Do I look like I can grow a full beard or should I just fucking shave it...

Do I look like I can grow a full beard or should I just fucking shave it? Having light colored facial hair is fucking bullshit

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Maybe not viking style but something shorter can work I'd say from what I see.

Wtf man? Is that a pic of your ball sack?

lose weight and shave it.

Also same, I'm pretty sure that's a ballsack now that dubs felt the same way

Pic is my mustache. Should I just grow that again? I wanna try for a beard but i dont know how to trim up my neck and make it look good and like I said light facial hair kinda makes it look shitty anyways

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I get like no hair on front part of my chin which sucks
Its my cheek
Im 6 foot and around 175 lbs im not fat

I thought it looked good but I shaved it off like a day after that picture

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Oh Christ you're a hipster. Ugh.

The other user overreacted. Basically, if you grow it again please style it differently somehow. Those mustaches haven't been in style for decades, so it'll look really weird until it becomes trendy again. Unless you're a celebrity or a trendsetter or something, which in that case I'd say go for it and set the new trend.

No im not I just like that style of mustache. Hipsters are faggots. Also when shaving is it standard to shave the chest hair that pops out of your shirt?

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Wtf does your ballsack look like

Im neither but i just really like that style. I usually only twirled it at home and combed it down most of the time

do you like, have no neck?


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post balls

Why would i do that

That's what a hipster would say

Im really not though. Im white trash

I hope I wasn't too mean earlier.

Anyway, I suggest finding a male fashion consultant (but for facial hair) and see if you can pull off that style. Otherwise, find another style you like because based on just that photo it looks very odd. Maybe with the right clothes it could work, but I'm no expert

Because balls or gtfo
Femanons have taken over Yea Forums now

Dude, what's wrong with your balls?

No you werent mean its ok. I was thinking about just letting my hair and facial hair go for a few months and then going to a barber and getting a fade and letting them do what they think looks best for my facial hair.
Im not an object

Thats my cheek

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That sounds like a good idea. Best of luck
Also I'm also the one that said femanons took over. I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just joking around

Its alright, I dont think you were being mean

Come on in
discord gg /VgR9HJ

You look like you have aids

>Having light colored facial hair is fucking bullshit
Beards are fucking bullshit. It's fake macho for pussies.

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You walk around in a 3 piece suit regularly? Lol

Lol, you don't know what the fuck a 3 piece suit is. Step it up loser.

Post your clean shaven face mr masculinity

You couldn't handle it. Here, let me give you some advice you can handle: how to count to three:
When you master that, come see me for more.

BTW, I don't post my face on the internet.
'Cause I'm not a fag.

Dont like butt fucker. Its your balls