What's the best programming language and why is it C++?

What's the best programming language and why is it C++?

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It's not you fucking multiple inheritance inbred mother fucker. C is love, C is life. Fight me.

C is great but C++ refines C

If you’re going to use C then use fucking C. If you want syntactic sugar there are better languages out there

It constrains it to a set of standards that only make sense half of the time. Also, objects? Just asking for problems. All high level languages are, at the base C.

Typically when something is refined, it doesn't have 3000 extra parts and layers tacked on to it.

whats the most retarded programming language?

It gives you more tools than you need and more than one way when one will suffice. It tries to be a high level language, but is more complex than all of them with all of the drawbacks and none of the productivity gains.

> Not doing all programming in assembly

> Not doing all programming in machine language


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> implying the best programming language isn't html

I've tried to read many books on C++ and either I'm not smart enough to understand object- oriented programming or the books are bad at explaining it. Anyone have some insight into what is the point of object- oriented programming?

I agree user, you are so smart, you're a really smart guy and probably have very deep insight into things. Thank you user-kun , also invest all your money into bitcoin.

>.bat can and will delete system 32, c++ won’t because it’s for pussies

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maybe you should stick to flipping burgers

Try this site: codecademy.com/learn/learn-c-plus-plus

You are a special kind of stupid nigger

ITT: Nerds

Is learning to code actually worth the time/effort?

>not doing all programming with physical analog components.

go back to your fb/ig thread then

im not but I gotta say, you will be the one flipping burgers since you are a code retard and think that your skills arent being outsourced to india or ukraine. And in a few years you'll probably be homeless or flipping burgers when AI completely removes the need of programmers ;) Edgy burgerboi user is gonna be very angry and upset then, try voting trump man. Maybe you will be delusional for 4 more years about your future

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only if you get a paper from a university that tells u, that u know it. Just doing it at home doesnt make you any richer or smarter.

When you're working with a bunch of people you'll appreciate objects.
First you write a class in a seperate file with your specialized and relevant functions then in your main file you create an INSTANCE of that class - this is your object. It's like a variable: int x =5; but you can call the functions within that class: class.function(x); and it will do that function with your variable x

Not C++

It's not. It's c sharp.

one aspect of it is basically, you can make classes, and then inherit certain things from that class and use for other sub classes.

Main class might be "person". A person has different attributes as a name and profession.

Another class like "Doctor" can inherit from this class, and you can use the attributes from person on ur new class.

Then you can add some more specific ones for the doctor class basically

did I strike a nerve? how many shifts do you have this week?

c# > c++
less redundant and more useful

c++ is not redudant at all. is it because your professor told you c#/java grads are most employable?

Even if that were true, C# is also more slow. In b4 .net core or some crap. Finally, having to learn memory management (absence of a gc) creates better programmers.

haven't done C/C++ much but i can respect C... jesus fucking christ if you need speed and don't want to write C use Rust or something. i don't know why anyone would choose C++.

from the dynamic side ruby is elegant, but good luck in a larger code base. unless you're writing thousands of tests everythings going to break and your not going to know without a bunch of extra infrastructure. doing some php for work. why the fuck was this ever made? needle/haystack? fucking gay. doing some python for side project, i honestly don't know why people love this so much. it literally feels like im pulling teeth compared to how elegantly i can write stuff in ruby.

trying to learn haskell. that shit is elegant but holy fuck good luck understanding it. i'm forcing myself to work through it because i want to be above all you plebs but never actually write a line of production code in it.

i've spotted the retard.

i've interviewed a lot of indian devs. they are just as good at shitting in their code as they are at shitting in their code. no creativity, fucking garbage critical thinking. good luck outsourcing a project. only non tech execs will do that thinking "look at how much money im saving" as things crash and burn and get restarted in a first world country.

and if you think AI can actually write code, your math skills must be grade 10 at best. you really have no idea what "AI" is.

creates better programmers for a specific type of programming...?

memory is cheap. unless you're writing something with limited memory let the GC take on that work. but i think this is based on the exact thing being built.

Is that inheritance stuff used in the real world? Seems complicated.

memory is never cheap


relative to engineering time and depending on the project... really? you're going to take that stance to the grave? smh

Visual basic

C I can understand, more or less. I always reach a stopping point when they get to object- oriented programming.

This dude gets it.
So does this dude.
> is inheritance ever used in the real world?
Most large scientific programs are written in fortran or C++ depending on when they were created. To the C programmers on here shitting about C++, they have clearly never developed on a major project. Enjoy your redundant code.

based and chromepilled

Naw I wasn't even thinking about memory efficiency. I am in the field for years and people that were FORCED to keep track of their resources, do it with all resources and by habit. They are better programmers and developers overall.

Angular for frontend and Scala for backend

'full stack developer' detected

VB.Net is the best.

>the point
It was a common programming idiom in C code that they added sugar for. If you don't like it and you don't have to for work, don't use it.

> Not doing all programming

Poor guy. Have a (you).

you're not dumb. c++ is a disaster. read this: medium.com/better-programming/object-oriented-programming-the-trillion-dollar-disaster-92a4b666c7c7

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Yeah... nice try, but this article conflates complexity with poor code design. At the end of the day, object-oriented programming in C++ allows building extremely complex software with relatively simple class hierarchies, and it is super fucking fast. While less speedy, OOP in Python has also allowed non-computer scientists in other STEM fields to build complex protocols from diverse git repositories.

Tired of seeing shit on here from people who only code little scripts or stupid fucking web pages.

C++ is great but C#/Java refines C++

i program c++ nearly exclusively. you sound insufferably pompous. have a good evening regardless.