Uh oh, incoming retards alert!
Uh oh, incoming retards alert!
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You are literally retarded if you think banning guns does anything but make people safer while taking away toys lmao
>assuming anyone votes based on logic
It’s tribalism all the way down
banning guns only makes evil people safer.
some day, some where, op won't be a faggot for a change.
banning gun should make people safer, maybe.
"Giving" healthcare would mean you have to pay for it, not making me pay for it, which ironically will be really easy for you to do when you ban my gun.
i will be on the rich side a few years, hopefully.
banning guns would work if they ban the police and military from having guns
if the guns get banned, what should we be scare of ?
>lets make guns illegal so that people will stop using them illegally
All the people who don't give a fuck that guns are banned?
people with guns
>make it a crime to own a gun only criminals will have them
>Malcom X
Are you fucking retarded or just fucking retarded?
Slow clap
Mahatma Gandhi thinks I should own a gun?
Im all for banning healthcare and giving people guns. No dipshit here.
>People who think I should own guns
lol no
>banning guns would work if they ban the police and military from having guns
Oh they will, they're just focusing on banning citizen rights for now
U.s. homicide rate 3xs that of Canadas. Main factor amount of guns. Congrats stupid americans. Other countries with guns are safer for one reason >ammo is kept at ranges everyone and their mother and 12 year old kids don't run around with Ars for criminals to steal you backwards fat apes
>Banning guns
OK dipshit it's I think it's time for you to take a break from the Internet. This shit is fucking you up.
>U.s. homicide rate 3xs that of Canadas.
>Main factor amount of niggers
Fixed that for you
Well put. How do you fight it though when everywhere people just throw more gasoline at it?
>conservatism/racism key factors proven in lower iq individuals also less developed humans
>when you're ironically what you hate
The fact you don't consider people of color equals is a good reason why it should be hard for you to get a gun.
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn."
Ghandi even wanted to repeal a law that prevented Indians from -publicly carrying- guns, let alone owning them
>Moving the goalposts
No matter how you try to spin it, it's because of niggers. This is a fact.
Cont. Here's a great thinker. Do you trust the average person? Driving? You see how fucking stupid people are in restaurants? Shopping? People are dumb af. Americans ob average are quite specially stupid on average too. Do you think they should be running around with guns because of old stupid laws that do not relate to today's modern society? If you think yes, you have not given the previous points any real thought.
Using racism as a fact proves nothing baboon. Go evolve with your inbred family now
Great logic we should ban everything
This is the average intelligence of the foreigner everyone
Off to bed kiddo. You have school in the morning.
I said ban guns. You know weapons made to KILL humans? But no read my statement completely wrong and straw man it good job clown
Naw you just make me lol at your insecurities, hows mommies basement?
so it doesn't matter if it kills humans as long as it wasn't designed to?
Guns are awesome, a ban will never work. .. but only a fringe element of the far left talk about outright bans/confiscations, these loudmouth retards are used as strawmen by the smarter right wingers to scare the dumb ones into equating any sort of reasonable common sense legislation as step one of an inevitable ban on everything.
>but only a fringe element of the far left talk about outright bans/confiscations
So that's why multiple blue states have banned "assault" weapons right? Because it's a "fringe element"?
It. Is. Made. For. Murdering. Humans. Citizens cannot be trusted with them. They are too stupid and its quite clear as the u.s. is a great case study. The amount of harm they cause is clearly outweighing the tiny amount of times they actually save people. All the u.s has is stupid fear of everything, biggest pussies in the world
The fact that tribal conservatives think they should have a right to own and use deadly weapons made only for killing people amazes me. When their three year old shoots their mom maybe they start to understand
> outright bans/confiscations
So you cant own any guns there for any reason?
Oh wait, you can... now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
Actually, many guns are made specifically for wounding, not killing (its much more expensive to enemy military if they have wounded vs dead)
regardless, it sounds like you care much more about how you feel about the item than what it is actually used for. defensive gun use far outstrips the murders, and other items kill far more people.
if your demand to ban something is based on emotion, I'm definitely not going to follow
>So you cant own any guns there for any reason?
Nice backpedal to what you first said faggot. Small fringe my ass.
That is a laugh. Tasers are for wounding. Guns are weapons. Not tools. I think you enjoy straw manning a little too much, there's no emotion. I do not live in the u.s. and live without fear of school shootings and retarded mass shootings like you all do. Examine other first world countries and you'll see why they aren't like y'all. Less guns, less guns that end up in the black market. Less retarded shooters, less mass killings as guns are the easiest form. Guns are not an item, they are a weapon. If they can't be taken on a plane, and you call it an item, maybe actually think about what you're talking about. The fact that you stated shit about wounding makes me think youre like 17 and watch old war movies. The u.s and allies fight terrorism and use drones to nuke shit, they don't wound terrorists so their hospitals get overrun oh my fucking god LOL are you baiting
There was no backpedal moron, you dont understand subtext.
> Only a fringe minority want outright bans and confiscations.
Outright bans as in banning ALL GUNS.
>no emotion
>t. Is. Made. For. Murdering. Humans
I'm not surprised you have difficulty wrapping your head around the idea that some weapons are designed specifically to wound
some of use care more about what its used for than what it was "designed for"
This is a bald faced lie. Defensive shootings are the exception. It’s mostky suicides and murders.
yeah, they know they can't ban all firearms immediately. so they started with full autos. then you ban "assault weapons", or handguns. next, any rifle with a powerful scope is a "sniper rifle", next any round bigger than a .45 is "Armor piercing" and needs to be banned
>bald faced lie
>mostly suicides and murders
its mostly suicides, not murders. I suspect you knew that
but almost every study, even one put out under the clinton administration, numbers defensive gun uses in the hundreds of thousands, some in the millions.
I have to speak slow for right tribals, they are abit slow since they clearly can't follow an argument
Have fun living in fear. But no keep on a trivial point about how >some guns are not for murdering, even though in any situation people are told to shoot till threat stops, which ends up killing. Actual tard
3xs homicide rate isnt suicide by the way, I hope you know that?
NlGGERS that didn't turn in their guns.
>study about prejudice
maybe link a study relevant to the facts being discussed?
it'd probably be lost on you to show the number of people who are shot that survive vs the number who die
canada is shit shit. literally just nyc but worse in every way
>let the Federal government take over 1/6th of the economy
>put me in the same line as Jamal and Pablo
You are retarded if you want the US to get socialized medicine.
>Obama = isis
Wee lad
Its a common study along with others examining how stupid conservatives are. Maybe just try to read anything people say. Literally talking to a brick wall but grays on ignoring all my past points and jumping topics
Awh did the great standard of living, healthcare and acceptance piss you off? Poor chode
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to state, but suicide was 67% of gun deaths in 2017 in the u.s. murder was 37%.
No , those who are criminals will be easier to spot and get bigger sentences
Lol. Way to prove you are one of the scared morons who believe outright bans are possible despite requiring a constitutional amendment that has NO chance of ever coming to pass.
There are lines in the sand when it comes to guns that wont be crossed, yet scared idiots still believe there is some stepping stone pathway.
Just so we are clear, I think banning AR15's is fucking stupid as one could simply get a MINI-14 and use their stockpiled .223/5.56 ammo with it...
There's a billion more articles. If you had any intellect you'd understand they cute the case study, you know, research? Something you don't do
He was a pedo.
Scroll up. U.s. has 3xs homicide rate of Canada. You definitely don't read
naw more like a bunch of moose fuckers thinking they're a country just cause some old bitch an ocean away got tired of them nagging her about being able to write their own laws without her oversight.
>conservatives are stupid
well, we've moved on from any point relevant to gun control to simply ad hominem. Typical response when you are presented with evidence contrary to your suppositions
no fucking need to. your sources are definitely shit when you open with a huffpo ca source
Lul we get voted best place to live for a reason, jealously is pretty sadThis is why I posted it. Your type don't listen to reason, faced with actual research you fluff it off. How pathetic and disingenuous, but I don't expect more from tribals.
full autos have been banned
assault weapons have previously banned, and there is national discussion of a ban.
several cities have sucessfully banned handguns
two of the first world countries that we most often are compared to for being the "closest" (UK, AU) have implemented gun confiscation
I don't just suspect the pathway is there, its obvious
Oh, and its not adorable hominem if that is what the study researched, I'm stating their findings. You really like reaching
>murder and suicide is most of gun deaths
>u.s. has higher murder rate than canada
dat topic change tho
nobody gives a fuck what country you live in if it's not the us.
sooner you get over that the less sore you'll be
>You really like reaching
I was thinking the same thing, but its expected when you can't back up your points
Ignores everyone point ive made. Forgets what ive stated, changes topic talking to someone else then states I have. Jesus lmfao. Until you reply to any of my arguments talk to yourself, you offer nothing to this convo
Wow, disengenuous, I bet you're putrid of graduating 33rd of your class
Fuck yeah it is, just needs a 7 inch dick
Lol, you think people care about the u.s. in 2019? Your people leave that shit hole. Canada's loved world wide for a reason, just not by jealous Americans. There's a reason americans pretend to be Canadian traveling abroad lmfao
> Defensive shootings are the exception. It’s mostky suicides and murders.
6 clicks back in the chain on the post you replied to. I bet you'd like to forget that one
>full autos have been banned
Get a load of this retard. No, FA is not banned. Ever heard of an NFA tax stamp?
I'm actually in the process of becoming a lawyer, just have bar exams left. But I'm sure all you big educated right wingers can top that, I bet y'all can colour in the lines now
banned in: CA, DE, DC, HI, IL, MA, MN, NJ, RI, WA, WI
idk about those other states but there a few people grandfathered in California. They maintain their state permit because they are used as "movie props".
If I can't fish with dynamite you can't have a fucking smg
Fuck lawyers.
8 clicks in and nothing of the sort. I repeated that 3xs homicide rate does not include suicide. You were talking to someone else. Unlike most on the right I like being proven wrong and change my opinions based on evidence, if you read my article it shows how conservatives lack this ability on average as theyre less developed
Wow some people said some stuff better do nothing about guns and keep running those mass shooter drills
so we acknowledge they ARE in fact banned there, yeah?
What a waste of quarts
Until people are nice to each other we will always exist, so forever
Bring a friend with you to the polls.
Anything that would threaten their control will never happen
Fuck if I know. They're still legal in SD. The rest of the states don't matter
This one is so stupid he doesn't even understand what moving the goalposts means haha
Don't pretend that one side likes you. Cop-lovers hate you and cop-haters hate you. Businessmen hate you and the employee hates you. Yes, even the customer. Politicians don't but that's because they are mostly lawyers.
Actually it's poor people and systemic oppression but you aren't smart enough to understand subtlety. :)
I don't think you get it.
Canadians are far worse shit posters than Australians. All they ever do is brag about how cold they are and whine about the USA. You can't "give" people health care. theres no such thing as free healthcare you dumb Canadian faggot.
Can't believe some of you faggots are actually taking the bait
I'm sure you don't
I know many cops, many lawyers, they all get along because they work with each other lmao. You realize lawyers do literally everything... Divorces, child support, housing and buying homes, tax shit, constitution shit, meditation, it goes forever lmao. If someone knows a dick lawyer that's their issue but we support all the dumb people who can't read
This might be a stupid idea but why don't we have rules that being elected to office means that the individual and their immediate family has to give up all personal wealth and live on a government stipend matching the mode annual income (adjusted every 2 years)
This comes into the common sense portion...
Full autos are banned cool. What do you plan on using it for? It's not useful for home defense, and there are ranges where you can rent them to use so what is the problem? You can also buy a stamp and pay out the ass for a pre-ban auto as well.
Assault weapons ban is retarded and serves no purpose as it essentially means "scary looking guns with fancy mods ban", ignoring the fact that there are plenty of other non-ak, non ar seni-auto rifles to fill the slot.
Handguns are banned in only a few cities, stupid law with terrible results due to proximity of lax gun law cities (gary, In to Chicago for example)
Who gives a shit about "discussions"? The FACT is bans of all guns require a constitutional amendment, talk means nothing and if those 6 cities turn into 600 cities with handgun bans, you might have cause to worry.
States rights doesn't just mean "racism" you dumb faggot.
You realize yet that I didnt make that bottom comment or you gonna play stupid longer?
Like you?
Full autos are not federally banned. Get over it.
I worked in a PD for a few years. They get along with DAs and City Prosecutors but when they come back they talk shit about you.
>You realize lawyers do literally everything...
I hope you die in a fire.
>child support
I hope you die in a fire.
>housing and buying homes
Not in California.
>tax shit
I hope you die in a fire.
>constitution shit
Only because you Shysters expanded and distorted the plain English.
I hope you die in a fire.
the original point being discussed was the distribution of types of firearm deaths. you change the topic, and then complain of topic changing
This triggered about a lawyer.
Lawyers are fine and necessary. Sorry you beat your wife and she took your money and kid though. Not really the lawyer's problem is it.
Loool, hey without ambiguity all the people you hate would be breaking a billion different laws and finding loop holes. In media lawyers got alot of funny rep. But legit. Other then paper work and high profile crime. This is what lawyers do: listen to clients issues, then tell them the relevant law/summarized what they can expect outcome wise. We're a statistic machine of case law, nothing really to hate about that. But we do take all your money
at no point have I advocated either for or against a full auto ban
the fact of the matter is that some states HAVE banned them, and to insinuate that this has not happened is delusional
My point since the beginning was the u.s. has extremely high homicide rates, compared to first world countries. That was the only point.
Don't pretend you actually discussed any of my points lmfao
A good way not to have lawyers take all your money is to comply with the law and be civil. Generally speaking.
None of that happened to me.
I can't wait for AI to replace your asses. AI will finish what LegalZoom started.
You are wrong.
> Private ownership of machine guns made after 1986 is banned by federal law.
And you also missed this part.
> You can also buy a stamp and pay out the ass for a pre-ban auto as well.
There is no federal full auto ban. It's just a fact I'm sorry you don't like it or it doesn't fit your narrative.
Yeah but its inevitable, land law covers everything. Its extremely complicated, I studied Englands land law and its a mess. Easments, chatels, its all nutso average people cannot invest that kinda effort into it, but all the legal court shit that's mostly civil yeah
hence the immediate first comment " not sure exactly what you're trying to state", followed by clarifying the stats "but suicide was 67% of gun deaths in 2017 in the u.s. murder was 37%" in the same message
if you were continuing your thoughts from other posts, you should probably link to those. the linked chain contains only what I pointed out
Hunan nature would have to be fully ai controlled for that, case law evolves forever
There is no federal full auto ban. It is possible to get a qualification in every state to own full auto weapons.
I never said there was a federal ban
Automatic weapons are restricted federally but they are not banned by any stretch of the imagination. It's why a civilian can legally buy one in the eyes of the US government. The tax stamp is 200 dollars.
You said full autos were banned. That's a generalization. They are not banned. In fact police officers in every state carry them.
this is an interesting line that people walk, to say there is no ban on them yet you can't make any new ones
if I were to advocate for a law that says anyone born after 1986 can't vote, would you say that that "there is a federal ban on voting?"
Phones at 25%, cba though. Gun advocates have raised points I agree with, don't get me wrong. I'm pro self defense. But there's a huge link between guns and the shit that's happening. I have a minor in criminology, the u.s. statistics on crime, murder, literally everything is a joke. Its studied quite heavily. If I didn't take those courses over 5 years ago I'd be citing my papers
Colt manufactures a fuckload of automatic rifles every year in the United States.
You're welcome
No? Right now nobody born after 2002 is allowed to vote. Would you say that voting is banned?
This is the only real answer and the rest are leddit faggots that need to get the fuck off my board
if you're that heavy into criminology (and didn't buy the PC BS at most universities) I imagine you know that demographically, the U.S. is quite different than any other "first world country"
whites in the unites states murder at about twice the rate as in canada, the UK, and australia. thats a significant difference for sure, but not anywhere close to the total difference in our murder rate
we've got 15% black population, and I can't find another country on the planet (except tiny islands that experience 500% increases because their sample size is so small) that has that much or larger of a black population, and a lower murder rate than we do
and sells them to civilians?
>Doesn't know how to say reddit
>My board
lol ok newfie
for those under 18, most definitely
Yes. Civilians in the United States can own post 86 full auto guns. Police officers, manufacturers, etc.
That wasn't the question though was it.
>police officers and weapons manufacturers
citation needed
>when you unironically full of shit
nor was your question equivalent
Just have a gander at the reasoning behind some of the statistics. Every country has disadvantaged people who lean towards crime to attain fulfilment, the u.s. along with others has that very issue. But it's not the sole factor. You also have to keep in mind, the u.s. made that problem. More guns isn't going to fix that problem. Less guns and lifting people up does. Its mostly af but it works eventually. Why do you think restorative justice works better then incarceration, because no one likes being useless.
>Canada has a similar issue with aboriginals, difference is we don't have guns everywhere to steal and they're up north drinking too much to do anything other then steal shit
>using the r word
>being here all August and calling people newfoundlanders
>sucking nigger dick for free samples at Costco
All bannable offenses
You think that Will Hayden isn't a civilian? Lol what?
using RACISM as a fact proves nothing BABOON
lol wut u saying bout mah baboons you filthy fucking wetback-nigger-nippon-neanderthal
And I'm not brainwashed by anything. Hard critical thinker. I have friends on all sides but I don't partake with extrenenists left or right. They are far too stupid. I do enjoy seeing the similarities when both sides post shit on fb and they don't see the irony and hypocrisy of shit they say its amazing. Also most unis sort of lean left but that's only in terms of welcoming new ideas and testing them, no university is far left unless you mean a stupid student group taking over part of a school for a protest or some dumb shit
13digitfilename.jpg boomermeme? S'new.
oh I don't disagree that diminishing to disadvantages population would be a huge benefit to all crimes, but especially violent crimes
the fact that all countries have disadvantage populations, but the murder rate is universally higher in black poor countries only furthers the statistical significance of the black population being the cause of so much murder in the u.s.
It's exactly the same.
Lul scroll down i actually posted it. But, if you google low iq conservative or racist/ political view all the results will show the studies, findings are all the same
universities lean left, professors heavily lean left, and conservative ideas are not welcome. the use of physical force to stop political ideas on college campuses is entirely one sided against conservatives
You don't get to define yourself as a hard critical thinker lol. Monkeys think they're pretty smart too.
>there is a law that says anyone born after 2002 can never vote
alrighty then
Lol ok. You know who else is a pedo- ah fuck it
Anybody know if civilians like Will Hayden are allowed to own post 1986 full auto weapons? Because I'm pretty sure they are.
Yeah but I’m not gonna be the one that’s killed to prove that point. Fuck you! Unironically
Again that isn't a law. I'm not sure what your point is.
:) Same
Go on. Unironically what?
convicted felon will hayden?
yeah I'm pretty sure that guy is banned from owning full auto guns
nice ad hominem kid
Why? i dont share that view, i do consider them equals in the sense that they were conceived of the same God, but he’s right. And even if he doesn’t consider them equals, does that really make him more likely to kill them. Would a reasonable person kill a dog, per se, for no reason at all?
>government please guide me.
Yeah, but reducing guns would reduce the harm. It shows in every country with the issue, won't solve it but it will reduceI'm reading this with the squeakiest voice I can think of
Only somewhat. Well it depends how you view that. I've had profs who were conservative, just because you're open to new concepts doesn't mean youre a bad person. And idk where you got that from I hear conservatives love saying that but its not true. Universitys are made for discussing ideas, that's the whole point if education. Bad ideas are defeated, and people move on. Racism dosent exist in them for a reason, it has no legs to stand on. Religious conservative views the same. The ideal of economics and shit isn't owned by conservatives, to say people are left because theyre open to new ideas isn't really a goos point. Ive literally only met two radical leftists ever in university, that's 8 years of it.
Tldr tribalism is stupid, the faster people stop saying left and right and understand you should use evidence and be open to new ideas the faster people get smarter
you're correct, that isn't a law, while the " Firearms Owners' Protection Act" is
that would make them not equivalent
I think with a law degree I can? Just maybe. Hell even had a course in critical thinking, I shit you not.
Oh maybe you're right an nobody should own full autos. Seems like it's mostly child rapists who are into them. Pretty dangerous stuff.
The fopa doesn't prevent people from voting. They aren't equivalent at all.
i dont live in fear of these things. you dont live in the US. you only know whats being portrayed on TV. you have absolutely no place in this argument. go take a fucking shower
>And idk where you got that from I hear conservatives love saying that but its not true. Universitys are made for discussing ideas, that's the whole point if education.
Which idea?
the idea that conservative ideas are not welcome? from my own college experience as well as the documented experiences of others. most of my non-science based classes were simply repeating the political views of the professor to get an A
As far as physical force being used to supress disagreeing ideas, since 2016:
UC Berkeley (4+ instances), U of Oregon, William and Mary, UCLA, U of Michigan, Columbia U, U of Connecticut, Lewis and Clark, Duke, Georgetown, U of Wisconsin, NYU, U of Buffalo, UC Irvine, northwestern U, Evergreen State, U of new Hampshire
You don't live on the moon yet you know there's not enough oxygen to breathe there. Hmmmmm.
Your mass shootings happen every day, its in the news. I don't like seeing it in my feed monkey. Glad you read absolutely nothing before posting retard
The only solution is to undo the invention of guns altogether
In a world where guns already exist and will continue to exist, disarming people will only make the innocent less safe
Actually it's not about the world, nor is it even about guns, Serbia has the 2nd highest number of guns per population but gun crimes are not even close to being proportionately equal to US
This country is just fucked up, stupid, disillusioned, frustrated and violent. Only armageddon will cure us
that the question asked as a counterexample was not equivalent is the point I was making, I'm glad we agree
I was saying that unironically.
at no point have I advocate for people being allowed to own them
the fact remains he can't own them
are u idiot?
how do you know who is talking to who again?
why would you expect to have a coherent debate HERE?
what makes you think think Jesus gives a fuck?
The other annoying faggot is only marginally less stupid than you
that is a list of universities that have had, in the last three years, a conservative speaker prevented from speaking by 1) physical violence against the speaker, or 2) participants being physically blocked from attending by protesters.
No university in Canada does that then, but I highly doubt majority's of universities in the u.s. conspire to stomp on conservative ideas. Theyre for discussing ideas and debating, if a university only wants regurgitation or a prof its a shit school. Can you tell me what kind of conservative views you'd consider conservative? I'd better understand your statements then. In my mind ideas arent left or right. They're either fucking stupid and wrong or possibly correct and need more debate. So I'm not really sure what you'd call conservative thinking, most of b/ likes racist shit but you don't seem that way
>thinks anyone cares what an imaginary fairy thinks
I appreciate the open mindedness, I don't know that I can succinctly describe conservative ideas, other than by either stating "ideas that are not inline with the set of 'acceptable' liberal ideas, which is just as vague, or by listing individuals who experience this type of physical aggression
Ben Shapiro would be an example in the u.s.
in canada, I would say Jordan Peterson
>cultural issues
nailed it
people used to be able to mail order full auto guns in the u.s. no mass shootings.
I've argued with extreme feminist profs, and I'm all for equal rights for women. But in any uni I've heard of and been to they listen to all ideas, and if yours is stupid they'll explain why but depending on how "liberal" the prof is, they generally are even more hippy about it and just want to hear everyone's ideas, no right and wrong just a discussion of every student. Now I've watched a lot of Ben Shapiro, he has some okay comments about things but he's hugely hypocritical, I watched him try to debate one of the high profile atheists and the dude just tried talking fast to avoid any examination of his argument of pure faith as if it has validity. I can't say for the u.s. but people aren't discrimination against for ideas. Hell I saw a racist speaker KKK or nazi member, can't remember who, was supposed to speak at a university and people were protesting that it was even allowed. I can't imagine how a university could tolerate that but clearly free speech is alive and well. Not all ideas are good but only debating shows you which are right. If I had that YouTube link I'd post it lemme see...
Oh I just realized who jordan was.. I saw a thing on him, I used to think much more highly some of his views are skewed. But he had a few okay points as well. But something came up about him, I think its his self help guru shit, its a load of nonsense but there was a lot more to it I just can't recall its been months and I don't give preachers much attention
I'd be happy to hear a criticism of ben shapiro's ideas if you can cite specific ones, but the issue is that some people think they should be banned from being uttered on campus entirely, and are willing to use physical force to do so
I've also had college professors that immediately shutdown conservative ideas, even going so far as to indicate that exploring them in essays would not be welcome in the course
you can think highly of him or not, but the salient issue is whether he has said anything or not that warrants being banned from discussion.
I think you might also have him confused with someone else, he's not religious
he and ben shapiro were the two examples I gave for "what kinds of ideas do you mean"
This, watch the proper full one in spare time. Haven't watched this guys commentary but the full hour one. You can really see when Ben tries to outspeak proper debaters his arguments or lack of really show, I'd go into It for fun but phones nearly dead. Not saying you're part of this, but I think alot of his fans seem to think him talking fast means the dudes smart or something lmfao.. When you listen to what he says its all emotion and shit no basis in logic. But he appeals to some conservative thinking and sure some points he holds are valid but I can't take him seriously when he does this kinda shit. Or that time he called a super conservative guy a liberal cuz he never heard of him that was hilarious
Yeah Canada might be more pretty free speech, but they don't tolerate pure racism at all. And of course clearly harmful speech has to be regulated. But not political views of course
I'm not so sure CA is more free speech. "misgendering" someone carries criminal penalties
I've watched dozens of hours of his podcasts and debates. no one is perfect, and I'll take a watch on this, if he "loses" or doesnt make logical sense, it wouldn't be the first time I'd seen it from him
unfortunately, alot of debate in media and on campus is how much you can make the other person look like an idiot
regardless, the question is, "is it warranted to use physical force to stop this person from expressing ideas?"
Cite that law?
I am somewhat mistaken, C-16 does not describe in enough detail the specifics of what counts as harrassment:
there is no precedent yet that simply refusing to use someones preferred pronouns would count as harassment.
somewhat related, there is precedent that individuals have a right to "gender affirment", specifically through "gender affirming healthcare"
but my statement is not demonstrated to be true. NYC does in fact have more specific laws on pronoun use, but thats not CA
I live in a country with free healthcare and your health problems will get far worse before ever getting the surgery you need.
People who believe in the good in men prefer them to have weapons.
People who are aware that humans suck in general know that it's a bad idea.
go back to /pol/
and fuck back off to reddit
and fuck off summers over
>*thumbs up* good day fags
threads over back to what Yea Forums is intended for
that's for /s/ actually.
nope for the past few years, its only been porn got a problem fap and go back to /pol/ brainlet
There were plenty of mass shootings. You could easily find out about them. Automatic weapons were used in a fuckload of crimes throughout American history.
Famous drug addict Jordan Peterson?
Healthcare will destroy the society because muslims. Look at that shithole the UK, or Islam 2 as it's becoming now. They're accepting inbred foreigners at an alarming rate, and unwittingly agreeing to provide them health care on those idiots dime. They're just going to become more and more inbred and you idiots are going to pay dearly to keep their mutant spawn alive.
>Quoting Huffpo.
Everyone look at him. Look at him and laugh!
there is no qualification , you need a federal tax stamp for each class 3 weapon , takes 6-9 months, and for full auto must have been purchased before 1993? , and way that limits the amount of full auto guns to almost nothing and makes them very very very expensive , to the tune of 20thousand dollars to a quarter mill possibly more.
any one buying something like this is not gonna do something stupid....
this is wrong , a flat out lie , maybe , some where a swat team has that . but not normal cops , hence special weapons and tactics.
oh yeah and the standard federal back ground check of course
So a qualification. Civilians can own full auto weapons in every state.
Banning guns doesn't remove guns or the means to kill from the equation. It just takes them out of the hands of the law abiding. And it removes an equalizer for the weak (elderly, women, those living alone). You are at the mercy of those stronger than you and those who disregard the law and still have those weapons.
No issue with regulation, but bans are not OK. And when you take this understanding to its natural conclusion, you realize the right to self preservation and defense extends beyond the individual, but to the society v.s. the state. Point being, society should regulate the weapons, but the people should still have the right to obtain them at the end of the day.
Also... Inb4- some dipshit opinion that ignores the nuance of this issue.
But yeah, there is your baseline understanding Yea Forums, you are welcome.
no only states that allow class 3 items
LE may buy class 3
or class 3 gun dealer
Law enforcement are civilians. Correct. They can own class 3 in every state. Manufacturers are also civilians. They can too.
You are fucking stupid , please purchase a gun , and kys with it.
but no, as a LE , in my area you must purchase your own side arm, the sergeant must approve said weapon. Shotgun and ar-15 is issued and must be accounted for. Ar-15 btw is not automatic.
> guns make us safer
Rent a cop spotted lol. Civilians can own automatic weapons in all 50 states. There is no full auto ban.
Also when i say LE, if they are buying a DD or Class 3 the department must purchase said weapon, and the dept is responsible for it. a cop cannot walk into a class 3 dealer and buy a full auto , unless he follows the pre-ban tax stamp option , if said state allows it . Even then it would be that individuals private weapon.
Most of the people in prison are there for parole violations. About half of which are firearm related.
Do you even type shit into google before making yourself you like a dribbling retard ?
A police department is not a military organization and is therefore civilian according to United States law.
Can private institutions own guns in all 50 states? Yes they can. So can certain individuals. They are not banned.
Man , you seem like you know every thing , i suggest this become a cop , and try and buy a LE/GOVT only item.
how stupid are you actually?
I suggest you stop having opinions about things you have no knowledge of. Also I am a cop.
Am I wrong?
yes very wrong
Federal law highly regulates the manufacture, sale, and ownership of fully automatic weapons in the United States. For those unfamiliar with firearms nomenclature, a fully automatic weapon is one that is capable of firing multiple rounds with only one pull of the trigger; a semi-automatic weapon will fire only one round per trigger pull while preparing the gun to fire another round when the trigger is pulled again. The main federal law governing fully automatic weapons is called the National Firearms Act, or NFA. First enacted in 1934, this federal law regulates fully automatic weapons, suppressors, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, and destructive devices such as bombs or grenades. The NFA was subsequently modified in 1968 by the Gun Control Act and in 1986 by the Firearm Owners Protection Act.
Items included in the NFA are referred to colloquially as “NFA items,” and are highly regulated. A special license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is required to manufacture, sell, and own any of these items, without exception. Whereas regular gun manufacturers and dealers must obtain a Federal Firearms License, or FFL, to legally make and sell non-NFA firearms, entities who wish to make or sell NFA items must obtain an additional license on top of the FFL. These dealers are referred to as FFL/SOT (special occupational tax) or Class 3 FFL dealers. It is a lengthy and burdensome process that requires extensive investigation by ATF.
Under the NFA, it is illegal for any private civilian to own any fully automatic weapons manufactured after May 19, 1986. Only certain types of FFL/SOTs may make them, and then only for purchase by qualified state and federal agencies. There are no exceptions. According to the ATF’s official handbook on NFA laws and regulations, it’s not even legal to make new replacement parts for pre-1986 machine guns: “There is no exception allowing for the lawful production, transfer, possession, or use of a post-May 18, 1986 machinegun receiver as a replacement receiver on a weapon produced prior to May 19, 1986.”
So what about pre-1986 machine guns? Are civilians permitted to own those? Yes, with a host of exceptions. The pre-1986 machine guns may be sold only by a FFL/SOT and must be registered with the ATF. Easy peasy, right? Not really. The process of registering a NFA item with the ATF is costly, invasive, and time-consuming. Federal law requires extensive background checks of anyone wishing to own a NFA item such as a machine gun. If you wanted to purchase a machine gun today, it would take close to a year, and you would be required to submit fingerprints and a photo to accompany your background check. Each NFA item also requires its own tax stamp, which costs $200. Once the ATF decides that an individual is permitted by law to own a NFA item, it adds that individual’s name, address, and biographical information to a federal gun registry and matches it to the serial number of the licensed NFA item. This goes for every item listed in the NFA, not just machine guns. Individuals with NFA items are then required to notify the ATF when they move and any time they plan to travel outside their state of residence with the NFA item.
Tell me a state where no private organization is allowed to own an automatic weapon. There aren't any. Manufacturers can own all the class 3 they want. They are civilian organizations.
And that’s just the federal registration process. We haven’t even discussed the cost of purchasing a legal machine gun. If you can find a legal, ATF-stamped, pre-1986 machine gun for less than $10,000, then you’re a miracle worker. A legal NFA sear — the machined part of the trigger group that makes a firearm capable of fully automatic firing — can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000. And lest you think that any random yokel can just head into the garage and cobble together functional full auto sear, think again. While it is indeed possible, the tools and know-how required to precisely mill the sear, not to mention the myriad other necessary modifications, are in relatively short supply.
Reports, like those from ABC reporter Terry Moran, that machine guns are perfectly legal in Nevada and other states are highly misleading. Federal law, after all, pre-empts state law. In fact, under Nevada state law, NFA items are only legal if they have been legally obtained and registered under federal law. You can’t just waltz into the state with an unregistered machine gun and expect to walk around scot-free.
Your department can file a form with BATFE (Form 10, IIRC) and make a machine gun. This becomes a post 1986 machine gun and belongs to the department. They can issue the weapon to you for official use only.
If you leave the department the gun stays at the department.
They can do the same with a SBR, but you can transfer a SBR to you after you pay the $200.00 tax and the transfer is approved.
There are no short cuts. The illegal transfer or manufacture of post 86 MGs by officers has ended up with the officers going to jail.
So what you're saying is there is no ban and it's "legal for civilians to own full auto weapons manufactured before 1986"? And it costs 200 dollars for the tax stamp? Wow you sure showed me.
No, you are a liar , and a piece of shit human.
so class 3 dealers aka civilians are allowed to own post 86 full auto weapons
Kiss to you too sweetie. I'm a cop.
lol , circular argument , i left the facts here , i have better things to do , but i mean if you know what you know by all means....
It's not a circular argument. It's the only thing I've said in this thread lol. Civilians (dealers) can own whatever full auto shit they want if they pay for the cheap tax stamp. You said they can't and then posted all the words that say they clearly can.
when did i say you cant? you can IF , you can find said item , and can afford one , that basically eliminates 99.9999999% of any one
Example: gunbroker.com
>If you can find said item
Posts direct link found in three seconds through Google
>If you can afford it
Unlike everything else on the planet that you only have to pay half price for
yes you have to pay for things if you want to buy them and also find them
they don't just drop ferraris off at your door for free every day either
So all those rounds would work on progressives, antifa, feminists, and blm (aka fascists that want free speech limited and govt dictating how the means of production are handled).
Yes OP bullets will kill your friends. Have fun deranged psycho!
do you run over a crowd of people in a Ferrari ?
Every day the same 5 s o y cucks post in threads like these and circle jerk about the big bad daddy gibbserment taking away your meanie guns. (I SAW SOME SCARY RIECH WINGERS SHOOT MY BBC DADDY ON THE TELL A VISION TODAY) Actually communist eco-terrorist homos talking about the lorax.
>triggered hours later
Ban guns because the majority of gun crime(unreported on chimp outs in da hood) must stop! It’s not like every single one of them owns illegal guns anyway in the most regulated cities.
What a faggot. Holy shit. It’s always a Canadian.
Mistur trudope please arrest that bad man for saying Islam bad. Oy vey
Found the communist
My gun has killed no one you turbonigger
There will always be people replying like this, mostly redditors screencapping their own pepe.jpeg posts because it's what /r/Yea Forums assumes the real website is like.. but also just normal people. Other people don't want to see you succeed (underdogs, sympathy can change this) because it raises the bar and they would rather do the minimal effort required just to be alive and do what they want to do. These guys have given up on their hopes and dreams a long time ago, it's like the porn on Yea Forums you just have to filter it out and focus on the bits in between.
If you are lonely and empty like OP is claiming to be, and the current tactic of shitposting and surrounding yourself with equally sad and pathetic people isn't working.. should you try a different tactic or carry on using the one that is giving you your current results? It is not that you are stupid, but you are under-developed. You can not develop social skills, or the ability to act "normal" within the "rules" of society if you never spend time doing it. You are a lone wolf on a mountain with his fluffy dick flowing in the wind, looking down at a field of leopards doing yoga, thinking to yourself if you should try and fuck one of them, or join in. Join in, user, you won't be so lonely then.
Banning guns will work. Just like banning alcohol and marijuana did. Fuck it, just ban murder, that way no one will be murdered. BRILLIANT!!
>thinks people wouldn't murder each other constantly if it was legal
>thinks people wouldn't murder each other constantly if it was illegal
Murder being illegal DEFINITELY reduces the amount of murders. What's your point exactly?
Mass respect, OP.
That any law has a probabilistic effect. Pretending a gun ban would work is an example of ignoring this. Its an optimization problem, gun ownership vs public safety.
He was a leftist, you moron.
And would more people commit more murders in Chicago if murder was legal do you think? Hmmmmm hard for smoothbwain.
i think america should give away their right to own and carry guns. this would fasten the process of new world order by lot and would recuce staged mass shootings
Pretending complete elimination of all criminal behavior is an attainable goal by any policy is an example of ignoring real life and what people expect from a gun ban.
More puked up nonsense
She's not even funny anymore, now it's disturbing how dumb she is
I very much doubt that would have an effect. If you're angry enough to kill someone, the legality is largely irrelevant.
Banning murder works. Murder is banned. Fewer murders.
Yeah, thats kinda my point
are you angry about it or 'just disappointed' lol
You're really dumb then bro.
The problem in the US is niggers, not guns. You could drop a cargo plane full of guns on Sweden and there wouldn't be shootings because there is a low concentration of niggers
That banning guns will reduce gun crimes not eliminate every single one? That's your point? Cool let's ban gun then, crime is bad.
Fucking hell that pic is guaranteed to atttact a shitstorm bigger than the one that hit Alabama
I'm scared of murderers too!
Oh and jaywalkers!
Imagine being afraid that your neighbor will shoot you if they have a gun and misidentifying the problem as gun ownership and not that you're let niggers move in.
Someone tell me since when have criminals followed the law? why would someone who is set on shooting someone just suddenly drop it when he finds out that his gun is illegal?
>Citizens cannot be trusted with them.
Every tyrant in modern history agrees with you, people like this guy do not.
I mean, I was going to shoot this asshole, but then I realized guns were illegal. Murder I'm fine with, but violating gun laws? Fuck that, I'm not a monster.
>But I'm the idiot
You're just a coward.
Can't bash the Fash without firepower. Marx was right
If murder was legal there would be a lot more murders. It's silly to argue that's not the case.
Islamic terrorists aren't worried that their neighbor has RPGs at home because they share the same beliefs so aren't going to kill each other. Multiculturalism is why you live in fear, and it'll kill you.
>they share the same beliefs so aren't going to kill each other.
So that whole Iran-Iraq war, Muslim versus Muslim, was a polite debate...
It's hilarious that you actually believe this, and it's even more hilarious that you think that everyone else believes it's true
Do Sunni and Shia share the same beliefs, faggot?
banning guns WILL make you safer
You realize that's the secular version of a christfag arguing that without the fear of god, people will just go around murdering people.
No, it won't.
What would happen if they just changed Medicaid so that it applies to everybody? I'm already paying for it, it's getting deducted from my paychecks, so why the heck can't it just apply to me as well?
Better yet, what if they changed Medicaid so that only working people, the people who are paying into it, are the ones who receive the care?
Whats it like to be the biggest idiot in a thread on Yea Forums?
Getting owned so hard. Just keep trying dude. He'll respond eventually.
>UK has twice as many niggers per square mile.
>UK has half the homicide rate per capita.
Main factor, control of firearms.
can't wait until people realize guns are worthless
at this point we can actually just program a precision strike to anyone carrying a smartphone via gps precision guidance
don't even have to guide it, just launch, lock on to gps signal, even if phone is off or gps is set to ''off'' in your phone settings can still link, missile travels straight to coordinates and detonates on contact
could literally afford to create enough of these for everyone in the U.S. with the current military budget if that was the goal, wtf are guns going to do when military tech is superior?
Well look at that, its data sorted by homicide rate!
Bing Bong your opinion is wrong.
Are you familiar with Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq?
>You're wrong because I say so and my chart doesn't contain any information about the rate of homicides in the UK.
Try again.
You realize that to enforce laws it requires boots on the ground, cops on the beat. When bullets can suddenly fly at those people from all directions then control gets much more difficult. Airstrikes are useful for destruction but cannot project control over an area.
I wounder how all those countries beat out the U.S. in homicides by such a large degree
it's almost as if central and south America are in a perpetual state of civil war or something with only certain areas being stable
*shrugs* we'll never know, this surely proves your point, we should definitely not only consider countries with political stability for consistency in isolating variables, AM I RIGHT? that would be silly wouldn't it?
that's what propaganda is for
>The UK has half the homicide rate per capita
USA, 5.30
UK, 1.20
Less than half in fact.
Bing bong YOUR opinion is wrong.
Yeah airdropped flyers that say stop fighting? Get real
>All this bullshit
>Doesn't address a single point in the post he replies to.
Good job faggot.