13 Greta Thunberg threads

13 Greta Thunberg threads.

You guys are so fucking threatened by the little girl it's hilarious

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It's not Yea Forums, it's petro shills

Its only the beginning

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Im a NEET and just think shes based af

thats cause you listen to petro shills and our petro shill whitehouse

These idiots keep saying we're supposed to be scared of their latest propaganda gimmicks lol
You still have 5 years of crying to do

She looks retarded, is legit assburgers and makes the movement look ridiculous.

>Not showing China or India
When the two biggest producers start showing a damn, then I'll care.

ad hominem. Come back when you have something salient to say

untrue. I'm not making the threads, and I'm not scared of a 16 year old autistic sperg.

The fact it's a fallacy doesn't make it less effective.
This stupid girl is convincing nobody and making environment defense even harder to take seriously with her hyperboles.

Theres no logic thats entirely against oil

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Not threatened, more like annoyed that the media is is trying to force the world to pay attention to this "activist" shill.
She doesn't know what shes talking about. Shes only repeating things that her parents and teachers forced her to memorize.
The leftists and the pedophiles are going to forget all about her in two years when she'll be legal.


wow, its like the left can't meme or something. nice try shariablue

Just an excuse to skip school.

logic in my Yea Forums?
it’s more likely than you think

>She doesn't know what shes talking about. Shes only repeating things that her parents and teachers forced her to memorize.
>The leftists and the pedophiles are going to forget all about her in two years when she'll be legal.

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, typically refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Have sex

>You still have 5 years of crying to do
If the left doesn't straighten up and stop trying to push their far left agenda they're going to be waiting until at least 2032 to get another shot at the whitehouse.

>Shes only repeating things that her parents and teachers forced her to memorize.
What is education?

46. married, 2 kids

Watching you whippersnappers osing your shit over this is making my fucking week

Fucking Zing

Work, work, work. Give all your power. Give all your time. You little slaves do not see the whole. You will never walk on the yellow brick road to the fields of gold. And even if you reach the fields...
There is no life for you. No plants, no meadows, no food, no water

If you don't stop eating Cheetos and Mountain Dew you'll never fit into regular pants.

Does your wife know that you're on a Mongolian bakery forum, masturbating to a twelve year old?

actually I've got this and geoguesser open in another tab. Stage 5 London and 20000 pouints up

One human can change the world to good or bad. Choose well

Giselle is on board

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Being force fed lies isn't education. I literally watched a video of hers this morning where she was repeating AOC by saying the world is going to end in a couple years.
If that was the case then maybe someone should take it up with China and India. They pollute more that just about every other country on the planet combined.

The alt-Reich is pussy-whipped. Many of them are still virgins.

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K. nice argument by the way.

I ain't here to judge bossman

To me, she is an absolute nothing. She counts for literally zero. The day we are ruled by what 12 year olds think is the day we are done as a species.

projection much?

>The fact it's a fallacy doesn't make it less effective.
No you dumb fucking animal, the fact that it is a fallacy is EXACTLY why it isn't effective. kill yourself

Rich of her to speak about having to save the planet, yet she wears a rubber mask all the time.


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Reactionary shills

I remember being told NYC would be under water by 2012...too good to be true

I make more money than you, I'm better off under trump than you are.

I'm just watching dipshits like you punch yourself in the face and wondering why you think it's hurting me.

BTW climate change isn't a political issue, dummy.

No they don't, lol

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No, laughing at the absurdity of her telling the un that they stole her childhood and dreams.

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Here's some projection for you Sir Fagsalot.

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ITT neets talking about things they have zero control over

Get a job

said the state

I want to fuck her

truth hurts. Seethe harder

>Per capita

No it was just your pants wet again.

Missing China and India. Shit not going to happen you dumb bitch.

Read a fucking book

How much do you get paid per thread?

>"youre a faggot"
>has dick pics saved
sure thing bro

thank you ESL-kun

>per capita
Look at the total numbers you retard.
Just because they have a billion rice farmers not producing any CO2 doesn't mean their industry is cleaner.
Look at the emissions and efficiency of their power plants.

China would lock her up and execute her, In India some man would beat her for being a woman with an opinion, probably gang rape her after.

another one......

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Yes, per capita. That's how these kind of statistics are compared.

you cant manipulate people if youre 100% honest with them

Its my dick dumbfuck.

because environmental activism is what comes to mind when i think of b

Lol why?
By that logic, we should just tripple the world population while only doubling emissions.
Suddenly the crisis is solved because the emissions per capita dropped?

Good for you that you figued that out. Maybe you can figure out additional info from the statistic and realise how fucking dumb you are.

>sending pics of your dick to strangers
>calling others faggots
lol thanks user

>thanks people for dick pics
you're welcome faggot.

imagine being a whiteboi... pathetic

Lol. Yes, that is called progress you moron.

Sure you can.

No, it's called backsliding.
Oh wait you're right that is a synonym of progress.

Nigga, not even him.

But holy shit you're a faggot

You’re REALLY bad at debating, dude. When your points are absolute horseshit, you shouldn’t post them (lest you want people to know you’re retarded). Trying to be a contrarian is above your pay grade.

Correction: "When the major centers of pollution come together to tell the rest of the world to clean up the environment."

Maybe instead of striking, they could all stop driving cars and buying plastic Iphones.

this is now a cringe thread

Aye comrade

What the fuck? You go to the Ben Shapiro school of debating? Have you not seen the climate protests RETARD! You can’t just make shit up

heres my point: who died and made that cunt the face of enviromentalism

You realize this doesn't work, right?
The climate doesn't care about 'per capita'. It gets influenced by the total amount of emission. What number of humans is attached to that amount is irrelevant. What we need to do is decrease the total amount of CO2 independent of population growth.

Sorry dumbass, we're not going to stop all emissions with a growing population overnight. The point is to keep lowering the emissions per person living until we can come to a neutral state or at least give us more time to make needed changes to infrastructure to avoid catastrophic shortages.

>You guys are so fucking [turned on] by the little girl it's hilarious

Why would anyone on/b/ be threatened by her? She's an activist. She doesn't actually do anything

>were moving all the carbon emissions overseas to the third world

>>What we need to do is decrease the total amount of CO2 independent of population growth.

Do you know how statistics work? Doing that would cause less emissions per capita. Are you dense?

Lol half of them are admiration threads

So I don't have to breathe that shit AND can buy solar panels for dirt cheap? Nice.

sad, isn't it?

>The leftists and the pedophiles are going to forget all about her in two years when she'll be legal.

She's already legal. Why are you bringing it up? It's not a political party that fucks kids, it's poor people and rich people.

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she’s going to get knocked up and have an anchor baby during her visit and there will be no getting rid of her then. screenshot this post

That's because she's made more impact in her 16 years of life than Yea Forumsitches have, in their 40+ years of existence.

>Doing that would cause less emissions per capita
Obviously, you fucking retard.
The point is, that the whole 'per capita' bullshit doesn't matter.
Like I said, to decrease the per capita statistics, you could just increase population. Which would do nothing to improve the climate.
It's a misleading numer when looking at the problem. The total emissions are what counts.

solar panels are cheap if youre not trade warring a country that produces them cheaply

Hey dumbass. National Socialism supports Greta all of the way!

but i thought only the left were socialists

How are you going to provide electricity 24/7 all year round with solar panels?

imagine believing that the economy is more important than the survival of the human race.

Cause the plutocratic oligarchy is really working so well for everyone.

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The right is, too. But only for the 1%.

larping over an ethnostate with no gays won't fix the problems inherent to corporatism

National Socialism is beyond the right-left paradigm.

National Socialism doesn't even recognize the term "ethnostate". It recognizes the folk-state.


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Sorry dumbass, the first step is to stop massively increasing the amount of damage being done.

It's called a nation

You didn't see the size of my last dump.

>folk rock is the music of Nazis
I can't disagree with your impeccable logic

top kek

I prefer Black Metal, myself.

Lmao even if that chart is accurate. That's per capita... you do realize that's 250 million in the us and 2 billion in china right?

Well duh

no u

Fucking savage
Faggot got btfo

Based. Loving your country and its nature is redpilled

Yes there is. We can easily get by on food based oils from oil farms. Far away but that is where we are needed to expand.

little girl? that bitch look at least forty

Lol what and deforest more land to do so? I don't think so retard

How much would it be possible for us to cut back on fossil fuel use. Think of all the cars out there and all the coal burning electric plants making electricity for all those electric cars. 10%, 20% on the outside? It would mean driving your car 20% less and heating your home 20% less. Be realistic and pick a number. Now let's be unrealistic and say 50%. What would that actually accomplish?

About 0.04% of the earth's atmosphere is CO2. Not much really, but too much is too much no matter how small that is, so it is still important. According to this scientific paper


About 3.75% of the 0.04 is made by man from burning fossil fuel. In other words 0.0015 of the earth's atmosphere is man made Co2. Now if we cut that in half we will have changed 0.00075 of the earth's atmosphere. Did I hear someone say statistically irrelevant?

Per capita measurements are just a tool to measure overall progress dude. Just stop arguing, you're being fucking useless.

I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand when per capita statistics are useful and when they are not.

How about you breathe in some air with 0.1% hydrogen sulfide and see how statistically irrelevant it is lmao

How about .04 which is the given stat retard.

I love how lefties all think we're afraid of their stupidity. We're laughing AT you. You don't scare us one bit. That's why all those "phobe" names make zero sense.


Greta is fucking annoying"omg we need to save the planet" NOOO REALLY??!!! FOR REAL? that's crazy she's definitely the first one to ever say that. And adults go nuts every time she regurgitates known facts on climate change. Its very annoying. She's not special and she's not smart and says nothing of actual value.

>5 current Greta threads.

So you Yea Forums virgin incels switched your sexual obsession from AOC - to an autistic 15 yo.....

Yeah, can't say I'm surprised.

If people want to lower emissions by living as rice farmers who walk everywhere and consume nothing, or live in a technological utopia made on green energy and nuclear fusion, we're going to be using per capita measurements to measure their contributions to see who is contributing the most to the problem.

To claim the metric is not useful nor the primary way method used is retarded. You're a retard.

normal retards on the internet aren't threatened by her, they're just useful morons who saw a millionaire on Fox news say "Greta is stupid" and agree, repeating his same talking points. difference being the rich guy on tv hates her because she's talking about climate change, which if addressed means regulation and so on, the normal guy watching tv hates her because he's low iq and a boot licker

send her back

You'd still get pretty sick. The point is that just because the concentration looks small doesn't mean the effect is small. Only a complete moron would think small variations in atmospheric gas composition can't affect the amount of IR radiation that stays trapped in the atmosphere.


Why is she so concerned about the environment?
She'll be fine.
Potatoes grow in any climate.