Anyone know what kind of car this is? Bonus points if you can tell me why it was parked outside my house shining a red light into my window at 4:40am, for five minutes straight.
Anyone know what kind of car this is...
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its them, they are coming for you!!!!
probably picking up somebody for work.
get blackout curtains and stop being a faggot
Nobody works on Sunday at 5am. Also my sister went out on the deck and stared at them and they sped off. Nobody got in or out of the car
He was trying to get a good shot but you kept squirming like the worm you are
Just throw away the suitcase
>Nobody works on Sunday at 5am
you clearly still live with your parents.
What the fuck is your problem dude? If you work at 5am you're a fucking cuck. Have fun at your slavewage while your black mailman impregnates your wife with both, aids... And a nigglet. Faggot.
>being this mad
fucking loser
ive heard of sexist, racist but timist? what the fuck? you're actually bigotted against what shift people work? do you even have a job or just mooch of mommy and daddy?
why are you and your sister even still awake at 5am? stared at them? what fucking nosy neighbours. get a life and move out of your parents' house.
>If you work at 5am you're a fucking cuck
I guarantee he makes way more money than you
Wait your mad?? Or he's mad get specific gaylord
>Being this gay
you're thread is shit, loser.
>doesn't know how to green text
(((They))) found you, you are fucked so tell us all you know about hill and bill before it is to late
You're having a heart attack at 5am? Sorry, but our doctors are too cool to work these hours. Come back tomorrow.
Aaaaaand radical leftist snowflakes have derailed this thread
>having a job is racial leftist to this retard
God speed OP.
And he can enjoy giving half of it to his filthy wife when she leaves him for bubba
He said a red light. Meaning he had his brakes on a the poor baby op can't sleep with the light shining through his window
Holy fuck
You didn't read the whole thing, did you?
Are you actually retarded?
Because they're dumbasses and kept their foot on the brake instead of putting it in park. .gg/eNYw6WE
>not shining his lights in to OPs parents house
>parked next door
>just happened to leave when OPs sister went outside
do less drugs
>putting it in park
>driving automatic
It's dark web.
I'm always on my way to work at 4:30 on sundays lol people do get up early to make money
though this doesn't explain a red light? weird
Holy shit I’ve never seen someone sperg out and project their fears so much in one post
Just because that happened to your parents doesn't make it true for the rest of us.
I leave for work at 3am
Imagine being such an insecure loser you cry about what car people drive to make yourself seem like you have something that somewhat resembles a personality
didnt read thread, dont know what car it is.
parked outside at 4:40am for either a drug deal or sex.
..or dark
>My house
Shut the fuck up u lying piece of shit
I worked this past Sunday from 12am-10pm.
Op pic kinda looks like that new small mercedes cuv, i think Infiniti shares the same platform too.
No, you're not being "gangstalked" faggot
Do another line man, apparently your shits cut
quads confirm
Cool, what'd I win? More cocaine? Ok.
Zip Zoppity Zoop Zop