Make me fucking laugh

Make me fucking laugh.

I recently left Reddit for Yea Forums cause i felt betrayed by the lack of free-speech, and from the look of it memes here are way better.

Feel free to use any kind of jokes, images, montage, cursed image or whatever that is actually funny on here

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>bait thread
If you really think that is what you'll find here, then fucking kill yourself.

This is why i like Yea Forums better :) people are shitholes here, makes me feel free

Reddit is a fucking cesspool of degeneracy and faggotry. /r/Yea Forums is not what Yea Forums actually is and /r/greentext is an "oh look funny story meme".
Reddit is a group of cuckolding neckbeards who think they're cool because they white knight and make shitty reposts.


The fact that people here are straight up assholes like you that wish anons to kill themselves just proves my point, we are way more free on here than reddit. For the best and the worst

Btw idk whats a bait thread since im a newfag here can a kind user explain what that motherfucker meant?

If you value heterosexuality, heritage, and health. Leave while you can.

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Tbh i only keep using Reddit fir the porn now. That's the only thing reddit is good at imo

Print that on armband and wear it

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>more free on an fbi monitored board than on soyboi central
>what is bait
Are you dull?

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>what is a bait thread? XD AHHAHAHDHAH
>also I am a newfag
B a i t .

Im like super new thats all, been litterally 1 day i use Yea Forums

I bet.

I really dont see why i would fucking need to bait for anything, my thread has nothing to do with any porn shit i dont get you retards

>1 day of 4 chan
>knows of what newfag
>can't put together what a bait thread is
>can use bait in a (You) as intended language
>goes from braindead Indian typing to normal english
You really are a newfag if you think this is good bait. Take your (You), and lay it on smoother next time for maximum replies.

1) it really is my 1st day of 4 chan
2) i was just lazy to write properly at first
3) i genuinely dont get the bait thing
4) i know about newfag, and some other Yea Forums terms already cause i made a bit of research before jumping in all that trash

I already lost hopes of getting any good laugh out of that thread so idrc anymore just express whatever any anons wanna say in here im curious about the result

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>thinking fbi cares about this sewer
they've been too busy with 8ch recently

they already close down 8ch

How new are you? Do you even know who Moot is?
>inb4 looks it up on knowyourmeme

hold on bro I'm unzipping my Epic-Montage.tar as we speak

>being so new thinking fbi ever cared about Yea Forums

SJWs did that

And instagram taught me to hate attention whoring plastic dolls

you have to go back

No thanks, reddit sucks dick.
Just like you you fucking gay dipshit
Feels good to insult, its not personal user

it had r/jailbait and other decent sub but now it's fucking dull, only facebook material

Op is a faggot