Fuck's been going on with all the hate against her recently? Isnt she just against climate change?

fuck's been going on with all the hate against her recently? Isnt she just against climate change?

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Other urls found in this thread:


She literally wants to make 1984 become a reality. Death squads going door to door to execute citizens who emitted too big of a carbon footprint.

people just love to colectively hate someone

Alt-righters see conspiracies everywhere they look.

Also sponsored by the main Jew Soros and his One Foundation


It's a brainwashed child being propped up by nutbags to make people feel bad. She just repeats the same tired talking points but because it's a child you're supposed to feel like a monster.

>just against climate change

shes a stupid little teen bitch who doesnt know shit.

there is literally zero, ZERO evidence climate change is man-caused. its all a political stunt

yeah and climate change is a liberal lie designed to destroy the white race you fucking dimwit

Because conservatives are tribal, and the people they've been conned into revering as tribal leaders make a lot of money from burning carbon. You oppose my leaders, therefore you oppose me. That "their leaders" are also killing them doesn't register.

The right are butthurt about something again. this time its a preteen girl kek

ok billy

Exactly. You hit the nail on the head there

nice bait retard

Just another mongoloid being exploited by the kikes. She'll be irrelevant in about a month.

LOL. conservatives are independent thinkers and higher IQ on average. libs are tribal and do whatever MSNBC or CNN tells them

literally who?

i said MAN-caused. we know the climate is changing. there is no dispute about that. it has been changing since before the dinosaurs you brainlet.

what was the temperature of earth during the dinosaur period by the way? were there ice caps before the meteor hit earth and caused the ice age? no? interesting. so earth was actually HOTTER than it is now, with zero ice at all?

this nigger retarded or something?

how mch black cock do you sip everyday?

>Thinking only the conservatives are like this.

You are an ignorant political puppet. When the Democrats are in the WH they dont give a shit either.

nice double-spacing fellow redditsir

are you also here for epic new maymays and trying to "fight le good cause" ? me too m8

if only i could upvote you!

There's evidence that we're helping a shifting climate shift faster. That's it.

The planet goes through wild climate swings every few millennia, and with us still coming out of the last ice age. It makes sense that things are heating up.

However, since we started dumping various shit into the atmosphere, what normally takes a long time is happening on a *slightly* quicker timescale.

There's no reversing this, there's no stopping this. All we can do is adapt NOW, and try to live the best lives we can. Start moving people away from the "dangerous" coastal areas, move people out of the arid zones.

>muh redneck way of life

Thanks for helping rich people fuck us all to death since the 18th century, dumbshits

>Isnt she just against climate change?
no, shes a mong who has been coached by others to be a face for their climate agendas

It's actually interesting how closely connected conspiracy theories, climate change denying and the alt-right are. If you dig deep enough in that shitpile you'll eventually reach the "Jews are behind this" people.
Luckily they are a small minority and can safely be ignored.

She's not against anything as she's a puppet.

It's Russian shills earning their rubles by destabilizing. They aren't trying to convince people to not support the environment, they are trying to make climate/environment into a dividing issue for conservatives to rally under.

it was hotter in roman times 2,000 years ago than it is projected to be in the 12 years where the stupid climate hoax liberals believe the world will end

And conservatives do whatever Fox News tells them to.

Funny how the world works, huh kid?

cause it's totally possible and within our power to keep the climate static.

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YES! Green death squads now!

>>Yea Forums is filled with masochists.

Go figure.

you're a fucking idiot, and it's your ilk that dooms us as a species...

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the buzzards ought to leave her be
young n dumb? yeah,no worse than maybe better at cleaning her room than most,,toys drawings,posters,,musica on the room stereo, she is an early joiner of the jet set,, so what,u guys are jealous?

>Start moving people away from the "dangerous" coastal areas, move people out of the arid zones.

yeah get away from those "dangerous" coastal areas! why would obamas spend 15 million on pic related if its going to be underwater in 10 years?

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You should inform the 90% of climate scientists about your discovery. They'll want to know that you cracked the case wide open.

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Why do you hate them for being rich and using their money as they please? That's commie talk.

Oh shit another meme that totally owns the liberals. How will they ever recover? Do one about how taking your kids allowance is like socialism.

Every modern climate change activism has climate change merely as an afterthought. The main idea is to push communism. See green new deal, "climate justice".

The Obamas bought Hobbiton?

>t. bootlicker

yeah, 300 million americans and and the 100 million europeans with the cleanest air and most strict laws for environment are dooming the species.

not the 4 billion people in asia who are the worst polluters of the entire world. why dont you start there faggot, where the actual problem is.

the west is a drop in the bucket. you can be completely carbon free in the west and you wont make a fucking difference if the chinks continue to burn plastic and throw heavy metals into the ocean.

fuck you. liberals are so cucking stupid

Jews are freaking out and propaganda against her is being pushed by big corporations who don't want to stop siphoning. Nevermind what she's saying, she's a brainwashed leftist child!

This entire thread is proof of that.

lol yeah fuck justice, tyranny is where it's at

I think everyone is against it, everyone just has a different idea on how we should go about it. (Or if we should, and maybe China and India who produce like 80% of the pollution should do something?)


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Heres a transparent png of her if anyone wants to photoshop her into a war zone or whatever.

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jesus, the trap posts surely attracted a lot of lefties since i last visited Yea Forums

>yeah lets just give all power to one group of people, it's not tyranny if you're on our side

Tell me who this is?

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has she got downs?

Greta Thunberg, at 16 years old, has more courage and moral clarity on climate change than an entire room full of world leaders.

The science is clear. Her anger is justified. If we do not act now to protect our planet, the consequences will be dire.

Fuck Grated Thornberry

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yup seems like it.

Gr8 b8 m8

lol top kek


You mean those guys who get money for those jobs? Why would they put themselves out of business?
Most agree we make an impact, how much of an impact is debatable.

This, tbh

Does that mean that we shouldn't keep moving into the future and move towards a carbon-neutral society?

China is investing massively in renewable energy and performs a huge amount of recycling for their materials. They are still massive polluters, yeah. But that DOESN'T perclude us from becoming the kind of carbon-neutral society that we need to propogate worldwide. Other countries will follow suit, because the facts of climate change are real and its going to be more economical in the very long-term to work towards this now. China, India, and other countries are still industrializing, increasing their middle class. The more of their people that are able to have food in their stomach every night, the more people that will be in a place where they can begin to worry about climate change.

I've heard she is "on the spectrum" which would explain a lot, and how her parents use her for their needs.

Ever notice the complete contempt the people here have for women? Daily wwyd, rape fantasy, girls should be forced to go to school naked, would you eat female meat threads. About 90% of the people who post on this board are incels who hate women. The rest just want to browse teenage tits on their phone while they’re at work. So let me get this shit straight, this is the place these cocksuckers come to share in their hatred of women and you’re surprised there’s a prominent female figure constantly being attached here. You stupid or something?

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Liberals only use these issues to get power, they don't actually care.

Florida in 5 years unless we sign all of our rights away.

Spin doctors are trying to influence. She is right. But starting people thinking was always dangerous for the leader trumping their citizens

So you support nuclear, right?

That's not how science works? Their grants don't depend on the results of their research, as long as its relevant and well-done.

5-6 dicks

We are, and have done a lot and continue to do so, but if we ignore the other 80% of the pie, we aren't helping much, we need to help poor countries like India out with something, fix the main source of the problem. Getting rid of straws isn't going to do anything but make you feel better about yourself.


Nuking China, India and Pakistan would solve most ecological problems.

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With or without her you will pay more and more for housing, gas, energy...
You are selling your whole life and power to useless things. You are slaves of a system. There is no yellow brick road for you.

I mean, you're not wrong

Obviously. Especially with the modern designs, nuclear waste isn't a real concern, as it can be re-burned until you've extracted most of the energy and the resultant waste only takes a few decades to 'cool off' rather than hundreds of years as with earlier designs.

The only problem is the potential for nuclear profileration.

Greata makes me want to.increase my carbon foot print buy buying several diesels. Every time she's in the media being forced down our throats I go burn a pile of plastic and Styrofoam.

And the entirety of africa

Being carbon-neutral is not enough at this point. Only active carbon capture can stop climate change.

Yeah, which is why global conversations acknowledging the reality of climate change are important. We need to get other countries on board too. As we said, China is currently investing significantly in renewables.

The earth looked different at that time so that's a huge factor on climate. You're just grabbing info you like and try to apply it to our world disregarding everything else.

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See, I can agree that switching to nuclear is a great idea, and will reduce pollution. What I hate is lefties who push wind or solar as viable. They're not.

Based on what? Have you ever worked in an academic environment? Written grants? Worked with scientists?

you dont say

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Does it matter if the resulting nuclear war kills most humanity and makes life miserable for the survivors?

Instead we should live in squalor now, so that the rich can continue an elevated living standard? No thanks.

Im even more for her reading these heartless guys here.

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The clear bias in the mainstream scientific community.

If she died she'd do the climate a better favor than if she's alive. Although, CO2 emissions are actually good for the environment and not bad... So instead of burying her corpse, burn it instead, after all we need more CO2 in the atmosphere, after all we have a deficit in CO2. Which causes plantlife to use more water than necessary which causes a deficit in Fresh Water, which causes Droughts which causes plants to die and decay, which causes starvation... etc... They want us to all die that's what environmentalists are about, they want the death of all life.

No no you're totally right. Your feelings are enough. There's a wealth of information regarding the scientific process but you have your feelings and that's what really matters. It's the liberal jew media deep state brainwashing the sheeple but you know the truth. All you have to do is stop taking your antipsychotics and reality is revealed to you.

It can't be stopped. That's the difference between liberals and conservatives, consent are smart enough to know that climate change is nationally occurring and regardless of how human activity is accelerating said change, we will never be able to stop it and frankly it's fucking arrogant to even suggest we can.

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They have their role and solar is always improving.

The biggest problem is intermittency; it requires either very widely -distributed power generation systems or methods of storing huge amounts of energy, both of which we struggle with a bit right now.

Citation Needed

Hey look an actual poster child.

This is the entire point. A lot of humans living a good life = bad for the environment.

>we should just stop advancing our technology because we can't do anything
You are literally the enemy of humankind. Kill yourself.

Give up your standard of living then. Now. Otherwise you're nothing more than a virtue signaling troll. "Oh yes everyone should totally live sustainably and not use fossil fuels anymore. You guys go first"

You mean the consensus? Wherein thousands of different scientists produce similar results through wildly different lines of evidence, which is taken as the hallmark of evidence?

But what if climate change isn't real and we just needlessly made air more breathable and water more drinkable? That would ruin corporate profits! Why won't anyone think of the profits!?

and why did the ice form? and when did it form? and what did it form as a result of? just magic? the earth felt like chilling out?

You're just as ignorant as you claim I am if you think the "science is settled." It's not. This bs 98% number is a flat lie.

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Solar still isn't a viable alternative


More carbon can make some plants grow more efficiency, but that's not taking the entire ecological system into account.

The consensus based on leading questions?

Most scientists beg to differ.

lol, how are solar and wind not viable.

Living a good life doesn't require us to also destroy the environment.

We can live in harmony.

90% of climate sceintists only have a job because of this fake outrage.

if we should take them seriously, like you think, then they should come up with accurate predictions instead of being dead wrong, unlike the other 10%.

>follow the money

Good plan. Stay skeptical until the science is totally settled. In the meantime there's no reason to try creating a cleaner world. You truly are a logic thinker of the highest order.

No, you've been spamming threads about her is what's happened. Can you stop? Can the mods please look into just banning you? I mean I get it, you want to see threatening spam about a minor because it "looks bad" for us meanwhile you're being told over and over that people actually dislike her handlers and think she's an autistic person being used as window dressing. Which you ignore so you can restart the tri-hourly Greta Thread cycle.

Mods need to ignore their left wing politics and do their job, not banning you has lowered the quality of your own side's efforts to just sheer childish repetition. I would literally rather have the spammers from 6 months ago over you.

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IF global warming is a thing (not saying it isn't), it seems highly unlikely that we can reverse it. Like a freight train, its probably not going to stop even if the world went carbon 0, which it can't


Distribution of land mass has a significant effect on distribution of global temperature.

Milankovitch cycles are the biggest cause of the ice age cycles, but they can't be attributed to the current warming phase. Milankovitch cycles are entirely based on the slight perturbations in our orbit and precession, and their effects on climatic forcing are well-known.

I did follow the money. The vast majority of climate scientists who are under no obligation to end up with a specific result say that man made climate change is happening. The rest are oil and gas scientists.

>conservatives are independent thinkers and higher IQ on average

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Didn't say that.

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imagine being such an incel that you push propaganda on an image board

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Do your own googling. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
What proof do you have that greenhouse gases are not a thing and everything seems natural?
Maybe you can provide your theory and we can see if that holds up.

They get triggered by anything daddy trumps cock doesn’t spew out

That's the thing, just because they say it's happening doesn't mean they agree on the severity or what to do about it.

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I didn't say it would be the only thing? Especially right now?

Its a viable option for generating some degree of power though, and may be capable of producing all of our power needs in the future.

Getting off carbon right now will require relying on a multitude of different sources, working in harmony, combined with better grid management and power storage.

He's right

No, the consensus based on the similarities of their results.

Why do you guys never even try to back up claims?

Exactly, b is run by incels now. Probably why the porn threads have gotten worse too

Of course not. You didn't say anything. Its common among people with no real conviction.

It'll require nuclear. Anything else won't work until battery technology is way better.

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she literally does not. Also, it's time you fucking murricatards stop making 5 liter motor engines

Lmao, so we do nothing? Ahhh the good old conservative way of thinking. Do nothing until it gets really bad

OK pal

She's ugly and retarded. What's not to hate?

That's science. People have different opinions on how to handle it but they agree that its happening.

Imagine being this retarded

I didn't say do nothing. I think we should switch to nuclear. Stop assuming shit.

yep, zero evidence, so let's just keep polluting like we do, it's gonna be aaaaaaaaaalright.

>Make death squad
>emissions from gunpowder exceed individual allotment
>forced to suicide by eco-friendly hemp rope

Everyone I’ve meant who calls themselves a redneck is either a retard or an incel

I did not make a claim. I pointed out a fact (pangea).
Why do you feel lost already? Where's those theories?

Alt-right nancy boys don't actually know how to do anything but attack things they don't like.Which is everything outside their little bubble. She could be for Spaceweed or White Genocide and it wouldn't change their hormonal rage bursts

>liter motor engines
The dumbest three words ever strung together in sequence

Yup. Same with David Hogg and that little bald dyke spic bitch.

That's not what the left pushes though. They claim that 98% or whatever of scientists agree that this is the worst problem facing mankind. Which us much different than just saying "Yeah, it's a thing." They don't even agree that it's all man made.

Wow, hating on a small girl. Is life gotten that bad for incels? Watching cartoon intellectuals and pwned libtard videos not enough anymore ?

>> She's ugly and retarded. What's not to hate?
You are both of those too. But with you, we just ignore your opinion.

Climate is complex and chaotic, and our science is always improving.

Our climate models work pretty alright. By using a multitude of slightly different models - referred to as an 'ensemble' - we can make pretty good predictions about how things will go. And almost all those predictions look bad right now.

What predictions have they made that are so unaccurate?

Also - not how science works. See the other poster that replied to you. These scientists are mostly in their own departments at various universities. Even without the climate crisis, there's always a climate for them to study. If they weren't studying climate change, they'd just be getting the same grants looking at a different aspect of climate.

Russians don't have to be involved for conservatives to be fucktarded lmao is it really that hard to accept that they can fall for fossil fuel shills on their own?

yeah but as a Canadian I'm FOR climate change because it would open up the great wide north to habitation, and as the global water supply drops and the arctic melts, puts in a favourable strategic position

>Deluding yourselves into thinking neither of you are tribal despite the fact your comments blatantly show it

Oh user.

This is why the rest of the world laughs at US. Will never be able to solve a problem because half of the retarded people will not even admit there is a problem.

Keep your uneducated worthless opinion to yourself so the adults can try and figure this shit out before we all die faggot

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Yeah but she’s also a female and this is Yea Forums.

The left are obsessed about something again. this time it's a preteen girl kek

Shes fucking awesome. That speech was wild

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Strikes are based and leftpilled

Well, thankfully we've produced climate models examining just this. Climate change is in fact almost entirely man-made, but we can definitely stop it. Move to 0 carbon, work on active carbon capture after that. Take back what we put out over the past hundred years.

everyone is tribal, idiot. I could say the exact same thing about liberals and black people

there isn't a problem, the Earths climate has been changing for millions of years idiot. it has never been, and will never be, linear or static.

she doesn't post here, so nobody actually cares about that

A factual description of the size of some of the stupidly oversized engines you fuckers drive around town? Yeah, pretty stupid.

Milankovitch cycles and anthropogenic climate change aren't the same thing you dense fucking retard

It's the rate of change, not the current state or that it's changing

The conservative problem in America is, we should keep everything the same until 100 years have past when it should have been changed. Literally old geezers and there retarded kids

What impactful, meaningful changes are we supposed to make? I'd love to hear how our standards of living are going to be retained. Why havnt you given up fossil fuels and all their derivatives yet? Plastics, all manufactured goods, all transporation, all commercial food.

Nuclear could potentially be a major factor. But it takes decades to get a plant running; in the meantime, using more solar and wind helps. Helps.

is that putin. gross

>want to stop climate change
>ignores china completely despite being the largest contributor of greenhouse gasses
>shits all over USA instead

obviously a jewish psy op

YOU ARE RETARDED. Go outside and read a science book. Get off YouTube and Yea Forums and exercise that soft brain. YOU SOUND AS STUPID AS CANDACE OWENS

you basically have a bunch of 16-year-old in cell basement dwellers in here that are pissed off that she's accomplished more in life than they will in the next 40 years.

And we got all these tin foil hat wearing people who think this has to do with 1984. What a bunch of clowns.

What impactful, meaningful changes have you made? Given up all fossil fuels and derivatives? Plastics, all manufactured goods, all transportation, all commercial food? Didnt think so.

No mom I won't stop shitting on the lawn look at Kevin down the street he's shitting on his lawn even more than I am

Not really, since wind costs an insane amount to maintain and murders birds by the thousands

>OuR MoDeLs SaY Its ReAl
what is a conflict of interest?

I don't have a more intense laughing image to mock you with, so have a snake.

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Nearly everyone agrees it will be bad.
Nearly everyone agrees that its mostly us.
Absolutely everyone agrees that our carbon has a definite, negative effect.

We know enough. Anything more is a matter of splitting hairs politically.

Only incels misspell "met".

she's mad that the world is dying. i am happy.

Ok captain autismo, enjoy your beach house in Tennessee.

But i have a comfy reading couch inside :(


You're seriously arguing that wind and solar are the short term solutions, and nuclear is the long term? You got it backwards, user. Until we have better batteries, solar and wind can't replace fossil fuel plants. Nuclear could.

>We can live in harmony.
go try that in a 3rd world shithole you stupid hypocrite

"Oy, your conditioning has been a success, goyim."

china produces almost twice the greenhouse gas the USA does, its stupid to focus on the USA when one country (china) is literally killing the planet

>muh scientists
this much blind devotion is no different then abrahamic fags

Ur an idiot bub climate change also has to do with deforestation and species extinction all man caused u fucking forehead


She was caught reading a prompt written by overarching climate change organizations, esentially people are pissed they assumed she was the one writing her own rhetoric.

Have you read 1984?

All man caused. So if humans didnt exist, the earth wouldnt go through cycles of heating and cooling. Gotcha.

"climate scientists" literally need "climate change problem" in order to exist. how do you not see this? no climate change panic, no grant money, no need for expensive climate scientist studies in antartica

Id say not

adults who are insecure but also too dumb to hate on another adult.

Go hug a tree you pussy.

Because its not realistic change that lone consumers can produce.

Heads of government and corporations themselves have to be at the forefront of this, because these are systemic problems produced by the overall structure of our entire system of manufacturing, transport, and retail.

little bitch needs to go home

Have you ever wondered what the reason is behind China's carbon emissions? Could the fact that pretty much everything from first world countries is outsourced there nowadays potentially be a contributing factor?

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Nope. Their grants are not dependent on the outcomes of the studies. Try again.

again its 3rd worlders who conduct 90%+ of world pollution faggot. get off your liberal high horse and tell the impoverished chinese guy burning wires to sell scrap copper for recycling so he can feed his family to stop polluting the environment. ill wait.

liberals are such elitist faggots i swear. total hypocrite mindless parrots that do nothing but repeat the poopaganda theyve been forcefed without question

Please tell me how its a conflict of interest, as we've already specified their grant money doesn't depend on their results?

We know the models work effectively enough because we can test them against history.

No, sorry, actually solving the problem would take away the tool we plan to use for wealth redistribution. No solving the problem allowed!

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living under a rock neckbaeard?

I don't agree with the other user, but your response is beyond stupid.

"physicists need physics problems in order to exist"
"chemists need chemistry problems in order to exist"
"zoologists need animal problems in order to exist"
lmao no they fucking don't you fucking turboretard who the fuck do you think noticed climate change in the first place

science has become the church for the non-religious with scientists acting as clergy.

>missing the point

proofs for your claims?

> Can’t someone do this for me?

If their models showed "GOOD NEWS IT IS NOT A PROBLEM," how much continuing grant money would they get?

I'm arguing they could reduce how much carbon-based fuels we use right now while we wait 10-30 years for functioning nuclear plants implementing modern designs are built.

Nuclear plants take a long fucking time, especially if we want to use new designs rather than just build what we've built before.

lol bet you've never even opened a calculus textbook

Yeah, I'm happier that way. Who is she and why is she important? Just looks like more whining to me.

Did a scientist fuck you in the ass when you were a little boy at climate church?

>again its 3rd worlders who conduct 90%+ of world pollution faggot

Oh so were gonna vote with ballots instead of with our dollars. That always works so well. Its someone elses fault, but we can grandstand about how virtuos we are without making any of the changes ourselves. Gotcha.

That's not how science works.
You dropped out of high school and now you demand everyone else be as stupid as you. Sorry. Not how the real world works. Enjoy your Yea Forums delusions but you're a retard.

Aside from the fact that the math checks out and its based on things we can physically observe?

There's no point to be made from a retarded layman who's never even talked to anyone that published a study. Grants don't work the way you think they do.

he didnt miss the point you cunt. he argued directly against what u said and told you why you were wrong. you can't say
>hurr durr missed the point
when someone tells you why your point is wrong cunt

Yeah, that guy's unsourced post full of assertions sure showed me.

My response which is factually true is beyond stupid?

Do... Do you think that scientists get grants AFTER they complete the research?

Are you really that fucking idotic?

All of it?

Ah, science doesn't exist on faith. Only religion does that.

They take a while, but wind and solar are too limited to have a big impact. The problem is batteries.

Milankovitch cycles != anthropogenic climate change.

We know for a fact that the current period of warming is not due to milankovitch cycles that produced the rest of the ice ages/warm periods.

We have emission standards in america, china doesnt. they should be a focus instead of other countries, kike

why would I? would it answer all my questions about life or turn me into a limp wrist pretentious faggot like you?

The only reason they disagree with you is because it supports their side. They'll deny science till their blue in the face if it's against their agenda.

They'd still get the grants, and in fact they'd be encouraged to pursue studying their new promising model. (Still not gonna happen buddy)

there is no consensus

You're a fool if you think science has never been dogmatic.

And yet you havnt given up all fossil fuels and their derivatives yet? So you're virtue signaling. Congrats.

You're still missing the point. Go back and re-read what the other user wrote. Not a single thing about grants and conditions. You created a strawman, you didn't address his point. And you call other people retarded and ignorant? kek

Ha! No they wouldnt


math is too hard for my tiny little cumbrain, that means science bad :((((((((((

She's a child, children can be manipulated. Her speech was written, and not by her.

People tend to listen to children in distress because that's just a natural reaction. It's common for governments to use children to force actions. Look at vietnam.

I think people are more angry that she is a child who clearly knows nothing, used as a pawn to push an agenda that has been pushed down peoples throats for years. Yes, we know, we're not going to agree with you because a child said it.

youre the one comparing calculus to climate change

I'm an environmental scientist. If there was no climate change (which there is) I would just work on one of the many other infinite problems an entire planet can provide us. I specialist in wildlife biology and for the past decade and a half of my life I have dealt directly with man-made climate change and how it has affected our world.

Being told stuff I do doesn't exist is hilarious and depressing. People still talk as if these things are in our future and ignore that they've already happened.

Sorry. It's all true. It's all real. Memeing red pills and shit on the internet isn't going to change anything.

I'm not the same user, you faggot. And he completely missed the point. He created a specific condition that the other user never even alluded to, order to rebut it.

The fact that you're so emotional and irrational is quite telling.

Got it. So we all need to work hard to re-elect Trump, and let the China trade war shut all that shit down.

I'm not digging through Google Scholar while phone-shitposting. Literally just search 'climate model validation'.

Why would anybody continue to give grant money to study a non-problem?

What do you think physics is based on exactly

checked user

Your response was factually true, I didn't dispute that. But it wasn't what the other user said. You created a strawman.

I think its a wittle more complicated than that sonny boy

>I'll call him emotional for saying a no-no word on a tuvan throat-singing board, that'll show him

Physics is based on repeated digits.

Tell me - where could I buy my clothes, or my food, that wouldn't play into this system where there's no winning regardless of who I choose?

I can make small impacts - driving less, a vegetarian diet. But the changes we need in our society, need political leaders and leaders of industry on board. Individuals do not have the kind of power in this domain that you imagine.

> you must not be smart to explain ensemble models to idiots on /b


>wah wah wah wah mommy change my diaper!

There's a problem inherrent in problems that get turned into powerful political issues used for something else. The people perportedy wanting to "solve" the problem actually need he issue more than they want to solve the problem.

Because enough of us got suckered into "The only way to fight climate change is to transfer wealth to third world countries," the wealth redistributers can't afford to solve the climate problem, because it would remove the issue they are using to drive their goal of giving additional dats on a global scale.

Literally all of physics is calculus and linear algebra. If you don't get those basic fields of math you can't begin to have an understanding of physics.

Except there is on the broad, important points.

She is an authoritarian cunt bag that wants to ban things , violate property , and tax people. That's why. People are getting tired of it.

Scientists who have treated science as dogmatic are fools. You're an idiot if you think science has elements of dogma in it. That's not how it works. You lack proper education.

she's also a fucking child you retard.
>and tax people
taxes are needed you mongoloid. put your phone away and pay attention while ur in school

I am calling for those able to make meaningful change to do so. I am not able to make meaningful change as I need to survive and the petrochemical lobby has bretty much wrecked alternative fuel vehicles. I use a small engine car since it is sufficient to get me around and I have no need to haul tonnage, and use public transportation where it's effective like in cities. I minimise my impact while still being able to survive. Companies don't do any of this. They minimise their bottom line while ignoring as many regulations as they possibly can.

Go study. The dogma of science is always broken through the method of science, and objective data. Read Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

she's a child who is being used by the mass media for political purposes
and spend your own money on climate change

They would, because it would mean there's still interesting science to do.

Taxation is theft and you aren't entitled to other people's property. I mean you can't type and *You're telling me to pay attention in school. Get fucked. Statist.


Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's more about current kids actually having to live with the consequences of current generation decision makers. The point themselves aren't made more valid by her being young but the moral standpoint of children advocating for saving the climate is apparently winning over more people than scientists claiming the same arguments. But what the fuck do I know, I'm just a degenerate looking for traps.

Attached: confusedpepe.png (512x422, 231K)

taxation is not theft. i remember being 15 like you and spending hours on youtube loops without knowing anything.

taxation is needed to maintain most of the structures you see and use everyday. schools, roads, hospitals, police stations, fire stations, military.

Do you have data to support this?

Because a lot more evidence shows that it is a problem.

Because if carbon isn't a problem, that turns our entire understanding of basic physics, greenhouse gases, and climate on its head, opening an entire new area of scientific exploration.

Also the literally infinite other number of things to study within the climate.

Scientists who have treated science as dogmatic are fools. You're an idiot if you think science has elements of dogma in it. That's not how it works. You lack proper education.

Businesses exist because you give them your money. Voting with a ballot hasn't mattered since Wilson. What makes you think voting with a ballot will matter now?
You buy your clothes from the amish. You grow or raise your own food.
When the citizens of the world deem climate change more important than their standard of living, they will vote with their currency and changes will be made. You keep buying the things you say other people shouldn't be buying, the status quo will remain. You're waiting for politicians to completely destroy all business interests hahahah. Hold your breathe please.

There isn't a climate crisis. There is no emergency. There is a country that pollutes 90% of the entire chart but Greta won't go there. Because if she did protest there they would throw her in a gulag. Yay Communism. LMAO

taxation is theft, which you'd realize if you weren't 15 years old and had to pay for your own things with your own money


Mine is a 6.2L

Oh its someone elses fault. Not consumers. Its politicians and corporations. Gotcha. No one survived before coca cola came around.

Taxation is theft. You do not consent to be taxed. It is taken through state violence and coercion.

All of those can be privatized.

I remember being a brain washed state apologist.

No I did not.
>no grant money
I directly responded to his bullshit. As said. They do not need the problems in order to exist. There would be ample work for scientists to study the workings of our climate regardless of the problem, after all guess who noticed the problem? Scientists who were getting paid regardless of the outcome.

Please stop being retarded.

That's a non-sequitor. Grant money isn't allocated because there are a million things that scientists could conceivably study, because that's true in every field. It's allocated because of the political importance. There would be a lot less money allocated to climate science if climate change wasn't such a big public issue.

>wanting privatization of utilities to avoid paying taxes.

"Thanks for paying $5 per mile to travel on the quickest route to your destination using our Quick Connect Road™ compared to the $2 per mile on the standard Connect Road™."

fucking mongoloid

We literally can't support the number of people we have on our planet living that way.

Ergo, we need to produce the means of maintaining an industrial, technological society without the excessive use of petrochemicals.

This cannot be achieved through the dollar alone because we live in an inherently unfree market.


I don't think that it's anyone hates her as much as it is that nobody really gives a fuck

Yeah and this is why. You don't have any authority to say what we can own and produce. I get it. You're an entitled commie. No surprise.

nice strawman

>says don't fuck up the climate
>goes on a sail trip that's worse for the climate than flying

That and her cringe act. It's like watching Hermione Granger doing a speech but irl.

That being said she has a point with people having an influence on climate. I don't hate her personally, but the whole media hype is annoying.

>Has no argument.
>Can't comprehend basic economics.

Yeah you're a nobody.

Unfortunately true

hey guys! fellow climate change activist here. im posting this while sipping my $8 coffee in a hip western city while using my apple product that was made in china. i know, i know, they are the worlds biggest polluter. but you didnt actually think i would be principled enough to make myself uncomfortable for the cause, did you? how would i check my reddit upvotes without my iphone? yeah global warming from pollution is a problem that china is 70% responsible for but i need my iphone and i drive a prius to make up for it teehee

Attached: uWx62iWzES-iABbvPeFE8hfcksH4OsbKH1Zys9XfdpY.jpg (600x600, 54K)

I don't drink coke, but not for environmental reasons.
>It's the consumers' fault!
I don't disagree but consumers are fucking idiots and sometimes you have to legislate common sense.

I assume not everywhere everything works the same but I think money are allocated in a more precise way than “climate change stuff”.
Assuming less money will be around for research seems to be biased

what do you expect,half of Yea Forums are maga hat trump supporting rednecks

The earth has been getting hot and cold for millions and billions of years, what's the big deal?
It's just natural.

Yes, he mentioned grants. But you were the one who made up this situation about grants being limited on papers supporting X. Nobody claimed that, you made that up. That's a strawman.

The general point being made, and it's one that's hard to dispute, is that grant money is allocated based on politics. Fields that get little attention and have little practical interest tend not to be drowned in grant dollars, while fields that have practical value or have an immense amount of public interest, tend to attract more money.

It's not about quid pro quo, it's more a rising tide lifts all boats. And it's really indisputable that all the attention given to dire warnings about climate change has increased funding in the field.

>alt right

you realize those neckbeards have never been cared about.and have been irrelivant since donald trump said he didnt want their support

how is that a strawman? how else would you expect privatization of the roads to work? there has never been a privatized product or service that hasn't ended in a monopoly.

you like creating strawmen, don't you?
taxation is theft, child

do you have a brain to support yourself?

Attached: World_fossil_carbon_dioxide_emissions_1970-2017_six_countries_and_confederations.png (638x333, 40K)

We could reverse climate change AND solve most of modern countries problem at once
Just nuke the shit out of africa, asia and south america.
Nuclear winter and shiny dust will take care of the stuff, we just need to "convince" our politicians to do it

idiots like you might even need this to stop being idiots ... oh ... wait ...

Mar's ocean evaporated on it's own. Was that my fault too ?

imagine being "against" the natural cycles of the planet. good luck!

ah yes, clearly everyone who cares about the current mass extinction event has to be a richfag who buys iphones as beverage coasters

Are you seriously arguing that climate science would get just as much as funding if climate change didn't exist? That's seems to be an utterly indefensible position.

Privatize everything. Get the government out of energy. Invest in Thorium Reactors. Renewable energy will never be as effective as Nuclear energy. Reactors are getting even more advanced and safe.

Most of previous climate change was driven by a) milankovitch cycles, b) geochemical change, and c) life (i.e, the first photosynthensizing purple-cyan bacteria completely changed the atmospheric composition, and thereby, the climate).

So what's causing this perfectly natural change? Its not the Sun - the Sun has bwen tending towards a solar minimum for decades. Its not our orbital cycles - they take thousands of years to produce results.

If you repeat enough times that the current rate of change is natural I'm sure the entire field of climate physics is gonna start agreeing with you

No it is not a non-sequitur.

Countless evidence right down to fundamental understandings of physics support the fact that there is an issue. Fucktards on the internet and, unfortunately, in the Whitehouse claiming that it is a hoax just make everyone who understands basic physics angry, and doesn't solve a genuine, extant problem for which ample, well reviewed and tested evidence exists. Meanwhile these same idiots point to a handful (of that) of contrary studies which are ALL, WITHOUT FAIL funded by people with a vested interest in disagreeing with the overwhelming evidence.

Seriously, go find a study that denies human contribution to climate change. I'll look into and tell you who it's funded by. It will be a large petrochemical interest. Every single time. I guarantee it.

this. earths water is only temporary, anyone with a brain who studies astronomy knows this. the water and atmosphere came from asteroid impacts. it will vanish into space given enough time. our planet is still relatively young on the timeline scale, mars was closer to the sun so it happened faster.

you sound like a hypocrite who buys chinese products while claiming to be a climate change activist. where was your computer made bucko?

How is any of that related to anything I said? I pointed out that funding is driven by political attention. I said nothing about any of the shit you just babbled about.

Thank you ! I wish others would realize this.

there haev been plenty of ice ages and "warm" periods, likely since before humans. you really think humans have been around long enough, and with the right technology, to truly know what the cycles are supposed to look like? every time? get fucked retard. the "current rate of change" is natural, even if "muh science" hasnt documented it before. dont be this stupid, please. we dont even know half the shit that's in our own ocean, you really think we know the planet this well?