what's on your mind user?
What's on your mind user?
Wondering if my ex will ever want me back. I miss her company, and her big titties and fat booty.
What do I do about a job. Need money. Dunno what job to apply for.
I think I will learn guitar.
got more from this set?
A fifth of whiskey, 8 ball of coke, and what those bitches and me would do with one another
Any job at all. Got to have money fast food. Be a man on the ex tell her you miss her. No job no guiter.
So get any job, tell ex you need her, no till get a job, fap
My friend broke up with her boyfriend for me. I kinda convinced her to do it. Now I don't want her though.
Go to your grocery store and apply for a job in the meat department. In 6 months you'll be cutting meat at $18/h. Not a great living but it's easy to get into.
You all are pussy faggots
Same but i know guitar, makes things more depressing
Learn carpentry or something useful.
>Wondering if my ex will ever want me back
she wont user
Whats on your mind besides faggots and dicks user?
how to strike spiritual water
i need a cheap synth and box of lots of knobs and sliders and work up a set so i can do local electronic music performances and get lots of sex and drugs. i get a pell grant and when i get that 3k this semester, first thing i get will be the gear. i've been planning for decades and finally have all the samples, actual musical education as part of general college degree, and idea.
Thanks guys. Wasn't expecting so many responses.
There’s plenty of asshats here that would probably wind up working for you, assuming you have any motivation yourself.
I got pretty fucked up from my break up but I'm slowly but surely building up motivation to get myself in a much better place. Just no fucking clue where to start job wise.
I've postponed the issue for months but can't do it any longer. I either get married to my girl or we break up after 6 years and I go back to dating. Not sure what I want.
Watching this slut get gangbanged
An old friend killed herself last week. She was 6 months sober. Having a beer feeling sad thinking bout her.
wanting to cum in this girl