Tips on how to score some Arabic/Middle Eastern booty in Australia?

Tips on how to score some Arabic/Middle Eastern booty in Australia?

I have tried both killing and rebirthing myself as per user’s previous suggestions to no avail however I am interested in hearing your unorthodox methodologies in alluring the submissive olive-skinned lasses as long as it doesn’t involve reenacting Christchurch.

Ashleigh Gibbs sends her regards and ty in advance

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I'm sure you'd find a sexy bitch who'd suck your dick on the daily if you converted to Islam.

But then you'd have to deal with all that shit, so fuck that.

Attached: (18).png (250x250, 128K)

Don't you just smoke meth out there

Similar to the CIA in America inventing crack to wipe out niggers, I’m still awaiting the flatline of many Methheads here in the Centrelink queue.

Oh Christ im cooming

It'd be a lot easier if you went to university. A lot of girls from the middle east come to do their degrees and study abroad, try some foreign dick and then go back home. Sluts are a universal human thing, regardless of being muslim or Buddhist or whatever. University is the big place where women come and play around because they know they're only here for a short while

May have to feign my ideologies to convert a “Halal on the street” to a “Haram in the sheets”

ty 4 advice. Will update shortly once the Hijab has been unveiled and I’m 6 inches deep during her daily prayers

Good choice, OP. That's probably her best pic on that page.

I don't speak sand-inese

Hre name sounds Spanish, not Arabic.


You have to convert to Islam and/or be black, otherwise don't bother

Mudslime isn't a race. Black doesn't matter.

As cliche as it sounds, be yourself and be confident. Some personalities are attracted to each other regardless of race. Sexual attraction comes down to mostly personality and chemistry. Both of which aren't exclusive to any race or ethnic group. I've had plenty of experience with women of a different race or culture than me. Never try to be someone or something that you aren't. You will indirectly close doors to a potential partner that would work out in the long term.

I never said it was a race and yes it does matter. Arabs don't date white guys. Sorry but it's just a fact. Maybe once in a blue you'll see it but generally they don't.

Women are always down to play and are just as sexual as men whether they are teenagers or in their 50s. I know from experience. And school age is only a small part of your life. You're still a kid if you're in college. From my personal experience women from their late 30s to 50s have by far the highest sex drive. Way moreso than younger women. And there's nothing sexier than a woman that knows what she wants and doesn't play games.

% chances on cucking a small kebab from his sharia-law imposed wives’ devotion?

Without getting killed? 0

slim to none
sexual deviance is a white person thing generally. there are exceptions, like anything of course, but it ain't happenin chief.


You steal a muslim's wife, somebody's gotta go at that point

Better me than the twin towers. I’m willing to dive ISIS deep to obtain the holy crusader’s wet dream

>hello ashleigh gibbs

>why are you asking this on behalf of your autistic boyfriend? Please pick yourself up as there is always a dy/dx = 0 point of low-self esteem.

Might as well just rape one then, if you do it in Saudi or some other middle eastern shithole, the woman go to jail or get stoned or whatever the fuck, you'll probably be gucci

Am an actual Muslim woman, so I can give you some real advice here OP.

1. If the girl in question is an actual devout Muslim, who comes from a strict and traditional family. Your chances are literally zero. Give up and move on.
2. Even for non hardcore Muslims like myself, the first thing that comes to mind when considering a partner is what happens when you take them home to your parents. If you’re not a Muslim, you’d damn well better be financially stable and successful. Ideally you are open to, or are at least willing to lie about being open to adopting some of the central tenets of the Muslim faith. If you come from a military family you’d better be prepared to never bring it up with my family.
3. Looks are super important. This shouldn’t be a surprise. If we decide to date a white guy, we’re instantly accepting the fact that we will be the dark horse in the family. You’d better believe that none of us will take that chance with an average looking guy.
4. Lastly - hookup culture really isn’t a thing for us. You’ll have more success if you’re seeking an actual relationship, or someone to marry. If this isn’t the case, you’ll have to be a pretty good liar to convince her it is.

Sounds orthodox to me

Guess I won’t be hooking up with you any time soon lmao

Just telling it like it is. Cultural oppression is a real bitch!

Lol, posts a jew while talking about banging shitskins. Good goyim

Sure, friend, visit their homeland in England

Since you're here, let me ask you then.

Are you individually not interested in hooking up at all- or is it purely because of the consequence of whatever your family might do?

Find a non Muslim one, or just get a Indian girl

you dont seriously believe this is an actual muslim woman do you?

what does it matter to you? even if i know its rp, i could just be continuing the rp

Too many loops and hurdles. Middle eastern men dress and look like shit most of the time, so enjoy your beatings and delinquint children

I personally have no moral issues with hookup culture, but I also don’t participate in it. Probably has to do with cultural values but it’s also because I just don’t like most people enough to want to have sex with them.

Have you been in a long term relationship before? I can imagine it'd be tough being that you'd have to date in secret, or be very forward with your family about it.

>Looks are super important.
You lost all credibility when you said this

> I don’t come close to meeting any of your criteria so I’m lashing out like a spoiled child

I think your tendies are done

haram tits or gtfo

I’ve had long term partners but never any non-Muslim men. My family isn’t so strict as to expect me not to date, so it hasn’t really been an issue.

THe real question is: Would Mia Khalifa be beheaded upon returning to her native country?

She’s from lebanon. She’d be fine

jesus christ i thought she was a pajeet the whole time

lord have mercy she's an ugly arab, cursed with monkey face and shitskin

thred ded tim 2 kil

Ded thred is ded

Unless 300 niggers can be killed in the timespan it takes to decapitate my head