Sup Yea Forums

sup Yea Forums

32 m
Today im going in for a colonoscopy, its the first procedure ive ever had. ive been shitting water from the medication they gave me to prep for it.. its at noon. what can i expect besides the inevitable flatulence.

ill bump with random stuff

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Never had one personally, but I hear they give you some sort of "twilight juice" that doesn't knock you out but makes everything sweet and breezy.

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im excited about that part

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how do you like things in your ass OP?

You won't remember shit but it does feel nice when you go under. Like being asleep but yet awake

ive never been to partial to it.. butt who knows

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this OP
havnt you seen the videos of the loopy people


i am a GI RN and i can absolutely say that ive put a finger in a butt when un necessary prepare to be raped OP

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It's no big deal - at all. Enjoy the drugs.

Sweet supercharger

If the doctor is male, then gay foreplay
If the doctor is female, then dominatrix/beta male foreplay
If the doctor is trans or "identifies" as one of the imaginary "genders", there's a 40% chance it'll miss you appointment and you'll have to finger yourself.

op here

the drugs are obviously the best part.. but i also havnt eaten

I've done scopes before. The colonoscopy is the easiest. Be thankful you're not getting an endoscopy (still nothing if you're knocked out). They'll get you situated on the table, turn you on your side, get you high on drugs (hopefully propofol) then the next thing you know, you'll be waking up in the recovery area. That's it!

why do you need a colonoscopy at 32?

ive had a blood in my stool for a few months and abdominal pain for just over a year.. tried to ignore it.. but eventually folded

trans people cant be doctors moron

There's never been one in the history of the world.

This was my experience. Had a scope on both ends last year.

Last thing i remembered was turning on my side.

Then i woke up in recovery.

A little gas, but not much. They cut out a polip so about 30 minutes later i pooped out some gel stuff that i assumed was a mix of lube and neosporin type stuff. Smelled like medicine.

>Today im going in for a colonoscopy
for business or pleasure?

good laugh thanks user

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>later i pooped out some gel stuff
>gel stuff


welp, i also have a hemorrhoid hopefully they can get around it

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You're already past the hardest part, and it's drinking that fucking gallon of liquid and then shitting like a mental patient. The procedure is easy. Roll you on your side, give you some drugs, feels good man. Wake up later. know that the nurses and docs saw your flaccid pee pee and winky butthole. All good though.

not only do i have a small flaccid penis, my butthole has a hemorrhoid


real gay

The Bible Way to Heaven

if youre a homo then itll be great for you
if youre a drug addict itll be great for you
if youre submissive itll be great for you


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>there's a 40% chance it'll miss you appointment and youl have to finger yourself.

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No big deal OP. Ive had two. The cleanse is the worst part. Procedure nothing after all that shitting. And once its done you can eat again right away

ask for the video and make it your screen saver