I think its hilarious how the president of america ran a campaign off making the country great again...

i think its hilarious how the president of america ran a campaign off making the country great again,but ever since he got elected.america has turned into a bunch of left wing snowflakes

Attached: greta-thunberg-comes-to-rome-fridays-for-future.jpg (800x450, 42K)

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i think it's hilarious how trump was only ever elected because a bunch of left wing snowflakes wouldnt stop screeching, and people got so sick of them they elected the polar opposite.

equal and opposite reaction is a bitch.

No one gives a shit about the opinion of a child. Much less one funded by Soros, Bono, Gates, ect.

>they elected the polar opposite

LOL,you think the guy who has cried about sports players,the media,and guns for the past 3 years is the opposite? go figure you morons called him "god emperor".he really knew how to cater to the uneducated

>the nun
something like that
it's a inside joke in my family

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really? no one? explain why people care about the parkland kids,the columbine kids and greta thunberg then.snowflake


I think it’s hilarious that women won’t even talk to you.

No one cares about them either. Where the fuck are you from that you're this out of touch?

Nah you're right. Clearly Hillary was the better Anti-SJW choice.
You got the big galaxy brain meme going.

jokes on you faggot,my mom is a women and talks to me every day

Only incels and angry hillbillies rant about SJWs.

im from america,you know.the country that got ruined by donald trump and democrats

>hurr durr hillary

the only difference between hillary and donald trump is the fact that at least we'd know hillary is a democrat and runs the country like one.we didnt know donald trump would be a pile of left wing shit before he got elected

Hopefully that will satisfy you for the next 40 years.

You didn’t know trump was going to be a pile of shit? You are one dumb waste of life.

>donald trump and democrats
Metropolitan education, everyone

the MSM has acknowledged that a lot of people are finally fucking sick of SJWs.

no,i knew he was.he's been a democrat most of his life.has life long democrat family members,apparently the meth addicted rednecks who nominated him wernt smart enough to see how big of a failure he was gonna be

Nice retort. Debate isnt your strong suit.

tiny dot cc slash ClimateGoddess
for all your Greta pokie needs
Also..... Is she a trap?

>hurr durr,MSM

whatever kid,i bet you think the MSM is your republican blogs and trump's twitter account

Who debates retards? You?

Reported for spam

But..... it's not spam. :-(

You all out of arguments already?
You know, refusing to lose isnt the same as a win.

Was that supposed to be an argument?

Still mad she lost?

You're from America and I'm from Mars.

And you've successfully lowered the bar to your level. Congratulations.

The fact of the matter, the one you're avoiding, is that SJW's single-handedly got Trump elected. Congratulations are in order.
Keep being awful people and the Trumpy is back in 2020.

Attached: this_thread_again.jpg (460x500, 63K)

Obviously it wasnt, how could you think it was? It was just a tip.
Come up with another talking point so I can destroy it, I'm hungry.

Yet you thought I was trying to debate or argue huh? Your brain has rotted beyond the point of functioning. It’s time for you to leave the Internet and pick up some books.

nope,hillary clinton is just as much of a left wing pile of shit as donald trump is.besides,its not like republicans seem to be happy since trump won.every other week you guys complain about something.either the media,or some sports player who did something you dont like

Ad hominem. Grow up.

I could care about either party. I'm just wondering what the trumpetts are going to do if he lose?

>keep being awful people

your right,because those trump supporters surely are great people.they are either rednecks addicted to opiods or making meth in their garages.or there violent alt right people who run democrats over in charlottesville or beat people up in new york city

I got one. You are a socially dysfunctional incel with no redeeming qualities and society will forever shun you. Bon apetite.

Facts are just facts, kid.

you already know what trumpettes are going to do if they lose.wasnt nevada good enough proof?

who is this whore? I've been seeing her pics all over the internet but never bothered to check why suddenly everyone wants her pussy

im just here for sauce on this :

Lowering the bar even further? Can you at least attempt to discuss the argument at hand?
2020 boys. No wonder Trump has the best odds..

>hitting all the walls
The Post

okay just saw the speech at UN youtu.be/bW3IQ-ke43w

why is no one slapping the periods out of her? what the fuck, first world. what the fuck! i believe in climate change but i also believe whores like her need to punched right in the pussy.


>lowering the bar

lol,trump is to shit and retarded to get re elected.he's already lost the military,conservatives and gun owners.that makes up the majority of republicans.gonna be funny when you get butthurt when you face reality in 2020 after living in a fantasy world for 4 years

i can only speak for america but the country is a bunch of left wing retards.so of course there gonna put some kid on a pedistal,thats what they usually do

>lol,trump is to shit and retarded
You trying to troll me son?

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no,donald trump cant even pronounce the english language correctly.maybe if you wernt as stupid as he is,you'd understand

Pick one

>pick one

>not realizing 95 percent of americans care about this swedish women

>No, *
>correctly. *
>he is, *

Attached: successful-troll-is-successful.jpg (300x441, 36K)

wrong 95 percent of Americans care about nothing
yelling and screaming is different then caring. Alot of people yell and scream for fun

if they didnt care,then why do so many of them pay attention to this stupid cunt.its obvious that america is a pile of left wing shit.you idiots thought republicans won the election,but really.all you got stuck with was a left wing moron running the country

b/c you don't understand english, i already explained people dont give a shit. Everything you see is just people having fun. We have too much money in American we are Bored to shit. People will say oh i live in American im poor but they just dont know what poor is they think poor means you have to order from the Dollar menu

i understand english better then you do bitch

This thread smells like Reddit

>we have to much money in american

nice english there buddy,might i suggest taking a class in english before you lecture other people.dumbfuck,you probably live in some trailer park and voted for trump and think the economy is great even though your as poor and stupid as you were when obama was president

no i mean like i say one thing and you understand it to be something else...OMG to and not too....
your not at grammar i mean you litterer must not comprehend English letters and words

How so? We've seen a rising wave of right wing populism throughout the West.

And yet they screech even louder today.

This is very, extremely true

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your arguing about grammar with somebody who has like 4 double shots of alcohol today.bruh,i aint sober enough to care about my grammar right now

the left wing snowflakes were there before; they just came into the main focus by finally having an event (Trump's win) telling them "no" for the first time in their adult lives and not knowing how to handle a loss like a mature adult, lashed out like the spoiled, angry children they are.


people only see what they want
So if all OP wants to see is a bunch of dudes fucking in the streets then thats all he will see.

which is ironic considering the right wing in america died when donald trump was elected


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>your arguing about grammar
LOL dude serious what is your first language?
b/c i'm not arguing grammar i said you are like brain dead or something and you dont comprehend

likely just be a little disappointed, then get back to work.

That's a strange thing to say. What do you mean? Most would say it took over when he was elected.

>we didnt know donald trump would be a pile of left wing shit before he got elected
I did
Even wiki had his party affiliation history up front. Lots of people, even conservatives like myself were warning you that he's just an ego in sheep's clorhing.
I mean, it's trump. He's rich and loud. Had he ever actually been pro-gun he would have a solid gold 1911 with diamond bullets to brag about.

>most would say

yeah,nobody cares about the redneck morons with their maga hats.they arent even republicans.now fuck off retard

>i did

well good for you,to bad your not the republican morons who decided a pile of leftist shit was a good choice for republican president

also,crying about rich people makes you look like a democrat

Most people in general would classify Trump as being right of center and that he clearly represents the Right on most issues. But can you elaborate or not?