What's the most baddaas thing you've done THIS YEAR

What's the most baddaas thing you've done THIS YEAR

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got stabbed

Clean a toilet with only Coca Cola

Took one day off from masturbating

Fucked best friend mom when I brought his drunk ass home I like young pussy more but man that milf ass in thongs goddamn she fucked pretty good

I attended college to better myself.....

made my ex girlfriend cum next to her sleeping boyfriend using only my middle finger

at a whole box of captain crunch in one sitting with MILK

i ordered drugs off of the internet and it was delivered straight to my door, that's pretty gangster i have to say

What website? Also I’m totally not cia trust me kiddo

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It's all marijuana delivery in california where it's legal. I ordered about 2 grams worth of edibles early morning, got a delivery around noon that same day.

Where to get it where it's illegal, I have no idea. I've actually been clean with my weed and never got it from a dealer, only dispensaries.

Fucked an Italian girl I met the same night

That’s good. How were they? I try to stay away from dealers becuz my parents told me you don’t know wtf kinda shit is in it. My friend od’d on Fentanyl last week, the dealer laced the cocaine with it. Still pretty mad about it

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Give us the whole story plssss

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got a plastic protector for my bed so when i'm drunk and piss in my sleep i don't have to haul my entire mattress out to the street again

i took a 3 day motorcycle trip to germany without a license

I have fucked like 8 venezuelan prostitutes

Where did you get the motorcycle?

the quality's fine. they actually had pills, which I've never seen before. I'll probably take them next weekend (i only do it on saturdays, i have to be alert at work during the week and sundays there might be some lingering in my system), but the edibles have been fine quality. an interesting thing about these apps is that you pay the delivery person when he or she comes to your door, and you can give cash if you want. I wanted to be safe, so I paid cash, no complaints.

I only do edibles though (or pills if they work fine), so I don't know about any vaping/bongs or anything.

my fadda

i ripped a big stinker of a fart in my private therapist's office and blamed it on her

i accidentally an entire coke bottle

Got my university degree
Found a job
Didn't kill myself

good job

Nice dude.

Quit my job and moved to a foreign country just because why not

When a cute cashier mentioned my star wars shirt, I didn't sperg out and drop my spaghetti and responded instead of saying thanks and nodding while looking away, and said more than 5 words. That was February and I still think about it daily.

Put a totally different engine in a car that was never meant to have that sort of engine, fabricated some custom parts to make it work, did some mechanic work for people for cash to raise the money for it, got it all together and drove it for the first time last week. All on my own with no real life help from anyone.

Unironically being happy with life again.

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I joined gym to become jacked

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Teach me your ways sen pai

Yeah but did you actually go a lot and make improvements?

Well, for one to me it was something linked to personal issues. Had heavy depression and anxiety for like two years, until I solved the problem and got over it. If it's any help for you, don't give up yet. Fight, fight hard.

It's always the darkest before the dawn, user.

Flirty chat with a 7/10 nurse when we were having a meeting about my Hemorrhoids.

Smoked a few blunts with Mafia

Nurses deal with all sorts of shit. If you are halfway decent they will enjoy the flirtation.

From where to where did you move?

Finished trade school and took dmt.

From England to Denmark

I tore the tag off a mattress.

Stole my best friends gf...

Man i did that when I was younger and really fucking regretted it, he wouldnt speak to me for like 12 fucking years afterwards.

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put my underwear on all by myself a few weeks ago

Honestly I have had low key depression all my life. The doc gave me tramadol for my knee but I found that 1 1/2 of them a day gets rid of that gnawing feeling of being worthless and empty.
But sometimes I find myself laying in bed and JO for hours and ultimately feeling worthless for it

The problem is circumstancial as you said and thus only few will really "recover" as you put it.

I am aware of my issues, it's simply find life repulsive and pointless. I understand how you see it, where you can enjoy yourself and make accomplishments and such try to eat nice foods, make yourself look good and sleep with girls etc or even get the the best job or gaming record or explore the world laugh with your mates.

But I have been there, I feel like an old man as such despite being 24 years old. Yes, i have been to the gym and got lean and I have tried the best diets, earned a decent amount working at asda at the moment, slept with one girl realised that It's not really my thing despite craving it. Tried socialising and achieved got insufferably bored, completed so many games and beat so many people online, which I know I am good at but so what?

Everyday it's that need to work for that dopamine fix and as I look around me and see why youre all so contempt with an existence based on death and misery, ignoring an inevitable demise trying to prolong it through stressful regimes.

Maybe i am just mentally ill, perhaps because why would a biological machine feel this way when every part of my body wants to survive?? But to be honest It's not even anxiety it's just emptiness a void that can't be filled because I see things from a natural logistic view and all i see is suffering, competition and needless reproduction which we can control. I don't know, glad youre happy though.

How long have you felt this way? I knew I was different at like 13 years old. I’m gay but I always knew that I was different beyond that.

Damn OP, that question hit home, because the answer is... riding a bike, at night, in a sketchy part of town. I got nothing.
When I was younger, I partied, did hard drugs, had a couple orgies, etc. Now I'm just some doughy boring dad guy.
I don't know how to feel about that, should I be glad I'm over that stage... maybe, but I'm not. I feel like a pussy. But what badass things can I do without exposing my family to risk?

i self medicated with tramadol for 2 weeks when i wanted to kill myself

it also made me feel really good

but it is an addictive opiate pain killer.

tell your doctor it is working to take away that gnawing feeling.

He’s well aware - I told him that it had that side effect and he prescribes it knowing I don’t abuse it and it’s helping my quality of life.
Most I’ve ever taken in a day is 2 1/2 pills
But sometimes that feeling creeps in and I don’t want to talk to anyone or go anywhere and I feel like it’s all pointless.

Big oof, already planning to move in with her.....

My best friend died from a secret addiction to tramadol and related drugs. Be careful user.

Weirdly, around the age of puberty at 11. I can vaguely remember what it was like being excited about doing things, nowadays it's just nothing.

It just gradually got worse from a nightime sadness of 15 minutes to all day by the time i was 17. Now 24, less things give me enjoyment but even games can push me back into reality now.

Then again my mother is mentally ill, so there's probably a correlation. I mean logically if like was that bad then the sucide rate would be higher.

I think i should have been a used condom, seriously. Unwell people should not reproduce, because you get me and you don't enjoy it so it's selfish.

You can thank our un natural world for allowing these people like my mother to reproduce who wouldn't have if it weren't for the way things are. I mean, mental illness is more prevalent than it has ever been. You can't tell me that our food source really has caused that many people to get sad, it's bullshit.

Being gay is cool, it's just a chromozone issue i believe you know, youre healthy and such it just means you will be doomed to fuck dudes and if youre cool with that then sounds like a good life.

thanks bro, i quit after that period and got help.

the comedown after the euphoria was horrible.

sorry about your friend brudda.

My mother was the same. She was prone to mood swings but I don’t think we she was ever really happy with her or is even now. My sister and I are both fairly identical in our personalities and feelings and I think the depression is certainly something that came from mom

Being gay doesn’t bother me other than not being able to find a dude who wants more than sex. I sometimes crave cuddling and intimacy much more intensely than sex.

I’ve felt this lack of enthusiasm and finding less joy in the things I usually find joy in. I remember being excited af to go to the movies or playing a new game but that feeling feels eons away.

But I feel for you user. It sounds like you are dealing with something much more extreme in that it’s a constant feeling of nihilism.
Pic unrelated but I’d love to be his big spoon lol

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