

Attached: CE99A335-DF8C-4D81-B942-E4FA3402B94D.jpg (768x576, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there an active discord for NY???

845 here, anyone trying to chill / hook up

Where in 845?


Attached: 2C932D91-AD51-4536-AC2F-62737A509A7A.jpg (768x577, 56K)

Would kill for more of her! Went to school w her


I second ! Discord?

I’m in np

and, what you trying to do?

Ashley m

Attached: A4E5A932-508C-4E82-83F1-DAA5677910FB.png (720x1280, 374K)



Attached: 0D07041B-C145-46DB-8968-AF42F9D9CBF4.png (720x1280, 518K)

any rockland chicks?



I got Watertown, who you got

Any saugerties win?


Attached: IMG_1046.png (640x1136, 1.26M)

Anyone got 631 area, patchogue or medford?

whats your kik



this disc has some good ny wins /8FjuPE

More np and wallkill pls

fuckin post here always kik with you. hoarding everything begging for OC and not sharing


Any Pomona?


You first?

U can use names here this isn't anonib

Julianne Greenberg died like a year ago

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Poughkeepsie college slut

Attached: 551F30FB-E1D8-4A7A-9A83-DF4D52C30A66.jpg (1733x2310, 758K)


Attached: d605e9ee-e3d4-449e-a46d-cddcf1a0a81a.png (900x1600, 1.23M)

discord gg/n7QueHY

Have her snap?

Unless the mod/janitor gets pissy/knows the chick. Then you get banned.

Sam DiFabio

Attached: image.jpg (319x720, 52K)

Anybody know her?

Attached: ic3ouAw.jpg (480x600, 81K)

Attached: 5eEjoJS.jpg (1586x1982, 1020K)

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Know she's 845 just looking for a name

Attached: 5nH7KB3.jpg (480x640, 92K)

discord QtwWgf


Attached: 5F6DB459-B729-4412-A64F-ACC3F948D8EE.jpg (1724x2298, 790K)


Attached: 845_.jpg (1058x1881, 136K)



Got a whole arsenal from the 845 here. Discord gg/X4RN9KP

Fake don't join. Just some bullshit.

any jenica?

Any Montgomery?

any jenica?

Where my Warwick bros at?

discord gg/vmnN7J

More bullshit don't join

Alyssa balsamello Warwick

Attached: 1565375627272.jpg (840x630, 66K)

Anybody got stuff from around Poughkeepsie/Rhinebeck area?


Have some Sammy Mann wins if u wnt


Attached: 4gfJHwP.jpg (1536x2048, 685K)

Fake spam

Fuck yes. Let's see what you got

Danielle c Warwick dad owns UMAC

Attached: Xk4qrzq.jpg (800x600, 98K)

Any Syracuse? Liverpool? CNS?

Attached: V28ayzQ.jpg (640x480, 57K)

Attached: cxU47H8.jpg (640x480, 49K)

anyone got any platts?

Attached: Screenshot_20190912-132615.jpg (1199x1661, 343K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190912-132557.jpg (1199x1645, 228K)

any ciara??

Discord gg/zHKzWB


Join this shit

Don't it's spam

845 - guess a name and I’ll show face

Attached: DB89B3A9-6C3C-4520-84F9-5F785A68FBD7.jpg (1334x750, 133K)




All I have. Got more Warwick if u waana dump too.


you have more warwick? id love to see all of it



Any 585?

Discord server zHKzWB


what is this discord?

i have those 2 girls you posted added on socials lol, went to highschool with them

Go when here. Wish I had something to offer. Wasn’t much of a film Jew when it came to sloppin with my ladies nor was a I bad boi texted so no nudes either. Fug

Attached: 16DC4A4A-AAD7-45E6-A5C6-930803001FFB.gif (475x736, 24K)

What years u looking for?

i graduated 2010 so that pref, but honestly any, pretty small town so i know a lot of people

I’ve got a large selection of new paltz females. Any requests ??

anyone got 607

just post some

Got sum Kiara mignione

Attached: PRIVLOcr.jpg (1456x2583, 356K)

Aleigh m?

Attached: wu0Ld5y.png (329x242, 130K)

Attached: Screenshot_2017-10-12-20-32-21.png (720x1280, 446K)

Rachel Schimmerhorn

Attached: bpI1tc2r.jpg (1456x1949, 334K)

Attached: cameron pardo.jpg (480x471, 53K)


really hot seeing all these girls i know lol, jesus. never thought id see the day. mind if i ask how you have these?

Chloe Cote

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Trading and archiving from anonib/anonme

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Attached: anal_princess420atAOL(brittany brown).jpg (800x800, 89K)

If ur enjoying dump anything u have

Attached: da7m22F.png (720x1280, 905K)

Attached: mmc2lPs.png (720x1280, 913K)


honestly dont have anything, 100% enjoying this though, know all these girls

Attached: NjA4qcx.jpg (1284x2405, 116K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-150408.png (1920x1200, 1.6M)

discord gg/aY5CJn

Sage Holmes did sum body paint crap

Attached: eAkgaCh.png (1080x1579, 1.99M)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-15-21-36-19.png (720x1280, 792K)

Had to trim them down for file size

Attached: S7Hx7WA.png (1080x1246, 1.89M)

did you go to warwick hs? what year you graduate? we might be friends lmao

Meagan 914

Attached: 365011CC-89C7-4494-B0D0-D2B1A1CDC380.jpg (1242x1817, 268K)

Nicole L
Cold Spring

Attached: 21922114.jpg (800x600, 50K)

Attached: image copy 2.jpg (552x950, 42K)

U got anymore Asher?

Attached: gqFwy3N.jpg (650x650, 221K)

this bitch loves getting throat fucked

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-22-14-49-40.png (720x1280, 508K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-20-19-21-13.png (1200x1920, 1.26M)

Yeah. Not giving up my name or year however.

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-165128.png (1200x1920, 1.17M)

fair enough

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-165025.png (1200x1920, 902K)

Any 585? Holley girls if you got em


Attached: 1f834a85-595e-431f-a994-9cc5a12077ed.png (768x1024, 825K)

Think there are new york girls on this server. discord dot gg/v4hagv

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-03-00-29-29.png (720x1280, 693K)

ew dude. delete this

Got any 585, Avon?

is that the end of the warwick dump? excellent stuff

There isn't it's spam

Anyone have Emily from 315?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-23-03-20-40.png (720x1280, 886K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-02-18-00-07-13.jpg (720x903, 161K)

I'll dump 1 more slut to be nice anyone else drops more Warwick or surrounding I'll continue dumping

Lisa Unterman

Attached: bbuWnQe.jpg (494x586, 70K)

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Attached: Screenshot_20190810-151629.png (1200x1920, 1.69M)

thanks for the dump, i would really appreciate if you kept going but if youre bored its cool. hopefully catch you another time

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-30-16-00-50.png (720x1280, 793K)

Allie F/845/Cold Spring

Attached: 1519846776386.jpg (1125x1099, 170K)

Bump for 585

Also hoping for 585

do you have link to this video? that would be great

Attached: d78d5c81-0780-4be4-ab76-e96e3bcb9d9b.webm (480x640, 1.21M)


I wish the OP never gave it up

Bro seriously? That's fucked up.

Spam trap don't do it

alright man, well thanks again for the dump. i hope to see more of you in these threads, great stuff

What 585 are you guys looking for? What do you have?

any 631 Whitman

Her body isnt that bad tbh

fucking gross

Agree with OP here. Not bad. Got anymore? Whose the girl?

Anyone have wins of Megan R from Brooklyn?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-04-19-01-07_2.png (1080x1067, 1.68M)

Arielle Lind?

Tara 585

Attached: C5A2ACE9-D69D-49BC-BF6B-F8E8088CA346.jpg (960x960, 256K)

One more

Attached: 8B439AD1-2274-435E-9751-0CEAFF80950B.jpg (720x960, 70K)

>Agree with OP here. Not bad. Got anymore? Whose the girl?
Replied to wrong poster. Yo Op Got anymore? Whose the girl?

Julianna mull?

Alright I dropped a couple let’s see some other 585 now and keep the thread alive

Where in 585 you looking for?

If you’ve got it, Avon, 585 or Geneseo college chicks



Attached: ab3b79db-9a02-4da7-8984-9e8746bee358.png (1600x1200, 1.51M)


Thanks OP. Different girl but been with one with a body type like that. Always attracted me for some reason. Here’s a phone wallpaper if you want.

Attached: D724B0F0-730F-4E12-B096-F369268C301F.png (1080x2280, 1.14M)

Dope, I'm from warwick too


Bump np



what year you graduate from hs?

Noooo I wish I did. The 3rd post in this thread I posted tho was Aja who’s the one holding Ashers tits there

Anyone local specific?? Non college just girls from the town
Another one of Aja

Attached: 0686EE0C-1D40-4070-AD0A-878622519415.jpg (750x1334, 216K)

Yeah, I had a couple of Aja but must have forgotten to archive them cuz I can't find them now

*2nd picture posted. 3rd is Ashley M , got tons of pics and videos of her

got anything?

Anyone with girls from new paltz highland Wallkill area add me on kik , username pooooowpow
Will trade. Tons of locals. Aja L , Asher W, Ashley M , liana g , Jeanne, Emily M, Samantha K, phoebe, Hanna w, Hannah p, camelia, talia, Katie f, Stef g, Katie g, Quinn b, Ava m, Jackie c, Madison L, cierra b, peppy s, gabby w (ended up front page of pornhub) and more. Add the kik

Attached: F9DFB0FD-C112-44DD-B73B-5CB7F516F91D.jpg (750x938, 237K)


discord dot gg / zQJmPD7

Bump bump

Who are the girls in OP?

Phoebe and Quinn

All the discord’s are spam bullshit can’t post, no pictures, why? Add the Kik pooooowpow for new paltz highland Wallkill area girls

Anyone got rachel lapidus from nyack ny?

Went to nyack high school
