rekt thread
Rekt thread
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This piece of shit happened in my cuntry. Bike deserved to be Rekt in the head by the 3 ton truck. Truck driver is now in trial and paying damages to that two pedal filth.
Guys post Moar.
more with bikers. whenever i see bikers on the road, i see myself mowing them all down. i fucking hate those cunts
Let's see what I got, baby
Check it
is that fucking real?!
Must've been late for her appointment
looks real to me, but can never tell these days
Drive by in Thailand?
yea. poor girl was at the beach with her friends, when a shark known to rarely attack humans suddenly surfaced in 10 foot deep water and swallowed her hole.
Nerve gas
Damn, surprised she caught it to be honest
lowkey feel bad for the little fucker
Nigger dogs need to all be put down.
He got Tycho brahe'd
600 I.Q. strats
This is the one the European Union tried to censor because they know sand niggers are animals.
Any pics of him after surgery?
He did get reconstructive surgery, right?
I heard he sued the guy.
That's why you shouldn't play with your katana, adults
More animal rekt plz
fuck you
What's with the stupid grin?
There is no surgery that can repair that to normal. He's scarred for life.
I can't believe the fat lady didn't get decked.
I can't even believe she was able to just walk away.
Holy shit.
Thanks ma man fuck those guckers for sutting down a site over politics fucking gay
yes moron. what the fuck you think?
jesus, kids these days :D
probably high af on painkillers, that, or its a look of "im gonna get so much money from this lawsuit"
I second this
Laughed my ass off, shes tough though.
Controlling the cat infestation, as they well should.
The wild sheboon scatters her spores in an effort to spread her genes before dying in battle
It swallowed her hole? Jesus that's nasty.
16chan is fucking trash
seems like they died when coming into contact with the pole. Perhaps an exposed electrical wire?
Third. They're sanctimonious little cunts.
Gold. Fucking dumbass.
Fucking nightmare shit. God damn
>oh cool massive dildo
It's from a movie: Shallows #2
>Ooga booga
This shit happen daily in Chinastan or what?
Please be real Please be real Please be real Please be real Please be real Please be real
Human larvae is the most disgusting thing ever.
From the movie the shallow
dam raysis cops
they punched a girl... we impeached their president and are going to put him in prison. very fair trade :D
Not especially gruesome, just sad. =(
She had a massive knife in her hand.
god bless the big kahuna
Not gay though?
that's actually kind of fun, I was worried he was going to be barber-chaired by that tree.
and? if i had a kid and some fucking lardball tried to stab my kid i wouldnt care if she had a fucking sword
This is one of the greatest videos on the internet in recent years. Never fails to entertain me.
Taking a shit and then slipped in his poo causing him to get run over?
What happened? Clearly something electrical, but fuck, do I have to be afraid of my computer now?
nice try, dont be so heavy handed next time
this guy is a fucking god
the kid shot him
nope, its nerve gas, every computer has them in their motherboard, its just a small glass vial, but that alone can wipe out a city block, some scary shit
You'd have to get someone to agree to have sex with you to ever have a kid so settle the fuck down sperg lord.
Aw, private fatass. Glad to see he hasn't changed
Fuck I knew it
Im the juggernaut bitch!
nice argument jackass now are you actually gonna address what i said or are you gonna dance around it while pretending not to be mad
Bro imagine you're being electrocuted. Most normies wouldn't know how to react either. You'd be fucked. Completely powerless but aware of the pain.
Wait a second, hold on there.
Is that the Gamestop "IT'S MA'AM!" guy?
Typical fuckin chinks just stand there dumb as stumps.
>Completely powerless
I dunno about that user, it looked like he had plenty of power running through him
holy shit
i know, but there is a solution, just take a magnet, any size will do, and just run it across the side of your computer tower and the gas inside will be neutralized
>most normies
What the fuck would YOU do retard? Summon your spirit energy to combat the current?
>implying I care when a little kid gets stabbed
Kek you must be new here.
that little white fag was beaten to death at the end of the of the video, it was HILARIOUS when they piled on him with the sound version
The cord shorted so the table and chair are now live. If he'd been smart he would have hit the kill switch for the table.
When you really need that prize money
Nigger turds for all
took you long enough to respond, do you have to type shit with just your index fingers or something? god its painful waiting for you to respond :/
The irony of this post.
Dumb niggers
looks fine to me honestly could be worse
Must be a strong motor to knock his teeth out....
is this a black wedding???
Looked like dude was already dead on the bike before it even got dumped
fucking christ i could stand the mans head being ripped off but not gonna lie this fucking hurts to watch
Blacks don't have weddings only funerals.
yeah watch it, it's hilarious (kinda sad when he dies)
Who ever made this is sick
oh god I feel like laughing really hard, but that's kind of true
Imagine same fagging this hard.
Nigga youre seething. Get off the internet and calm down.
Just fuck off, newfag.
as a disabled Marine and a new parent of a 6 month old son...Fucking bitch would be dead in that street. Ad you know there are a lot of keyboard warriors but the goverment currently pays me 1700 a month ssdi and 2300 a month on va disability because im a real warrior, so you know when I say that bitch would be dead...shed be fucking dead.
dinner and a show
Shut up you fucking welfare queen
Fuckinnn... Gummo reunion.
stay mad retard, your grasping for straws that dont even fucking exist
Mad cause you have no spending money neet? Mommy cut off your tendies? Getting a bit too chubby?
Pedophiles are getting crafty nowadays.
You guys know you cannot physically control yourself while being electrocuted right? No matter how many sperg points you have.
I really honestly want to see the aftermath.
>did jaba the hut get arrested?
>did the children suffer severe injuries?
>any conviction or outrage?
then why is she not dead?
This should not be turning me on as much as it is.
Anyone got more?
Post the link bro. I wanna Kek at some whiteoids getting btfo by based PoC
what is even happening in this?
god I wish there more holes like that, that would open up in the city for pedestrians/bicyclists.
She got arrested the next day. Will get from 7-10 years in prison. Happened in Georgia. Not in US.
you disabled's use any excuse to get on welfare and not work!
>real warrior
pick one
You guys please stop posting black people it's too much. I'm gonna fuckin vomit
Shut up nigger, go back to pol.
God bless that black man for taking down that Nigger
Chinese beyblades are metal as fuck!
Never forget.
Never Forgetti.
yup i admit but hey doing my part to end these stupid wars we keep getting into. these fucks that lied to us and use us dumb fuckers to wage war are going to start paying for fuking us up. So ya im a welfare queen but its what i earned for doing what your pussy ass coudnt. but now that ive taken the red pill, im going to make sure it doesnt keep happening by making it costlier to deal death
omg were those SNAKES?
10 years in prison for a knife offense on a child.
Touch their vagina and get 25.
Sounds about fucking right.
>hitting water at 20'
yeah right
I dive into water head-first from 150 feet, and I've lived. Every time. "Surface Tension"? LOL Sure.
Japper suicide. Glory and honor are huge with the Japanese. He died well.
Well it's assault. The kid is alright though, had damage to nose, eye and cheek. Dunno what sentence she would get, doubt she's sane either. I'd rather for a longer sentence, just not in prison.
>the water level was not so deep
here we have a 1-strike policy. touch a child sexually, you go to prison for natural life.
then we'd see him WALKING AWAY
What is it with niggers?
still reeks of summer
Anyone have the vid where tons of people in a line of motorcycles all crash into one car and go flying?
It's only the first day of fall/spring sooo....
Fuckin idiot
Eat a nigger dick.
That seems to be the standard number of dead before some fucker gets a brain;
I read of a US shipyard electrocution - the fourth one got a brain, "Damn those three dropped; I'm not going to do what they they did."
Three is clearly the amount to reach before the next person will see a pattern - Don't let yourself be one of the first three.
If someone has dropped, ask yourself why.
he WAS clumsy. and NOW he's dead.
anyone have any GOOD cat gore? ferals getting culled?
good to see my vid is getting around
dem kids r dead
oh yeah, you can see his liver's huge at the end trying to process the toxin, end-stage liver failure with short, furtive breaths. those are his last moments. those 'giant killer bees' in china are very deadly.
youtube strikes back
That goin in the frag movie
They're piece-of-shit dogs; next they will kill a child.
dub cobirm
thought it was going to get stuck around the neck for a puss choke out to the death.
I was lurking last night's rekt thread. I'm happy to see there's one going now and it began with the racoon getting squished. Also, my girlfriend is still very pregnant.
suck off turkey. those dogs are cleaning up VERMIN in their neighborhood, and on their property: Cats. Cats are filth what spread disease and lead to the extinction of thousands of species annually, and cost farmers 100's of billion per annum.
Dogs work, join the military, are police officers, lead the blind, sniff out cancers, and are spec-op force recon.
Cats are lazy, and give kids brain parasites. A good cat's a dead cat.
kill me now
show her pregnant vag and butthole.
fat bitch 1- beta boy 0
failed as a parent
Pretty sure the dude on top is totes dead, it looks like his blood splattered on the sign. Backstory?
and that ladies and gents is why black people get shot.
Cat lived dogs got put down
The dude could have been kille
someone owes that fat fuck a knock
Why didn't the guy kill her? I'd have killed her.
Rudest Canadians in all of canada
This, just like when it was posted last night, is some of the best evidence we have that women are completely useless.
who says jerk circle fucking noob?
its circle jerk
Seriously though! Why didn't the guy kill her? I don't get it.
shitbulls if i have ever seen them
swordface? yea hes healed up fine
jihad way of courting white aryan hippie ladys
Like moths to a flame
what a min...…...
or dried out/rock hard corn
talk about the gauntlet
That satisfying moment when you see his brains go 'SPLOOT'
So? Wtf. She's clearly out of shape, and she turned her back. Fucking kill her.
downie down
Somwtimes we take for granted why such organizations like OSHA exist
you meaning to tell us you're not speaking from the grave right now?
I'd have this done to any of you edgy, death-loving retards. TRY IT. wanna be tough?
he also butt flopped which prob broke his old chink back and caused him to drowned. Hence the black and blue body during the recovery
so over seeing this dumb dog dick webm.
we get it you are new
dude its your fam ur suppose to fight for them life or death. plus shes fat as fuck 2 quick punches and shes down like a stack of flapjacks
Not an ex soldier, but you can also trust the fact that bitch would be dead if I was there. No if, and, or buts.
"Sorry we're out of fried chicken"
I would dread fighting this nigger.
was that suicide ??? wtf happen
I understand that is a parents duty, but this average dude against a person with a knife ins't a great outcome
He did had the guts to confront her though
What good is a dead parent
Wtf happened here
This is so twisted!
Still looks like a gorilla.
It was nigger hair
holy fuck chinese are literal cock roaches
fuck you
You stupid fucking faggot post the link to the source material
My palms got sweaty for nothing! I just took a shower like an hour ago, fuck you.
holy fuck ! you can see the explosion propagated from a spark between the ground and the wheel barrow but what the fuck ignited?
Anyone has her porn?
>when your big brother keeps using the same move over and over again
Nerve gas
Guy who jumps wearing speedo. Guy dead from water decomposed and wearing shorts.
>Ya bro I'd totally charge the bitch with a knife with my bare hands
There's a reason you're disabled.
That must have been a shocking album
Grand Theft Auto: real life edition
Made in China
I think that bag was full of black powder for fireworks
he survived, it wasn't too *strong*.
bro watch the video , the explosion starts t the ground near the leg of the wheelbarrow. even if there was powder in the bag thats not what ignited the explosion.
360 brickscope
Why the fuck would I show you my girlfriend you fucking retard faggot. Do I sound like a cuck to you? Fuck off, you've never contributed any original content other than your obvious micropenis loli tribute bullshit. Go die in a hole you lonely pizza faced walking sack of turds.
Can you fuck off and let your gf talk?
He is not dead yet, only well done
watched it, and i think it wasn't his first turn, and there was black powder or other shock sensitive powder there on the ground.
You could die from 20 meters if you fall like he did. He didn't let go of the railing and sort of rotated his body. To prevent injury or death you need to go feet first and straight in and/or have a ball below you to break the surface tension of the water prior to hitting it.
is this from the comic or real life
its the red flag hanging from said pole
Life is cheap when there's 1.4 billion of you.
I think we can all agree that women are completely useless
Now that's professional
Makes me appreciate OSHA. Thank you OSHA.
Fucking legend, I would do the same thing.
uhh you mean 3.4 billion?
She talks to me all day, she's sleeping and has no time for impoverished deadbeat niggers such as yourself.
You mean mirror the chink trying to run you over ?
I agree..
Chink, not jap.
Japs may be suicidal but aren't so dumb as to not care about static electricity at a fireworks factory
imagened getting spaghettied by a fucking dirt poor haji when you are in a copter.
Well that is what you would call attempted murder in a non-shithole country.
Show her vag and butthole then
Retards are literally torturing animals and the freakout when one dies.
Dude what happened to this jocks muscle?
Literally advertising her like a cuck on here and gets upset when someone asks the obvious.
Fuck man, help the poor fucking guy.
Why is it ok to kill that baby when it's in a vagina, and the second it leaves the vagina it's not ok. Who makes these rules
I don't take advice from children.
Would of shot the two dogs and that bitch.
That shitpost was so bad it killed 4 people.
Also lynch the owners
Rotties can also gtfo
holy fuck are you 15?
Kek, my dude this is a rekt thread and not a ylyl thread.
fake and gay
Advertising her like an Alpha more like it.
Show vag and butthole or projecting no gf nerd. It's your only option now.
Driver's gonna be dead when that door opens
How the fuck is he alive at the end? Did he survive?
You don't abort a child at 9 months spastic
Every day you are alive you should hit your knees and thank whatever powers you believe in that you aren't chinese. The odds were huge that you would be born chinese or indian and you won the fucking lottery.
Fuckin white people no wonder niggers are taking over white bitches there pussies are loose as fuck .
I would have killed this woman... why didn't the parents do anything?
Fat lady is stabbing kids and a beta father stands by and does nothing.
>knowing nothing about rodeo and the effort of care that goes into it to take care of the animals.
how many boyfriends does your wife have?
kid is going to be gay as fuck.
Just being born on Earth at all is rare considering the size of the universe. Imaging beating those odds just to be Chinese, Indian, or the lonely beta male trying to convince an alpha to show off his sleeping girlfriends vagina and getting nowhere in life.
>actually watches rodeos
cool no helmet. this must be some asian country.
what happened?
white people.
*morgan freeman voice*
"It was at this moment he realised; he done fucked up."
Cat faggot confirmed.
Plot twist his girlfriend is actually his mum!!
that fat bitch stabbed those kids why isn't anyone killing her ?
Nerve gas.
This is what they do with the bricks you send to build orphenage!
white bitches love niggers along with bitches with no standards and limited options. .
They're literally both niggers.
Inhaled too much nerve gas
ok, i thought it was lightning on a slow-motion camera
Top kek, this little kid still kisses his dad goodnight
His name is kemonito
Pitbulls are trully the niggers of the dog world!
All pits should be shot!
dude thats sad.. the light skinned nigga dips that dark midnight nigga like he was a jail cell bitch.. no cred in jail he finna be tattooed a pair of titties on his back like a true bitch.
I would throw years of self control out the window and unleash my full autistic rage on her.
Shut up, nigger.
Top kek, this little kid still sucks his daddy's cock
he would of got his ass beat for touching my car
The amount of people crying over this proves summer isn't over.
Seb la Frite, fuck off!
Canadians are fucking weirdos.
The ligament connecting it to bone snapped. too much adrenaline and Lactic acid to notice right away.
Yea Forumstards irl
That's SebLafrite. Fuck off.
that nigger will take all your white bitches with no problem hot ones too.
This is why white bitches leave there white little dicked males. Every time i see bitches with black dudes im like hella ya that bitch is hexed for life. after they pop out 10 niglets they go after a beta dude that will take them in ... pussy is like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
He fuck that white bitch already trying to act like he don't need her no moe. later that day he was like.. sorry white bitch I was trying to keep it real in front of my black queen doe .. can I come over for some pussy? White bitch: yes tyron come over and fuck me.
>Deja Vu stops
Are you ok?
Quebeqouis are... special
Sweet jesus is that a mong nigger? His IQ must be single fucking digit.
lOl I hope that little hacking piece of shit chinese was playing pubg .
How badly does this hurt afterwards? Does it heal? Could he ever lift again?
fucking trump supporters man.
He would need surgery and a lot of PT but he'd probably be mostly fine after a while.
I think it's trying to speak English but I'm not sure.
The computer isn't the problem, the problem is the wiring of the building. In China it's shit and would never pass inspection here in non-shithole countries.
Look it's the master race
Congrats, you made me giggle like a bitch at 5 in the morning
that's pretty funny and wholesome.
You guys must be very new here.
well it's the stupid as shit, but at least he has some story to tell to girls
his teeth looks extremely good/perfect, IMO its fake teeth.
bikers are scum
nigga just had to go behind his fuck buddy and let people pass... how hard is that?
It probably failed to cook the corn properly just like every other chink fails at everything.
why the fuck would you climb up there?!
To be an edgy attention whore.
> what does the world look like to you when you have less than 50 iq