Are white people the only ones who have to do anything about climate change?

Are white people the only ones who have to do anything about climate change?

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they're the ones who get to decide all the laws and have all the money

so yes, they have to do shit

tiny dot cc slash ClimateGoddess

Yeah, whites have created the biggest problems in the world so they should have to clean up their shitty messes

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The only people that care about such things are people that are living comfortable lives with good jobs. If you don't have to worry about if you can afford rent or not this month, you can accomplish pretty much anything you want to.

Reverse racism due to affirmative action has resulted in a significant portion of the population that was once middle class to fall down to poverty or "poor" class. It's not longer about who is most qualified for the job. Many individuals that are the most qualified get brushed aside and when this happens over the course of decades, many fall through the cracks that are more than capable but never get the chance or opportunity. And this lack of opportunity has nothing to do with incompetence or lack of intellectual capability. But purely due to politics.

Grow up

You ever just wanted to punch a kid?

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Holy fuck you're so persecuted! How do you even stand it?

>they're the ones who get to decide all the laws and have all the money
Ah yes (((whites)))

>white people

lol,the only white people who care about climate change are retarded liberals.nobody else cares

People of color weren’t smart enough change the climate in the first place. Fat chance they can do it now.

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manmade climate change is a lie
co2 makes up only 4% of the gasses in the atmosphere
earth is heading into a little ice age
stock up on umbrellas and sandbags
screencap this

A world run by blacks or chinks would have turned out so much better.

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discord gg 3tyqAn

...ill just leave this hear guys

It's the biggest crock. I don't know how anyone is dumb enough to believe in this climate change bullshit.

Hm.. Dunno about *better*, but without the unmitigated progress we've been enjoying, we wouldn't be in the climate fix we are today.

fucking ACCURATE

>climate fix we're in today
lol fucking kys

white poor people, not the rich ones who run the corporations in India and China.

Blacks have the wisdom to not advance so much that they destroy the world. Whites should learn the same kind of discretion. Whites are so naive as to take black civilizations as less advanced but they are wiser than any white people have ever been

>china has shitty pollution regulations
>us companies work in china
>somehow us companies' fault that theres pollution
do you ever sit an reflect on how fucking stupid you are?


How does fucking up the climate make you smart
Even if it's due to inventions, having climate change happen doesn't make you smart lmao, but fixing it would make you

Jews aren't white, user

Why only white people?
In terms of CO2 emissions, it has been a white-dominated country since the industrial revolution. There was concern about the release of carbon since teh beginning of the 1900s. This argument was roundly quashed, not least because there wasn't any proactical alternative. The rules and regulations remained largely the same even though the fuel sources evolved to include oil and gas.

Then came the desire/need for more resources. Foreign countries were wooed by European ventures looking to extract the largely unused or unappreciated natural resources of the 'third world.'

In short, white man encouraged the use of fossil fuels all over the world, releasing sequestered carbon into the atmosphere.

Developing countries are just that: developing. They are still using the cheap and dirty power sources we offered. We have the leadership role as teh developed nations.

That's why white people (Europeans and Americans) are being addressed. We have the research capabilities to reduce the carbon footprint, but we don't. That's the complaint for the movement surrounding Greta.

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>we wouldn't be in the climate fix we are today.

we are not in one to begin with stop being a sheep

Pollution regulations have an overhead cost to buy systems to filter their output and to monitor it, etc.

US companies choose to outsource to China BECAUSE it's cheaper, partly because they don't have to be environmentally responsible there.

>even if it’s due to inventions

Good thing white people are on climate change, your dumbass clearly isn’t capable

is some kind of agenda russian trolls are pushing now? i see this thread multiple times a day

Whites don't ever clean up their messes. It's funny as fuck that they're being called out by another white so now they can't use the race card and blame blacks

well of course!
you cant expect the mexicaners or the dirty niggers to do anything about it, they are on their way up and that would be just cruel and racist according to obongo.
no, whites must make this sacrifice so that a bunch of animals with skin tone the color of feces can destroy everything and send us back to the stone ages.
or, we could eliminate threat.


>we are not in one to begin with stop being a sheep
Your letters seem to spell something, but all I see is denial "B-a-a-a!"

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>russian trolls

replace that with Democratic party
they are not that same thing but its more specific

no your just easily fooled

YOU do not personally know how any advanced technology works and did nothing to make those advancements. Stop taking credit for other people's accomplishments and stop taking pride in your skin color. You are a loser

lol right so it's the u.s. fault somehow
>the mind of liberals


The reality of the situation is that white people are the only ones who care enough to do anything about it.

Even the Grand Idiot understands it's real. He just doesn't want to fully acknowledge it.
You're just stupid.

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YOU are in a Yea Forums thread getting your jimmies rustled by obvious trolls. Take charge of your life or go to reddit.

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Hoo boy.

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Get back in your containment board, incel.

>do anything about it
there's nothing to do about anything because humans did not cause anything
how fucking arrogant you little faggots are to think you could affect the god damn climate lol
fucking stupid ass people who got duped into believing this bullshit

But your post doesn't include the words "faggot" or "libtard" so I'm gonna ignore it as irrelevant.

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we were like that with slavery too, btw

slavery still exists in Africa, arab countries, etc. Only white people were decent enough to stop doing it.

>five scientists read it and said it's wrong
jesus you fucking clickbait headline believing faggots are so ridiculous
i can't WAIT until 30 years from now when your parents house is flooded and all the crops are ruined because we're in a little ice age, and you STILL try to say it's because of man made global warming

According to the left, yes. Minorities get a pass, for reasons.

My favourite part about climate change deniers isn't all of the facts being thrown in their face, while they continue to deny.
It's the fact that they're so removed from common sense that they honestly believe that it's more likely that "big guvmit" has paid off the majority of researchers than the idea that rapid industrialization within the last century has accelerated degradation of the planet.

It's fucking mind boggling.

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Hahahhahahaha good maymay

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Why do you think squirrels are more intelligent than humans?

If someone or something lit your house on fire, are you going to not put it out because you feel youdidnt start it, and you resent the fact that you are being encouraged to do so?

Never mind. I think I know the answer already.

Your leader, too.
Laugh it up, sheep.

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>i can't WAIT until 30 years from now
why not 30 years from 2005 when Al Gore prophesized about the future.

We were already supposed to have environmental havoc by now.

You crazies always forget this shit started 15 years ago


Greta is /ourgal/?

I'd rather suspect it's trolling. It's like the flat Earth movement. Making statements so absurdly stupid, it's futile to defend them. With climate, there are enough sciostitutes (getting paid enough to retire on that they no longer care about reputation or funding) that they can keep the deniers in tow.

wow look at how deluded you are
you think we think the government paid them off?? ahahahaaa!!
man what a slap in the face the future is going to be for you

kek - the author just added climate change in there for affect.

this is the level of desperation the left is at.

I never said progress was bad. I said it was unmitigated and pointed out that whites are still the leaders. You're purposely being stupid so you can continue being stupid. Must be fun. I guess.

>15 years ago
try again bud
much longer than that
>thinks trump made the decision to build those barriers
please kys

>d climate change in there for affect.
>guessing at why people say stuff
Yeah, you'd recognize desperate.

she spoke before congress

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bottom line:
humanity has had zero effect on the climate
sorry lefties

>much longer than that
how long do you think it will really take for the predictions to happen?

Gore said 5-10 years but that was 15 years ago...
Why not admit to the fact that they might have been wrong?

>please kys
Defending yourself at all costs, eh?
Are you this genuinely stupid irl, or do you employ a governor on your brain when you talk with people face to face?
Oh. Do you actually talk to people face to face?

Nice use of FACTS and LOGIC

Protip: Google CFCs and why they were banned

>CFCs and why
That actually turned out to be an urban legend
Much like the Radon scare of the 90's

I've kind of lost faith in humanity after realizing Trump had and continues to have legitimate supporters who believe he's a competent leader.
I'd like to call them trolls, but the truth is, they're just ignorant people- constantly virtue signalling, spewing their uneducated, deluded opinions where and whenever they can. Maybe they are doing it to get a reaction from rational people, but if they believe this garbage at their core, then they're definitely not trolls, just deluded and pathetic.

>constantly virtue signalling, spewing their uneducated, deluded opinions where and whenever they can
Because liberals don't do this amirite?

Post perky nips

Sauce for claim

2019 and you people fall for the same troll garbage on here everyday.

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It's not a liberal vs conservative argument you retard. It's about climate change deniers.

Well it's hard to believe climate change is a serious issue when liberals don't even point fingers at the biggest violators of it. It's only Europe and the USA that is suppose to change and address it, but non-white countries do whatever the fuck they want.

Yeah, I think it's more complicated that that, unfortunately. O mean, HRC didn't win the popular vote by *that much*. A lot of people had a lot of issues (political, not mental) that his talk resonated with. I have to agree that the trans, gender fluid, PC-speak movement is really aggravating and counter-productive, but it was prevalent enough to affect laws and businesses, and now it really is actionable to day the "wrong" things. It is unfortunate that Trump went the wrong way on climate, but I have no doubt it is simply because it runs counter to what Obama did/wanted. Trump has no imagination or capacity to govern, so he thinks it's a good idea to simply go against everything Obama and that it means everything he does is good.
inb4 the chuckleheads here say "Obama dindu nuthin good!' FU.

Yes of course, it's very logical to try to change the laws/society of another country before changing your own.

Do you ever even attempt to think? Or do you just parrot what you see on twitter and youtube?

no, the chinks and pajeets have to cooperate, anything we do that makes money and causes pollution that we stop doing will be resumed by them, the market for that item/service not being eliminated it will simply find a new supply. they know this and are paying into propaganda that is essentially the suggestion only white people can do anything about climate change when in reality the problem is global and requires a global solution.

also we're obviously not the ones throwing trash in the ocean, trash doesn't just magically make it into the ocean, most trash is collected and put somewhere - we put ours in the ground, China and India throw it into the river out back. also makes me glad China isn't accepting shipments of garbage from us anymore, they said they were burying it but I bet they just threw it in the fucking river and then lied about it. i really think they don't care about the environment at all and can't be trusted to inspect their own environmental conditions and processes, also expect any such inspector you send to be harassed, detained and possibly vanish.

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This is why people want to punch shit stains like you in the face. Gtfo

>You get to nuke one of the following countries with no repercussions:
>Saudi Arabia


For me, it's China. Fuck China.

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You're dumb.

As of March 2019, 195 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement, and 186 have become party to it.[1] The Paris Agreement's long-term goal is to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels; and to limit the increase to 1.5 °C, since this would substantially reduce the risks and effects of climate change.

Then stop saying this is a "global issue" if you people don't plan on telling the brown hoards to address it. We do far more than India and China and you faggots still complain. Now we have to reverse back to the fucking stone age to make you happy? But non-whites can do whatever they want. Yeah I don't think so bud.

Definitely China, hell, I think they have people in the US making half the stupid shit that happens happen. Especially SJW running every school, it's like them to play the long game that way. Also no South Africa? Sometimes I think I'd rather blow it up than watch, but I guess it will be an important lesson to everyone and stuff so you're probably right. Definitely China, then.

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Stop saying nobody should do anythong unless everyone does it. You're just looking for an 'out' to continue being a spoiled brat and unwilling to play with others.

Yep. Definitely China. They have the "Long March" philosophy that makes them the most likely future leaders, and those lying cheats aren't great examples now.

Niggers are leeches who are never held accountable for anything

Funny you know... 6 of those rivers are in countries where America's plastic was getting shipped for 'recycling' before the Chinese started refusing the shipments this year because we did such a crappy job of cleaning the stuff.

if you criticize Greta, the left will make you reGreta

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right can't meme

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Dude, we've just been through this.

left can't meme but they sure can bait
they're masters of ragebait fake news, after all

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The reason global cooling didn't happen is because people wanted to breathe clean air, for some fucking reason. So governments mandated all kinds of pollution controls on cars, trucks, factories, power plants, etc. Less soot = no more global cooling!
We fucked ourselves with that one. Now we need some of that sweet, sweet cooling.

Wow. You posted a cartoon. Must be true.

Almost. You probably meant "Tulsi."
Now it's not funny, and I'm distracted by the error.

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it's also not finished, which is the point - shitty meme

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>For me, it's China. Fuck China.

Nah, Saudi needs to be destroyed first. No one in the world has any moral authority about anything as long as Saudi Arabia exists in a form like it is now.

Yes, China has infiltrated our schools, but they're too busy running propaganda factories. Google "Confucius Institute"
No, SJWs are the self-inflicted wound of the West.

>they're the ones who get to decide all the laws and have all the money
>Anglos be like:

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the fuck is this tik tok zoomer shit

get the fuck off the internet

>>Anglos be like:
No user that video is of a literal Jew
A cringey Jew that's been posted here non stop for a year or something, used to be spammed on /wsg/

I found that one video on his channel, the Wii Mii soyboy face dance.

And there it is. That fucking video AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I wanna kick that guy in the head soooo bad

29 years sure is a long time.............

>Muh India
>Muh China

Don't fall for this garbage people. This is the same retard making this thread repeatedly through the day with the same talking points. If you accept the theory of climate change there is only one appropriate response. We have no authority over India and China or anyone else. Only your own nation.

This isn't even a discussion, it's just a retard making the same thread over and over to get people roiled.

Pick one.

>We have no authority over India and China or anyone else
>Therefore they can do as they please

Great argument there champ. But when it comes to wars all of a sudden everyone gets off their ass to tell other people what they can/can't do right?

He may look cringe, but he probably has an easier time around women than any of us do.

why are you projecting?

Because I have no luck with women. Yet, that guy does, apparently.

Girls like to laugh.
Just remember - for every joke, there's a victim. The ability to laugh at yourself is a great asset.

>Because I have no luck with women
It's not luck- socializing is a skill. I don't know you or your lifestyle, but I'd wager you spend the majority of your time alone or at the very least, mostly secluded.

You probably come across as awkward and bumbling because you are- at this stage at least. Take some time to level up fam, happiness breeds happiness.


Lol. Inb4 "bUt ThEy CaLlEd ThEmSeLvEs NaTiOnAl SoCiALiSt"

I graduated college a few years ago, and co-worker women appear to be off-limits leftists. I don't go to bars, though. What do I do, go to church, a focus group there?


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>Blacks have the wisdom to not advance
That's an interesting spin on black failure to advance.

>I don't go to bars
Why the fuck not? Bars are awesome

>white girls are now nazi propaganda
Way to jump the shark, pajeet.

Even if your coworkers have differing social/political views, does that mean they have no inherent value as friends? Why so dismissive of them?
If you (or they) revolve their whole personality around their political views, then that's just kind of pathetic. There are infinite other things to talk about instead, if it rubs either of you the wrong way.

Why not go to a bar? It's a fun place to spend an evening just chatting with randos. If you don't drink, try a coffee shop?
You don't even have to go with the intent of speaking to people, if you're just chilling there, and someone just happens to pique your interest for whatever reason (they're wearing some nerd garbage shirt, or reading a book that interests you, or even if you think they're hot, and not out of your league), try to meet eyes with them, smile, if they return it, walk over and say hello, see how the conversation goes from there my dude.

Because he's Jewish

Yes, white people can inna-science, know brownies need to be prevented from developing and industrializing

UN aid will ship some extra wheat & maize flour. Be happy we are saving the earth for you brownies!

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I am a non-alcoholic. Kind of like Donald Trump is committed to the same, due to family personal reasons. I don't see a point in going to bars. I do sometimes go to coffee shops, but I don't really hang out for long. As for work, people there have become increasingly aggressive about expressing political views, usually far leftist stuff. It's lonely to be a conservative in an office environment, now. We are told not to commit micro-aggressions, and to be mindful of minorities (which I am) and feminists (which I am not). DNA testing told me that I'm 1% Jewish. What do I make of that?

>I do sometimes go to coffee shops, but I don't really hang out for long.
Well, that's what I'm saying. It doesn't have to be a coffee shop, it just has to be a place where you're at ease, with people around you. Maybe you take your dog out for a walk every day- bring it to the dog park and talk to some of the locals you see often or something. It's hard for me to say because I don't know you or your life.

If you literally only leave your house to go to work, and similar obligations- you're obviously going to continue to lack in this particular niche of social competence (romance).

That being said, I get the feeling that at your office, maybe you or your coworkers have expressed your views so often to the point that you've tribalized each other- that's some next level kind of ridiculous. You should care more about the person, their lives, their interests, their workflow- all things that are infinitely more relevant in the day-to-day than abstract views of politics. In casual conversation with coworkers, I think politics, religion, even culture in some cases are such personal topics that should only be touched on when you're close enough to care about each others' views.

>What do I make of that?
That you're Jewish

Let's just nuke China and India. All of our carbon emission problems would go away.

nuke the US also, it's garbage tier

Sulphate and presulphate gases ≠ soot.

If we just pumped coal soot into the air we would get warming. You do not understand the science behind stratospheric aerosol injection well enough to make a valid comment on this. Laypersons should stop pretending they have a fucking clue.

I could take this seriously as anything other than a propaganda chart if the 'other countries' were an average rather than an aggregate.

How do you respond to the fact that 85% of all carbon emmissions come from third world shitholes and 90% of plastic waste in the ocean comes from Asia?

Would you please just focus on the real problem? Companies like Apple prop up those nations for cheap labor and emerging markets, thereby increasing car on emmissions and pollution.

But yeah sure, keep blaming middle class Americans for using too much tap water when they clean their dishes. Faggot.

>they're the ones who get to decide all the laws and have all the money
do middle class americans do any of this shit?

of course not, it's the upper echelon of society-corporations.

>How do you respond to the fact that 85% of all carbon emmissions come from third world shitholes and 90% of plastic waste in the ocean comes from Asia?
They're brown so they get a free pass

text me you fucking faggot unless your too scared you little bitch

pic related

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Why does the focus always have to be on race?

No. But if you are rich enough to avoid common life problems, you can find bigger challenge. Why white people are actually richer ? Ask your history book !

white people are the only people stupid enough to care about climate change

>biggest problems in the world
oh please, do go on

Not only, but primarily as leaders and according to share

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Whites are the only intelligent AND humane race, so we have to lead by example. It is our burden. The browns and blacks of the world are marching towards self-implosion. Make sure you country has strong borders so hordes of "refugees" cannot take it over in 50 years.

>Asians are smart, but behave like cruel insects
>Browns moderately intelligent, but their ancient mixture with blacks is obvious
>nigs gonna nig
>Natives of the America, just lol

Why do you care about climate so much if you don't go out of basement anyway?

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Well climate change isn't real, so.......

China and India are major polluters as well, plus there's a ton of e-waste in places like Ghana.

No but rich countries are

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Just join them you nogs

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Geez, I'm Canadian and I have to ask why the fuck do we pollute so much. Must be the Alberta oil lobby, or the fact that we're as suburbanized as the States.

> Only white people were decent enough to stop doing it.

Only white people were smart enough to hide it

I modded my F350 to double the amount of exhaust it releases, been doing that to every truck I owned for the past 10 years. It still snows where I live. Humans don't cause climate "change." It's just a weather cycle. Plain and simple.

And youre a compensating deluded faggot thats even proud of his mess. Plain and simple

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Care to tell me what this even accomplished?
Did all those protestors gather around a table and engineered new more efficient device to replace our polluting ones?
Did they ask to rebalance the cost of higher education so that science and engineering is free while women studies and other useless education fields get more expensive?

No, they did jack shit and that's why people laugh at them


gang gang

>children need to spoonfeed me and scientists are stupid

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Are you TRYING to sell me on leftism?
Because it's working...

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I know I am late to respond, by over two hours, but thank you for the advice. It is noted.

Yes. It's up to whites to set a good example for the lesser races

The alternative would be expecting people of color to contribute to something

Lets hope so, they shouldnt win this. Imagine beeing schooled by them

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Grated Thornberry is my hero!

I think Greta's gonna kick in ass in the "Children of the Corn" remake.

Tell me about the wisdom of raping babies to cure AIDS or continuing to burn witches.

>whine about "muh third world shit holes"
>le first world import most of the goods you consume from them
If third world shitters are to blame, so are the consumers. (You)

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Yeah. You have to pay 25% of what you make to Jews to make sure the planet doesnt burn up. Only people with money though.

Whites apparently are the only people who ever have to do anything about any problem. Because all the other mutts are busy creating the problems

Tell~ that~ to~ China~

No but we are the only ones who give a fuck about the environment. The rest of ya'll, especially Niggers do not give a fuck how much you trash the planet, just like how your homes are filthy.

Ever been to a poor wh*Tes home? Much more disgusting. Niggers might not have much, but they take care of the little they do have.

Dont do anything. Anything we do will be of the benefit of Agenda 21/Technocracy/((Sustainable Development)))
The more anyone helps, the closer we all march towards The Beast system. The mark is coming.

How much co2 should I save up to survive the coming co2 market crash?

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Just stop breathing

This is how these ecotards make me feel

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It would make more sense to store my breathe in balloons and hoard them for the next eight years.

The lack of preaching to the rest of the world is evidence in itself that the climate hoax is an operation solely targeting the white, western developed economies.
It will not stop until these stooges have been disappeared.

What is retarded is that if they just asked if someone is a jew the target would appear. Anyone who disagrees cannot even say that jews arent white. They would rather kill themselves and have their children raped than sound anti termite

>co2 makes up only 4% of the gasses in the atmosphere
Er... you mean 0.0391%. For fuck's sake.

That's why it's aimed at kids, hippies, low IQ students and betas hoping to get laid.

bit dot ly slash JQFAN

>white people create civilisation
>civilization goes to shit

Fuck off and die in the coming ice age like the last time


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Obvs because basement is first room to flood.

Only the white aspirant middle class that populate the protests and demonstrations

If it made up 4% of the gases in the atmosphere we would be fucked you ignorant nigger.

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Are you dense? They out preassure on the politicans so that those in power can be forced (or if you are cynical, see it as being tacitcal and apeasing the populace) to set rules and regulatoins in place that lessen the CO2 emissions.

And what were those carbon emissions per capita in 2000?

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And yet most of your goods come from all of the high polluting countries.
So really the west is just patting themselves on the back for doing nothing.

leftards are hilarious

>hurr durr "we wuz Kangz"
Only one king exists at a time in a kingdom. Which means 99.99999% of the rest of the nogs of old were still peasants, plebs or slaves.


Nobody else gives a fuck. China must be laughing its ass off at these liberals and white countries

Propaganda =/= facts

Yeah they should probably stop manufacturing all their trash in countries with weak environmental regulations to save three cents.

there's nothing wrong with the climate, retard

No, just Americans. Europe has done next to nothing while telling America (which has done more than any country) to destroy it's economy.

It's too bad this Cabbage patch kid with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome didn't get aborted, along with the rest of the climate change sheep stealing precious oxygen. If you all cared about the environment, you'd kill yourselves, thinning the population and lowering the carbon footprint in one go. Kill yourselves, it's for a good cause.

Yes, her mum said she wasn’t allowed to go to China, it’s to far and has to much smog for her little lungs.

Calling civilization, actual culture that doesnt involve eating humans or dogs, and masters of discovery a mess is a little retarded of you no?

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t. living in the 20th century
>you are being surpassed while you proclaim superiority and puff your hollowed chest

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i´m trying to imagine what it must be like to be so deep into antisemite conspiracies and neonazi propaganda that anything and everything you encounter in life will somehow confirm this distorted worldview.

all i can imagine is that people who are suffering from this condition are somehow socially isolated, spend too much time browsing questionable websites and are somehow underpriviledged so that the victim myth can apply to them.

i´m starting to get the idea that this is a social problem that cannnot me marginalized anymore. something has to be done about basement dwelling incels, because the hate and confusion they spread is contagious and a dangerous threat to society.

It's a percentage change, you retard.

But it's easier to blame a race than an economic class.... oh,wait. They also talk about the 1%. Damn, they're really racists.

It's the insufferable smugness.

USA. You could solve some problem mankind has by destroying Hollywood, Washington and Wall Street without prior warnings.

Sheeit I'd use Nordic girls to grab attention too

That Indian guy has no clue about European history of ideas.

Don't strain yourself, wouldn't want you to sprain a functioning neuron.

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And the 'other nations' percentage change is aggregate not average, which is hilarious. It would also be more interesting if the actual figures were used so we could see the starting points. I wonder how different that graph would look then.

Why umbrellas and sandbags?

Imagine thinking everyone is a sheep, that you are the only one who knows the truth because "boop beep I have internet, access to truth!" When you're just parroting what some whackjob said to another whackjob, like a fucking sheep yourself.

We're all going to fucking die anyway, so you know what? I hope climate change is real. Fuck this planet, fuck all of you. Let's burn it all. None of you deserve a damn thing.

They aren't the only ones on the planet ding dong. But then again, I guess they are the smartest.

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greta the chromasone slayer

I can't find the picture comparing her to the charts, but she has all of the physical symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

They are the only ones willing to be eternally scammed by their own, by the foreign and by the mongrel

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*looks at china and india*
oops, climate change never gets fixed, because everyone in the west could bike and run entirely on solar and wind, and that wouldn't fix the problem. To fix the problem, find the biggest source of it, and change that. Stop making excuses just to virtue signal. If you don't support shrinking the ecological footprint of china and india, then you aren't doing anything effective to fix the problem, only to make yourself look good.

Who do you think is buying all of the shit they are polluting for?
>west cuts back on production of their own goods, opts to importing from places like India and China
>Pollution goes sky high in India and China goes up
>Pollution in countries that now produce less goes down
>the "first world" pats themselves on the back for doing nothing, and still consuming products created from the polluting countries

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>China doesnt do anything so we're all fine

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Wow scary

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Yes because niggers are too busy creating unwanted babies and shooting themselves dead to be of any use at all.

She has a very punchable face

yeah, its not like that little ugly brat is sponsored by the multinational corporations that own renewable energies and technology and they have any economic interests


How are you going to punch someone if you're so weak and never leave your basement or have sex?

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>Can't understand the difference between the cause and effect.

Importing good from those places isn't bad you fucking imbecile. It's common logic of free trade. It's up to those countries to sort themselves up. Does it always have to be the white man telling all the uncultured swine how to behave?

The climate IS changing. I don't think anyone is denying that. I just think it's not the fault of man. It's cyclical. It's been warmer on this planet (about 2000 years ago) - historical and geological records prove this. So, how did that happen when man wasn't polluting the air and sea? There are a lot of studies that theorize that sunspot activity/solar storms have way more influence on out planet than anything.

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It's only fair, since you guys made it up.

Yeah and if they "sorted themselves out" then you would be paying 10x or more for every single product you use.

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Fix china, the west can't do anything to effectively help climate change.
Other than taxing companies for importing from high pollution countries like china and india.

But the west wants it this way. You get cheap products and somewhere else is polluted.
So don't pretend like the west is virtuous, otherwise your taxes would have been emplaced over half a century ago, lol.
You know what you are buying and how it is made, you simply don't care.

Not one working model exists that puts sunspot activity higher on the list of influencers of global average temperature than albedo. Try again, once you actually understand the science involved in the global temperature of Earth.

It occurs to me know Greta's face is pretty Down-y, eh?


You think politician care if future adults waste their time in the streets, believing they have no future an therefore it's no use getting educated?
What exactly do those politician lose by them doing so?

They'd just hope more people would join in, as they want their population to be as dumb as possible to hold control over them

Maybe, maybe not. That's not the point. You're trying to assert that "West bad because they buy cheap mass-produced shit". You're essentially trying to absolve those retarded countries of responsibility for their own fucked up system and put it on the west because that's easier to swallow form your perspective. Free trade is not the issue. West is not responsible for how those countries behave or how they create their products.

don't think so, cowboy

White people are the only ones to do anything about anything. Everyone else depends on white people for jobs, medicine, laws, progress of every kind.

Son, people don't go out because they are alike, or they like the same things. It's way more common to hate on the same shit, than agree about things. I mean it would be scary as fuck if I'd love Disney and unicorns, like my gf does.

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No. Western nation's manufacture garbage in China to avoid responsibility. They put pressure on the Chinese government to give in to their demands in the name of profit: ergo Trump's 'trade war'. It's a fact of geopolitical policy and the only people benefitting from killing the planet are the very few at the top profiting from it.
>Hurr Durr I don't want to pay ten thousand dollars for a super ball
The difference in manufacturing cost between China and the States is small percentages, not orders of magnitude.

Speaking of cringy Jews that you love to post everywhere and stuff

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so they just killed this little guy to reduce co or what

>The west is not responsible for them making this shit just because they buy it!
I mean you're objectively wrong. They wouldn't not make it if it was not bought. Direct causation, completely undeniable.

>But the west wants it this way. You get cheap products and somewhere else is polluted.

So what you're saying is that Chinese are subhumans who can't see the problem with what they're doing? You're saying that it is the white people who have to do something about the problem because cheap products exist.

So let's summarize:

>Chinse not bad because they can't take responsibility for their own choices
>West bad because they're buying cheap products and benefit
>West has to do more because in comparison with everyone else who isn't doing anything they clearly aren't doing enough.

White people can afford to make a huge difference and increase our quality of life at the same time.. We do, have all the money and consume all the resources that create pollution.

The real question is, why would you come here and shill for coal thinking you are going to change someone's mind into not caring about the environment.

Are you a russian shitposter?

I'm sure you blame drug dealers rather than junkies too.

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When did I say polluting countries aren't to blame as well?
Holy fuck duh chaineez live rent free in your head

stfu nigger. back to work

White people have a choice, you dumb trumpnigger.

muh climate

You're so wrong it's fucking laughable. China is a close off state for one, they don't care about pressure from other countries. Their geopolitical sphere of influence is growing and hasn't stopped growing for some time. They pursue their own interest more than any individual country in the world. They even have their own sweatshops in Africa and expand there. Brining the same policy there. The only reason the west is able to manufacture in China is due to direct benefit to the chinse and even then the policy is controlled and managed by the state.

Yes, and the west is not wrong in benefitting from it. Chinese should up their standards of production. But we all know they won't.

I blame drug dealers more than junkies yes. One needs to be rehabilitated, the other should be hanged. Case closed.

You directly implied it. You're trying to put the blame solely on the west. Which is easy, because we all know west bad.

>They won't do anything so why should we?
Childish mentality as always.

If that is the maximum capacity of your reading comprehension, so be it.

The junkies make the market, consumers make the market in any industry.
The consumers create the demand.

Easy for you to say. Consider what you're proposing for a second. They're expanding faster and easier than western countries due to lack of regulations. The same regulations that put immense pressure on regular citizens. Your climate change solutions will directly come out of the pockets of normal citizens.

And if they aren't willing to play the ball than your little plan is worthless. They're producing more pollution than the USA and Europe combined. It's about time you realized that what west can do is in-fact quite limited. And this mentality about being the ones who constantly need to save the world is beyond retarded.

>No I didn't

Yeah, ok.

Yes, and not all products are of equal value and importance. Comparison between drugs and apples is pointless.

Maybe just stop buying cheap Chinese shit. They won't produce it if you don't buy it. Lead by example, if you can do without your iPhone DCLXVI XL

no, the asians have helped a lot with emitting CO2

Why are you willing to put all the pressure and responsibility on us? Are you suggesting that it's impossible to improve the state and methods in Chinese's factories? Also, it's stupid to suggest that they would leave behind the methods they're using now just because the demand dropped. The output would lower yes. But the problem would disappear. Wishful thinking at best.

>Are you suggesting that it's impossible to improve the state and methods in Chinese's factories?
Given that we are not in China, it is impossible for us to change China without exercising what influence we have. What influence we have is economic. If we stop buying Chinese shit, they will produce less. If they produce less, they will pollute less. Do you deny the truth of this?

Yes kill all the niggers. Solved.

Leave it to us glorious whites to save you stupid niggers again. Where's the climate change gangs?

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Nigga, have you been to India or Africa? I have (for work). If it wasn't for White people, those countries would be even worse.


My favorite part is smug know it alls that dont do shit but virtue signal. Are you carbon neutral personally? No? Didnt think so.

Been to China as well. Africa, India, and China don't compare to the USA. All 3 have massive overpopulation and pollution issues. Not saying the USA doesn't have problems, but our issues aren't even close to theirs. Go travel a bit. Go see other countries, and what it's like there.

I mean China is holding up Africa, not the west lol.

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Not true. The US military is the largest polluter in the world.

You visited rural China and found it more polluted than the rural US? No? Oh yeah when you compare an airport to a field in the middle of nowhere it seems noisy.

China uses renewable energy at a higher rate than the US. Half of global aluminum recycling takes place in China. 90% of heavy Metal Recycling takes place in China. You guys don't know dick about China just shut the fuck up.

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China has a billion people and manufactures almost everything for the west. 29% of global pollution.

US has 350M people, produces nothing but garbage cars, weapons, and entertainment. 15% of global pollution.

The US pollutes at a far greater rate than the big countries you faggots are so worried about. Get as good as China and then you can tell them they aren't doing enough.

The also produce co2 at a higher rate than the u.s. nearly double, yeah but that’s because they’ve devalued there money so it’s only profitable there, and they spend hundreds of thousands in shipping costs and co2 off puts as they buy everyones metal, instead of letting countries do it locally

Yeah, no. The yaun is becoming the international business currency.

Wrong. They produce twice as much total but they have three times as many people. Pollution creation per capita is lower in China than the US

>China produces lead based toys, shitty electronics that must be thrown out in a year, steals everyone else’s intellectual property

>us has Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, IBM

You’re literally not even allowed to breath in certain parts of China as there cities are filled with smog and pollutants

>Letting countries do it locally
Just shut the fuck up for real.

You aren't allowed to breathe?
Seriously just shut the fuck up.

Wrong CO2 isn’t a pollutant. Per capita doesn’t matter, it’s their fault for having too many people. Leading to this instability. Get rid of your people slit eyes.

As in, it’s advisable to wear a mask, are you fucking retarded?

Lived and worked in China for 18 months. Spent time in numerous rural cities. Guess what? It's polluted, because those rural cities don't have proper drainage and sewage.

The planet will end in 12 years! We must elect a democrat to save the world!

All of Apple's products are manufactured in the far east. All of Tesla's components are manufactured in the far east. All of IBMs mainframes? Manufactured in the far east.

> Comparing your shitty country with a shitty country

I see you murritards have high standards

Ok you brought up CO2 not me?

Illegal to breathe /= wear a mask if you want

The US creates more global pollution per capita Han China and China is a polluted shit hole. Get it together faggots.

Yeah we get it US companies have to deal with shitty governments the devalue their currency and pay slave wages with no respect for Intellectual property, while being the main problem of over population and #1 country destroying our planet.

Apple, up until just recently, was assembling ALL of their products in Foshan and Guangzhou, China. They are NOT an American company. They didn't pay their taxes for years while here, then they moved their headquarters to Ireland to avoid paying US taxes, only to fuck over the Irish and not pay their taxes there too, so Ireland kicked them the fuck out.

I didn’t call it a pollutant

I never said illegal, for fucking half wit.

These climate change lunatics sound exactly like those religious doomsday people standing in the street shouting "THE END IS NIGH" at everyone who walks by.

Normal people ignore them, because we know they are just mentally ill...

climate change is solely the fault of the white man

the white man: powerful enough to change the world!!!

Lmao, you know nothing of corporate laws, corporations are only incorporated in one place. Where they pay taxes is entirely different, and they did pay their taxes, 0, because they have good lawyers and accountants






see how it works folks?


Or they could respect the planet they operate on and their customers enough to not trash the planet for a two percent increase in profit?

You said "literally not allowed to breathe" lol

Idk all the ones here just sound like they want people to take environmental change seriously and take responsibility to change it. The ones on your side are the Doom prophets talking about how it's too late and all over

Yeah as it will damage your lungs, if I said you literally can’t stand on lava, why the fuck would you think it was outlawed, and most of the time outlawed stuff is possible as that’s why it’s outlawed.

You’re fucking dumb mate

I don't have a side. I couldn't care less if humans go extinct.

Because being allowed to do something is different than being able to do something? Not hard dude. You said something you don't mean nbd. Get over it.