The only thing I don't like about Mexican food, is Mexicans

The only thing I don't like about Mexican food, is Mexicans.

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the only thing i don't like about mexican food is that the lazy fucks try to sell you the same five things (meat, beans, rice, tortilla, cheese) over and over again just arranged differently.

Lazy? Try hiring a white construction worker and you'll see a lazy fuck. Show up late to work if they even show up. Take their time, complain about the heat. Told my boss he should have gotten Mexicans. Shit would have been finished last month.

We don't need no badges.

Found the spic

muriKKKan food is the only food worth eating.

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Mexican food is just food for peasants.

You can talk shit to other races when you stop fucking sheep and bringing diseases that no one here had because we're not degenerates, you white culture-less sack of shit.

You sound like you eat at Taco Bell.

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Americans trying to talk about mexican food as if they sold REAL mexican food in America lmao

Ees hokay, mang, we got some messicans here too.

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And yet they all taste different. Fucking retard.

Wow, almost like the cuisine of a culture is indicative of what they had available at the time.

Quads of truth.

No one cares what your little dicked bitch ass likes.

I admire Mexican women the most. Imagine how hard it must be when they're giving birth to push the leaf blower out.

imagine how shocked your dad was when he got your moms dirty pussy pregnant with his little dick. Your moms pussy is like throwing a hot dog down a hallway giving birth to your wide butt hole and micro pecker.

Oh my God! It's like you were there! Christ, that's eerie!! Luckily, penis size skipped a generation in my family and I got my grandfather's penis. The ladies used to call him Old Three Legs.

The upper classes always eat differently than the lower classes. The history of Mexico points out this fact better than most other countries.
When the upper classes in Mexico changed from indigenous to Spaniard, the food did as well. But gringos don't understand this well because their only contact with Mexican food has been from the northernmost working class. Tacos, enchiladas, rice & beans. And booreetoes! This is like thinking James Beard's US cuisine is what they eat in Idaho or Wyoming.

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The only thing I don't like about Mexican anything. Is Mexicans.
I say this as a Mexican.

Negative. You carry the little dicked gene 100%. Sucks for you.

>I got my grandfather's penis
I bet. Multiple times.

que pasa cholo si los amerindios tienenpenes como de chino.

I'm not saying I'm hung, but I went to Arizona this year and after I left, the Grand Canyon had to close for a week. Parks Department never closed a park due to soreness before.

Damn now I want some chimichungus

Spotted the liberal cuck