Did anyone else experiment with their friends growing up? It makes me feel better if I know I'm not the only one

Did anyone else experiment with their friends growing up? It makes me feel better if I know I'm not the only one.

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I did and I know my one friend did also growing up its normal

is it really so big a deal?

If that's normal then I'm happy to be abnormal.

I dunno, I look back, and yea I had fun sucking dick but I don't know if I was mature enough at the time, you know?

Nah I don't think it is

I cammed with my friends a lot. Those boys are also underage fyi

only you you sick faggot

You want to shoot your load, they want to help you shoot your load, no other options besides going solo. I dont see the problem myself. so long as everyone is up for it. or visa versa

fuck no. sure we all compared dicks when we were in like middle school but no, I never, and none of my homeboys ever experimented with any of our friends. I'm sure it does happen often though user and you shouldn't dwell on silly things like that. but I wouldn't for one second call it "normal behavior". then again, "normal" is just what some faggot who was older than you wanted you to believe. if you sucked your friends peepee and you still suck peepee or don't, and maybe want to, whatever the case may be, it's okay dude. do what you want to fucking do.

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