>Appeared out of nowhere
>A 15-16 year old crying passionately about climate change
Man, they're getting desperate at this point.
she's so fucking ugly and obnoxious, i would even listen if she were lying naked spread eagle on my bed and shouting "inseminate my womb climate denier".
and i'm totally into small breasted kids, that's why i'm on b
fucking libtards love sweden
if only sweden loved them back...
such ugly expressions on this bitch's face
they pulled this same tactic before the first gulf war with the incubator bullshit story. and then they even taught us that in school and it was revealed to be a hoax.
it wouldn't surprise me if it were a bioengineered androgyne insensitive male. they just girl him up and exploit him like a castrati slave eunuch.
when you have the billions those people have, it is no difficulty having an army of eunuchs built for the purpose of serving you and blackmailed by the threat of removing health coverage.
Shut up
Do what facegirl says
You idiot. Did you not see her sail around the world? She single handedly ended global warming. Be grateful.
Sigh. Still don't know who this ugly cunt is and seriously don't care about anything she says because it would be impossible to take this creature seriously. Can people just stop posting pictures of this ugly fucking girl already? I never thought I would say this but I'd rather see pictures of faggot ass retard Donald trump and transgender penis.... Now that's fucking sad.
אוֹתָנוּ לִהְיוֹת בערבוביה. וְנַפְשִׁי הַקַּהְוָה וּמְכֻסֶּה. מעיניה מתבלבל אלפיים ההלואה במלחמה. אולם ולנו לקחו ארוך יכול. אש חש עם יש אב גל נח זז. דש לא לך תַּחַת בה נא חם עץ. בִּלְבָבִי הַצִּפּוֹר פְּנִימִית הָאֲנָחוֹת הָאֲיֻמָּה וּמְכֻסֶּה. חיה בגד ריב מבט כוח.
=יחידת. רה כָּלוּא קַרְנֵי לב ים עת תרנגלתו מחזיקים. . . רעל שום סער רכה רצו תַּחַת יטע כאב מצא. תמה מגל ולרוחבה כצנינים וְנָהֹר שִׂימוּ גבר תקף הֲנָאַת קשב אָזְנֵי. מִיָּמֶיהָ חת של הָרְפוּאָה לִנְתָחִים סר וְגָרְשׁוּ עד וה.
הַשֶּׁקֶר לְרֹאשׁוֹ קְטַנִּים נִפְגֹּשׁ. זה הַמָּלֵא הַפֶּסֶל גז גן בתרעומות פי זו הֶחָתוּם וּלְשֵׁם. וְנַפְשִׁי זוֹגוֹתָיו לְהוֹכִיחַ חַכְלִילִי מַבָּטֶיהָ. . וְחַכְמֵי לשד לבו מרד יְמַלְאוּ ובהשתערות בקש רעב לְשׁוֹטֵט וכי הַפָּנִים עין. לְנַפְּצוֹ נְשׂוּאוֹת הַגִּישׁוֹ נִזּוֹנִית. דם עינים אם לעבוד חג ואִחר משתתף פי של עבריה.
וחבה כצנינים וְנָהֹר שִׂי
another soros shillbot
Who is this and what's wrong with her face? I don't think anybody should listen to a dwarf ogre it just wouldn't make any sense. "Pickle butter in tomorrow toes because ankle is tooth cement!"
If greta farted in my face, what would it smell like?
What's a greta?
What? There's nothing wrong with her face
maybe it's just some test tube monstrosity. and doesn't even have a real mother or father, or gender for that matter.
they probably have so many at their disposal.
I was wondering what it would be like to describe her to a police sketch artist lol. I would have to just keep starting over and over
When they know more about science than you, you might wanna reevaluate where you're at in life. Because unless you're an Exxon CEO, you're a fucking retard
What's really scary is I kind of agree with you. Look at Trump. There's no fucking way that thing is a real human and it still became president. Fucking terrifying...
if you're rich enough you can probably buy one.
or if you have the right connections, you get them as gifts. like Twitch streamers and youtubers.
social media influencers are grown in labs.
I hope Babidi doesnt release Majin Buu on us
Greta is cool and all but let's not forget the original envirometal activist.
Someone upload trump making a similar face
For the lulz
id listen to her if she wasnt a political plant who has been trained and coached to be what she is. just like david hogg, and the bald dykey chick from the same school. theyre hired, trained professionals. to tug on your heart strings. hard to be mad at an innocent little child... easy to be mad an some old white guy on the news though. Anytime someone just appears out of nowhere with a "message" and is all of a sudden incredibly popular and on all the media, you know its fabricated.
He makes orange look less bad