How's this ass for an asian girl?

How's this ass for an asian girl?

Attached: 645342.png (994x1052, 1.07M)


Post more pls

Big but not that impressive. Any pic of her anus?

impressive for an asian

Here's the full pic, have a few more if interested in her.

Looking for more of her though if someone knows and would like to share.

Attached: 345643e5643.png (612x1162, 1.11M)

Ain’t bad...any butthole pictures?

she cute

I wish I had them, I'd share them to all user bros

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She's ASIAN. By the time she's 35 she'll look 135.
Asian's don't age well.
I wouldn't touch her... even with YOUR dick.
Asians often act "superior" in secret... but the REALITY is that their women are on deaths door past 30, appearance-wise.

You're thinking of white people, they fucking age like milk
Asians age pretty well

Asians age the best, idk where you're living.

Attached: 8e88a21eb8452b7bb928c746260a58ec.jpg (700x651, 56K)

very nice

I'm white... and while I HATE to say it... Black people age better than Anyone. Whites age better than Asians though, by far.
Latinos and Asians age the Worst. Whites ages 2nd worst. Blacks come in 1st.

Also... show me, troll, of a current pic of a beautiful Asian that's currently old.

Whites age 2nd best. Blacks come in 1st.

You need to be around asians more, I always guess 10 or 15 years too young when talking to older asians.

Here's a pic proving my point. That's a grandma, mom and daughter in this pic. There's hundreds of memes about how asians age so well compared to everyone else. It's why korean skin care is such a big industry

I'm white and I'd say aging wise it's:

Asians, latinos, black, then whites

Attached: youthful-taiwanese-woman-mother-sisters-lure-fayfay-sharon-hsu-1.jpg (700x525, 45K)

I don't know why the fuck this is so accurate.


I would switch blacks and Latinos but yeah


Some more, one of my fav I have saved

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Attached: Screenshot_20190922-205143_Instagram.jpg (1078x1046, 454K)