I don’t hate niggers, I just don’t like them. This makes me racist?

I don’t hate niggers, I just don’t like them. This makes me racist?

Attached: 50640AFC-ADF8-4849-B377-623A660FEA95.jpg (470x600, 122K)

no just a regular person

Niggers can hate you, but you are forbidden to hate them back, cuz only black lives matter.

How are your victimization issues doing lately?


This feels more sexual than racist. I think that man is just a pedophile.

This right here. When you can't even have a sign that says "it's ok to be white" But somehow you are the oppressor.

When everything is geared towards uplifting minorities at the expense of whites, yet the Jews still have everyone believe that systemic racism oppresses minorities.

When you lose your job because you said it is wrong to ban whites from campus for a day but you can literally call for the murder of all whites and nothing happens.

When you get banned from twitter for posting racism by reposting a blue checkmark tweet except with the races reversed; but nothing happens to the original tweet.

When you live in the only country in existence that gives special legal status, extra benefits, and forces private businesses to do the same for the minority population, yet you are still called the most racist country in the world.

When IQ studies prove that income disparities are mostly the result of testable and quantifiable differences so the established powers ban IQ tests and double down on blaming racism for those disparities.

Nowdays breathing makes you racist

When using IQ tests is illegal just because blacks have a low IQ.

When there is a video of a group of black men screaming racist, homophobic, and vulgar insults at a group of young kids but the media attacks the kids because they just stood there while an Indian guy harassed them.

When the media hides the race of black criminals when reporting black crimes, but focuses on race when reporting white crimes.

When the prisons are full of black people because they are far more likely to commit crimes and the only acceptable explanation is that the justice system is racist.

When every supervisor, manager, and owner knows that the worst workers are always black but saying it is basically suicide. Yet somehow they are the oppressors.

When colleges are teaching that you can not be racist towards whites no matter how vile you are to them because of their skin color.

When there are job openings specifically banning white people.

When google creates special algorithms to always benefit minorities because being fair and unbiased is racist.

When the only people not allowed to have pride are white people, yet somehow they are the oppressors.

When the only countries that need more diversity are white countries.

When you can have safe spaces available only to blacks funded by the public but if you can not have a space only available to whites even if it were privately funded.

When you can get attacked for having corn rows because you are white, but it is you and not the attacker who is racist.

Exactly. That is so true.

When Jewish wealth is calculated as white wealth but anti semetic attacks are not so that the statistics always make white people look as bad as possible.

When official statistics classify hispanics as white to pad the books with "white" crimes in order to hide the disparity in criminality between races.

>makes me racist?
Can't tell. Racism comes in both hatred and non-hatred varieties.

When it is standard practice to hold slavery against all white people but it is racist to judge minorities based on current crime statistics.

Nah. There's lots of reasons why I don't like niggers.

Such as?