my cousin is german and she forces me to sniff + rub her snowy pale feet. They smell of sauerkraut and the smell infected my lungs twice already.
why do wh*te girls enjoying bullying meds?
Well I can't just cover up black dye with other dye, it's a strong colour. My hair is already long, so I can't just cut out the dye without losing like 2 feet of hair
ok flan
You seem to really be into dying.
No Hot Topic.
>like 2 feet of hair
Are you a supreme neet wizard? Damn.
big smiles here
o so you cant cut it, then youre kind of screwed here but if it keeps you from dying your hair pink then i think thats a victory for everyone, keep it black for the 24/7 sad hours, at least with that you dont look like a complete mess and with long hair it wont make you look like some sort of circus act
woo :)
im glad to hear it!
that sounds like a tasty snack! i hope you enjoy it
hi there