From 2 billion years in the future. AMA

From 2 billion years in the future. AMA.

Attached: C3.jpg (1000x1412, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

does op suck dicks?

No I don't

is cyberpunk 2077 good?


Attached: 626.jpg (265x265, 12K)

I've heard arguments for it being both good and bad, but the people who play such retro games are in the minority.
Okay, maybe a few times, but I was in a female body when I did.

Still speaking English. Guess we know who wins


I only learned english recently

What about it?

Have you seen this man

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This is gayer than gay can't you feel the cringe coursing through your veins... Sorry i had to break the rp mood

hows climate change?

How advanced are sex robots?

non existent as always

Attached: lmao.png (128x128, 33K)

Yeah, he was a social gathering two days ago
You sure you don't have any questions to ask about the distant future?
I assume it's a non-issue since or terraforming technology is pretty good. However, I really have no idea since I live pretty far away from Earth.

Do I have a gf yet?

You can't tell them apart from real, if impossibly attractive, women (or men if you swing that way), unless you specifically customize them to seem robotic.

I don't know. I only started studying this part of history a few minutes ago.

Are there any restrictions or regulations on them, or can you let your imagination go wild?

There aren't restrictions or regulations period in the civilization I'm from. However, you have to be careful who you advertise your tastes to because some people with too much free time will probably go out of their way to be unpleasant to you if they don't like your taste.

who wins 2020?

I don't know. See .

Is the proton truly stable through infinity? If so how? Or does it decay? And if so how and why?

What year do we finally eliminate all the niggers?

and you can't just get the answer in your 2 billions year future ass far away from earth?

Bro I legit always have shit stains in my underwear. Even if I do the smallest farts I somehow always manage to shit a little in my underwear and it’s really fucking annoying. My grandmother is constantly having to wash my undies for me and she’s seen the skid marks so she knows about my problem. Is there anything in the future that can help with this? Maybe a type of fabric where shit particles don’t attach to the cotton or something? Heavily monitoring this thread for a response, thank you in advance.

They ever bringing back "Yummy Mummy" cereal?

Yes it is. I don't know I didn't study particle physics.

Buy black underwear and stick a wine cork up your ass. Problem solved, pastafag.

You never do. Populations make it into the period of interstellar colonization and establish small communities across the galaxy. But that's ancient history.
The closest archival servers where the information is stored are thousands of light years away and I don't have the bandwidth to access it that fast.
Not in your lifetime unless you get life-extension as soon as it's possible, but in my time, people usually use bodies that only shit when they want them to.
Yes. I haven't tried it though, would you recommend it?

You're from 2 billion years in the future. 2,000,000,000. Particle physics shouldn't be something you have to study. As homo sapiens we're at most 50,000 years out of the Middle Paleolithic. If a caveman asked me "what are twinkly things in sky?" I wouldn't have to study anything to give him an answer. I don't mind a larp but you're just lazy.

will I ever get a waifu such as OP pic?

A standard education is something a species only enforces when they still have a distinct formative period in their life cycle. Now, people only have childhood phases when they want to (some weirdos choose to have multiple). Regardless, you're not forced to learn anything if you don't want to.
If you get life extension as soon as it's available.

What's the suicide rate?


How come language hadn't evolved and stayed English, did we imperialize the milky way lol

So you have no intellectual curiosity whatsoever? You could walk on a planet for 80 years and not look up and wonder even a single time, what are those lights? Weak.

It has, I only learned English recently. See No, I just don't like studying the end of the universe. It's quite depressing for me since with current life extension technology, I'll probably be able to live to see it no matter what form it takes unless I kill myself.
My main topic of study is conflict between k3 and above civilizations.

>My main topic of study is conflict between k3 and above civilizations.
So why are you here? Stopped by on your road trip to see our touristy ant-farm?

Are humans the top species currently or are we sub species?

when will immortality be discovered

are you doing time travel or what?

can you tell us some words that would be completely new to us?
(since lunguage evolves and stuff)

also can you tell us a short version of your favorite pice of media in your current year?

and what what year is it specifically?

Getting involved in SimMMORPGs. But there's a lot to study on the topic of conflict between k3 civilizations.

Does guy fieri become king of the world yet

Attached: NF6WcIEh.jpg (1024x700, 161K)

humans are a millennia away from being even a type 1 and 10000 years away from being a type 2, what's the interest in humans now?

Pigshit pic related, how does one breath at such altitudes with no gear

Short version of basic history since 2019 to your year?
Just big milestones maybe?

If any aliens ever existed, they're long gone. All sentient species are descended from Humanity.
The capacity for it will be in the 2200's.
I'm using a micro-wormhole to be able to connect to your digital communication networks.
They would unable to be transcribed in English. You'd have sci-fi equivalents for them anyways.
By your terms, 200000001311 CE.

How are you talking to us

he's using a micro-wormhole conected to our digital communication networks

basic stuff

Why are you doing this AMA?

best question so far

oshit, you too?

He never does
Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums, is an important landmark in the history of digital spaces. Visiting it in this time would be the equivalent of reading in the library of Alexandria a decade before it got burned down.
By being in a simulated environment whose creator liked beauty over realism.
2100 - 30 000 CE: Interstellar Colonization period
1 000 000 - 2 600 000: Altrius's Dream Period
2 900 000 - 3 400 000: Age of High Human Culture
1 000 000 000 - Present Day: Gardener War

Wether or not user is rp or not, I firmly believe that /b has transcended time and space

Nah i just do funny joke about shit you never heard about being basic

Before it got burnt down.....

What's gardeners war, is it like the fountain war?

40% boredom, 20% a friend recommended it, 30% historical curiosity, 10% an RPG I played recently had the site on it.
Hi! How did things turn out in your timeline?

yeah it's wicked stuff

It's culture definitely has
Ah, so you're not a fellow time traveler.
Do you want to ask something?
It's an ongoing conflict between the two largest civilizations in inhabited space.

No, He becomes the first female president of the world after having a sex change operation. He is also the only female that has been impeached for cheating on his husband, Bruce Jenner and lying and denying sex allegations of being with Don Johnson

Yeah, did Yea Forums or /b get rekt by government or did it remain how it is

God dammit, god fucking damnit as soon as I post my love letter I'm going to kill myself
I've always been told not to get hung up on one person, there's more fish in the sea but as my feelings for you worsen I realize you're the only fish for me doesn't matter how hydrated I am the thought of you makes me thirsty with those frosted tips and those luscious lips, god have mercy with hair white as snow and a shirt covered in flames I just want you know, I jerk off to guys grocery games, all I want is to feel you inside me I would kneel down, and pull down my pants as you deep fry me, anything you want guy, vanilla or kinky my asshole can stretch, so stick more than a pinky put your whole fist in there, I promise I'll make it real stinky I swear to you guy, I swear that I'm tasty I'm your Thanksgiving Turkey, now baste me any hole of mine is yours to pound, I'm begging you guy, take me to flavortown, you can pulverize me with a strap on harness, you can cum on my face and call it a garnish, your oven sounds like a ringer, down south is where I go to find your big dinger

Isn't the whole combat robots?
If yes the whole control of the galaxy would depend on who gets to robots first.
So what's up?
please explain

also wouldn't talking to us mess up the time line or is it that it just splits for us but stays the same for you?

Op what is arguably the most important event that occurred between 2000 and 2100

that's a gay letter
but yeah fuck girls
they always lead to suicide

Not op but I would imagine that nothing would change because the credibility on Yea Forums is non existent so even if anyone were to know, everything would stay the same

I don't know much about it, but Yea Forums gets delisted by most major search engines as well as blocked in most western countries. Most Yea Forums memes are classified as taboo and what you call hate speech. However, the culture survives and heavily infects private modes of communication. Eventually, the community uncovers a pedophile ring in the upper echelons of the US government (Hilary Clinton wasn't involved if you're wondering), leaving to mass political upheaval. The whole incident is taken as a lesson that suppressing online communities never leads to anything good which is especially relevant in my time since there are almost no communities that aren't online now.

what season is the Simpsons on and did it predict the future

When does earth become United and when or if it does, what kind of government is it under + economic system

How did humanity celebrate year one billion?

What's a future world changing discovery on par with fire, the wheel, or electricity?

unless someone is creazy enough to belive in this
and tell it to his children(like he would have any but still)
and it would get passed down generations into the future and it would mess up the timeline

you never know it with time travel man...
people are creazy too

(or OP is doing this on purpose)

There are different civilizations and cultures, some of which organize themselves into nations.
Combat robots are almost as old to us as you are.
The happenings of the Gardener War are too complex to understand without a solar-system sized computer which I don't have.
WWIII, it's between the US, China, and Russia over the Pacific and Middle-East.
I was never communicating with my own timeline, I was accessing a parallel timeline to mine that was identical up to the point I accessed their communications network.
From what I see, this culture really obsesses over them. They're not much a problem in my time.
The Butterfly Effect is pretty powerful, especially over timelines of billions of years. But time travel is really hard, it's impossible to travel back more than a few thousand years.

>But time travel is really hard, it's impossible to travel back more than a few thousand years.

Explain your presence here then?

so in the future no one knows how to make stairs safe. Gotcha.

Who won ww3 and how also did clockwork Orange or 1984 become a realistic future

I can't tell, there are too many spinoffs. No it didn't but it looks like it if you squint hard enough.
Sometime in 2300 CE, it was a socialist system, not that it mattered with so much being automated.
Nothing collective, many communities did celebrate in their own culturally significant ways though.
Instantaneous Energy Generation.

Are we alone in the universe/did the ufo sightings ever get explained

What year did ww3 break out and who fired first

I find it funnier you mention people have to ability to shit when they want to, rather than being able to not shit at all into the future as some apple device eventually turns shit into energy

Like we can all mostly shit on command already

Poo fuel is the future!

why even fight ?
isn't everything you can have already there?
and aren't the major powers self sustaining?

they don't need to trade,they produce everything on their own.the population is stable
(maybe even on the decrease since 78% suicide rate)

there isn't any reason to fight except stupid emotional bullshit and i'm pretty sure we got over that allready in 2019 (with a few exceptions)

so why are the major powers fighting?

>From 2 billion years in the future
seems legit and totally not a larp. Pics or it didn't happen

I'm not traveling back on my own timeline, I'm accessing a different timeline. One is merely traveling between dimensions which we do on a pretty regular basis. The other is pushing against the expansion of the universe itself and takes a lot of energy even for us.
It was in an RPG with an artsy creator.
The US, but it wasn't a complete victory and there was a ton of haggling over peace negotiations.
1984-like states of affairs are reenacted many, many times by many, many different civilizations across humanity's history.

>Instantaneous Energy Generation.
So the laws of physics as we know them will be radically changed? by a natural discovery or artificially by bending quantum laws?

Only god damn believable thing here.

I reckon shot becomes like a worse version of cyberpunk, the 1% being mostly able to exit earth and corporations gathering parts and securing it before allowing the “public”

See 2057. Russia.
Some people are into shitting. You can also do as you said, if you want.
Poo fuel is vastly inefficient compared to instantaneous energy generation.

Did ww3 go nuclear

It's a war over ideological disagreements. The Gardeners see our way of life and cultural conduct as unacceptable and immoral to let continue. We fuck with them for what you would describe as the lulz.
The population is actually on the rise. It more than triples every ten thousand years.
Yes, you would describe it as stupid emotional bullshit, but there's precious little to live for or feel strongly about in my time.
Your mind isn't structured to comprehend the simulated space I reside in.
The laws of physics as you understand them are just wrong. Again, I don't like studying the sciences.

Post a selfie(with a timestamp) and what's outside your window.

What do you do for a living or have we transcended past the point of needing money due to a influx of reasources and production done completely automated

It's actually an anarchist automated society where everyone gets anything they could want as long as it's smaller than a planet.
If it's bigger than one, they'll have to settle for it in a simulation.
Only on a limited scale, you guys develop pretty ingenious anti-missile technology by the standards of your present day.

You make it sound like Yea Forums or a group like it gained power and created a "paradise" (quotations cause you said people don't have much to live for)

See We're pretty far past scarcity. In the RPG I spend most of my time in, I'm a slave trainer.

So what is the purpose of humans if everything can be automated, did we become lazy and depresed like Wall-E

how did evolution go since homo sapiens?

what are the main differences betwen your humans and our humans?

I'd say the founders of my civilization would have lurked on Yea Forums if they lived in your time. In a post-scarcity environment, cultures form around certain paradigms rather than circumstantial ones.

Seems like an isekai to me

Why did you choose a picture that shows such a boring, mediocre future?

We won't make it that far. I'd be surprised if we maintain our "civilization" for the next thousand years. This leftist ideology that all cultures are equal and everyone is the same will only lead to our demise. Idiocracy is already happening, and anyone who has been red pilled of this is stuck, mired in the stink of it all.

Are the slaves also real people, if so, what is the purpose of slaves if you are in a post scarcity time period

My personal belief is that humans were created to manipulate the environment to fulfill their wishes, those wishes being influenced by the lengths we have to go to manipulate the environment.
Thank you user
Evolution is pretty non-existent even less than a century away from your present day since there are so few evolutionary pressures. Most phenotype changes are artificial and intentional on the part of the one changed.

Regardless of if it's real or not, it's a fun conversation

What's humanity's Kardashev level? What's humanity's largest polity? Is it participating in the Gardener War? What's its ruling toposophic level? How old are you, and lastly, what is the most advanced known civilization and how big are they?

It's pretty gaslamp in aesthetic.
I personally liked it. It's art for an RPG I play whenever I get bored with my favorite one.
Humanity escapes extinction by scattering ourselves across the stars to the point that it's impossible to eliminate all the colonies we set up.

Do you believe in a god

what is the average IQ or the equivalent of it?

What replaced smartphones? When did money stop being a thing?

How many people play said rpg and is their hackers that steal all your hard work if you aren't careful

Do furries exist yet? Can scenes such as those shown in this image play out in real life?

Attached: daily eggcersizes.jpg (800x800, 119K)

Is there anywhere in the Galaxy/Universe where a man can live alone by himself without having to be tied down to any human/humanity or other beings' government and abide by his own law/rule?

Being enslaved is a risk playing the RPG, but even the NPC's are fully sentient and probably smarter than most of the people here. I personally enjoy pretending to live in a civilization were scarcity is still a thing every once in a while.
I'm glad you're having fun user.
Far beyond k3. Either the one I'm living in, the Forum, or the Gardeners themselves. It's hard to tell since we're both constantly creating assets and losing them.

Is 1984 still relevant?

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Has their been anyone able to travel forward in time or only backwards

So the war is similar to like a Yea Forums vs Reddit or tumblr war, two online like communities creating memes and shit-posts and other assets to lul eachother into submission

>Your mind isn't structured to comprehend the simulated space I reside in.
Try me, your level of faggotry is probably the only thing my mind isn't structured to comprehend

Who becomes president of the United States in 2040

What year does the pedo ring scandle come out

Are there still plants and animals and stuff?
Or did we finally wipe out most of them?
If so, how do we breathe? Did we evolve past the need for oxygen?

I didn't see the rest of this question. I'm about twenty thousand years old and the most advanced known civilization is probably the Integration. They're pretty tiny, they only control a single galactic core.
Yes, it came for it's followers 1.5 billion years before I was born and was never seen since.
Something in the tens of thousands. Most people subdivide themselves into different spheres of awareness of around 400IQ to do multiple things at once.
Mind-Computer interfaces. Sometime in 2400 CE.
Around twenty trillion on my local server. Probably more scattered across different servers.
There are always hackers, but the odds of you being singled out among the trillions of other players is pretty low.
Yes, but a significantly powerful faction regularly hunts them down and does their best to murder them wherever they're found.
Anyone can do that. All you need is your own private simulation.

What's the military-grade weapons technology capable of by 2gAD?

You make it sound like god was just some precursor species or something along those lines

Is time still constant or do you lose track of it and a few years go by

Once board fills op should make a part 2

Nice Larp Fag

When did we reach 1.0 on the Kardashev scale?

Yes. I personally enjoyed reading it.
Kind-of. With the right equipment, you can superimpose yourself across different possible outcomes and choose the one you like the most.
Kinda like this, except with solar-system sized FTLKM's flying around.
If you can conceive of there being more than 360 degrees in one sphere of rotation, and about triple the number of possible vectors of travel in one given point of simulated space, then you might.
But here's a view outside of my residence in my favorite RPG for your perseverance.
Bill Machiavelli
You wiped most of them off, but had enough genetic samples to clone most of them.
A strain of algae that was superefficient in photosynthesis was released into the ocean. For the early part of the 2100's, a toddler could probably crawl across the ocean on a mat of plant material.

Attached: white_city_large.jpg (1000x748, 321K)

Who's the coolest guy off our times?
Who invented most of the technological stuff?
Does the future not change if you talk to us because all your dog if creating a different timeline?

What are the different kinds of mind structures and how do they compare to ours?

What's your opinion on the supernatural and God? Have you studied auras and astral projection?

What happens when we die

Does JoJo's bizzare adventure ever end or is araki immortal, does David productions keep animating it

When were the first alien cheeks clapped by humanity?

If we're supposedly super intelligent in the future, are there questions we still don't have answers to?

Planet-killing warheads the size of a grain of sand, half-a-kilometer sized warships capable of traveling at trillions of times the speed of light, hours into the past, and capable of teleporting said warheads within a multi-lightyear long range.
Networks of solar-system sized scanners/transmitters capable of telling a what a life-form the next galaxy away's last meal was before reprogramming their brain ... or just liquefying it.
It's pretty wild.
No, it's a honest-to-god (ha) divine being and creator of the universe that doesn't do anything in the physical universe anymore.
I lose track of a few years every now and then. They're archived in my memory ... somewhere. I'm usually too lazy to find out where.
I've been making these threads since last year.
Thank you but I'm not larping.
Sometime in the 2500's.

Can you process time differently if you choose to? For example learn a lot at once? Does it take a toll on your body?
Have bodies changed a lot other than the brain?
Are opinions on evolution unchanged?
If climate change indeed man-made?

did bethesda ever release a good fallout game?



Post mp3 file from your times

Fave song*
.webm or a link

I'm personally a fan of Yuki Kajiura. Her music's my favorite in your present day.
Some Galaxy-sized AI somewhere.
Your mental architecture isn't designed to deal with spaces with more than three planes. Most people in my time can comprehend spaces with up to 12 planes.
God exists, it's been proven. It would be pretty pointless to study auras and astral projection when there's a technological equivalent to both that's readily accessible.
You die. I get reloaded from my last saved instance.
Araki lived well into the 31'st century. Jojo's was written for around that long.
They never were. We never found aliens.
Yes, because the realm of human knowledge is much larger than what can be learned in even a transhuman attention span. The difference from your time is that someone out there knows the answer to your specific question, it would just be super annoying to find him.

Yeah but last year for you is not consistent with last year for us, your post and thread made last year could of not reached us until next year for us, unless you have a constant stable connection that is

What was the most important tech development in the 21st century

>God exists, it's been proven. It would be pretty pointless to study auras and astral projection when there's a technological equivalent to both that's readily accessible.
But you could see God if you astral projected

Ever tried DMT?

Pls do this one

What's in area 51?

Yes, I can do that whenever I want with no consequence to my body.
Most people have multiple bodies they download parts of their consciousness into from digital habitats whenever they feel the need to.
Some would argue the first one.
The songs from my time have notes that your ears can't here. However, listening to your present-day music, I have decided that my favorite song from your time is Ongaku by Yuki Kajiura.

Was John Titor right?

Does America or any extension of America exist? If so what happens to The American Dream

I've temporarily adjusted the timeframe I exist in to mesh with yours.
I would argue the mind-computer interface.
Yes. I saw God, but it was only a hallucination.
Old russian spy satellite technology.

No he wasn't.

when does civilization become like va-11 hall-a?

There are multiple civilizations that claim to be the inheritors to the American Dream. They're all pretty primitive compared to the civilization I live in.

I haven't played this game but I'm growing more and more interested.

>The songs from my time have notes that your ears can't here.
Damn that sucks
Thanks for the song

> I saw God, but it was only a hallucination.
How can you tell a hallucination from the truth?
Did you see the actual dude? What were they like? Have you studied about what their purpose was/personality?

Why are you a larping faggot?

When you say mind computer, do you mean the ability to mesh our minds with computers and do some like consciousness uploading and then do some rpg stuff like you but on a more limited level

Op here's a pic from me to you but you'll have to do a fuck ton of DMT in exchange (at least until you blast off)

Attached: 1568389131549.jpg (750x1334, 75K)

Do you believe in the supernatural other than God?
Could you affect us physically from your wormhole?

You're welcome. It is a good song.
I can tell a hallucination from the truth by analyzing if the imagery I saw originated from my mind's imagination centers or perception centers.
I have never seen the real God but he's basically the one in the Holy Bible.

You guys have Vrmmo's?

What is God? Does he have a brain too? How would you define him?

I'm not larping or a faggot.
The Integration make use of what can only be magic.
No, the wormhole's only about the width of an electron in diameter and the bandwidth isn't that great.

Yeah, we do.
God is an entity which seems fundamental to the fabric of reality. Perhaps he is reality itself, I don't know. I wasn't born the last time he showed up and took questions.

How beautiful is Andromeda in the night sky? Can you describe it for me please?

Who’s the leader of your future?

Which religion was right

How can your mind create something that isn't from your mind? What do you believe caused it?

Could you explain this?

>wormhole's only about the width of an electron in diameter and the bandwidth isn't that great

How's our magic compared to yours? And could you define God (magically or otherwise)

Can you use another wormhole to ask people there to ask him questions?

Who were the most important and influential people from 2019 to 2100? Do the uncommonly rich and powerful invest in life extension and survive even until your time?

It's a tiny cluster of millions of small points the size of suns and as small as a pinprick, each producing a unique kaleidoscope of red-shifted and blue-shifted light, the whole cluster being the size of your thumbnail.

Who invented most of the technological stuff of our times?
Aren't you worried you changed the past?

Is there still poverty and hunger or did free-market capitalism solve that?

Why the fuck are you on Yea Forums?

Op please use nother body to type to both of us at the same time

Are Dyson spheres a thing? Did HL3 finally come out properly? Is Steins;Gate kino or Right?

Thank you, I wish I could see it honestly.

Op we need actual pics of your spaceship
Pls op

We don't have one, my civilization is anarchic in structure.
Christianity, but all it's adherents were raptured 1.5 billion years ago.
It can't. It fabricates an image by combining previous experiences, but the process is different than just seeing an image hence why the two can be differentiated.
See They're a super-advanced civilization which keeps mostly to itself and destroys anything that acts hostile.
You would have to ask something from the Integration itself. It seems that their technology operates on the principles of manipulating concepts instead of physical phenomena.
See Wormholes connect spaces in the physical universe, they can't form a link between a physical space and a metaphysical space.
To list all the influential people would take too much compiling words for me to want to do. Yes, the uncommonly rich and powerful invest in life extension. I'm pretty sure some of them are still alive, it wouldn't make sense for none of them to have made it this far.

why your mom gay

Will I be able to coom

Were studies done on hallucinotary drugs?
Where does the fractal imagery originate originate from when we do DMT?
Why do people think they meet entities?

Is the integration an ai?

>probably the Integration
Yuki Nagato style or Hyperion style?

Daniel Chan
No, I'm not communicating with my own timeline's past, I'm communicating with an alternate timeline.
There's no hunger of poverty outside of voluntary hunger and poverty in my civilization.
See That would necessitate opening another very energy-intensive wormhole. My bandwidth is bad enough as is.
Yes, but they're obsolete for more advanced civilizations with instantaneous energy generation.
Yes, there are billions of additions to the HL franchise, most of them unofficial. I haven't watched Steins;Gate and I probably should.
I'm not in a spaceship?
As a digital entity, I just beam myself to wherever I want to go whenever I need to get somewhere and the Qtanglement net is choked up.

What's a metaphysical space? Do you process it using a physical brain?

I would imagine it's kinda like the hallucinations in the begging of star trek deep space nine

sub cat girls?

Because a million years is a long time to stay straight
I don't understand the meaning of coom.
Many. I don't know, I dislike studying chemistry or neurology.
It's multiple AI's with human pets.
Yuki Nagato.

Attached: YukiLewd3.jpg (1000x1450, 263K)

show future penis gay boy

>most of them unofficial.
That already happened with Project borealis and stuff like that, I'm taking about official stuff put out by valve. Do valve still exist somehow? Controlling some kind of entertainment industry?

And yes you should watch/play Steins;Gate you might like it.

>No, I'm not communicating with my own timeline's past, I'm communicating with an alternate timeline.
That makes sense

>As a digital entity, I just beam myself to wherever I want to go whenever I need to get somewhere and the Qtanglement net is choked up.
Can you get a physical body? Preferably a human one? Is that possible? Try DMT if you do like suggested
Having limitations on your perceptions and brain might be weird

>Many. I don't know, I dislike studying chemistry or neurology.
Kek same here
>It's multiple AI's with human pets

A space which exists as conceptual truth rather than physical reality. It is theorized that Heaven is one. You process it with your soul.
We have cat girls

so if what you're saying is true and you are talking to us in an alternate timeline what does that mean for us? will the things that you said come to pass in our timeline or is it only yours

>A space which exists as conceptual truth rather than physical reality. It is theorized that Heaven is one. You process it with your soul.
Guy that asked the question here?
Have you explored this concept more personally? Could you tell us more about it if you have?

When does God show up and do his stuff in your timeline?

Not op but roughly 1.5 billion years

Nigga, u telling me that the Integration is real? Are they benevolent? Were they created by humans or were they humans themselves? Do they fuck without bodies? Are there Yuki Nagato bodies all over the place doing the same shit she did as an observer? Have you fucked one of those?

Currently don't have one, I'm taking a sabbatical from physical space.
Valve is long-gone.
I'm planning on playing it.
Yeah, I can download an aspect of my consciousness into a human shell whenever I want
To be fair, my own civilization is comprised of trillions of AI's descended from humans with humanoid flesh-puppets we pilot for fun.

Hey OP, not sure but I think this song perfectly matches with the picture you have.

I'm not sure about your future, but they definitely happened in my timeline.
Yes, but I don't know what you want to know.
The last time it showed up was 1.5 billion years ago.
Yes, exactly

Op pls study neurology for us pls explain the details on what memories are and how they get downloaded
Do we get a little heavier?


>Yes, but I don't know what you want to know.
What's a soul? Can you play games in heaven?

How do you communicate with others like you?

Holy shit I’m bouta hop in my cryostasis Chamber I’ll see your ass in 2,002,019

>I'm planning on playing it.
Here's a sample for you
There are not many spoilers, but listen to that majestic soundtrack and the voice actors performance, its just beautiful.
The anime is pretty good too, it is surprisingly a pretty good adaptation, but the game is obviously superior because of the multiple endings and extra scenes.

>Yeah, I can download an aspect of my consciousness into a human shell whenever I want
Pls send us a pic of your favorite shell op

What is earth like now, if it still exists at all?

Not to the extent that they are in Haruhi. A lot of their drones look like Nagato so we know that their central AI has a sense of humor at least. They're neutral. To a certain point, all sentience is descended from humanity. Yes. There are no observers from the Integration at large anymore. No I haven't, but I have fucked a Nagato lookalike I made in a simulation.

When I exit cryostasis will you be waiting for me as a cat girl?

If you're from the future, why are you wasting your time with Yea Forumstards?

Infinite possibilities of entertainment via simulation < watching harumi

Post your tits?(chick versions tits)

How many descendants does Donald Trump have?

This song is comfy in a melancholy way.
Depends which body you choose to use.
See Your existence summed up as a concept. Heaven is inaccessible and has been for 1.5 billion years.
It is beyond your current technological level.
See you then!
I consider OSTs to be minor spoilers since I like to approach experiences completely fresh, but I'll listen to it when I play the game.

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What a silly question, everybody knows between the thousands of Yea Forumstards as myself there are true geniuses who just fuck arround. Not op btw, I'm not that much of a faggot; yes, even if op is legit he's still a faggot as all ops must be.

Is what you type supervised? Do you guys have your version of a police?
What are your main physical and nonphysical laws like if you have any?

How are visitors from other clusters treated? Do they follow the same laws?

Op that doesn't look like a physical shell to me

Do some people choose to be ugly or is everybody their ideal body type, race gender and species

What are your origins? Did someone give birth to you physically or would you consider yourself an ai?

Post your tiddies

It's a museum world, mostly wilderness, ruins from old civilizations, and a few small cities.
Sure, why not?
See A lot of the enjoyment of media is gained from the context the media itself was created in. Besides, I watched it to better understand the culture of the times.
I have many bodies
They number in the trillions

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No, I can say whatever I want. My civilization is an anarchy, so no police or laws.
They can do whatever they want, as long as they realize that anyone here can do whatever they want to them.
It depends on what kind of camera you use.
Some people choose to be ugly, but ugliness is a choice.
There's a group that goes around exterminating furries though.
Someone ten thousand years ago decided to create a personality for the laughs.

Then post a random one's tits

Earth sounds nice in a melancholic, bittersweet way.
Thanks for this thread OP, its been really nice to read.

What is their to live for if I don't live in a time period with much exciting stuff save for a world war

I honestly like the phenotype from this time period and model my bodies based on that.

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Use a camera from our times to post pic if you have one laying around

Your welcome. I hope you had some of your questions answered.
I don't know, I'm in kind-of the same situation.

With timestamp
both timestamps

Ehh close enough

Aight im heading out of my mf cryostasis in the future niggas

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>but I'll listen to it when I play the game.
I must warn you that completing one of the endings takes at least 50 hours.
I watched the anime first and my experience was not ruined thanks to the game containing a fuckton of stuff, so, that might be the approach you might want to give it, unless of course you can process information in a different way idfk.
Oh and the first episodes of the anime and chapters of the game might seem boring and shit, but trust me, it gets better and all that shit becomes relevant, even the stupid dialogue and silly relationships between characters.

Does the elder scrolls online ever get good servers?

Are there any specifications to the type of catgirl you'd like waiting for you? Cat breed? Human race? Age? Curvaceousness?
I can accelerate the pace at which I perceive time so it's not that much of a problem.
I've already played through all of Higurashi.

It gets multiple SimMMORPG's

What is at One Piece?

The One Piece is Luffy's hat. He was wearing it all along.

How is the 1vX community?

Fake and gay

He's not from your timeline though

Why haven't you studied magic and God if that seems to be the end goal for the next time the guy comes around?
What are your sexual preferences

Something along the lines of this ma’am :0

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Do some people from our time (21st century) have the ability to time travel or other things that are not available to the public, if so can you list a couple examples of the technologies

Cancerous like all large communities are in my civilization.
I hated it too. It seems that burnout eventually caught up with Oda.

What tier are we now on the Kardashev scale?

Neat and also yeah i can see that happening Oda's a workaholic

He specifically said that he wasn't coming back. All I have to look forwards to is either heat-death or suicide.
I hate that kind of eyebrows so expect me to come in a form like that but with thin, elegant eyebrows.

Did the human race successfully genetically alter their DNA to turn into furries? Or has japan just been working on an unobtainable dream?

No you don't.
Far beyond k3. Instantaneous Energy Generation is common, even the smallest spaceships use them.

Do people emulate old mmorpg's or not play them at all. If they do emulate old mmorpg's do they also emulate the players that originally played them?

Works for me

Can you create files from where you are and send them to us?

If that's not possible could you create a file in our time pixel by pixel of your favorite physical shell and send that to us?

Are you using some kind of vr machine where you can only send us pictures from our time?

It's pretty easy to make a furry body, human biology is a solved puzzle. Just don't walk around in public unless you want to be killed for real.

>He specifically said that he wasn't coming back. All I have to look forwards to is either heat-death or suicide.
Well fuck you could always study magic and astral projection though for fun if you ever get bored of vr games

Yes and yes. There's a small niche for old MMORPG's being remade as simulated environments and an even smaller one for servers with legendary players. Of course, with a civilization as large as ours, a small niche usually constitutes tens of billions of players per server.

I mean you could do that now nibba just go into mexico or a part of africa and look for witches

Yo guys they don’t have Cheez-itz in 2billion2019 and I miss my beloved natural cheese snack

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Have you figured out what dark matter is?


Yes, but the bandwidth is shitty.
See My current state of existence is under no such limitations.
The problem with boredom is that it also drives you to feel incredibly unmotivated and lazy. If I wanted excitement, I'd go fight in the Gardener War.

What is you name, or your designated title?
What is the most incredible videogame ever released, what's it called & what genre?
What is the most horrific human rights violation ever committed in the time beyond the 21st century?
Can you even be considered human anymore?
Do you still experience libido/sexual desire?
Is resurrection possible in your time?

Thanks btw future user.

Why is humanity still alive and can you fix that?

Guess il work on becoming good or at least well known to be able to play with/against all of the players that quit.


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I don't know what timeline you're from but I'm pretty sure I saw that on the shelf in one of the RPG's I was in recently.
Probably, if you ask the right guy, he'll know. Again, not my field of expertise.

>Yes, but the bandwidth is shitty.
Open a second wormhole op we need pics with tinestamp
Preferably tits as well

Post an image from the future.

I can lend you guys the cryostasis machine to get here with me an OP but I need gas money so y’all better pay the fuck up. and bring cheez itz

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Those building looks like a home owner association nightmare.
The residents probably cant even grill outside, never-mind decide what color curtains they are allowed to have.

Good luck enjoying the masterpiece op. You will definitely add some new waifus/bodies to replicate after the experience.

And btw, I kinda want to get in one of those cryo-machines too if I ever get the chance, plz get me a clone/body or whatever mechanism you have looking like pic related and with the sole intention of procreation in the missionary position, wanting to form a family the old way.

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Op are you in a physical shell rn?

Gotta make our own aliens op


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Translated, it would be Vicariously Thrilled by Tragedy
My favorite is a borderline-realistic everyday life simulation by the title of CicaidaSim1983 where you live as a high-school student in an old-fashioned pre-scarcity village in a playerbase of only five or so people per server. It's pretty comfy.
Human Rights aren't a thing in my civilization. We're in the midst of a war where people redirect quasars to sterilize entire galaxies because the enemy convinced a primitive civilization there to join their side.
Depends on your personal definition.
Yes, all the time. Life would be so boring without it, I'd probably kill myself within the century.
You can save copies of yourself.
Humanity is still alive because it scattered itself across the universe to the point that it would be impossible to find and destroy every colony. No, I can't fix that.
Have fun user, who knows, I might even know you in the future already.

Whats the biggest companies name?
Any big companies from now still around?

But you're a time traveler, can't you loosen a nut in one of the shuttles or something?

Cheez-itz have gone fucking extinct I can tell you that much

I'll bite. Do you know what year an artificial kidney will be invented available to the public because being on dialysis sucks. I am 27 so will it be in my probable lifespan?


It takes a solar system sized array to make one and I already promised a century of free sex whenever wished to the guy who let me use the one he built. I'm not doing that again.
See I will. No guarantee your cryo-machine will survive 2 billion years though. My wishes are with you.
We did that already

It really be like that sometimes

user dude havent your teachers ever told you? You cant stop progress you can only slow it down. This is coming from a regular ass dude

If you save/load copies of youself what happens to your conscious or your spirit?

There are no companies in my civilization
I can only communicate with alternate timelines, time travel is limited to a few thousand years at most with top-end military technology.
Within the century, I promise user. But your timeline might be a tragic one.

So who is your favorite player?

when humanity achieves immortality?

I don't know and I don't want to think about it. I've been reloaded enough times for the thought to keep me awake at night.

History is cyclical. Progress will inevitably reverse eventually, and I can help expedite the cycle.

Perhaps I will avoid offing myself then dialysis sucks but maybe I will try to hang on then

The future is the shit spoiler alert Michael Jackson is alive again

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The capacity for it will be in the 2200's

Is lolicon still a thing?

Please explain what you mean by "your timeline might be a tragic one"

Op would you have it all to yourself if the guy died?
Why don't you kill him since you don't have laws?
I thought you were straight op

I can't promise you hope, I can only promise that if you live longer, there's the possibility of seeing something you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

>Implying we'll even be around for another hundred years

Thanks vicariously thrilled.
Are there any intellectual properties from our time that have survived to your age while still getting official content?
You say furries are exterminated in public, what do you mean by "in public" if most people exist in cyberspace.
Who do you vent your libido towards, another AI, a human?
Do fetishes exist in your time, do you have any?
What is this favorite RPG of yours like?
Who, or what is the most powerful figure you can recall in your time? Their name? Their rank/title?

Op, there was another time traveler board a few months ago, it didn't Garner much intrest but all I remember from it was the guy identified himself as chapman and said he was taking part of some massive garden war and part of something called the forum. I saw earlier you said something about the garden war or something like that, do you know anything about that guy or the forum?

DawnCrasher what game is he from?

True enough

He actually is.
Yes. Almost every fetish is a thing.
I only know when organ cloning was invented in my own timeline, not yours.
If I killed him, he'd just reload himself and figure out I killed him pretty quickly. Then he'd kill me.
I promised to use a female body.

Can you just like, time travel here and pull me into your time? I'd very much appreciate it. I'm sad.

>The laws of physics as you understand them are just wrong. Again, I don't like studying the sciences.
Op confirmed as brainlet form the future. Just pic up one of your text books on how they made that shit and copy it so we can analyze it ourselves, it's not like people will believe us in our time anyway and we might not even. Be able to understand it completely ourselves but we are curious and we might do a better work understanding it than your lazy ass.

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anything thats gonna happen in the next 2 years that you can predict

Then the "you" isn't really "you"?
Is the original you still in control, like the player in a game reloading save states, or is another conscious that is a fake you taking over, and your original conscious moves on to like the shadow realm or wherever spirits/consciousnesses fuck off to?
As a higher being you should be able to answer this, right?

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What's the worst thing you've ever done personally, VTbT?

Did you listen Beat it 2? I personally liked it.

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>My wishes are with you.
Thanks op, I just want to live long enough to make a simulation to live that experience or something. Wish you luck in your chaotic times and if I ever live enough to see you I might want to help you guys even if it is a futile exercise.

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Wait, you're in digital space, right? How does one kill another one of your kind then? Overload of packet data untill they crash?

There's nothing official anymore because I live in an anarchy were the concept of copyright is an old, unfunny joke.
Try to spam furry porn on /e/. Same effect except replace bans with death.
Yes. My favorites are slavery and sensory deprivation.
Very comfy in a rustic way since it all takes place in the countryside.
The de facto leader of the Gardener War's name roughly translated is Why Game when you can Gamble? However, everyone knows the best strategist is Dorky Tank Charge.
The civilization I am from is named the Forum. I know a guy named chapman, but I don't think he's ever utilized an inter-timeline wormhole.
He's famous across a lot of different games.
It's really the same for everyone

Is Greta dead yet?

Final question do you know who God tank lemur and SypherPk are?

>My favorites are slavery and sensory deprivation.
Have you tried choosing the mind patterns and conditions of were you'll be born and wiped your memory clean to see what you'd do?

Does OP have socials I think they’re pretty cool