your response?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well, she is right and politics fuck the world up for money.

Meanwhile this slut is taking pleasure cruises across the atlantic

Fucking stupid whore. Should get raped and find out how the REAL world works.

I joined her

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I saw the speech she gave and to me she came off as a paid actor, very disingenuous.

but with issues of the planet i have to say that pollution is more prevalent in China and India than most of the western world. what's to be expected if those countries don't do their part? pushing western countries to the extremes to off balance it doesn't solve the problem when India has shit pouring into the ocean and china could give a shit.

my response:
you're a retard, and not knowing why you're being called a retard proves the point.

your meme's suck bro

Well she's actually right. Bill Gates agrees with her, and he's bigly smart and bigly rich.

China and India both have huge populations so it's not surprising they create more pollution than many other nations. Looking at the pollution on a per capita basis tells a different story though.

climate change is caused by overpopulation, retard

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I usually dislike the use of the term incel, but here it obviously fits.

At least they try unlike US. You guys should unironically lead the rest because youncan be amazing

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I wanted to go faster.

All speeches are an act. She probably prepared for it, but why is that wrong. Reagan did that as well, and he had awesome speeches.

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Because there are more people there you retard. China is a shithole, but at least they have the biggest fleet of electric buses in the world.

So wait, you have the potential to save the planet from climate change AND start up a beautiful new war with the two most populous countries on Earth, and you're pissing into the wind with Putin.

this planet ruined me first

Q: How much carbon comes out of Africa?
A: Not much.

Well India and China are just following suit from western industrialization, if you guys can change the rest of the world will follow. lead by example

I always take scientific advice from children.

You poor ignorant fool

That term makes no sense whatsoever. "I want sex but don't get any" = incel?

They dump into the oceans and have smog all over. Indians literally shit in the streets. No one cares.

I'm sorry Michelle. Will you please do another StarSessions video with Nita? That would be as hot as the global warming.

You realize volcanos put out more carbon than multiple countries combined? You realize it wouldn’t be a problem if Chinas communist government hadn’t bleached all the coral in the ocean.

more or less. Few women wants to fuck a retard calling for women to get raped. It's usually a turnoff, believe it or not.

Blocking and congesting traffic is what your doing and it's bad for the environment. If you actually cared about the environment and not just whether or not people agree with you, then you would be out volunteering and cleaning up your community. Fucking lazy poser.

Bill Gates agrees, he*s one to listen too isn't he?

Who cares what women think? Also you do realize you’re not on tumblr right? Now show your blown out beef hole.

Yet. People are actively trying to elevate africa to 1st world though and india and china are a good example of what happens when you elevate a people too quickly that have not culturally evolved enough to slow their birth rate

Not saying they are great at all, but neither is a lot of Americans. Some of them are doing good shit, but many aren't. If the greatest nation in the world can't do it, why shouldn't anyone else bother?

Its my planet to ruin as much as it is your planet to try to save.

Yeah.. you truly are an incel right. Sad

“Climate change” is literally agenda 2030. Now eat bugs gentiles. This is your fault that we destabilized the third world and have been chemically altering the ecosystems on earth for decades.

“Greatest nation in the world can’t do it why should anyone one else bother” lmao. You’re truly a dumb shit aren’t you.

America and most of Europe are the only places who actually have laws against dumbing into the oceans and excessive emissions.

>pissing into the wind with Putin.
US and Russia link up and all you Europoor faggots will pay. They can take over all of the east and US all of the west. You should fear Putin pussy hes going to be your new overlord.

It can if it continues innovating, Betting on coal isn't innovation...

Show Vagene now. Last warning.

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she is wrong, but youre right about politics

light up a huge blunt full of weed and a big tall beer and laugh.

try me bitch

She’s right because all the tv shows have her on.

Who is this kid? I'm seeing her everywhere

Yes, but Trump reversed emission laws... How about investing in future tech instead of old shit like coal. It's strange that Trump doesn't see this. But Bill Gates does. And he's way more successful. I wish he was president instead.

But Trump doesn't want you smoking weed.

Only vegana, no bobs?

she's underage. i called the FBI, u dumb ass pedo

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Lies Trump said the states have the right to make their own laws on weed.

how dare your media mogul parents spoil you this rotten.

also, go to china and bitch and moan there so i can laugh when they tell you to get fucked

She can huff my farts real good.

But federal laws fucks with weed sales. Why doesn't he change those so states truly can choose for themselves?

Whenever you lose an argument you just name call huh?

As your god-king Trump would say: SAD!!

As China and India continue to industrialize their middle class is growing. More people have access to cars. It’s going to get a lot worse.

Gathering and polluting streets to protest an exaggerated and utterly pointless concept like climate change has done nothing for the planet.

If you really cared as much as you profess, you would kill yourself and cut your carbon emissions by 100%. Fuck you, you magnificently retarded motherfucker.

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Look as soon as the powers that be want. Btw that’s not anyone you see parades around on tv for the political puppet shows. But when they wanna switch over to cold fusion, nuclear, electric, wind, whatever the fuck they have they can and will roll it out and it’ll be cheaper than anything we have now to maintain. I suspect we will see a massive 40-60% decline in the human population before they go through with anything like that though. The funny part is when shit hits the fan the ones who literally have bunkers of seeds and fly around in jets that cause more pollution than cities. The ones who own the petroleum dollar. They are gonna blame the people and the people are gonna say ohhh yea huh them cows I eat fart a lot and my economy car I use to get to goldenbergs office everyday must’ve killed all the birds fish and coral in the sea.

you know just amplify her message and help push her agenda the more you complain about her?

Fuck you Soros u old Jew

Nice tabs.

Bill gates is literally a Illuminati shit bag. And no you still need a catalytic converters on all cars. They get better every year.

Her parents must not like her very much...

>fucking incels

If someone’s underage they can’t use this site dumb ass. Read the rules.

An argument? You didn't make an argument, you made a statement. Different thing.

Just stayed contained in your board tranny.

I don’t know why, but I know he doesn’t have the power to do that on his own.

The old conservative fed boomers still think the dope makes you lazy and retarded that will change with time.

Ahh illuminati, the illuminati has a great conspiracy where they try to reduce emissions? Holy shit, what an evil conspiracy.

The eastern countries care less on average tho

I will gladly burn this planet to the ground if it will make libtards cry.

But he did have powers to start building a wall?

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What wall?

lul trolls da libs tho

No they just wanna tax it as much as possible because that’s what the government does. Those kids, hush money, and private islands don’t come cheap! But uhhhh yea I guess the gentiles can smoke our gmo 90% THC weed now even though we spent the last 100 years giving people life in prison for the plant. Just pay a premium for it goyim.

The drywall at my holiday cabin.

young n dumb boys,fetal alcky hall syndrome? maybe,but she did not do it to herself,she has 30 years,or any point in between to figure out she has been suckered,,,leave
be,,go after her handlers & paymasters,,they are fair game,,she is not,

"Get your ass over here you dumb bitch!"
>grab her by her arm and yank her over to me
"Your smartass mouth just got you into a whole lotta trouble!"
>bring her into her bedroom
>pull her clothes off
>fuck her raw

Where has he reduced emissions? What has he ever done actually besides talk and make mass spying/data collection systems?

this is my response, word by word.

I'm 32 and I'm fed up with your zoomer shit.

I open a factory dedicated to spewing aerosols and pollutants. It doesn't produce anything.

Just try and stop me you commie fuck

used his name and money to bring attention to it

pedo bear can't talk. he's a bear

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oh yeah i forgot the goddam kikes

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that's rude. you should find a place that doesn't trigger you so much

He hasn't yet but his company is working on a better more stable nuclear reactor (traveling wave reactor). As good as wind and solar is, it's not a pure solution by itself. So nuclear power is a good addition.


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If you're thinking about the planet and how your now mixed homosexual descendants are going to be choking down the small amount of oxygen on a burning Earth, you're already in the real world.

"bruh moment"

If there was a war over climate change, it'd produce more pollution. If that's the goal to save the planet though then it's just going to be Earth taking another one for the team. I don't get your reasoning faggot, banning straws vs stopping huge industrial waste projects

Yea let’s see if it’s actually useful and cost effective for countys and cities. Or if it’s just for him and his Illuminati buddies in the bunkers they have so they can watch the world burn from afar

Who was this little activist hottie?

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I would just laugh at her. Who is this ugly bitch anyways am I supposed to know her?

It is if you scale it. They were working with the chinks to make it cheap, but the current trade war actually messed with the process.

Bill Gates already has enough money and resources to make himself a bunker and survive in extreme comfort for the rest of his life. No need to "scam" people with this development.

still not an hero, zoomsie? the planet can't sustain you whatsoever.

what the fuck does a business man and computer programmer know about climate change?

You mean like building an entire boat instead of just riding a plane?

What the fuck does the wall have to do with anything? I feel like you think you’re being clever but you sound retarded.

God she looks 30 already, see what politics does to you?

You can see a smog wall all over Europe rising every month. The evening sky is red nearly all over. These are signs of a progredient pollution. Forrest is dying. Yes. Volcano is a problem. But it is a part of a great cycle recycle old earth, water, salt.... À problem is rôle of mankind. Senseless life style, senseless plastic China, wearing clothes only one time, garbage. This exceeds system capacity. World was planned for a luxurious life of 500 million...

Notably absent cities:


We do what we've always done. The same thing the next generation is going to do. Nothing. Talk big, business will continue as usual. The second she leads by example and is personally carbon neutral, I'll listen.

Greta Thunberg, at 16 years old, has more courage and moral clarity on climate change than an entire room full of world leaders.

The science is clear. Her anger is justified. If we do not act now to protect our planet, the consequences will be dire...

We need to go harder.

More like you see what politicians do to young girls.

this. Nuclear is the future.

Woopty fucking do.
Virtue signaling is not a sign of moral clarity. Her anger is irrelevant. Is she personally carbon neutral? No, shes not. Until she has the courage to change her lifestyle to the one she wants to impose on everyone else, she should and will be disregarded as the media puppet she is.

wtf are you smoking. She is 16 and in a majority of photos she looks 11-12. It doesn't help she rarely wears bras and has no chest and huge nips.

Noice m8.

ITT: koch shill talking points galore

You are mixing up cleaning trash and chemical pollution. Easy to mix up as a kid. You will get there someday as long as mommy got you your vaccines.

i didn’t know that you needed to be raped to find out how the real world works. is that the excuse your dad gave you?

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literally who?

Both nations are also taking advantage of modern technologies to reduce their emissions, China is actually making a surprisingly large effort towards it.

Do you have any evidence to back up that statement?

some swedish chick that nobody except for tree hugging liberals care about

You are retarded. You will just keep moving goal posts, but Gates has decades of experience helping the earth. Actually helping.

And yet none of their efforts will even make a dent. Let's applaud them.

Uh no he’s not

You drank the kool aide hard buddy. Bill Gates is helping the planet and its inhabitants. Pfff lol. How stupid can you be.

I'd trust a computer "scientist" with climate change as much as I'd trust a docotor with a phd in philosophy to care for my health. Just because Gates has people that tell him he should do something for good press doesnt mean he knows shit about the climate besides what shows up on his weather app

>I'm not one of the 100 corporations responsible
>I'm not a 2nd world nation burning coal

Sweden is so cucked it allows China to use it's brainwashed children to promote Belt and Road. China's response to questions about it's poor human rights record was to say human rights are a bullshit concept America made up to oppress them internationally.

I love when China tries to talk about SJW bullshit because they have no skill at fabricating racist accusations, they're openly racist against non-Chinese ("gwailo") in China so it's kind of hard for them to know what to say and when to play along with the narrative. They've barely wrangled the SJW narrative into clumsy comments like "America only cares about white men!!!" when the conversation is about something else entirely, especially funny when they'll say "human rights isn't a real thing" with equal intensity.

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Most of Hollywood too, actually i'd bet every liberal right? So half the country at least.

cow farts

usual Yea Forums shit
>This man slaps your GFs ass, what do you do?
this place has been copy pasta for over a decade :(

ah, so you guys fixed it! We have no problems then, carry on.

he right tho

I was obviously referring to OPs photo, where she looks like an angry karen yelling at the manager.

she's not wrong about boomers ruining the world. She's wrong about the mechanisms in action that have caused it. There is no global warming. The West is being seiged by swarms of brown insects from the southern hemispheres and over-population in urban areas with shitskins has led to pollution and decline on a local-global scale. This has resulted in the destruction of infrastructure, crime, and socioeconomic changes to the middle class that can only be reverted if the tide of insects is held at bay. But corporations like to keep inflation running because its good for their pockets, and they can get cheap labor and keep people from being truly independent and happy if they flood the labor market with retards.

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they shit in their streets? India government is so in love with fucking cows they allow them to shit in children's schoolyards? How fucking daft are you?

tell that to the Chinese!

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No problem, it's not our world anyway
Not when 10% owns 90% of the world or and power though money or something like that, I don't really care that much, I already know taht the sweet power is too much for the elite to give up, so they've most likely planned away, don't need much people to resettle the world

Agree with her. Ever noticed how politicians rarely have kids?
They're a bunch of selfish liars.

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nobody checking dem quads??

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>this slut
Holy shit, I feel sorry for any human being in your orbit. Go fuck yourself.

oh you're not even pretending to be a smart incel huh
that's kinda noble, kinda tragic


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>being this triggered

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