don't have the extra skin, when they masturbate their hand drags along the skin of their penis. Without lube you'd basically indian burn your dick due to friction.

Are you me?

I wanna get circumsized for literally this reason

I've never used lube, but I was also cut pretty loose so I always masturbated like I was uncut. the skin just doesn't cover the whole head.