I'm 23 and don't have any kids and the guy I'm dating said I look like a milf. I kinda just want to fucking die...

I'm 23 and don't have any kids and the guy I'm dating said I look like a milf. I kinda just want to fucking die. What do?

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Post tits or gtfo
With timestamp

Ask him what he meant

I did, he said I have "that mature mom look"

That hurts

Should I dump him or just fucking kill myself like idk that's probably one of the worst things to be compared too why would anyone want to look like a mom

I'm 22 and you'd be my type


Fake and gay

I wish :(

Post a pic and let us judge. He's most likely stupid

It is not that we only love beautiful people. It's that those we love we find beautiful. If you are 23 (meaning your brain is matured) and your only sense of value is your looks, there is something wrong with you. No one is perfect and hurt feelings are part of relationships. Tell him he hurt your feelings. If he doesn't care, dump him.


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If that's you then 1. You look your age 2. Pick up your TP roll you savage 3. I'd fuck 10/10 I like scene chicks

you look like you'd trade a blowjob for some fried rice

I would wife you up

bullshit. give timestamp or you're a fat neckbeard brony and everyone in this thread is a faggot virgin idiot for believing you.

Yep. He's stupid. You're cute

you kinda look 30+ to me also too much eyeliner and you shoyld probably go hit the gym like 2 times a week because it looks like you can lose some pounds

wearing less make up will make you look younger

I never understand why stupid chicks get cow rings in their noses. Shouldn't women aspire to resemble bovine less?


was he fucking blind? your ugly as shit

You look like you smoke a pack a day, pick up guys at the local and have Daddy issues. Get why he calls you a milf

because you look like a milf, faggot

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I used to be alot fatter and I'm in the process of losing more but the weight loss is really aging my face so idk what to do

I'd take being ugly over looking like a mom anyday

>1 new post

wear less makeup, eat more fats, maybe less cardio

jesus,nobody in here knows what a milf is apparently

>said i look like a milf


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Very hot, but I'm 42.

Better off looking like a milf than being fat, duh. Quite griping you silly roastie.

OP tits and timestamp or stop larping

That's why I'm in the process of losing more? Duh

except she doesnt look like a milf,she looks your average trailer trash white women

Use less makeup and take the doorknocker out of your nose. Is the guy you're dating also around 23? If so you should trade up. You're not horrid, you've got an Emma Stone kind of look going for you.
You did forget the one rule you shouldn't have broken though.

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You don't look like a mile, you're just very frumpy, clearly don't take care of yourself, and have terrible taste in make up, and horrible taste in music. Straighten your life up

This isn't live action

She looks like she smells and has armpit hair and would give you a blowjob for a cigarette

You're right, we're all part of a giant simulation, and none of us are real.

Ty bb

shut up, dude

No u

It could just mean you’ve got curves instead of being a skellington.
To some guys, if they can’t see ribs they’ll call a girls out for being fat.
Post some body pics and we’ll set you straight!

From another femanon, sounds like he was trying to get a rise. See how far he can insult you without pissing you off. Break up with him. Keep losing the weight and moisturize EVERY FUCKING DAY TWICE PER DAY AND DON'T GO INTO THE SUN WITHOUT SUN SCREEN. Drink a shit ton of water all the time and get a micro dermabrasion device (super cheap on Amazon like $20). It'll help with wrinkles and it'll smooth out your skin wonderfully. And yeah I agree with some of the other anons, the heavy eyeliner ages you. Best of luck milfy.

I love it when some dude pretends to be a chick on here, and everyone is equally divided on whether or not the chick is fat and gross or skinny and hot and old and young at the same time.

Another thing you should know, you upitty little cunt: some men absolutely cannot tell how old a woman is. There's a chick at work how I thought was in her late 30s,
turns out she's 24. Good looking girl too, I just can't tell female ages. It was quite dumb of that guy to make that comment btw. High risk of it backfiring and causing this pathetic thread to be made.

So she shouldn't be aware of her facial tension and figure out a way to relax it?
And maybe no caffeine and alcohol?

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All this and DONT SMOKE! It will add 10 years and not in a good way.
My aunt is ten years younger than my mom and her chimney ass looks 15 years older.

If I had anything better to do at the moment I wouldn’t be on Yea Forums. So wtf I’ll play along. Maybe score some decent pics too!

Also great advice! Totally forgot about those.

Assuming you're not a larping faggot what is your lifestyle like to have aged that badly?

Shit that’s nothing. I can’t tell shit about black women. I started hitting on a black chick at work. Tight body nice tits.
She was almost fifty...
I’d have hit it though. As I understand it she’s been a gym rat since her 30’s. It fucking shows!!

Always assume they're a larping faggot and demand tits and timestamp.

Major weight loss and anxiety

>larping faggot detected

Enjoy your herpes


Really don't think anxiety janks your face. Which looks fine btw. Don't go near MRI machines.

If you're severely stressed for years it starts to take a toll

Not you.
Who the fuck keeps toilet paper on their floor? I cant imagine how the rest of her place looks.
>pic related

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Exactly my type. 10/10 hottie.
And no you don't look old, he probably (hopefully) meant it as a compliment.

no timestamp

>No tits
>Didn't GTFO
...and we're still responding because of...?
Bunch of white knight faggots
>Yea Forums was never good

because of i actually dont want supermodel-skinny girls and am into that type of figure like user describes. Many men are like me and there is a reason why Milf is always top 5 search results/category on every porn website.
It's certainly nothing bad.

No you don't look like a milf. You look like an emo so 10/10

Your hair looks thin, like fine baby hairs rather than heathy thicc young woman hair. Start with that.
As someone else mentioned, less makeup can help, however, if youre using make up to cover mild skin issues, youre better off finding what triggers acne etc and going with that for fresher more youthful skin.
Stay out of the sun also.
How much do you weigh?

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Your "look" isn't your face. Your look is your face + clothes, hair, makeup etc. All of which except your face, you can alter. Have you tried?


Youre supposed to give her advise as to what to try, not just asker if shes trying, fag.

Top kek.
That would be radd. I remember parking at a grocery store and the lady in the car over looked maybe 21 ~135lbs, but then she got out of the car and she was one of those pare shapped people and was carrying like 200lbs on top of the 135 I had estimated

I don't know about chick shit you fucking queer. Look it up on jew tube, I'm sure there are hundreds of not thousands of vids on this topic.

I'm 180 but I've already lost like 60

>IDK about chick shit homosexual
Yet here you are having a discussion on Yea Forums, home of BBC threads and BOIpussy postings, calling me a fag.

LOL I have seen pple like this. Kinda sad bc even if they lose the weight, their shit is blown out forever.

I am trying lol that's the make up and nose ring and shit, IDC if I look emo or whatever I just don't want to look like a boring responsible mom

180 after losing 60?
That could be the issue. Your skin may be loose for a while since youre losing weight.
Whats your goal weight?

> What to do?
Breed with me.
I'll do anything for you my queen!

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Oof. Well, you're headed in the right direction at least.

If you dont want to look like a responsible mom. Then wear your hair up, fancy like youre going out somewhere important. Try dressing professional, that may do it.

I think it's loose permanently unfortunately, I wanna be like 140-130 but I just keep looking worse the more I lose

At 23 your skin should rebound somewhat.
Can you post a pic of the skin under your tricept (bottom back of arm) for us?

I think you're confusing mom: the age, with mom: the lifestyle.

I don't wanna look like either

Not gonna post a pic but it's pretty bad, and it's been like that for a few years(weight loss has been gradual) and it's not getting any better

Well if you arent posting additional pics then we cant help you.

/Thread everyone

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