Is anyone else unironically in love with her? She has such strong conviction and passion it turns me on

Is anyone else unironically in love with her? She has such strong conviction and passion it turns me on

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Other urls found in this thread:

Her speech really gave me goosebumps. Shes fucking brave and really angry


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That german Greta tho..

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both OP and her are autistic.

it's a match made in heaven

She's a puppet.
You're actually in love with these alt-left 90's scrubs.
Look at these two.
Explains her autism that's for fuckin sure...

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Surprise, OP is a pedo and Yea Forums is chock full of retarded incels.

You sure its not just the fact you're a pedo?

Looking nice tho

Greta is a brave and fierce Viking warrior princess

she's one my 2 favorite female role models

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Better options exist

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How woefully underwhelming of a point were you intending to make, cuck?

Taking a gif out of context isn't an argument.

I simply mean there are better female role models than those 2 shills

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lowkey think these activist feminists girls are hot as fuck because i just wanna dehumanize them

That's just as underwhelming given that the quote is also taken out of context.

If you're going to "suggest" other female role models, maybe you could do so without trying to push your horseshit.

Or you could kill yourself, but hey we all know Yea Forums is full of cowards.

She's literally cancer. She can go and die. And so can you. KYS.

Why are you so mad? Does the truth hurt, faggot?


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How about Janet ? she was a lefty hero

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Exactly, she physically doesnt have the capability at that age to make her own decisions

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Do you get a boner for hitler as well? That was a devoted idiot

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imagine being this fucking inept. kys we can all tell your life is meaningless.

really ? i thought i was keeping that a secret

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Same OP

Having a strong conviction about shit you don't know anything about is what's made Climate Change the cult of sanctimonious fuckwits it is today.

Hitler was autistic. Greta is Autistic. Greta is like Hitler.

Who doesn't believe shes just a puppet. You really think ANY kid has the interest to stand up and do all this without financial and political backing? If you think so, you're fooling yourself.

pretty much all of Sweden can claim to be on the spectrum somewhere

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Sometimes people do things for....not... money. Just because they are important.

Varg already mentioned this, that the population of the Scandinavian countries largely behave like autists. Autism is a sign of genetic superiority.

yeah but you dont see those people on tv every 2 minutes

yeah but you also get politicians who literally hate their own people

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>. Autism is a sign of genetic superiority.
this is a /pol/tard's way of coping

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That is awesome, dude.

For fucksake why do people keep posting pictures of this ugly thing who the hell is she

Yeah she's hot. Would love to suck her little nipples while fucking.

helps with the straps as well

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you wouldn't ? thats gay

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You faggots never cease to disappoint me. Fucking brainlet trogs

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Oh I would love to cream her tiny pussy while she wears stockings and that black dress. Hngggg...

would you sign up for the plan ?

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legal in my country


old maid in Sweden

She's fucking amazing and cute as fuckall. Imagine when she's 18 and still has that little body. The only downside is if you were to be her bf everyone would think you're a pedo.

Yeah she's to old soon.

AOC has got to tone back the houndstooth. I don't care if it was her moms dress or w/e... it's killing my eyes when I'm trying to look at her body.

Agreed. Also that shade of lipstick isn't doing her any favors.

Here we go...

Why are you posting this old hag Cortez?

it wont be her dress

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sorry dude i wasn't taking proper account of your personal preference

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fuck off with this hypocrisy. you going to profile the wardrobe of every republican senator too? eat shit and die

>one reddit user
>from /r/The_Donald

She actually seems bipolar or mental ill.


Who wants to take a bet she'll either be doing porn at age 19 or a full blown heroin addict?

I’d take Malala over these two, that bitch took a bullet to the head to go to school in a shithole.

Burn that fucker down

whats up liberal ? that picture of her in your head not quite syncing with reality ?

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they have their uses Forums_has_achieved/

they did

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>eat shit and die

lol,im sure were real scared of a malnurished soyboy

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Mission accomplished

but the fight goes on

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I'll fuck that Neubauer chick.

you upset George you will vanish from the face of the earth

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I don't think George is fucking her. And least no more than he's fucking any of us.

>completely ignores argument
>posts memes

Can you post some semblance of a rational thought?

no but he paid her parents big money for her and he wont let you get in the way of poor people paying more taxes

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