Why are conservatards now putins little bitches?

Why are conservatards now putins little bitches?

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Who gives a fuck about politics, take this bullshit to /pol/ you fuckwit.

I couldn't imagine being such an out-of-touch libtard that I'm still spewing the Russian narrative in September of 2019.

Keep screaming at the sky it'll do real good

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

Maybe if you stop worshipping insane clinically retarded beaners people would consider more centrist options.

>believing the collusion meme after there was no evidence to speak of

Have you read the Mueller Report, and the Justice Dept. official statement about it?

www justice gov/storage/report.pdf
judiciary house gov/sites/democrats.judiciary.house.gov/files/documents/AG%20March%2024%202019%20Letter%20to%20House%20and%20Senate%20Judiciary%20Committees.pdf

user do you print that out and stick your greasy angry inch through each one of the panels until it's just a greasy sloppy mess in your trembling raging hands?

>the Justice Dept. official statement
Trump runs the Justice Dept and had his personal stooge deliver it. Nice try.

>Trump runs the Justice Dept.

You must be retarded huh?

Yes, the DOJ is under the Executive Branch. That's akin to the fox investigating the henhouse.
And you elected a retard user.

That’ll be crying about it until Trump is out of office then they’ll cozy up to russia themselves.

>you elected a retard user.

I didn't vote for, or support Trump. What I do support is the truth.

Only Republican "cozy up" to Russia trumpturd.

You're spewing typical pro-Trump propaganda. That's what you support.

It isn't pro-Trump propaganda, its the truth. There are better reasons to not support Trump than a goofy ass investigation that came up with nothing.

Trumpers say shit like you post. The reality is the DOJ is controlled by the Executive Branch and they steered the investigation any way they could. Then Trump installed a stooge like Barr to "interpret" it. STFU.

>Trump supporters say it so it must be false
>Trump must have complete control over the investigation because he is in the same branch of government

Can you even NPC harder than this?

I suppose you know the truth better than those intimately involved in the investigation with access to all the resources, memos, dialogs, etc, etc.

>npc durr I'm not a trumpturd
lol keep protecting that pile of shit

>appealing to authority

Crazy, eh?

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Yeah - he's so truthful and careful.

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they cuck fags that suck my girlfriends dicks.

Because the smooth brained rednecks of this nation have always been easily manipulated by the rich. The same died in droves so their bosses could keep their slaves and it's only gotten worse.

>Projecting my sick libtard fantasies.

Keep indoctrinating children to your sick little world

Attached: Libqueers.jpg (697x557, 48K)

You have to be 18 or older to be here.

I land on the left side of the political spectrum, and will absolutely totally agree with you on this one.

Have I told (You) about the benefit of owning a timeshare? It’s like owning a piece of vacation property for the fraction of the cost. In fact, I’ll let (You) stay a weekend at one of our five-star resorts and all (You) have to do is sit through a brief and informative presentation about the benefits of timeshare ownership.

(You) seem like the sort of person who sees the value in owning your own vacation property. (You) really do.

Distraction tactic is not of working, komrade.

gib milkies

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Nee Speshew fwend first

Oh my...

Because Russia is full of white gun-loving conservatives who hate faggots and shitskins. Putin should be running America. If he was, every fucking Mexican would be deported within 6 months.

>Putin should be running America.
Implying he isn't.

Fun fact - her family owned slaves back when it was legal in the past. She’s a racist.

They secretly hate their country, but pretend to be in love with a "strong-man" politician because you can't simultaneously support the troops, scream about the 2nd amendment, wave the flag, and say "fuck this bullshit country" all at the same time. They have patriotism hardwired into their bullshit Americanized ala' carte philosophy, but don't know how to practice it, because their hypocrisy nullifies most of the core structure of true American values.

>when conservatives accuse others of abusing children.

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Lol this conspiracy theory again

It's not a conspiracy when the special prosecutor flat out says the executive appointee Barr was saying the opposite of what was found.

It's your story to tell, tell it how you wish

(You) really, really look like someone who’s going to buy a timeshare. Let me help (You) make your dream come true