TODAY i will respect your personal space and only speak when spoken to
Your fortune: Bad Luck
TODAY i will respect your personal space and only speak when spoken to
Your fortune: Bad Luck
I have a friend who is obsessed with this stupid board and she convinced me to try browsing it.
I've been lurking Yea Forums for two days now. This will be my first and last post.
Yea Forums is the most cancerous board in all of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is even worse than Yea Forums or Yea Forums. I mean those boards are cancerous, but there is a shred of actual content here or there. I've probed Yea Forums all the way through and its pure cancer. You maggots pride yourself on OC and quality, and there is none. It's nothing but spam, dubschecking, and some fucked up namefag roleplay. I know you're going to say 'its ironic', but it's not. Maybe a couple of people are posting this shit ironically, but the majority of the posts are sincere. You can tell by how buttmad they get at the slightest criticism.
How can anyone be amused by dubs? It's a fucking number! It's like an infant amused by shaking a rattle. Grow the fuck up.
I'm not going to bother with the fucking weebs. You know how disgusting you are.
The only OC I've seen in the past 2 days is horribly drawn, horribly thought out ms paint crap. The rest are pictures taken off tumblr and given a stupid name. 'lol it says walruse, but it's a seal' Thats lame shit, and it stopped being funny when I was 10.
I'm done now. You can start spamming your ascii 'art', and disregard everything I've said. Don't worry, I know exactly where is. I'm not going there though, I'm going to a board with actual content, something you simpletons wouldn't understand
try pounding
you can always go back to the other side of the world but if you go back too far instead you'll end up in the future
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
I HQATE wen htat happen
shit tried to flirt with sera again cause le bioware wheel tired of loading saves already xd
the heart icon tends to lag a lil
WHO CAME UP WITH THIS SCANNING MECHANIC good god i know you can improve it somewhere but whats the point of a scanner if you have to walk into the thing for it to pick it up at all
How does it feel knowing that you are going to enjoy the death of your enemy so much
le ass trips
imp ressive
and you cant not use it is the best part
for half the things you have to 1. see them with your own peepers 2. scan 3. pick them up
cause they wont be interactable if you dont scan
dont even get me started on the map markers
is this some sort of joke im to likeable to understand
honey I'm straight-up retarded
unchecked trips
dont be so hard on yourself everyone misplaces their little lego pants every now and then
i get into brutal car crashes because I CAN TAKE IT
so glad youre here to saev the daye bby
thats not a check it cleverbot
i dont get into brutal car crashes because I WALK EVERYWHERE YOU SHOULD SEE MY ASS
pic plz
don't bully my gf
sent :^)
stop hitting my bull with a stick then you know its my job
nooo im going have 2 twist ur nipplels if u dont stop ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
three steps ahead of you boyo my niplels are already hecka twisted
dubs confirm
wlel than im going twist ur balls
>( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
wew whats gotten into you young man have you entirely forgotten your vows
Por que
vows are made to be broken
is everyone this thirrrstay today is a full moon coming or
cause i have to know
I'm not thirsty I'm thirty
better late than never?
that looks like ants are eating away at the balls
is that a good or bad thing
it's balls and dicks, there are condoms on the dicks
I guess it depends
yes and ants on teh balls
says the person who gives me crap for shaving
what when
ah yes you r legion for you are many
honestly i think it was the iron pills that brought back my ability to sweat
>respect your personal space
>only speak when spoken to
we can enjoy silence together
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
ill be taking this (you)
have a good day
I have no poop and I must boi
i have no boi and i must poop :^)
no idea wat to wear tomorrow i still have time to kms
>fuck you morrigan and fuck your dumb platformer puzzles my head hurts im getting in the hole NOW
>dorian disapproves
doorway sniffer
dramatic suits
cool trips satan BUT it's not no poop november yet
do not remind me of time
ooooo ouch
and THIS TRASHBAG just turns patriotic outta nowhere
>100 hours
excuse me
honey im hungarian
I did Nazi that coming.
nice nazi dubs
le thank's
oh so crys dealing with stuff
makes sense
someone has to
vamos a la playa oh oho o o o o
>wen youve been stressing out for so long you literally cant be stressed anymore
i like this feel a lot
we know im not going to sleep just yet now the question is
do i do the childish thing that makes us all the cursed generation in the eyes of our fathers
or do i do the thing that makes you go blind and stuff
i thank you very much
y not both
wow morrigan a nerrrd
basshunter dota
>do i do the thing that makes you go blind
don worry the masturbation makes you go blind thing isn't actually true, the church just made that up
why can't I be anything without you
smol fins
theres a storm going on
cortana schedule that optician appointment
goodnight and good luck
oh god
nonono no no
yeah blur dat shid good
the SHITS in my VEINS
vodka from a plastic bottlee
im just water fam
also so hungarian
if i puke i have no idea what can come up
so far err1 nice n cool
this coffee is one too many for sure
nice le tripsie's
thanks satan for my loud voice
pit fifty ppl in a room and youre in hell
Your fortune: Average Luck
I never meant to hit you over the head with that shovel
That's how I met my best friend after he hit me in the head with a Tackle Box
honey im at the location
im officially pretty now
absolutely fuck looney tunes
honey i really like men
now how do i get drunk without drinking
Gunshot straight to the back of the head
n11ce numbos freund
my man i dont even HAVE a walmart hee
honestly? soak tampon in alcohol and shove in ass. apparently it's really easy to get alcoholic poisoning this way tho
i know that
shoulve phrased it differentlel
how to get drunk without alsohol in any form
ass trippin
honey im no longer of hungarian descent
omg thankk
You've never known true High until you centipede trip that is to say you have fallen over a chair and then hit the floor like a centipede
um floors are friends
not food
the too much gene might be a thing
trips over bola, its e. bola
democracy is ded
im ded
bought wine cause it doesnt count right
she picked up she was very nice
what the fuck do i talk about with new parents
now im thinking of ass wine and holy shit
Are you fat in real life? because you sound fat
im not my dad thank you very much no secret garden shit here
i am for my standards but not for much longer
i bet someones done itand got some form of growth in there
even more mosquito bites holy smokes is it me paying denbts from when my blood was useless
wow wine is fucking shit why is it always a surprise
gimme an hour
wasnt he supposed to fucking leave
Just report and move on
for what exactly
honey im almost there
and got it
wine is exclusively for elderly roasties and french people
dont forgetti the spaghetti
I have never eaten a plate of spaghetti in my life
Looks like a plate of hair why would you ever want to eat something like that with blood on top You must be some kind of crazy person what's next you can eat pizza which looks like bloody flesh
>he doesnt eat hair
why are you here
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
that makes one of you
to quote a wise woman
eere we fucking goe
fugg the kids messaged me with such nice things i dint expect theyd remember ;-; yeah its an emoticone
i swear to god deborah theyre makin these bottles smaller and smaller
jesus christ stop asking me out for beers do you not remember how i am when beer'd whats your problem people
and yes the stalky boi texted me as well why do you like me i have nothing to offer
>theres no (you)s in tevinter. what else matters??
nice le dubsie's
*dibs menorah*
plot twist he fucks bees
an ambassador
u heartless fug
>youll have my support in whatever form you require
dont say thos thing
uhm excuse me but where are my dole dippers, sir
I think Joe has 'em
you know how everydaye we frogpost and are generally sadbois fucking eww?
well i just came back from the best of walks
>doggo autistic, old ladies laughing at him
>cool wind, not the cancer kind doe
>drunk JUST ENOUGH (you cant black out
on wine)
>maybe not even fully clothed (it dark)
we walked and walked and it reminded me of my high school years when my frien n i would walk a lot to and from our things and maybe homework wasnt the worst of our worries even then but nothing mattered when we were walking and talking
and laughing
laughing a lot
i wish some of you weird fucks and i could experience that together one day
euphoria but not the violet kind the mild one if im making any sense
last longer
if it happens some more maybe one day ill say it was worth it
violent* xd
>we frogpost and are generally sadbois
can't relate
mild, long lasting euphoria is probably just happiness
sounds nice
it was
the kek is a lie
you are the lie
the air smells wonderful tonight
it really does
thing's r goin to get bettre
thing's r goin to get wosre
Bitch stop posting so much
bitch keep getting dubs
keep getting dubs so much
i will
just not right now
i know happiness i think
that was more
its like that sometimes
fucked chemistry out of the blue
well your probably right
how would I know
you wouldn't
penis in butt
that's my husband you're posting just so you know
do you make him run a kissing booth during festivals
asking for a friend
cant sleep
mistakes were made again
show some appreciation to your crunch munchers
i mean i keep one under the table she nurses the beasts
*tries to sleep on your laptop*
put on rain noises on youtube that's good shit
real rain dint help
real rain is too quiet most of the time (at least from my bedroom) it works better when it's a lil louder
no he only wants to kiss me
thats what he thinks now
thanks yuji i managed to into like 6 hrs of sleepings
I woke up like five minutes ago when I was attacked by wild animals after the door locked behind me
Hyenas are surprisingly cute did you ever notice that
dubs nice and yes theyre my fav wild aminal i shitpost bout them a lot
rain vids are much easier to choose from than what i nirmally listen to
*collects data from monkey horde*
I didn't really get attacked actually it was a large variety of animals in the same room and they all gathered around because someone had locked the door leaving me behind and I kept trying to walk through the door like it was a fog wall and it wouldn't work
The hyena was the one that walked straight up to me and addressed me before any other animal came near
I started to feel pretty scared though cuz I was realizing it was a dream so I shut off the Xbox and woke up immediately just like I've always done since I was a child
she just wanted a cig
good thing you didnt enable her
jesus how cold
So cold
yeah it's amazing I do this every night got me a little bluetooth speaker for it
everyday I hunt for the next one, for the perfect picture that I can hang on my wall
honey im
im tired
pretty sure ill lose 4 kg this month
changing sheets
tell ur mom
chiang kai chek em
taiwan is kill
because you cant roll a doob
holy shit everythings habbenign so much
post a pic of that girl from work
honestly maybe dont buy a flat with someone youve been with for less than half a year especially with money you dont have
some sad shit eh
jesus what happened
i dont think i can do it captain
ccccccccccccccccccccccc i mean dubs checked
my name is doubt for i am questionablel
damn you funcom
why u need to release the pack i wanted months after ive stopped playing
got told bad bad things today
was never ever a thing before
wat happened
probably just adopted the wonky intonation from dem youtubez
having a crisis as we speak not gonna lie lmoa
u have ass cancer?
apparently i sound british now
its because we retook the holy land from america
>the holy land
you mean da popes liquor store?
so....... donut peaches are the next big thing
thanks for confiding in us i t means a lot
id prefer a peach donut tho and i dont even eat donuts
id eat a peach one
does that mean u have tooth cancer
probably means i will
literally s ha ki ng
arrrgh balding teeth I'd literally kms
dubs confirm ud literally kys
>come homo
>go to bed
>get up at 22 to do paperwork
>look at it
>go back to bed
lol i feel like crying just constantly
peppa penis
le gasp
alway rember happy daye
december 2014?
"se esta ambientando"
>se esta ambientando
>when he says he's going to kill the mexican schizo spammer
and it turns out its a doctor of necromancy and your children die after raping the cleaning lady and screaming "soooohhhhhhh eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee leeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
and then all the school children chant
"soy un niño y viole a tu madre, soy el enemigo"
>i am a child and a raped your mother, i am the enemy
children around the world 2019, right now
the worst
came he to post thi
the shits are coming
im forgetting something am i not
nice dubs sweet prince
one could kill for that
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
in hell your soul will decompose
honey im a husk
i like children
i walked so much at work yet im still doing laps around the place cause brain errors errywhere i guess
the other people are exactly like me for the most part tho everyone walking the good ole zambie
dubs u fug
so dumb
i have to do all the filler quests to do trespasser by the time im done it wont be worth it
you used to be good bioware
Wish I had dubs
lyf sux 430 bless it
sumtiems it dont doe
what in the heck are we even mourning tonight
real men don't need no reason to be mourning
thats not how script writing works
it women who r dum irrational n literally from spaes remember
real men need to have at least one dead friend/ wife/child
or dog but then it kinda reddit
>it women who r dum irrational n literally from spaes
this but unironically
i like and respect ur post like i like and respect my govment
respecc not found
see me after class
remember not to exceed ur tear quota w hich is 1 (one)
dubs nice
it's never more than one tear if the tear never stops
welp he found the loophole boys pack up switch the lights off kiss the coroner
checkmate athiests hit the deck
Shivering nighttime
How a herbal, warm tea waits
whilst watching the void
band my names
He gets on with life as a poster,
He's a poopy kinda chap.
He likes hydrating and doing your mom.
He likes to contemplate ass.
But when he starts to daydream,
His mind turns straight to cock.
Oh oh oh!
Sometimes I look at him and I look into his eyes,
I notice the way he thinks about cock with a smile,
Curved lips he just can't disguise.
But he thinks it's ass making his life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for him to decide which he loves more?
Ass or...
He likes to use words like 'dubs' and 'checked.'
He likes to use words about ass.
But when he stops his talking,
His mind turns straight to cock.
Oh oh oh!
Sometimes I look at him and I look into his eyes,
I notice the way he thinks about cock with a smile,
Curved lips he just can't disguise.
But he thinks it's ass making his life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for him to decide which he loves more?
Ass or...
He likes to hang out with user and namefigs.
But when left alone,
His mind turns straight to cock.
Oh oh oh!
Sometimes I look at him and I look into his eyes,
I notice the way he thinks about cock with a smile,
Curved lips he just can't disguise.
But he thinks it's ass making his life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for him to decide which he loves more?
Ass or...
He hates winter and weebs.
But he just thinks back to cock,
And he's happy once again.
Oh oh oh!
Check 'em
deep poopboi lore
the void was good shit
cool check bub
my teas gone clod i wondre y
pretty sure some of these are my incognito google searches btw
this butt iron and call it a whore, love is horseman
fugging under a bridge for free aint even a dollar
this inserted inside your tits or women are worthless
best post itt
Yeah, yeah
Ayo, my subscribebs, it's time.
It's time, my subscribebs (aight, my subscribebs, begin).
Straight out the nice dungeons of rap.
The face drops deep as does my ass.
I never fly, 'cause to fly is the mother of pass.
Beyond the walls of posts, life is defined.
I think of dubs when I'm in an esforest state of mind.
Hope the gas got some grass.
My glass don't like no dirty mass.
Run up to the class and get the pass.
In an esforest state of mind.
What more could you ask for? The pink face?
You complain about rudefigs.
I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the case.
I'm rappin' to the fortune,
And I'm gonna move your misfortune.
Clean, smol, funni, like a water
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a totter.
I can't take the rudefigs, can't take the picture.
I woulda tried to sleep I guess I got no stricture.
I'm rappin' to the misfortune,
And I'm gonna move your fortune.
Yea, yaz, in an esforest state of mind.
When I was young my mother had a place.
I waz kicked out without no grace.
I never thought I'd see that base.
Ain't a soul alive that could take my mother's race.
A big boot is quite the suit.
Thinking of dubs. Yaz, thinking of dubs (dubs).
Charming, chocolatey check my naughty, nervous numbers
trips!! woooh!!!
dubs! woooh!!
hoo da fug needs eyesight eh
nightly dubs
dubs checkin dubs omg
because you are weak
and i am strong
just kidding
you "can't" be anything without them because you cling to them
I was just postang sum lyrics
that makes sense
So this is the definition of true strength
no, but this is
Your fortune: Godly Luck
So basically you're saying that beasts are weak because they depend on others
>inb4 you retcon your entire post without addressing your words
is it weakness to give power to other?
symbiosis is a thing in nature
the birds eat the knats on the big beast and the big beast protects birds from catsized predators while they snack
There's no such thing as a big beast retard its 2019
if it's 2019 then how come i'm still here?
check mate atheists
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Hurr durr duh doy durr?
hnnngh cringe based based cinge based zoomies zooming zoomies zoomer zoomies
little was gained from this brief interaction
[Baby noises]
[screeches in r2d2]
Musty odor made it difficult to breathe along with trash-strewn about the cell and unflushed toilet
You're all going to hell and you've been indicted for war crimes soz
Young girls apply for internships with big beautiful smiles and not enough Personnel to take care of any aspect of the facility resulting in an extreme biohazard risk and widespread corruption
Meanwhile officers have brain damage from drinking poison well water cuz no one told them the Watershed was contaminated by fracking runoff
They can't shut their mouths for one freaking minute to listen to another person talk so they don't even know the water is poisoned
*leaves you in the water and goes to party*
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Where are you right now?
nice flat universe dups >pro