Tens of millions killed under Stalin. So why is hitler looked at as worse?

tens of millions killed under Stalin. So why is hitler looked at as worse?

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They should both be viewed as the two most evil humans to have existed in history, there's no point trying to decide who was more evil, the scope of their atrocities are both staggeringly large and difficult to verify exactly the depth of the evil committed

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The strength of Propaganda.

Stalin didn't go against the central bank.

You are a twat. Hitler did more for his country than anyone has ever done for yours. If you knew anything besides the mantra you were taught to parrot you would understand.

History is written by the victors.

Because Hitler killed more

Hitler was a mass murderer who orchestrated the systematic extermination of millions of innocent people, he also engaged in forced human experimentation and took away the god given liberties of tens of millions of europeans

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No he didnt Stalin killed 10's of millions.

>source: my ass

The Nazis didn't have a chance to destroy all of their records, but the Soviets had a long time to make sure there was no incriminating evidence to prove the scope of their crimes


fuck off tankie

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Your link doesn't support your claim

Stalin did kill many more, yes, but he was a megalomaniac paranoiac who murdered entire villages if there was any hint of opposition from one person who lived in it. The Final Solution was Nazi institutionalized state policy and went far beyond the borders of the Third Reich.

Which is worse? A little hard to say.

>Stalin did kill many more, yes
Don't play into this stupidity

I'm not the user you're debating, but can I ask you how many innocent people do you think ended up starving or otherwise dying in Siberian gulags because of Stalin's orders, where they were forced to do pointless hard labor in freezing temperatures?

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All I did was state facts. You're baiting.

jews are the chosen people.
commies aren't human.

Read the links posted in this thread

I know what I think the number is, but I want to hear you say what you think the number is. Please, I'm curious.

Because I am bored, I am going to spend the time to give this a serious answer. The question is, how do you count a "victim"? By some counts Mao is much worse, but these include people who starved due to his failed politics. Stalin is easier to count as he created famines on purpose, and otherwise put people in gulags where conditions were so bad that only few survived. Hitler and the Nazis created an industrial machine with the purpose of most fluently and efficiently killing a maximum number of people in a short time. That is what makes them unique.

>So why is hitler looked at as worse?
Stalin enjoyed himself so much more, people like a jolly mass murderer!

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because he didn't win.

What makes the Nazi genocide interesting to me is that when the Americans started invading they could have diverted resources away from the genocide to contribute to the war effort, but instead they decided to ramp up efforts to finish the genocide quickly

Because communists and socialists don't care. They are okay with killing their political enemies just like Nazis. However the Nazis ( National Socialists ) were their political enemy and look who runs education and governments today ? Socialists and communists. They knew if they could brainwash kids for years with the department of education they could rewrite history and sugar coat their shit ideology just like the Nazis tried to do. That is why.

Yeah, they believed they were on a mission from God.

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The Cold War was a direct result of Stalin; AFTER he died. A completely evil human being.

Germany was in a bad way after WWI; France's demands and war reparations, the Flu, and world economic collapse (except the USA) put Germany into the shit. Add to that the ineffective Wiemar Republic and millions of refugees. Ripe for some one like Hitler to com along and blame someone, mostly Communists and Jews.

Mao made both look like amateurs


Don't forget Mao or PolPot.

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Pol Pot was a piker. 1.5 million murdered, tops.

Stalin did it better.

Still a murderous monster.


faggot those where kikes not humans in my book.

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Stalin did what the joos told him to do.
Adolf didn't.

Hitler killed 6 to 8 million. Stalin killed 12 to 14 million.

>Hitler killed 6 to 8 million.
Who told you that, user?

>You are a twat. Hitler did more for his country than anyone has ever done for yours.

If you call killing millions of his own citizens and people outside Germany, plunging Germany into dire poverty, and being the sole motivation to Stalin's blockade of Berlin and the nexus of the cold war successful, then yes, he did tremndous things for Germany.

Because Stalin didn't fight against the Allies, and the Soviets played a huge role in pushing Nazi forces back to Germany.

He's right. And it wasn't even for anything like being a race Stalin didn't like. The victims were his own people.


Gonna need a cite for that

because he told the truth.

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as soon as nazism will be established, you faggots will be the first in the line to gas chamber.

yeah but he was the only person in history to commit a genocidal purge against his own ethnicity

I think Hitler was more of a character. You looked at Stalin, he LOOKED like a fuckin' prick. Hitler smiled a lot, had that mustache, had that Heil Hitler salute. There was a lot to go on with Hitler, so peeps thought about him a lot more. Stalin, as the TRULY satanic figure was kind of difficult to really think about.

How about a reputable source

He's not, at least where I live

Cause Stalin won WWII and turned Russia from a peasant-based country into a modern industrial power.



Stalin would of had Hitler for breakfast

Hitler targeted a specific group. Stalin killed everybody that opposed him.

I'm sure the nazis will rise up any day now.

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because hitler isn't communist. the liberals (in schools and etc) made him look worse because the liberals are leftists and communists.

in fact, stalin is worse because he is a faggot communist.

weird it's almost like reality contradicts your dumbass opinion

Takin a fucking shit in you're thread loooooooooool faggot

Because Russians aren't whiny little bitches

Stalin killed more than Hitler. Mao killed more then both of them by far. Pol Pot wins if we go by percentage of population.

possibly because Stalin assisted the allies in the second half of the war

Except Stalin only killed like 600,000 while Hitler killed 24 mil.

No, they weren't. He spared the Georgians and Kazakhs. He killed the outliers.

>He's right.

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Looking at my country now, I'm almost pissed that the brits liberated us.

>Edgar J. Steele

The only reason people consider them the most evil in history is because people have a short memory. There are plenty of assholes in our past just as bad. This sort of evil isn't monstrous or unique, evil is a very human quality.

eg: Genghis Khan, who wiped out entire populations. So many countries were exterminated that the climate changed from the amount of farmland that turned back to forest. He killed tens of millions at a time when all they had were horses and bows and swords and the worlds population was only about 300-400 million.

Or Pol pot who wiped out 25% of the population of Cambodia. So, in terms of the proportion of people murdered, was a more evil leader than Stalin or Hitler.

Or Ben Shapiro, who is clearly and objectively the most detestable human being ever to have existed.

Then how did they pay for the war. How did the nazis have trains full of gold all the time? Everyone knows they never ran out of money for the war.

because americans are stupid and fail at history

Because Stalin killed his own people and Hitler killed the neighbors.