Why isn't she locked up...

Why isn't she locked up? It's the number one reason I fucking voted for Trump and he hasn't done shit to actually bring her to justice

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To be fair, he hasn't done much of anything, especially not anything he promised...

Too much power.

The shadow government stipulated that Donald would win, on the condition he didn't actually follow through against their lesser pawn, Hillary.

She will never see the inside of a cage. Besides, I think her losing the election will bother her until she dies. That's good enough for me.

Shocking. It's almost like hes the same as every other politician. It's almost like partisan rhetoric is purely for hypnosis and doesnt have anything to do with practical agendas.

>number one reason I fucking voted for Trump
And like most Trump voters, you must feel really stupid.

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It's pretty obvious trump is a much bigger criminal criminal than Hillary. Look at his personal corruption, emoluments violations, obstruction of justice, etc


Because, after 20+ investigations by a republican congress they still couldn't find anything illegal. And she did it without an AG redacting half the reports.
TFW your president is so godawful bad that you still need to harp on his opponent almost 3 years later.

Jesus H you’re retarded

Implying anyone wants to end up like Epstein.

The list of grey area shit Trump has waded into is insane. Stock manipulation, abuse of power, coercion just to get started. His constant lying and pseudodementia are gonna catch up with him. This Biden Ukraine thing might derail the whole train. It sucks because he’s actually done some good things but he’s gonna fuck it all.

I don’t know. Trump will go down as the worst president in history, which is honestly worse than losing.

Niggas are trying bro
Check out judicial watch
Their hands aren't tied and they're actually getting things done

He did push through a tax scam, to the great benefit of the mega-wealthy and globalist corporations. Didn't do shit for the other 99%.
He's so far managed to not destroy the booming economy left by Obama. Although where O failed (wage increases) T has also failed.
If you're an oil or gas company, his deregulations and waivers have been wonderful.
He's deported almost as many illegals as O did (although O did it by concentrating on criminals and lazies)
We have been setting record numbers of mass shootings, so that's something.
Should I go on?

Gr8 b8 m8. R8 8/8

Found the basement dweller
You've got 5 more years of crying to do

Has the left decided which cities they're going to burn down next year to show their love and tolerance after losing?

>done some good thing
Such as? Even the few ideas he got right, he was too stupid to handle correctly.
Fixing trade with China would be a good thing, but Trump has proven he has no clue how international finances work.
The Iran deal was broken, but what we have now is worse. The 'great negotiator' really fucked up on that one, breaking the old deal without a real plan.
Protecting borders is a worthy goal. But the wall is a waste of money. And again he's proven too stupid to put in reasonable plans.
So what has he really done that helps the US?

You mean a presidential candidate lied? Wow. Must be a first

>Protecting borders is a worthy goal. But the wall is a waste of money.
How much did Obama deporting 2 million illegals cost? How many more times do you want to have to round up and deport several million illegals? How many women did they rape while they were here?

bingo. and if she was all that powerful she would have won.

it's almost like they arent really running things except for a pageant to keep us divided and pissed off at each other.

what's the only thing that actually happened under Obama? The ACA, which allowed insurers to RAISE rates to the sky because now it's illegal not to buy their insurance.

what did Trump accomplish? A forever mega-tax cut for the corporate owners (remember that ours expires).

Deny the truth but it doesn't change the fact that he's the most corrupt president ever.

You voted for a candidate so that another candidate goes to prison? You know that’s not how the presidency works right? Wow you are a fucking moron

You're so dumb

A wall won't keep them out. So yeah it's a waste of money.

this. like what did you inbreds think would happen? suddenly now Trump is president the investigations find the opposite? It's not just a war cry for idiots?


Unlike these people:
* Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser and confidant, is under indictment.

* Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer and business associate, will soon begin a three-year prison sentence.

* Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing.

* Rick Gates, Trump's former campaign vice chairman, has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing.

* Michael Flynn, Trump's former White House national security advisor, has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing.

* George Papadopoulos, Trump's former campaign advisor on foreign policy, has already served his prison sentence.

* Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer who worked with Manafort and Gates. has already served his prison sentence.


Be patient user, they are still working on it. There's plenty of evidence out there.

Because believe it or not, Trump isn't suicidal.

Why would he be, he's a narcissist.

Because she didn't do anything illegal

Apparently not narcissistic enough to think he can put a Clinton in prison without dying.

How do you KNOW that she is still free. Did you actually see her somewhere? Or do you just believe that the liberal media would naturally cover Hills getting frog walked into a police car?

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>the left can’t meme
NPC detected

If you voted for shit for brains because of her, you're a REAL big dumb fuck! Didn't you notice she wasn't charged with anything? You don't work in an office. You delete useless emails all the time. Can you imagine how many unclassified emails she received daily? She was just clearing her inbox

>lacking this much self-awareness

Because if he presses the issue too hard he will tragically commit suicide from the pressure of the media and his job.

Insightful reply! Glad you could add something of value to the conversation!

Because there was never any case against her. Everything said about her was campaign - well, let's just call them bending of the truth

She wasn't indicted because the Clinton's are too powerful to lock up. The only way to stop corrupt politicians at their level is a bullet in the skull. They are quite literally above the law at all levels and cannot be stopped otherwise.

Trump is openly soliciting election interference from a foreign government, and you're still worried about Hillary?

Aye comrade

did CNN tell you that, gullible retard.

Because they are bff for life.

did cucker carlson fuck you in the ass so much your already retarded brain is now completely fucked?

Trump literally admitted it you fucking moron

Proof is a bitch isn't it? Too bad you'll never be able to charge Trump for any of that because he'll President for the next 4 years. And i'll be here enjoying every moment of your daily tears over it.

One of two reasons

1. The rich dont go to prison
2. Like all politicians, Trump lied

>Why isn't she locked up?
To dreeeeaaaam the impossible dreeeaaam

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Idiot detected


You have been listening comrade. The Ministry of Truth thanks you.

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Full of easily verified lies.

I would have, in the past, scoffed at this. Now? I firmly believe it.

Yea because that's what Yea Forums is all about and nothing else. Insightful replies. Fucking sperg

Trump is ideologically based but is lazy and inexperienced do can’t actually deliver. Also he’s in a toxic cycle with the media. They bash him non stop and he’s so think skinned he can’t ignore it.
>inb4 concern troll blah blah blah I’m still voting for him again and so should you. An incompetent conservative is better than any liberal.

>How much did Obama deporting 2 million illegals cost?
No more than the normal operating budget of ICE.
How many more times do you want to have to round up and deport several million illegals?
You know that Bush did more than Obama, right? Or are you only interested in criticism of the opposite party to 'your guy'?
How many women did they rape while they were here?
Fewer women than legal residents of the US did.

Which ones did they burn down in 2016? Or 2000? Or 2004? Or 2010?

The deep state still controls most of the FBI.
Also, no one want to move against the Clintons; it is an absolute death sentence.


Credit where credit is due. Obama the communist actually deported a lot of illegals. More than GWB i think.

80 iq. A wall won’t keep them all out but it makes it harder to get in. Just like any law, some people will break it

Nobody is working on it


Sadly this

This right here.

Trump is a piece of shit anyone who still follows his presidency is a fucking traitor to the untied states

Nigger you are stupid

>Why isn't she locked up?
Because she never committed a crime.

Fuck your wall

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Because Obama's administration was the least corrupt we've had in over 40 years.

He hasn't really followed through on a lot of the shit he said he would do too though:

-Go after Saudi Arabia for attacking us on 9/11
-Cheaper Medicine
-End foreign wars
-Making America energy independent

Among other things I'm sure, I've just forgotten.

Damn a whistleblower comes out and the GOP hides and blocks his/her information that is illegal and you still believe this is fake news?

That isn’t his wall. It’s the old fence. Shows why we need the wall.

Roger Stone
>charged in an indictment with witness tampering, obstructing an official proceeding, and five counts of making false statements
>two associates of Stone have said he collaborated with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 presidential campaign to discredit Hillary Clinton.

Awaiting prosecution which will not come.
This is all tied to the Russian Collusion investigation that found nothing.

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It’s the new wall cockholster. Trump has not build any new wall just took billions to line his own pockets and gave you a shorty fence. One of those beaners is a Mexican senator

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You don’t seem smart.

Op where you go? Can’t defend trump for shit anymore? Orange nigger is deep shit and going to take down the goo

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brainwashed retard

>trump hasn’t built any wall yet
>the picture is the wall trump built

Ok? I guess you can tell that from three coherent sentences? I saw the NYT story about this too. Nothing confirms this is Trump’s wall. Trump has sadly done basically nothing wall-wise

>More than GWB i think.
Far fewer. Revealing yourself to be about as uninformed as the vast majority of people I am afraid.

you don't know the meaning of this word.

the reason the clintons will never see trial is that it would create a government crisis as all branches are knee deep involved in the corruption
many insiders have gone over that in recent years and no i'm not including the qshit larpers

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You are simply wrong. From Wikipedia
>Between 1997 and 2001, during the Presidency of Bill Clinton, about 870,000 people were deported from the United States.

>Between 2001 and 2008, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, about 2 million people were deported from the United States.

>Between 2009 and 2016, during the Presidency of Barack Obama, about 2.9 million people were deported from the United States.

I was being facetious about obama being literally a communist. But he would have done a lot of left shit if he had the votes. Hell he enacted the DREAM act even WITHOUT the votes.

on the contrary, Qlarp is there to divert from the corruption issue while pointing at it in ineffective, neutered ways
there's been a flurry of self proclaimed insiders over the years but none are as obnoxious as qshit

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also this one
and this one u.teknik.io/iBorw.png (24 hours lifetime link)

Yea the wife of a former president and senator gets Indighted Trump couldn't charge her for anything if he dedicated his hole 2 terms to it

She's a Clinton. Clintons can do no wrong in the eyes of the law

>Trump will go down as the worst president in history
or best
and worst
that's what populism is about
but hey the hitler scam is still working 80 years later so who on earth would expect the stupid goyim to ever get wise to our schemes?

>It's pretty obvious

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dude they could chalk up 2016 to a fluke
but 2020 is gonna break their brains
the fireworks are gonna last for months
i need to stock up on popcorn

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i know right, amazing, so dumb!!

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If he locked her up he wouldn’t be able to use her as a scapegoat anymore

>She wasn't indicted because the Clinton's are too powerful to lock up
not exactly
rather because all branches of government are involved in the CF corruption scheme
you'd have a constitutional crisis when no branch can be used to prosecute/judge the other ones

First of all, 'deported' is not a thing America does. America uses the terms 'removed' and 'returned'. The sum total of these is the people who are what you would call deported. Clinton removed and returned a sum total greater than Bush. Bush removed and returned more than Obama. Obama removed and returned more than Trump if Trump's rate stays steady. The downward trend has been going on since Clinton.

>was being facetious about obama being literally a communist.
Everything after this comment is excuses for making the dishonest (not facetious, facetious would imply you were joking about something serious but you are implying he is close enough to a communist, which is simply dishonest) comment in the first place. Don't excuse yourself, just don't be dishonest in future.

they're just too corrupt
it's like the banking saying
>if you owe the bank 100 dollars it's your problem, if you owe the bank 100 millions it's the bank's problem
over a certain level of corruption you are part of the gang, the government gang
>crime is whatever the state reserves itself the right to do

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hey retards, who sent you here?

>election interference
google has been caught doing it and you're still worried about Trump?

>useless emails
facebook is that way

now that is insightful
all the evidence points to this assessment$
as soon as trumpito was elected he was all '"oh she a gud girl she dindu nuffin"
that was even part of his victory speech iirc

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And you fucks believe this fake as info but don’t believe in the muller report or whistleblower scandal?

>Democrats think that he's an idiot who is just using the presidency trying to get a TV deal
>He's actually trying to subvert the constitution to stack the political deck in his favor for generations

>Republicans think he's a fascist who was going to take all of their guns and force them into muslim communism
>He's actually an idiot who was just president to get a TV deal

>mueller report
another scam waiting to be disproved.


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Now he is sending our forces to defend saudia arabia so we can keep being addicted to their oil. Shit he is even making us keep shitty coal.

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This is why you never trust a known con-man.

Because he's a compulsive liar and he knows how to play to the idiots.

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i do cry for the case of retardation this nation has. It's like they cut the funding of the special needs class and now the liberals have to sit across from you eating glue and sticking crayons up your nose as the 18 year old 5th grader somehow got hired as our super intended.

Giuliani and trump admitted to it. Stop taking the red pill... they are just paint chips.


Seeing actual footage of him speaking.... anyone can see he's a compulsive liar. There's not even any bias required... or "fake news media". Just footage of him speaking. How fucking distorted does your perspective need to be to NOT see it?

Then your as big of a retard as the Hillary zombies

Because you got scammed.

>believing anything anyone says about anything when running for office
Are you 12?

ha ha ha ha

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Because she hasn’t committed a crime.

Sorry, user he's a conman, I voted for him too and he just hasn't done anything except claim he's done everything.
In answer to your question... Pic related;

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Don't be dumb, not everything the left says is untrue, Trump just wants you to ignore his criminality.
Pic related.

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You didn't vote for him liar. Get fucked.

When the biggest child molester / rapist in history caught dealing in trafficking under aged girls has a picture of your husband in a dress provocatively displayed in his sex castle after you have already been linked to trafficking in under age sex slaves unofficially.

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talking about rigged, what are you doing
Trump rigged his primarys so hard, the gop is still crying.
3 candidates can't even run against him, altered the state constitutions just to stay in power.

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Booming economy left by Obama was not something I was expecting to hear today

2016 Dems rigged
Now gop is doing it
Both are shitty
But it’s more defensible when you’re protecting an incumbent versus anointing a party hack

The sky is blue is something I expected to hear today... doesn't mean it isn't true.

You goofed lol

Too bad it was lead by a dirty nigger.

He was probably more white than you are. Ivy league... well spoken.. educated...
And you are....?

There's no "there" there...