There are so many threads about this girl, is it some kind of retarded bait? or this place is full of libtards?

There are so many threads about this girl, is it some kind of retarded bait? or this place is full of libtards?

Attached: QuickMemo+_2019-09-23-15-22-27.png (360x448, 228K)

Yea Forums is a very liberal board, don't expect support of any other ideas here.

She held a speech that made everyone crazy

It wasn't like that at all

Other ideas:
Niggers are disgusting
AOC is disgusting
The moon landing was fake
Other cultures are disgusting
liberals are disgusting
Of course I'm right, duh.

It's mostly threads from autistic lolberts and conservatives just complaining about her

Req rule34 of her

This, but shes right

Samefagging level 100

Yea Forums is working themselves into a shoot because someone said true things instead of their comfy little lies.

What did she said

That her generation is the one that'll have to deal with the consequences of global warming and that boomer world leaders and executives have fucked us for short-term profit.


I mean, she’s not wrong

Is not only boomers fault, even she supported the global warming at a certain point

Not *just* the boomers obviously but it's definitely easier for old farts not to give a shit since they'll be dead before shit goes down

/pol/ hates her, Yea Forums shitposts about her and the libtards screech in decibels rarely witnessed about her.

Russian coal shills.

Coal shills don't have to be Russian tho

people on here are just jealous because this girl is doing something meaningful with her life at a young age, while they're grown ass adults in their parent's basement playing with their pathetic wieners all day long.

/pol/ is mad as hell that someone has the audacity to even come close to raising awareness about environmentalism of any kind.


The internet including shitboards like this are very liberal.

Nein! Dummkopf!

She just gave a speech at the un and called everyone out for being either ignorant or evil.

Which are you?

Who says that's the choice? You? Her? You're both retards.