New bread for celeb

New bread for celeb

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Other urls found in this thread:

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best start

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I want to lick someone else's cum out of her pussy

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damn me too user

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I'm so beta it's my first thought

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so beta you'd let me ravage your asshole? (for celebs of course)

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Oh god yes, please

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I only have kik

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get with the times, sissy

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kik is about to be shut down completely

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Not before I can make him cum
I'm a worthless faggot

The merkin budget in this show must have been really high

Why, my niggy?

Lost a courtcase

Company is focusing on crypto currency and shutting kik down. Already cut staff

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Rip in peace

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Goddess riri checked

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how does she get hotter every season?

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Uh huh

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Mommy Mary cum quick see

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Bet she takes tons of BBC loads.

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hi qt kendall

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Hi, blonde Kendall

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Mmm Mrs. Wheeler

Kendall likes when I stroke my dick

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uma thurman's daughter is hot

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HOLy fuck balls

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I know, he doesn't look half bad naked.

Went to school with her.

Sat next to her in Phys Ed.

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This is great.

I love Lana Del Ray!!

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Oh fuck


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kek.... Brendan Fraser is pitching his idea for a Monkeybone remake to Zendaya in the background of that pic

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sat next to her in phys ed?

wtf kind of gym class has assigned seats?

Moar if you can

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more emily rata pls

Big man crush.

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Mysterio muh peirio, jakey boy


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I know she's like some young dancer, but more of that ass if you could

for attendance usually

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his cock is either
>incapable of reaching his bellybutton
>not hard
he is either a fag or a total beta

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Why not both?

or its a movie and you're obsessed with cock.

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purfect ass, but I prefer thicc assets tho

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How thick?

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like thick thick

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Does this 'new bread' meet all the nutritional guidelines recommend per the latest dietary studies? Oh, and is it gluten free?

There's some gluten definitely

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sorry im late

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look at that grip

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any elle fanning?



based vickyposter

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mmm moar

She hides her tiddies. Not interesting.

For now she does

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such a nice ass


WHO is this qt?

/838. 8did 83urhg9gj3jeodiaosoiee83jhe. uf8fj4u4. 9eofhc8e. u28228wi

Is that the android bitch from Tomorrowland?

I dont know what the hell you're talking about its nancy from stranger things

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more of her

Fuck off, Tenda.

I love me some Natty Ice

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Jade is a precious thing but Kateanon is the most precious one

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Glad this bitch is getting posted. I’ve wanted to fuck her for the past couple of years. One day I will.

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Jayden time!!

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Read the filename, my niggy

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This tbh fam :/

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I'm always stating the truth

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:D :D
That's Jayden!

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Her body is incredible

Nudes when?

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sexy as hell

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Sadie > Millie

Her belly button looks very strange


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What about this fine gem?

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Just imagine what is under the robe.

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love her

me on the left

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She thicc

I'm retarded and ty
She's adorable

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#1 qtest

I'm looking at the right.

Oh my god Ryry so hot. More pls

You're looking at right direction.

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Shes an absolute goddess


I think that you're confused.

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more plz

I mean Candice is also incredible, but Kylie is a goddess.


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queen sophie

>mfw looking at sideboob

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I don't even like Candice that much but I don't have to see that she's clearly better in every way.

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nicely staged photo op
Is this the bitch that wants us to start eating bugs to combat global warming by substituting meat for bug meat? Yeah fuck her.
>shouldn't care who the president is.
She's just a 16 y/o girl speaking her mind.
I didn't say it did, bruv.
But how will you mature if you don't engage other people with your ideas, user-kun?
They want to build an army for their riche. I'm observant.
give me one reason why she is a plant
Cosmic Background is exclusive to beyond the parameters of the ionosophere? Is that what you are suggesting?
>Almost the entire amount of negative environmental impact comes from Asia, South America and Africa. If we could just get these regions to catch up to our nations and follow what we do then the world and the environment would be in such a better place. I don't think brown people have to take any responsibility for their actions because that's somehow racist
Democratic vote lol That's adorable.
You're not real.
Well you could find a place like Alaska and set up a field of Radio Transmitters Beam them up to the resonant frequency of the Ionosphere creating a virtual mirror which reflects radiation
You know people were claiming Coloboma was a consequence of fetal alcohol syndrome and we all know that isn't true... Wonder why this line is being spun again.
rent free
yes, the left is bein destroyed by retards from /pol/. you should be ashamed and also you should stop being a faggot its gross.
10.12. (December, not October)
She's a 16 y/o girl. I'm just saying she's not a mong.
wait until they figure out immortality
You're right. And nice... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, VIRGIN!
I wouldn't bully Greta if I were you. I don't think she is from around here.
> justify your existence To whom? Some extra-chromosomal climate alarmist 'activist' who tries to compare destroying the environment to shitting in their own front yard? I have a better idea. Drink some

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That's only because she doesn't want to sail across the ocean again.
environmentalism doesnt necessarily make you a democrat
Thats what making children for bullshit so great. If you put a childs face on it, then any criticism can be directed to said child.
(laughs maniacally)
I don't know, the one about Ariana Huffington's husband turning gay sure has staying power.
Justify your existence.
Please stop filter-announcing but especially try not to seem so retarded. Regards, What's left of burgerland I'm not so sure if he's matured to even your level
Mind? What mind?
Is this the bitch that wants us to start eating bugs to combat global warming by substituting meat for bug meat? Yeah fuck her.
She's just a 16 y/o girl speaking her mind.
how did she become famous?
Ayo nigga is dat sum chikenz? Dey taste as a muhfugga.
Stop projecting. Not all of us are pathetic wageslaves.
These idiots will believe anything you know who else used children to push their agenda >Hitler
Hard core orthodox jews don't use condoms so they multiply fast, the men are expected to just read the Torah all day and the women take care of the kids, so no money is generated. It's probably the most retarded culture out there, maybe with the exception of Germany.
I hope Greta is the antichrist that would be a hoot
When I was 16, I was a spergy mong. Now I have slowly matured to semi-incel level. Pretty sure you were overly emotional/not clear thinking at 16 too, no?
>I've seen certain people spammed to death here in recently. Welcome to /pol/ raiding 101. Some of these are shills and some are actually paid shills
She can't explore a bathtub.
>Almost the entire amount of negative environmental impact comes from Asia, South America and Africa. If we could just get these regions to catch up to our nations and follow what we do then the world and the environment would be in such a better place. I don't think brown people have to take a

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how? explain to me how that would work
Weather is Cyclical I do think beaming High Frequencies into the Ionosphere might be the cause of many earthquakes and floods though :)
Trump should do stand up. Oh, wait! He is.
>thirty quintillion its a cool idea tho
>Please stop ...being a virgin.
Pajeets trying to scam each other?
Implying people with money browse Yea Forums
Stop projecting. Not all of us are pathetic wageslaves.
Yeah, does that mean she shouldn't be allowed to vocalize and explore concepts and ideas?
>Trumps mastertweet crowning moment of awesome! (the snark is on a whole new level)
One of many user
Fucking thunder chad
Justify your existence.
Greta has anus burger syndrome. Her social stats are very low. Look at facial tics/emotional responses etc.
give me one reason why she is a plant
Corbyn hates democracy, so kill yourself for him.
yes, the left is bein destroyed by retards from /pol/. you should be ashamed and also you should stop being a faggot its gross.
innit gov'nah? fish & chips bad teeth
Jews own sarcasm now?
Well you could find a place like Alaska and set up a field of Radio Transmitters Beam them up to the resonant frequency of the Ionosphere creating a virtual mirror which reflects radiation
I doubt he has time to lurk in this shithole of a site. But I bet he pays someone to do it for him.
I fucking love this guy
How was I the loser? Because I like Boris? I don't even know what the outcome of the vote was because I don't particularly care.
same energy

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Please stop filter-announcing but especially try not to seem so retarded. Regards, What's left of burgerland I'm not so sure if he's matured to even your level
Implying people with money browse Yea Forums
Some do, believe me.
Why should I give a fuck about what kind of planet the brown mass will live on if they want to deny us any spot on earth to call our home?
>people need extinction >to save the planet >for future generations You're fucking retarded dude. Putting that aside, the planet doesn't need "saving." The planet is currently in an ICE AGE, if you think +2 Celsius is going to wreck the planet, than you didn't pay any attention back when they were teaching you about the dinosaurs.
Nobody talks like her. She's a mentally disabled child.
You must be a newfag because a lot of us neets bought crypto years ago and retired during the last boom.
They want to build an army for their riche. I'm observant.
Yeah that manipulated stock photo picture isn't anywhere on that list either. Did you actually bother reading it? No city listed actually looks like that. The header photo was just another manipulated stock picture
That was an excellent method of amalgamation
Are you on drugs?
For five minutes more. Or until she has a nervous crackup.
(laughs maniacally)
Fish and Chips is a Jewish introduction to the UK. Bad teeth, for some but we still have our pineal glands functioning.
his takedown of de Blasio the other day was pretty great: >"...polling at ZERO but with tremendous room for improvement..."
>shouldn't care who the president is.
wow stunning, argument you have completely convince me my friend,
That Chad strut
environmentalism doesnt necessarily make you a democrat
You're right. And nice... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, VIRGIN!
kek, Trump is defiantly a bloomer.
Bump for Greta.

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Kylie has better tiddies

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these greta threads are annoying as fuck. But I have to agree that tweet was pretty funny
No, Labor who ignored a democratic vote in your cuntry.
>Also, 16 is a reason for her to shut the fuck up. Does being young mean you can't have valid viewpoints, bro?
doesn't matter, epic thread, libtards BTFO epic style MAGA fellow pedes!
Greta is applying for US citizenship.
She is an autistic Swedish girl(male)
the only people who speak at the UN are people the politicians are using for publicity. First it was the fags then the cunts and now this climate cunt.
cosmic background is 160.4 GHz, corresponding to a wavelength of 1.9 mm
Trump is a feta cheese robot.
The rich are very much into conservation of the environment The Rothschild have done so much for butterfly conservation.
Except no City in the u.s. actually looks like that. I'm pretty sure there aren't even any cities in China that look like that
that's way too much common sense for the average warmist to understand. you need to use SMALLER WORDS and draw it in crayon.
Thats what making children for bullshit so great. If you put a childs face on it, then any criticism can be directed to said child.
It's the dignified resistance look.
Well you could find a place like Alaska and set up a field of Radio Transmitters Beam them up to the resonant frequency of the Ionosphere creating a virtual mirror which reflects radiation
somethings "up" with here huh?
post it bro, i dont have it
I've seen certain people spammed to death here in recently. >Hogg in February/March 2018 >Ocasio-Cortez sometime in late 2018/early 2019 >Yang in March 2019 >Thunburg now In all honesty, Thunburg is the least annoyin

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A wild faggot appears

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What a beautiful lady!

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okay, now that we've fooled the spammers into going to this thread...