Hey richfags!

Hey richfags!
Someone out here want to buy me a copy of Borderlands 3 ? Want to play it with my 0 Friends thanks.

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>begging thread
RIP you.

Let's get this straight. You want us to give you money... to support Epic Games?

>being an epic games hater
As a sheep, do you prefer hay or uncut grass?

as if epic games story hasn't proven it self to be a shady company with a shit product

what a little bitch responce
this compony shits in your face and you like it

you probably buy NBA2K, Madden, FIFA, CoD and Assassin's Creed every year. Off yourself

I'm waiting for steam release, my 2 friends will get it there and i dont have enough money to buy it in both stores. I guess i'll wait until it gets cracked or it releases on steam, whatever comes first

>companies care for more than your money
>imagine being (You) and endlessly sucking that Steam dick day in and day out
That's a full time job, sorry your hours played and steam badges are useless in the real world.

Just wait for the crack

Bait don’t press further

Are you alright user? The others are starting to stare. Please stop yelling at the mirror, we talked about this.

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It was bait from the beginning

>Anything I disagree with is bait.


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Because they are using a brand new version of denuvo anti-preformance technology
Also, most denuvo titles over the past year were getting cracked within days because of a source code leak... So this one could take months...

I don't think it runs well on PC anyway. Just stop buying weed for like... two days and get it for console.

imagine unironically defending Epic Games

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>defending is the same as not blindly following
Did you wash your penis today? Mom is going to dock you a whole good boy point if you didn't, mister.

>Just stop buying weed for like... two days and get it for console.
Wow, a console, tv, the game, and an online subscription will only cost $0, and it also has crossplay with pc where my friends are!? Wow

Hey, GOG is pretty sick

>imagine not having a monitor for your computer with an HDMI port
>imagine not having money for things you want
>imagine being friends with neckbeards who only game on PC
You are truly lost

Are you even trying anymore?

>being this much of a brainlet
be careful not to choke on your own spit user

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>still using hdmi in 2019

Attached: zimzam.gif (279x199, 336K)

The saddest part about being a sheep is that you don't even see yourself as one. I truly feel sorry for you.
Don't worry though, your time on the meat block will come soon.

>consoles ports of current generation have hdmi so you have to use hdmi to connect to them
What the fuck are you on about?

>having a monitor for your computer with an HDMI port
Sorry, I didn't realize I was dealing with Alzheimer's patient

>not having seventy-four different video output ports on your monitor
And you call yourself a PC gamer. For shame, user. For Shame.

>projecting this much
user, bud. i think you need help taking your head out your ass.

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>anime reactions
Absolutely disgusting. You know, real women would like you too if you took better care of yourself.

>assuming i want real women
its 2d 4 me

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