Why do Democrat politicians and rich liberals/celebrities lecture us that we have “no need for a gun”...

Why do Democrat politicians and rich liberals/celebrities lecture us that we have “no need for a gun”, but they demand armed security for themselves?

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because you're not worth shooting

So their lives are more important than mine and the lives of my family?

Perhaps you might cast your clickbait in a less fallacious manner.
>sage all replies

you're a republican, so yes.
by most definitions, you aren't even human.

as if this nigger faggot will ever admit his contradictions

leftists are pure cancer

fuck your family. obviously the people running the country are more important

>faggots dont realize that its only democratic run states that they're banning guns in and making crime and their own lives even worse


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This is why the French Revolution happened. The rich and influential thought they were better than the poor and “un-influential”, so the poor decided to start go fix the problem.

That got their attention

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nobody is telling you that you dont need a gun and these people dont have a security detail carrying ar-15's

holy shit your thread is retarded and you should just delete it before you make an even bigger ass of yourself

Absolutely. You're not going to possibly be kidnapped for a huge ransom, or shot at over your politics.

Yea fuck me. No, it’s fuck you.

I’m more important than them and you put together

Way more people die from handguns than AR-15s but you only care about what you see on the 10 PM news.

make a thread crying about trump banning e-cigarettes

>rich and influential
what are republicans?

The poor are basically dumbfucks. Fuck 'em.

Rules for thee and not for me

You're right, they're carrying handguns, which kill far more people per year than rifles. So if there was any consistency in your argument you'd be angry they aren't carrying ar-15s or some other long gun.


Bloomburg, Bill Gates, Hillary, Obama and many others all have guys with submachine guns

Well, no...

>hurr durr change the subject because I don’t have a response
You sure showed me faggot. I don’t even like Trump. He’s a clown.


nobody is trying to take anything away from you

keep crying like the whiney little bitch that you are and keep giving your money the NRA so they can by more million dollar mansions

the gun is on his head? where the fuck is it op?

yeah, to protect themselves from people like you.

your logic was that handguns kill more people... vaping killed less and they are trying to take them away from you

who are you quoting lmao

So why are you making out that rich and influential fuckfaces are more important than me and my family?

What basis do you have for that?

is op seriously dumb enough to not realize there's a difference between letting any idiot have a gun and trained security guards having guns

Two main voting bases. One wants something done about guns, one wants to keep gun laws as they are.
Dems represent the the former. I don't agree with it, but it's silly to condemn a party for fighting for issues they're voted in for.

Oh ok. Can I protect myself from people like them? Like their new policies that dictate that illegals and rapists have more fucking rights than me, and that the NRA is a terrorist organization?

You have a higher likelihood of that gun being used to kill your family rather than be used in self defense to protect your family.

If you care about facts and logic, the safer move is to *not* own a gun.

Ok but Vape pens aren’t guns. Nice false equivalence.

the NRA is a terrorist organisation, and you're paralysed by fear and paranoia.
literally nobody cares about you. you don't need a gun, you don't even need to show your face.

I was in the Marines for 8 years and now I’m just a regular guy. Am I “qualified”?


> (You)
>I was in the Marines for 8 years and now I’m just a regular guy. Am I “qualified”?

Going by your entitled immaturity in this thread I'd say no

This is how wars start, you know. Faggots like you spewing your left-wing propaganda and war-mongering hate

the last war started because of bush but ok sure

>Entitled immaturity

What is it that you think you have? Are you really this stupid?


I meant civil wars

They can cause significant changes to happen. You cannot.

I don't think mature individuals shitpost about guns on Yea Forums, no

how is calling the NRA a terrorist organisation and telling you to calm down 'war-mongering' or 'hate'?
(btw the word is 'hatred')

paralysed by paranoia. everything anyone says becomes fighting words if you don't agree with them.
in a civilised country you'd have access to healthcare where you could talk your problems free, but in america you get morphine and a handgun.

well the last civil war was started by a republican too

105 years ago Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria got assassinated

What followed were 2 world wars, and a major reshuffling of the world order.

you're overdoing it

Americans are too fat to fight civil war.


wait for it, it'll happen

Yes I can. I elected Trump and he’s doing it for me. I’m a member of the NRA and Gun Owners of America and I donated $1500 so far this year (mostly to GOA). I’m also a firearms instructor and range officer at local ranges in my community

you're part of the problem


>I elected Trump and he’s doing it for me
No you didn't. You cast one vote.

You’re part of the problem too. All of us have a problem with the other side. Do something about it or shut up

they have armed security because OTHER ASSHOLES have guns, you fucking buffoon

and the ruskies cast the rest kek

At least I’m still alive (as opposed to being dead) and a legal citizen of the USA.

i don't freely advocate dissemination of implements of bloody murder or elect racist halfwits to positions of high office, so i reckon i'm part of the solution tbh


So they’re allowed to have guns and that’s all peachy-keen, but the instant I want a gun or another law-abiding citizen wants a gun, they frown on that and it’s now wrong.

Yes. You'll fall down the steps.

The democrats want dead people and illegals to vote.

once you hand your gun in, they'll hand in theirs.
that probably won't be how it goes down tbh because america is fucked but that's how it SHOULD

which is why trump won despite losing the popular vote, right?
stop reading the daily caller, mongoloid.

Oh Christ, shut up

Ok. This is coming from the swine who still lives in his mom’s basement

ah this old chestnut. If its so prevalent, then why didn't Trump's voter fraud commission find....anything?

Go fuck your dad

Yea in Georgia and North Carolina

Kid, you are of non-importance in this world.
Be a good consumer, pay tax vote blue or red it doenst really matter...

Americans talk a lot and do very little.
Civil war - real soldiers don't waddle.

What a clever comeback. I'm fatally wounded. Idiot.

murica be like

>obama's gonna take your guns away

even though

>8 years of barack obama,no real gun control laws passed


>donald trump,a fake republican gets elected and passes gun control and doesnt seem to support the 2nd ammendment anyway while the nra and republicans ignore it

Republican states. Hm.

because everyone has guns right now.

Haha. No, I have more influence in this world than you’ll ever dream of having. I’m not trying to toot my own horn or exaggerate anything, I’m just being realistic

Yes. If I kidnap you how much money should I ask, a dollar?

No you're not.

Lol. Yes I do

Then why are you arguing about gun control? If you have so much influnce you will be able to keep it anyway. You're a literal nobody.

Why do Republican conventions have a strict no gun policy?

Because liberals like you are unaware of all the blatant hypocrisy and you’re uneducated about guns and gun safety

If you're fine with politician's security but not the widespread access of guns as a whole, then there's no hypocrisy.
As it is, there's people that want gun control. Why can't there be a political party that represents that?

Nope. You're ignorant about what hypocrisy even fucking means proving you're an udeucated retard. I wouldn't put a firearm anywhere near your imbecilic hands. The likelyhood of famous people getting, kidnapped and killed compared to normal people are insane, therefore bodyguard. If such a simple concept didn't get into your fucking decal depositry you call skull I'd say you're not anywhere close to influental.


because retards like you exist and own guns.

no armed security needed for politicians anywhere else in the civilised world

Ok well bottom line, my faggot friend: in the eyes of God my life matters just as much as theirs and yours, pussy. So if you don’t mind, go take your opinion of whatever you think you know about this world and fuck yourself with it. I have my gun rights and I’m going to keep my gun rights. End of story

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Nah my opinion is not gonna be put or stay anywhere. I will have my opinion by the end of your miserable life enforced, by law. And that is my goal, I'm gonna do everything in my civil power to do so. End of story. So scream away at them libs. Princess. Oh shit sorry. My INFLUENTAL princess, kek.

You’re not going to be successful.

Nah, we will. The goal is to make it accepted federally. Then once that happens send the military on your dipshit ass. You're not fighting for your family, you don't give a shit about families in general. Why the fuck should I care about your rights, if your rights cause murder of children, kek. Nah. I want to take your guns, and one day we will.

There's an estimated 393 million firearms in America. Good luck on your quest.

Your illegals are causing murder and rape of children and you have the balls to tell me my gun rights are endangering children. I would say you should be ashamed of yourself but liberals have no mother fucking shame about anything. You’re all learning as much as you can from the communist Chinese (which is why you never criticize them about anything, even climate change and pollution) so I see clearly what your intentions are you fucking snake. This is an attempt to disarm us, silence us and enslave us. But it’s not going to happen

:) fuck you too

Daily reminder that the gun grabber hoax was invented by the NRA to sell guns and win votes

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I'm not a liberal or communist, try again. I do not believe in a democracy though because of scum like you getting the ability to vote, so you may label me a supporter of autocracy. I am not ashamed, you should be though you scream at any sort of gun regulation letting sociopaths that seek glory weapons. Communists have the right idea, in the military trampling tanks department, I do not agree with the full control of the markets though. And no it isn't an attempt to silence you, it's an open attempt to genocide you because you're scum, and in my eyes a waste of breath. This is just mine train of thought, I'm not a liberal so don't lump me with them. Also yeah, china is shit regarding weather change, I don't care though, I'll be dead by then.
And ditto.

>what are republicans?
The people who fix your cars, build your homes, grow your food, and protect your streets.

It's pretty clear you have no idea who's saying what in this thread.
Then you call one of them cancer.

Obligatory crayon eating joke


Yet another insult thread.

Pick a side - or be both! Just turn up the hatred and enjoy the lulls!

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Beto is literally talking gun confiscation. Get your head out of your ass.

That is not the Democratic Party.
That is one candidate running to become the party's nominee.
He's not winning.

The guy that lost to Ted Cruz?
Also a buyback isn't confiscation, Fox News said that.

Set strawman up, knock strawman down.

Well communists have murdered over 100 million people. The nazis murdered over 6 million

Think about it. That’s all I’m asking

You're a dumbfuck

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I don't give a shit about numbers. It's the reasons why. I could never agree with nazis because of their racist ideology and reliance on pseudoscience. I'm more of the Imperial Japanese way of running things, though they had bad moments, I do not condone their war crimes but neither did the japanese higherups so the point is moot. My prime goal in life is for my friends and family to prosper and live happily, the way it is now they're at a risk to be shot by a sociopath be he an african american gangster that inhaled lead paint all life or a simpler kind of sociopath seeking glory, and given weapons without a fucking psych check.

So you agree with the Japanese and what they did to Nanking? Every woman and young girl in that entire Chinese city was raped, and almost all of them were brutally murdered at the hands of the Japanese.

This is who you’re glorifying now. Lol

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Do you not read? Or are you attempting to provoke me? I said I don't condone their war crimes, I condone their command structure. And militarist society, a militarist disciplined virtuous society where meritocracy is enforced and science is venerated. Under a dictator I share opinions with. The rape of Nanking was done by local commanders at the site, it wasn't an organized affair by the Japanese high command, many officers that were higher up were disgusted. The motivation of the Imperial Japan was pan-asianism under the Emperor.

> he's jealous of high value targets

Get a load of this guy.

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You are complimenting their war crines and this is the result of the people that you’re complimenting.

In case you didn’t know, the Chinese still hate the japs because of this kind of shit. To this day, there is still a shitload of animosity. And I don’t blame the Chinese for that at all

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Probably because sociopathic right-wing incels like you go on shooting sprees every few days

They have the right to hate the people that did the crime, and they have the right to hate the revisionism and people denying the crimes happened. But I'm not ''complimenting'' their war crimes, are you trolling?

Because the armed idiots are out there currently you total fucking moron

Public servants? Socialists?

>I condone their command structure
Their war effort was deeply hindered by the bitter rivalry between the Army and Navy.
>a militarist disciplined virtuous society where meritocracy is enforced
The Bushido code was ad hoc and bullshit. They had no scruples about treating the chinese as guinea pigs or outright killing for amusement, and as an individual japanese man, you served in an impossible war whether you liked it or not.
It was a gigantic military coup of fanatics that held the entire country hostage and forced even the Generals who knew it was hopeless to keep fighting.
Unironically worse than the Nazis.

>Their war effort was deeply hindered by the bitter rivalry between the Army and Navy.
>The Bushido code was ad hoc and bullshit.
Yes, at the end of the war. When the military took over power. Do I have to hate all 100 years of Imperial Japan for WW2, for 5 years?
>They had no scruples about treating the chinese as guinea pigs or outright killing for amusement.
Wrong, many did many didn't. The high command and generals that were EXECUTED for warcrimes, learnt of the rape of Nanking after the fucking fact.
>It was a gigantic military coup of fanatics that held the entire country hostage and forced even the Generals who knew it was hopeless to keep fighting.
Yes, not always, under Emperor Meiji and Taisho it wasn't.
>Unironically worse than the Nazis.

And to add they treated prisoners and other people badly because of no retreat orders, anyone who was capture was a coward that didn't fight untill the end. And war crimes did happen, but it depended on the commander in charge, many even didn't fucking know that they fucking happened. But were executed while Shiro Ishii lived to die of goddamn cancer.

no u

>When the military took over power
The war began because the military took over.
> learnt of the rape of Nanking after the fucking fact.
Tough shit. Rape of Nanking, Unit 731, all of it happened under their watch and was funded.
Hirohito knew too, and chose to ignore it.

>And to add they treated prisoners and other people badly because of no retreat orders
That's not a reason for anything

Do as they say, not as they do. You unwashed, goy.

>The war began because the military took over.
The military always had power in Japan it was only under the control of the emperor.
>Tough shit. Rape of Nanking, Unit 731, all of it happened under their watch and was funded.
No it wasn't, the tribunal was a complete and utter disgrace, executed people that didn't do crimes while letting absolute monsters free.
The occupation was funded, it was left to the military commanders, that let the troops loose. Unit 731 was not known to many people, and was basically don't ask don't tell secret. Which doesn't even matter, the tribunal decided it wasn't a crime right?
>Hirohito knew too, and chose to ignore it.
Hirohito had 0 power, he would have surrendered long before had he any sort of fucking power.
>That's not a reason for anything
It was war, I don't believe in solidarity in war, if you want to execute prisoners go ahead but make it civil, they chose not to which I don't agree with. Their reasons were better than most.

>The military always had power in Japan it was only under the control of the emperor.
y-Youknow what a shogun is, right?

The position was abolished after the Meiji restoration. After Tokugawa Yoshinobu stepped down, the emperor became the sole military commander. I was referring to that, the military still had an influence. Japan was basically modeled after the UK untill the military coup. That is what I was referring to. And ww2 didn't happen because of the fucking military takover. Japan had shit for resources, and were starving of them.

>Japan it was only under the control of the emperor.
In effect ts was not since the Emperor let them have full reign.
>Hirohito had 0 power
Hirohito could have decreed literally anything he wanted. His status of godhood in Japan gave him access to more personal sway over the country than Hitler, FDR, or Stalin had over their own.
He choose not to use it because extremists would have forced Japan's collapse if they didn't get their way.
>the tribunal decided it wasn't a crime right?
The shameful conduct of the US is not a validation of that of the Japanese.
>Their reasons were better than most.
It was based on nothing but contempt for not meeting their retarded idea of honor.

Yes not being able to do anything under threat of death or destruction of the country means 0 power. I don't expect of anybody to sacrifice their life for your idea of honor, to quote you.
Besides, Hirohito's brother was more than willing to become emperor, as if the military couldn't arrange something.
>The shameful conduct of the US is not a validation of that of the Japanese.
Ofc it's not, I never said so. Testing on humans isn't acceptable, but to be quite honest I don't really care, I'm not going to hold Imperial Japan to higher standard than the Americans who were testing on humans, the Germans including East Germans, and the Soviets. Conquest is justified in my eyes. Japan had full rights to it at the time, they were starving of resources.
>It was based on nothing but contempt for not meeting their retarded idea of honor.
Better than pseudoscience, I'd take that any day.

>means 0 power
To not ever exercise a 1/10th of it at any point meant it was taccid approval.
>they were starving of resources.
Because of US embargos enacted as punishment for their military aggression, which began in China in the first place because of rogue Generals.
>Better than pseudoscience
What are you babbling about? This is the most vacuous shit, there isn't even values your holding to anything. It was cruelty for the sake of cruelty, pouring out of an intensely neurotic and fatalistic culture.

>To not ever exercise a 1/10th of it at any point meant it was taccid approval.
Nope. Why should he risk his hide? kek
>Because of US embargos enacted as punishment for their military aggression, which began in China in the first place because of rogue Generals.
Nope they were starving before that, hence the conquest of Manchuria. And yeah it was completely justified, I'd declare war to prevent my people starving, damn fucking right. Hell I do not agree with declarations of war either, so good on them.
>What are you babbling about?
I'd rather get killed because they hold honour that I have offended. Over something I was born with and cannot change like racist ideology the germans and my ancestors were spewing at the time.
> there isn't even values your holding to anything
There's plenty of values I hold. One of them is seeing things from other people's perspective. I like doing that.
> It was cruelty for the sake of cruelty, pouring out of an intensely neurotic and fatalistic culture.
Nah you don't understand shit. Holding a culture alien is a standard human bullshit mechanism. They're alien hurr durr. There's not an alien culture on earth, they're all fucking human. And culture had nothing to do with japanese war crimes. And my value is I don't give a shit for prisoners of war, you treat them as a human, civil. If you need to kill them, make it quick. So I agree with most stuff from Imperial Japan, just not the execution. Or what happened before it.

>cannot change like racist ideology the germans and my ancestors
>implying the Japanese weren't equally so, fighting for a Greater Asia under Japanese
You're a depraved dumb cunt and I'm done with you.

Though I should also add, Japan mainland had nothing even to do with the Manchurian invasion. The emperor should have told those bad army man to go away, or something.

Thanks for the compliment, I try. But no, again with you lumping everyone under the same roof, majority of the leadership held literally no ill will towards the chinese, and wanted to unite asia against the european influence, which at the time I don't blame them for. The wars weren't under racist pretenses. But thanks for talking to me. Been fun. Made me realize I'm more right than I thought.

they need armed security because you extremists keep committing terrorist attacks

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