I'm a little confused about the Jewish claims concerning the Holocaust.
Are the Jews saying six million people were murdered and cremated, and the ashes were all scattered and almost all of the evidence was destroyed? Six million seems too high, I don't believe there were six million Jews in all of Europe when Hitler cam to power. Did he trick them somehow to all come to Germany so he could kill them and destroy all evidence?
Don't tell them the truth because they will hate you for it
Jackson Bell
If everyone were to kill just one joo apiece, all wars around the world would end overnight.
Ian Gonzalez
i was taught that it was 6 million jews and 5 million "blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, gays, homosexuals, cripples etc." so 11 million total what is it at now? 80 billion jews?
Yes , about that many million were murdered by the Nazis and their helpers. Most were simply shot. The gassing is exaggerated.
John Edwards
the next thing it'll be is "did people really enslave africans??? where are the records???"
Matthew Morris
It's to take international attention away from the seven million Ukrainians Stalin starved to death between 1932 and 1936 plus the hundreds of thousands more that Stalin's lap dog, General Nikita Khrushchev, murdered for collaborating with the Germans.
And yes, the same Nikita Khrushchev who would later become leader of the U.S.S.R.
Hudson Allen
I can confirm this is a rabbit hole of anger. People died in a trategy and we learned from it. This is just a conspiracy theory to hate jews. I don't know much about jews but I know they don't blow theirselves up like muslims. I wouldn't go out of my way to kill muslims or jews but I would deffinately quarinteen muslims. Don't go down the rabbit hole user. It's not worth it.
Andrew Reyes
>I'm a little confused about the Jewish claims concerning the Holocaust. You're not confused you're brainwashed.
Jaxon Thompson
6 gorillion died in the great shoah now stop asking questions you antisemetic goy
Grayson Sanchez
>Don't go down the rabbit hole user. It's not worth it. >It's a rabbit hole
What's the worst that could happen to me? All I'm doing is asking questions. Is that a bad thing now?
Connor Mitchell
So brainwashed people ask questions? Is that what you're saying?
Wyatt Gutierrez
Some things you're better off not knowing.
Jordan Rodriguez
Eli Hughes
kek this stupid fucking nigger. Jews are the sole responsibility for (((terrorism))). Just look at 9/11 (MOSSAD), Egyptian False flags (MOSSAD), USS Liberty (MOSSAD). All to blame evil muslims yet the jews import tons into Europe after destroying their homes and stealing their oil. Fuck jews, they are literally the most demented evil niggers on this planet. They have single handedly fucked over both the west and the east
Jaxson Jenkins
fuck off frogposter
Dylan Parker
There aren't any frogs here, calm down.
Kevin Sanchez
You fall into a world of hate and it gets worse.
Liam King
Dumbass do you not understand how immersing yourself in this shit is gonna be bad for you? It's gonna take weeks out of your life, fill your head with information and ideas you can do nothing with other than get frustrated.
Dylan Cruz
great fucking argument retard.
Parker Rogers
If you want to know the difference between Stalin and Hitler: There are still East Germans in Germany. If Hitler had his plans fulfilled, there wouldn't be Slavs in Eastern Europe.
Liam Roberts
Yeah and then what? What happens after I research historic events?
Jacob Stewart
Get sober. It's never to late.
Luis Ward
I don't have all the answers. I'm not going down that hole. God bless user. Maybe it's true maybe not. It's a lot of what if's but I know I can't live my life full of hate.
Zachary White
>to late yes yes, ive heard all the jew lines: get sober, have sex, take your med schizo. None of the preceding lines are arguments and thus I will treat your input such as I would with a sack of shit; right down the toilet it goes along with all the jews
Aaron Hill
did i miss the part where they werent killed in germany but in poland instead? germany itself had very few jews to it, but all of europe? yeah. millions.
Alexander Myers
I just told you in the very comment you responded to. How dense are you.
Ryan Perez
I don't really get it; why they'd lie about it all, or what inspired Hitler to hate them in the first place, or why people who weren't there act like they were somehow part of the tragedy
it's all very... greasy, and you can't ask questions because that's inappropriate. Well damn, almost as if that would conveniently obscure any kind of truth, whether supportive or contradictory of current suppositions gosh hmm
So let me guess this straight. I research historic events and fall into a world of hate. I get all mad 'n butthurt over shit that happened 75 years ago. Hmm.
That's great, but if you don't have any evidence that the numbers were exaggerated, then it's just conjecture.
Luke Reyes
What? There's no evidence that he actually said that. Unless you have some.
Andrew Rodriguez
Nice try, but no go. You're not asking questions, you are asking loaded questions, begging for corrections, so that you may lash out.
Your original statement is full of inaccuracies that you state as fact, when they are not.
To begin with, it was over 10 million, of which roughly six million were jews.
Now, some were cremated, but most weren't. As a matter of fact, most were either shot or starved to death.
There are traces everywhere, mass graves are still being found today.
What you believe is not relevant, but your statement is idiotic. He didn't convince the European Jewry to all come to Germany. It's well documented that they, and others, were moved like cattle to extermination camps, in trains and trucks, not only to Germany, but other controlled territories.
Evidence is readily available, in spite of your willful ignorance and your asinine denial.
Or, to take a page from your book:
>I'm a little confused about Holocaust deniers like OP. >Is he saying there is no proof that the Nazis exterminated over 10 million people during WWII? >Has he somehow managed to alter the historical record and make the event dissappear? >Somehow he has avoided all the evidence available and remained stupid and ignorant? >I mean, did someone trick him into being a reactionary racist with a small penis?
I know. You have to be you. Bigots will do bigotry.
Parker Foster
If the holocaust didn't happen, then what was Hitler's top accomplishment (besides losing the war and killing Hitler)?
Where are the sources for mass graves being found daily?
Zachary Green
>I don't know much about jews but I know they don't blow theirselves up like muslims
True, but they do however manipulate western society into degeneracy, while also doing other things like causing climate damage, indebting the middle class to paper slavery, hypnotizing people into changing their gender and all-around degeneracy such as homosexuality, gangbangs, fetishes, etc.
It's all a mind game.
That's not to say the Chinese aren't playing their own game to. And the Russians. List is endless.
Connor Howard
See? How hard was that?
Hudson Jones
These threads piss me off. I am native born German and this sort of shit just puts more heat on us, because we’re all told our grand parents were Nazis.
Even though i know for a fact my grandmother was a nurse in the Wehrmacht and she and many Wehrmacht generals conflicted with Nazis all through the war.
Jonathan Taylor
>Wikipedia as proof.
Aaron Martinez
the thing is africans enslaved africans, sold them to ships owned by jews .
>psych warfare It has its uses and if done right no one ever knows your fighting in the first place.
Jonathan Perry
Nobody is denying slavery but most people were never rich enough to have them. Have you ever fed a person and made sure they lived while doing hard work? It is not exactly easy or cheap
Charles Mitchell
"XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul". Books.google.com. Retrieved October 8, 2016.
I dont actually care for your jewish tricks by the way. subvert all you want, you arent going to jew me this time
Camden Adams
One time i changed wiki to have dirty things about a celebrity and it stayed up for months. Something about gerbil in ass
Logan Adams
Who said daily?
I said they are still being found today. The occupied area was large.
While you are obviously trying to find issue with a single item to expand and attack the rest (a cheap strategy) I'll indulge you:
And I have great news for you; There is this newfangled thing called google, where you punch in words relevant to your interest and it pops lotsa places where you can read and educate yourself.
It takes but a moment.
And with that, I bid you good night.
Isaac Green
same fag. I provided direct reference stupid kike
"XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul". Books.google.com. Retrieved October 8, 2016.
Brayden Martin
Go back to /pol/ schlimpskit
Ethan Martin
bringing Germany back from the dead against all odds.
Ayden Edwards
>> Honestly my bad for the daily that was my misreading but that is only one source and it only accounts for 730 bodies the main issue being argued here is the repeated lying over the bodies. If something is of extreme traumatic event why even lie? I feel like it would dilute your worth in words which seems like a bad call. I mean no one would be happy about 600k people dying so why would you need to hype up the victim card
Alexander Rogers
12 million died, about 6.25 million of whom were Jews. Germans are meticulous record keepers, and this is what their very own official records record. You can't change it.
Jace Jenkins
So hitler failed at even this?
What a loser.
Jack Rivera
Who is lying about the bodies?
Grayson Morales
So the germans in a major conflict which took up most of their resources worried about accuracy? Or keeping files on their war crimes? All files were recovered around the Nuremberg trial and there is substantial evidence that says most were in work camps and died of natural causes rather than the notion of a genocidal mission. I mean we all remember as hitler being evil but what of Stalin? What if the Armenian genocide or the Spanish genocide of the aztec?
Luis Davis
Just gave me shit for not using google look up people who lied about their experience you can even find historians. I could also help you find how the body count has fallen and risen over the years? You seem just as convoluted as you made me to be
Alexander Smith
Sebastian Davis
That was about as dull as a butter knife unless you are new here
Adrian Williams
I think you have me confused for someone else. I never gave you shit for not using Google. But if you make a claim, about anything, you should be prepared to provide evidence to back it up, otherwise people may not believe you.
In point of fact, estimates of the death toll of the Holocaust have varied over the years as historians have used different calculation methods and arrived at different figures. That's probably why it's difficult for you to find a single, accurate number of victims.
I can't find any of the original published papers on this dig. they uncovered some piece of a floor tile, thought it had a jewish star on it, turned out to be the makers logo instead. the jews didn't let them dig around and the whole thing seems like a big mess.
Lincoln Myers
Link to the study so I can look it over for myself?
>America went to war even though there was no threat.
The WAR was fake TOO?
Luke Cruz
There is not one single shred of credible evidence to even suggest that there was a concerted effort to exterminate jews. None of the top players (Churchill, Patton, so on) even mentioned anything about that until years after the war ended. Jews are liars. They will always lie. They will always project. They always claim that other people committed the crimes they've committed. They're not "people", per se. More like a narcissistic/psychopathic devil worshiping, world destroying virus in the approximate shape of a person.
The pro-fascist closeted white supremacist anti semites are also holocaust deniers? Say it isn't so!?!
Justin Walker
The question was what was Hitlers best accomplishment and I responded. I said nothing else or even chosen a side.
You cant even have a rational discussion without you getting angry and going straight for the 6 mil. you are conditioned to be this angry. Stop and be more open minded.
Heh, if everyone killed one other person it'd be super peaceful, they made like 30 cartoon movies on that, played out.
Brody Perez
If the United States had managed to stay out of the war, it could have easily maintained its territorial integrity. They went to war with Germany when Germany declared war on them.
Ryder Kelly
i think people should think deeper. *puts on morpheus sunglasses*
what if i suggested that the whole thing was a set up by some other group, probably russia. the set them up with a screeching idiot with one testicle and impotency whose manifesto was "mein katcher in the rye" and he got elected when germany was 1/4 male/female ratio. they gave them some buddhist-hindu "good luck" symbol and set them to go full maniac psycho murderer and try to take over the world, even sending them as far as fucking africa, only to get splattered for GOOD by the whole world.
germanics shouldn't deny the holocaust. the should deny world war II ever happened.
Sebastian Howard
>Even if it was as little as 600,000 it's still a tragedy >it's still a tragedy Why? Why would the loss of people who describe themselves as "the destroyers", who brag about infiltrating and subverting human systems, who brag about raping children, why would this be a tragedy? If it were a real event then it would be more a victory for humanity
Oh no, there's plenty of evidence and research behind the death toll. I suggest you start with The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War
Julian Davis
Robert Watson
What is your goal here? Do you want my sympathy? Is your life really that hard and terrible because jews exist? Are you really that pathetic?
Because none of what you said is true, and you're a brainwashed conspiracy theorist.
Benjamin Myers
And to top it off, no matter what the answer is, it's inconsequential
Brayden Rodriguez
So to recap, American white supremacists love hitler for making Germany strong again(but not strong enough to threaten America) not for killing Jews, and new strong Germany declared war on America (non-threateningly) and 6600 American soldiers died fighting the Germans at Normandy even though Germany was not a threat.
Parker Morales
The question isn't wasn't if 6 million died in the holocaust or not. But when does the next one begin?
Juan Lee
That would be a fuckload of bullets
Christian Gray
>But why do the Jews even say the number six million? Isn't that a reference to some passage of their holy scriptures? Ben Weintraub’s 1995 book, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism, fully explores and explains the Kabalistic gematria and occultism involved in the number. 6,000,000 is the number of perfect souls times ten, and ten is number of the Sephiroth, the divine emanations of G_d as seen in the Kabala.
Elijah Collins
I'm not a bit angry bro, I just have a hard time understanding why Jew hating Hitler lovers claim the holocaust didn't happen. Its seems like cognitive dissonance to me.
No, there's really nothing non-threatening about it. Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, who in turn contributed to its military defeat.
Alexander Martinez
hey user, howd you come to that idea? and what specifically lead you too that? I've seen the 6million meme but never cared enough to look into it till now.
6000000 were murdered. Not all of them were killed in concentration camps by cremation
Parker Morales
Germany didn't threaten the Sovereignty of the United States. He had said this numerous times in his speeches. He wanted each nation to be their own nations. Right now we are seeing the seeds in which he fought against. Look at the EU, being overrun my immigrants who are destroying the culture of the land they invade. Hitler wanted to save Germany and keep it Germany for the Germans.
I bet you enjoy seeing London 60% Muslim now huh.
Hunter Lee
>I just have a hard time understanding why Jew hating Hitler lovers claim the holocaust didn't happen
Wanting more evidence besides "trust us it was 6 million lol here you go i wrote it in this book and made a documentary about it."
When you start to look at thinks from a rational point of view, it raises more questions. You are not even allowed to question it.. Thats a big red flag there. Even your response is exactly why people deny it. How can people be met with such contempt and vitriol and legal punishment for literally asking questions? Why is it a crime.
If you want to know who truly is in power, find out who are you not allowed to criticize.
Joshua Reyes
>Did he trick them somehow to all come to Germany Most (70% or more) were from occupied Polish and Soviet territory. Many were simply shot before they ever got to any camps, or forced to work in mines or factories with barely any food or medical care until they died. There were at least 1200 confirmed camps, most forgotten today because they were tiny compared to Auschwitz or Dachau. It was a pretty decentralized operation. So, yeah, 6M is definitely way too high IF you just look at Western Europe. If you only count Germany, the number is going to be less than 200K.
Those genocides were pretty fucked up too.
Charles Rivera
It's not just 'Jewish' claims you spoiled fucking retard of a CHUD. The numbers came from a multitude of different military organizations, eye witness accounts, and by self admission by the surviving Nazis considering they kept amazing records of whom they killed.
Not to mention those in the six million who were killed during the holocaust were not all Jewish.
Now do us all a favor, please go drink bleach. It'll help you understand the subject better. I think a a whole gallon should do.....
>Germany declared war on the United states, but didn't threaten the Sovereignty of the United States
your denial is becoming more and more qualified/technical.
Why would American white male Jew hating Hitler worshippers worship Hitler if the holocaust didn't happen? Because he rebuilt Germany into a power strong enough to threaten America's European allies/interests? It makes no sense?
I think most would be fine hearing that. There isn't anything wrong with wanting accurate figures, especially in the face of the six million being repeated ad nauseum whenever Israel or Jews are criticized in any way.
The Holocaust absolute happened but we should still know how many actually died.
Elijah Perez
>If you want to know who truly is in power, find out who are you not allowed to criticize People get away with criticizing the Jews all the time tho
Wasn't the Jews who claimed it. Was official nazi documents seized by the allies. Plus 12 million. 5-6million Jews and the rest were retards, homos, poles, gypsies, commies, non nazi opposition, conquered nation leaders and Christians cults like jehovah witnesses and mormons. About 2million were outside the camps by euthanasia for mentals,and handicapped.
Liam Cruz
So what? Does this mean 600,000 Jews died in the holocaust but they say 6 million because they were "perfect souls"?