Can we get a cozy thread going here

Can we get a cozy thread going here

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bump, I love these

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spooky =/= comfy

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lol get trolled nerd

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took this one myself in ireland, that land across the water is Scotland

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have a nice day, anons

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watkins glen NY

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another spot

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pretty! thanks for sharing

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Thread started out good, now you retards don't even know what is comfy

one more

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Chittenango falls in NY

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Cozy thread means aesthetics thread these days

same falls in april

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that must be an upkeep nightmare to keep it looking as pretty as it does in that pic

I think its a park in poland or ukraine

its called lovers lane or something like that

I imagine the train does most of the work.

there's no way that train line still runs

Id love to see the train that uses that janky ass track


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Im pretty sure thats art from a magic card lol

anyone got a cozy calming song to listen to while browsing?

meat puppets- plateau

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imagine slipping on the wet rocks and falling down and crushing your skull as you hit a rock and then you die in this cold and wet place

yea and the 400 other people that are always here would have it on cam.

its a small miracle it cleared enough for this pic its usually very crowded