Should (legal) high school girls have only girls classes? During these classes, the girls would have to be naked...

Should (legal) high school girls have only girls classes? During these classes, the girls would have to be naked. What name should this school subject have?
What topics should be on these classes? My propositions:
> How to choose the right bra.
> Structure of female reproductive organs.
> Menstrual cycle and how to embrace it.
What are yours?

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you're fucking retarded

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Based Ashleigh Gibbs

you are dumb and should feel bad about yourself. why would you want a bunch of uneducated women walking around? we already have to put up with niggers, that's bad enough

this might be the most autistic thing ive ever read

You're an autistic fuck

how the fuck DO you embrace a menstrual cycle

Boys should be naked too.

That'd end up with a lot of awkward boners

Boys should have to look around at the other naked boys and realize how disappointingly average their dick really is

Most guys have dicks in the average range. It'd be embarrassing at first but they'd probably get used to it.

The girls might have similar feelings about their boobs

most guys that have been in the military and used the group showers know that their dick is average and aint special. everyones dick looks the same except for the one big black dude with the foot long dick

From what I've seen, BBC is a meme too.

stop making this same thread

If the guys and the girls all saw each other naked they might have more realistic expectations for what their sex partners should look like as well.

What would they do if some of them were menstruating at the time?

she can put tissue under her cunt to not make her chair dirty
and/or serve as example how to use tampoons

good point. might be a bit embarrassing for her, though it could be instructive

sex ed classes could be beneficial too

yeah anatomy, secondary sexual characteristics, signs of arousal, how different people get turned on differently and have different sensitive areas, how to put on a condom, hygiene, and of course how to bang safely

The teacher should be nude too.

>might be a bit embarrassing
she shouldn't - menstuation is natural woman thing
or should, because she is lower human being
it depends on your point of view about women

I'd go with the first explanation.

That would be an opportunity for girls to see erect penises and how they work.

Im never not amazed by the dumb ass fantasies of people

A lot of people would drool at the thought of a dozen or two 18 year olds standing there naked

they need to start their training earlier than high school

18 legal? over where i am 16 is level lol.

In my country sex is allowed at 15yo but porn at 18

never understood why porn is at 18. if ur old enough to fuck may as well be able to film it.


yes this should be

i will teach them, one by one, how to have amazing orgasms

then we will engage in group orgasm instruction

my dick will serve them all

what the ever loving fuck is going on in the little brain of yours op?

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If they saw the guys naked they could learn the difference between a circumcised and intact penis and why circumcision isn't necessary

that would be embarrassing for a lot of them

He's possibly high

Just like my hentai

could be. But what drug makes you a fucking autist?
