Dani thread

Dani thread

Attached: Screenshot_20190921-135918.png (720x1280, 877K)

Other urls found in this thread:


go on

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Yes please

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Why does she look like someone with terrible body odor?


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Made a screenshot for the " interesting" details.

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vola 1172vtwrr

>vola 1172vtwrr
what is this for?

Nothing there

God shes acting worse than a latina in her quincenera and they really whore themselves out with the your a woman now mija celebration.

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dani server


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join the dani server lol


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Can you pedos not wait 18 months until she's of age?

bHqkAxR still works, just make sure you do it right

There is a fat girl inside of her screaming to get out. Another 5 years and she is a complete lard ass


Age of consent is 16 in my state.

why are you all obsessed with celebrities and children?

Age of consent is 16 in my country.

Age of consent is 12 in my country

"compensated dating" is legal in japland

2016: she is 13, kys pedos
2017: she is 14, kys pedos
2018: she is 15, kys pedos
2019: she is 16, kys pedos
2020: she is 17, kys pedos
2021: she is 18. Too old, kys grannyfuckers.

I'm not obsessed with celebrities !

Round these parts consent is simply a myth. Among the young folk conset is when she partakes in eye glancing. Again simply a mythical critter

how do i access this on vola- says not found

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trips of pedophilia


What's the obsession with this coalburning wigger twat cunt

nudes leaked here
discord gg/Bm62uW

Dubs never lie. The child doesn't know shit till around 18 or 20 even still she needs to grasp not expressing herself because her papa left her to rot with her step dad or uncles and friends she's basically raped even if she wnted to fuck its still fucking with her mental and she'll fuck non stop any dude even when in a relationship, it'll break, and its next person. No matter the how its perceived the relations will never be the same she could be fuckking a guy 2 years then poof on to the next chicks are emotional wrecks if you pay close attention to many issues even at the ripe old age of 12


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You forgot to add jew kike to that description

Still hung up on that bitch? isn't she 25 now? a bit too old for some of you pedos

Because she's a Jew that fucks niggers maybe?

Cuz I'm that we-zul

lol good one

ah /9AbTPv


Attached: her biggest fan (you).jpg (355x609, 39K)

Leaked nudes here 3Fma5Vp

is that Vola

there are no leaked nudes faggot

No wee-zing the jooose!

Nah, Discord spam.

Is that before or after some nignog makes her a single mother?

is she legal yet?

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What's it matter, you don't have a shot, unless youre a nigger.

After about three of them
Then her fat ass will be on YouTube showing off her mutant halfnig kids

leaks posted here
discord AcJ5cZU

She'll probably end up with a fucking reality show once the sex tape leaks.

Learn English then kys

thanks user

I hope this trashy whores nudes leak before she gets fat or knocked up by a nig

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Oh yeah...she'll end up fat and trashy like her mother.

why is no one laughing!?

> tattoo

Family first, indeed.

Any good sole shots yet?

Need leaked video

Go away footfag, nobody wants your kind here


Who wants to start a pool betting on when this no-talent idiot self-immolates?

She's already burning coal, doesn't that count a little?

Gross ghetto trash bitch probably got so much dick cheese stuffed in her, she could could open up a cheese shop.

Does that make her ass cheesecake?

Legal in 2 years (unless lying about age so career lasts longer)

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I suppose so yeah.


Her mom's still fuckable. Big asses just scare you because of your micro penis

Welp time to go watch some mother daughter lesbian porn

Recommend any thicc milf pornstars?

I like chubby chicks. But her mom just looks old, fat, trashy and worn out. Which is exactly what this little cunt will be within 5 years.

Video of her fighting her mom (mom is basically just wearing underwear)



I bet you'd like that, so you could fap to her guilt free, wouldn't you?

Thanks....made my point valid

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This is an all-time gibberish rant.

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Man I don’t care how old this bitch is. I would fuck her in every hole all fucking night

even the ear?

Especially the ear.

I heard that


Na famalalam

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Any mega link?

Fr any megalinks???

Not me...I would however pop her eyes out with a rusty spoon and skull fuck her.

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why no one is laughing at my joke?!?!? Is it too true?

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You want what you can't have.

Post more dani

You are clearly desperate for attention. Here, enjoy a free (you)

it's just frustrating when you make a spot on joke and no one even notice

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Here maybe? 2Mvr36

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discord gg/cvTG7GC


Get lost creeper.

in here

Truth. Tho i have a medium/small dick i love to squish it into some fat ass booty.



How can 20+ year old women compete?



Try /GBSb4m

Instagram is exploiting 15 year olds. Go attack them.

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these discord invites are a disease that needs to be eradicated

ugly as fuck

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4 years, tops, she'll be doing interracial porn

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-22-20-04-29-1.png (1440x1936, 1.68M)

I still want to fuck her

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Straight coon bait

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Is she actually turning black, so when you fuck niggers do you actually start becoming one?

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Garauntee she already is. Just not recording or getting paid for it.

No. At least men don't. I speak from experience.

I'd rather fuck a negress than a Jewess.


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How many abortions do you think she's had?

about tree fiddy

No, I just like flaming the coalburning kike.

Cord dis 2Mvr36

Can someone give an invite to dis with her?

New link ??


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Attached: danitwerk.webm (360x450, 1.9M)

Does anyone have the video to this? I've only ever seen the screenshot.

>famous for being white trash
>gets attention for giant tits
>was getting railed by guys in their mid to late 20s when she was in her mid teens because her mother allowed it
>sucks dick for studio time

I mean, with her you basically have to search for redeeming qualities to say "hey, maybe she isn't fucking gross" because every single indicator points to her not being incentivized to act like a normal, disease free human


Those fucking nails are disgusting. Wonder how bad her ass stinks from not being able to wipe.

Sucks dick for studio time?

hi dani

man someone make a cola already

Any fakes?

Vola anyone?

Show me her asshole



they just got posted in /8FjuPE

hmm yes