Stop listening to uneducated kids

Stop listening to uneducated kids.

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Ecology will reign supreme, you good for nothing Clinton shill.

I honest to god despise this shit. Everywhere I look everyone says "STOP CLIMATE CHANGE IT'S BAD" well duh you fucking inbred of course it is but what are you teenage protestors gonna do about it? What the fuck do you want the government to do? Fuck off

>hey starving pajeet living on $0.5 a week STOP CLIMATE CHANGE
>hello war-torn middle eastern kid who lost a leg due to US bombings STOP CLIMATE CHANGE
>hey middle class chinese youth living under opressive communist party STOP CLIMATE CHANGE

shutup whitie and stop pollution

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Wonder how many people would join in if she held her protests on saturdays, not when everyone can get away with having a day off from school

She's literally a climate change hero.

Veganism is destroying the earth. Plant agriculture destroys the nature. Go carnivore.

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Gonna take pollution down to zero?
Gonna help us put asunder bad guys who like to loot and plunder?

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I have a feeling you CAN'T count to potato user-kun :(

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That's why im ignoring you.

Earth: YAY Lets watch the world die :)))

I don't get it china and india are polluting the most in the world, while we are reducing our emissions but still seem to be the ones that get blamed

what countries are the pollution pics from?

Stand by for some completely bullshit infographic that says the US is the largest polluter.

We are also the only country that has ever publicly apologized for slavery and look where that got us

As much as I agree that the blame isn't being spread to all of the right places. I know that its going to take a large movement by not only a majority of industrialized nations, but also industry itself to make the changes happen. So in the end suck it up, take some responsibility, and start to make a change. Its only going to help everyone else follow suit.

>move all your dirtiest industries to poorer but stable countries
>give them small stacks of worthless coupons [money] in exchange for their industry and the environmental cost they don't give a fuck about.
Ever heard of Union Carbide?

So anyway, how do you consume a quarter of the world's energy and not be a big polluter?
Inb4 the usual Yea Forums chimp shittery

What are you gonna do? listen to your uneducated president?

ITT: Americunts throwing a tantrum because someone implied they are not perfect and have to change

>So anyway, how do you consume a quarter of the world's energy and not be a big polluter?
Ever heard of emissions standards for power plants and vehicles? You know, things that other "civilized" industrial countries don't give a shit about? It's amazing how someone like you can be so smug about a topic you obviously know nothing about. I work in a power plant. I know all about Constant Emission Monitoring and flue gas scrubbing.

>ITT: Americunts throwing a tantrum because someone implied they are not perfect and they are the only ones who have to change
ftfy you crybaby bitch

ancient memes require modern solutions

>Ever listening to anonymous retards shitposting on /porn/

meanwhile in reality:
manmade climate change is a complete and total lie perpetuated by those with political and monetary interests only. earth is actually headed towards a little ice age, and following eon-old cycles of warming leading up to cooling involving much more than gasses in the atmosphere
but go buy a prius or some other meme car that runs off coal generated electricity please

Dumbass conservatives going to kill us all to own libs.

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>thinks it's some small time people with limited budgets perpetuating the lie
that's cute

but you see your problem is that you aren't eating the panic sandwich being shoved down your throat.

climate change is such a real problem user. Its such a real problem that we took an autistic child and made it our spokesperson on climate change. You thought we'd appoint a well known and experienced scientist? ha ha no we appointed a 16 year old kid with aspergers.

thats how seriously we take climate change

THATS how seriously we take it.

also if you don't chew big red.

fuck you

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so stop coming to Yea Forums?


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shit man i haven't chewed big red in a long ass time
that shit sounds good right now


Well duh she's a fucking condescending tool

Environmental activists actually think if they scare people enough about climate change, people will accept zero global economic growth. They're delusional.
Even with the most optimistic projections for building more renewables and clean energy, zero or negative growth is what it will take to reduce emissions enough to reverse climate change. Not going to happen.
There's a much cheaper solution of course, but it scares the shit out of environmentalists. Basically, we pump some sulfates directly into the stratosphere, which blocks some sunlight and lowers temperatures. The amount would be on the order of a major volcanic eruption, which has been shown to cool the earth in the past. It can be done relatively quickly and cheaply, and if there are harmful side effects or it ends up being TOO effective, you can always just stop it and let things come back to equilibrium.

Guys lets cyberbully her yay!

False - both are seeking to make obscene amounts of money with their bullshit.

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Carbon Monoxide Surface concentration by the hour. Please note that the only thing making pollution is the US military/Federal Government.

unfalse the govt is our friend they should be the only people with guns. No govt in history has ever killed its people

everything is white men's fault

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Guys can we make more greta is stupid memes

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lol i'm gonna go drive my pickup around just for shits and giggles.

Your lack of dubs has convinced me.
Thank you.
Could you please pass the grape flavoraid?

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why does the UK have a red line?

to be fair its hard to emit C02 when you get your head cut off

stop posting, OP, you're retarded as fuck.

>per capita
nice b8 m8

>the govt is our friend

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OK, I won't listen to you then.

I mean unless you want to invade two of the largest countries on the planet not much we can do beside try to lower our own

memes? she looks like the stereotypical autistic kid

It's like you completely ignored the first sentence

to delineate the middle eastern demographic in the UK
Based based absolutely based.

she needs to go to the middle east and say this stuff

If it's ok for them to have an excuse then I'm good to have mine. We have poor people too. stfu hypocrite.

can someone seriously explain to me why an autistic child. That is a young teenager who should be in school and obviously suffers from a mental issue. Is the spokes person for climate problems?

this shit makes absolutely no sense

>she must prove xy and be supersexy at 16 or i dont believe anything scientists say

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God no! Make that stupid bitch a martyr by having her get raped and killed by some fucking Muslims? No thanks.
If it would turn the world against those savages it would be an acceptable loss, but it won’t and it would just make her clueless followers even more motivated for a time.
No, I’d rather see her ruin herself with her continued fuckery until people get tired of her autistic screeching.

>stop climate change
>ok here’s how much your taxes are going up and how much your standard of living will decline

>linking stuff about c02 when it only makes up 4% of the atmosphere

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"C02" budget.

fuck it. if all we have to look forward to is a bunch of screaming lefties demanding that their 50 gorrillionth gender matters then i want to speed this shit up. brb gonna go burn my motor oil in the back yard while emptying spray cans

why isn't she in school? isn't that legitimately child abuse?

>earth is actually headed towards a little ice age
Earth never left the last ice age, you wank.
And, no, the next glacial period isn't even expected for another 3,000 years using the lowest estimates based on previous interglacial lengths.

In the cult of victimhood, she is a shaman, the unassailable figure. Her very lack of virtue in the classical sense of excellence is what makes her noble.

>demanding her to visit school while not getting basic physics at all

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lol NASA

try not posting an ameridumb organization next time

She’s Norwegian.
The reason she appears so underdeveloped is she literally refused to eat because of her autism making her hate all but a few types of foods, and her fucking parents just let her.
Malnutrition caused the stunted growth. You see this type of shit in cases of extreme child abuse as well as 3rd world countries where food is scarce but not to the point of starvation.
Here’s an example of malnutrition from abuse (see pic - the Turpin children).
If the fucking Norwegians didn’t do anything about her abuse I doubt they’d do anything about lack of education.

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Not edgy to criticize a political entity in the public sphere is it. Oh, its because she is a little girl. Well how useful for her backers, what a great tool. A person that when criticized evokes oxytocin driven ire from the masses. She could literally tell the world about her plans of genocide and if anyone criticized her they would get written off with shaming language. LoL

Try to think a little deeper and listen to people you disagree with more often user, you may be surprised what you find.

the fucking bjorns.

This isn't a left right conversation unless you make it one user.

Nailed it.

I wanna fuck her so bad.

I’ll tie her to the bed and force my huge cock into her tight virgin pussy, while she screams in agony.

I will fuck her repeated until she’s pregnant, at which point I’ll use her chocolate starfish instead. When I’m done with her, her farts will be silent.

Other way around skippy. Her autistic screeching forced them to become vegans.
Pic related, it’s what it looked like.

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Just think, we could've solved the energy crisis and climate change by switching to nuclear 50 years ago if a bunch of retarded slavs hadn't blown themselves up and given it a bad name forever.

>NASA ameridumb
>fails to list a single scientific organization that comes close to NASA's resources, accuracy, and expertise in climate data.

How about a legitimate organization like the European Space Agency? >_>

You do realize that Western Civilization would collapse with today's solutions to this problem right. We need to SOLVE THE PROBLEMS. Activism is talk. Politicking is talk. It solves nothing. You need to crunch numbers. Test results. Build the solution. These are jobs done by scientists and engineers. Eating bugs and will just cause bug shortages/imbalances. Maybe printing meat from sewage is the solution though. Which activists and politicians are working on that? Protip: none.

>witness the power of Facebookbubbles and Breitbarthtier news

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This is one the most hair brained ideas I have hear on a site of dumbass ideas.

No, but some activists use stats that make things look like something they are not. Why? because they are looking too closely at the issue for POLITICAL REASONS.

Take a look at your stupid graph in a wider context. :D

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nigga just try arguing with some of these retards (the actual activists not Yea Forums) about nuclear energy. be prepared for a shitstorm

Youre probably one of those retards who thinks retarded americans landed on the moon first arent you?

You ameridumbs need to get real history books.

Actually Germany landed on the moon first.

I can see it daily here in my area already and the data are absolutely clear. Your graph doesnt show enough details in recent changes

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Oh, you mean the same ESA that agrees with rising global temperatures, seeks to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement, and has not refuting NASA, NOAA, or any of the other leading agencies publishing climate data?
Didn't think that through, did you?

>She’s Norwegian.
She's actually Swedish dumbdumb.

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>Didn't think

i dont think he has the equipment

What are you on about? My argument is that nobody considers NASA or NOAA a legitimate source of science. Americans have zero credibility with the sciences. NONE

Here's the point.. you want c02 emissions to go down? Give up all your a/c's heaters amd coolers . All those systems uses a c02 based refrigerants (hfc) that emits high amounts of c02, more than cars! So you wanna make a difference? Stop using them.. otherwise sit back and shut up

a special blend of retardness and dumb junkie, aren't you

The changes aren't that out of scope. It's been hotter. It's been way more erratic. That being said, I am no climate denier. I just see it in perspective. We've been here before we will deal with it. The hysteria isn't helping anything except to push agendas.

no lol i'm fine with you giving them up but i'm different

I NEED them

That's why I don't listen to uneducated kids.. cause there's ALOT of items causing emissions and to cut that means you have to remove all those nice things from your daily lives permanently ( which you never will)

>nobody considers NASA or NOAA a legitimate source of science. Americans have zero credibility with the sciences. NONE

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Says every climate change person ever lol

when measuring a rapid spike of warmth, in this context the graph with the shorter time frame is more relevant

doesn't matter lol. once we have communism here i'll be promoted for my anime drawing skills and you'll be gulag'd

No one wants to force any system on you. Its just about evolving to better technical solutions and taking responsibility for younger people. Each country the way it wants

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those HFC's are being phased out.

The basic purpose of any activism is pressure. While it's certainly true the activism won't solve mathematical or logistical hurdles, it's also true that these hurdles are often heavily underfunded and unregulated, either through neglect or intention. Proper distribution of and access to resources, as well as stifling counter-productive forces is the connection between activism, policy, and scientific progress.

Good bait

The left is always the underdog or counter culture.

Unless the chief comrade despises anime. In that case, you'll be in the gulag like the rest of us. That's how a communist dictatorship works.

doesn't matter i want you to panic now

Carbon taxes are a system.

You dumb fuck, you point is refuted your example, because your example views NASA and NOAA as legitimate and valuable sources of data.
Jesus Christ, you're a slow one.

15 years ago it wasn't. You must be in your late teens or early 20's and just don't remember.

no lol why would bernie lie about such things.

Your pseudo sciences are laughed at around the world

See that's were your wrong.. cfc's are being phased out... which will end all refrigerants that have an ozone depletion level but hfc's will be here till all chlorine based refrigerants are phased out amd then.. they'll dial down hfc's

>herpyderp my trumpy say climate change is hoax so it must be true fuck the planet kek

There are good ideas how to avoid this for private persons and still get to almost zero emission in the end.

American's have zero credibility with the sciences? Haven't heard that before. I can't believe that is true even. Who in your view IS credible?

Aaa batteries

>c02 based refrigerants (hfc) that emits high amounts of c02

take a highschool chemistry class retard

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Ah, so you're just trolling, then.

I have already explained in the previous post that the entirety of the scientific community trusts the ESA over any ameridumb agency.

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lol mad uneducated nigger

Norway, Sweden - not much difference. Both are useless countries.

Per capita for china is low because they keep more people in poverty than america has total people. Per capita numbers are fucking dumb because total pollution - AKA the actual real life amount being emitted, is the most pressing issue. And china produces much more. China's oil and gas industry produce more than any other single entity, and ocean pollution is more damaging anyway. China and all of SE Asia produces around 80% of the total pollution of the ocean.

How do even qualify this statement, you abject retard?

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... You really dont understand geopolitics, economy and capitalism as a whole, do you?

Says the guy using a pic of an actor pretending to be a scientist.

>I use my own opinion statement as proof, if you need more proof see my original statement

And yet, the rest of the world doesnt seem to mind benefitting from all the research and medical innovations the US spends money on. Weird, hey? It's almost as though you're an ignorant and jealous foreign poor that just hates us for being better than you.

Thats completely right but their trying hard and it might change fast there since it isnt a free market. USA doesnt care at all at the moment. I do hope and think America could show the world how its done again since you guys can be amazing at achieving things fast.

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euros gonna euro

This is fucking awesome. Saved

lol nobody cares about that. it is not even a greenhouse gas.
Stick to CO2, dioxide . ok?

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USA cares, just some people in it don't. They want to keep the oil and gas industry going, and I get it, but most people recognize it and technology is moving on it around the world. That will be the solution. And american companies are producing a lot of green-tech.

Since the only thing you dipshits care about is per capita numbers, it's easier to just pump out a shitload of babies and let a bunch of Hispanics setup camps in California and New Mexico.

can someone translate this from reichspeak?

Der Kohle Ronny Sherlock Holmes postet bestimmt gleich auch wieder Tichyseinblick

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Lol China isn't trying at all. All they're doing is moving their pollution sources around so it's harder to tell how badly they're lying about their numbers.

True, you guys are and can be even more the best in inventing and settling this new stuff

I'm 48 years old with no children. Remind me again why I should give a shit about something that will only really affect the planet years after I'm already dead?

nobody dies that temps are higher since the 'little ice age' ended in 1850. Funny how such graphs never show the older data, like for example the Medieval Warm Period, when it was 1degree warmer then it is now, and Greenland was green.

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Theyre pushing electricity and new engines like no one else, regrowing forrests to stop the desertation and build new substainable cities. Its not close to enough yet but they are definetly on it

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They're powering those electric cars by burning coal. Thats not green at all.

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yeah but nobody builds cooling systems the way they did in Chernobyl, especially in the states
if we were allowed to build pebble bed plants we'd have zero need for coal or water turbine electric plants
those ones are basically melt-down proof
combined with increased volcanic activity and the sun going into gsm, we're definitely headed towards a little ice age
i don't think it'll be a glacial period ice age, mostly just a shit ton more precipitation and snow

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Not yet sadly

NASA again. Please find a trusted organisation that is not american

here is some real data, instead of your fake activist propaganda

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she is right though. we're currently the only ones with the option to change. China won't cause they're governed by assholes who'll shoot people for seeing Tiananmen square massacre references.

if the most successful part of the world (North America and Europe) starts to be environmentally friendly and earn money on it, the others will try to do as we do. if it was up to me, I'd get those cunts nuked for raping the environment for everyone else. you're right in the fact that were the least responsible, but were also the only ones that can do something right now. the others can in maybe 100 years, but we need to have changed by 2050 so were basically just fucked.

the polar bears will starve to death, the ice will melt, extreme weather will get more fucked, but we in the west cant do much. america might when it comes to air pollution, but everything else is completely fucked as it is. the only way to win against this shit is for the starving shitholes to stop trying to not be starving shit holes anymore. can we blame them for thinking that's unfair? if you were the president of a starving shithole, would you focus on the climate, or focus on people, you kinsmen, your family and friends not starving?

she is targeting the west for a reason. she is desperate, terrified and acts out in panic. she could target India and China, but that would change nothing. its as pointless as running from an enraged bear. you could run and maybe it would change its mind and not run after you, but most likely, it'll slaughter you when he catches you

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Imagine getting this triggered by a child. What a little bitch you are.

I’m reading one now.

>a trusted organisation that is not america

no such organizations exist

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In Germany we have many. This is why the world laughs at you


you should have clicked the gif.
it shows NASA data manipulation.

Mind your tongue, kraut, or we'll bomb your fucking country to the ground for a third time!

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everyone here in swedinstan is giving her so much praises, literally everyone here is a cuck fml

200 species extinct every single day nowadays and areas of millions of people are getting unihabitable but this is what god wants for his creation

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no, you can't do shit about the weather.

and polar bear population is bigger then ever. Alaskans even have to shoot them because of the population grows too fast.

This is what you get when you confuse a retarted 16y/o (who makes absurd claims) with actual data and real science. You end up being stupid and wrong.

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There are 2 ways to go about fixing climate change.
The retarded way that most environmental people propose, going backwards and stopping the use of technology (never fly again, dont use nuclear power)
Or making things more optimal. (make the cars electrical, embracing nuclear power, and instead of going vegan, you just step it back and buy local)
But people are gonna be retarded fucking cunts forever.

We're trying, but you keep posting!

no, Germans simply believe anything that looks official.
Because Germans are stupid and authoritarian.

yeah humans suck.

we even killed the dinosaurs

actually germany invented authoritarianism... no wait!

Only a idiot would believe such propaganda.
(or a German)

actually germany invented the idiot

>Not defining the word idiot
Come on user.

It's not edgy, but it's not like those countries give a fuck about the Earth. But then again, we didnt give a fuck when we were developing countries destroying the Earth.


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Greta Thunberg Is fucking retarded

The difference is that we did not fucking know, and second of we did not throw away such insane amounts of shit like people in SEA do.

>war torn Middle East
I'll just assume you're smart enough not to argue the war in Afghanistan, so we'll go straight to Iraq.

Yes the Iraqis were so much better off with Saddam, especially if you're Kurdish. Keep drinking that kool aid they're serving in college or are you just an edgy teenager?

Other than that you are correct though.

you can do a lot about the weather if you decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. we as a species are pumping out shittons of it all the time while cutting down the treas that sucks it up and murdering the life in the oceans who also suck it up. it's more that we prevent CO2 from fucking off than yeeting it up to much. it won't do shit if the west does tho because the developing nations do it 10 times more than us anyway so it doesn't matter if we decrease the amount more than we already have

We dont even need to stop fossils completely but we do need to have enough trees to suck that shit up which we dont have now anymore

Why the movement?
Politicians are the ones who make the laws, not the people. The people vote for politicians and assume they will make laws that represent the people's interests.
If someone likes a politician's message and has the funds, they may send in a contribution. A politician needs lots of small donors like that. Politicians need money to get their message out.
Here comes someone with lots of money. They recognize politician might win the election (or is in office already). They offer lots of money if politician would just mitigate their stance a but and not vote for this environmental bill. Just this one. Politician agrees - he's doing so well otherwise. Politician can be bought.
Greta comes along and says, "We recognize you can be bought. We don't care what you say anymore - you're a liar, and we have no reason to trust you. We're going to be able to vote soon, and we're going to vote for someone else, unless you start doing something about this shithole world you're helping industry create."

That's the message.

can't 'fix' climate change, you moron.
Climate is "average weather conditions over 30years". So you would need to manipulate weather for 30years. You can't.
And the Greenhouse gas hypothesys has been debunked by real scientist a million times already.
We only have 1 source that controls our temps, and that is the sun. And no, we don not control the sun. Google 'Solar minimum', and you'll find something to get really scared about: there is a mini ice-age starting this winter. That is why these eco-communists are in such a hurry, they know they will be proven wrong this year.
(Australia is already covered in snow)

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99% of all species that has ever been on Earth are currently extinct. That’s just the way of things.
Everything eventually dies one way or another, making way for something new.

>And the Greenhouse gas hypothesys has been debunked by real scientist a million times already.


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Global warming deniers are the same flat earth believers. Fucking retards.

least substantive post

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Why not China? China simply doesn't allow contradiction. They'd deport her or throw her in jail. They have Internet filtering and censorship - her message doesn't get through. It's pointless to complain to China - they won't list.

So why should we use toilets if China keeps shitting in the pool?
For one, why not? What's so offensive about living cleanly? Anyway, Leadership. America used to lead the west. The west is pretty much the gold standard of living for the rest of the world. America is relinquishing its leadership role. Does America enjoy losing?

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>Stop listening to uneducated kids.
Why? Well educated grown-ups aren't exactly doing any better.

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>Climate is "average weather conditions over 30years". So you would need to manipulate weather for 30years. You can't.
Of course we can. We've been doing it for over a hundred years. We're just doing it wrong.


>farts in his bed
"It doesnt smell at all, beautiful clean cold air"

But the analogy is valid.

japan would have had her executed for being mentally retarded. literally not even figuratively or in jest

It isn't more important to know if we are or not rsponsable in what degree than to STOP IT.
Who cares if someone caused an armaggeddon hen the sky is falling on our heads?

CO2 does not magically create warmth.
If it does, why don't you have a jar filled with CO2 in your room to keep it warm in winter?

There has been more CO2 in the air in the ast, while global temps where colder. care to explain why?
Pls point out the correlation in the image

there is only 0.4% CO2 in the air, of that 0.1% is man made. 96% is water vapor, which is a much stronger greenhouse gas.

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your comparing a harmless form of idiocy to an argument that has a possibility of killing millions of people if taken to its extreme.

I suggest you avoid travel to Japan as well..

Such absolute bullshit, its more like they are saying "we dont know shit about how to fix things, so we want to skip school"
In the end the only way forwards is nuclear power and better batteries, i bet they dont say shit about that in the movement.

nigga they have an autistic kid speaking for them you think they DON'T want just someone to blame?

well so much for talking to you

For example

But there is a lot more. It contradicts the 1st law of thermodynamics.

CO2 is good for plants, so is warmth. If we go further we’ll just transform all of the temperate regions into tropical ones, and if the biodiversity of rain forests and jungles is something that matters, wouldn’t it make sense to transform most of the world in areas with a high humidity into tropical rainforests?

Just like dinosaur jobs but actually taking responsibility is the right thing to do

we could all live in a jungle utopia.

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Imagine being threatened by a 13 year old anger fags are pathetic. Go get laid already.....if you can


>an argument that has a possibility of killing millions of people if taken to its extreme.
*If taken to the extreme* is the operative phrase. You can say that about almost anything. But tell me... what are you afraid of in particular? What is it about trying to avoid melted ice caps, submerged (not flooded - submerged) coastal cities, and shifted agricultural centers? How is that not a dangerous scenario?

Different things live in different climates, if everything becomes warmer, the things that lived in colder places gets fucked over.

What type of power-plant?

And here are the contradictions. The most effective way to reduce global pollution is to limit industry in countries that have no environmental laws. Besides throwaway workers, the biggest draw to move 1st world industry to 3rd world countries is the ability to bypass 1st world environmental restrictions. True environmentalists should also be anti-globalists when it comes economic markets.

>What is it about trying to avoid melted ice caps, submerged (not flooded - submerged) coastal cities, and shifted agricultural centers? How is that not a dangerous scenario?

your assumption is that nobody but you is doing things that are good for the environment. You start putting everyone else into the "other" category until eventually someone comes up with an idea that "maybe we should just kill these dirty polluters".

Most don't - they're professional actors who part-time meet and perhaps vote on bills. They listen (sometimes), but really vote according to how their party tells them to.

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>stop using things
>Dont make things better instead
Go back to the cave Mr.Ungo Bungo

See also:

youre not even near max level derp.

More warmth means more rain (because warmer oceans means watorvapour) , SO all of africa will be covered in forests again, like it used to be.
It is cold that kills the ecosystem, not wamth.

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Well if you say something *that* stupid, what do you expect for an answer - respect?

w/e user you "win" the argument congratulations.

Finally a good fucking thread in Yea Forums

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Kurds are retarded mongrels and they still would rather have saddam around.

>money is useless
>the earth is being polluted for profit (i.e. money)

literally who?

>potato or dorito
>there are only two choices

newgrounds sucks

Turing test in reverse. Too stupid to just be a bot response.

Not only do we "need" to stop eating meat. The Swedish Prime minister is proposing that we start eating humans and insects. This is far more important than stop civilians from being shot and blown up on the streets in Sweden.
It's a giant Psy-Op for them to gain more control

You guys make it sound like plants will just pack up their bags and move around the world according to weather. Not likely - conditions might change much more rapidly than a migration of seeds or runners to enable movement of the species. Also, the Sahara might get water, but right now there's little to stop erosion and few nutrients.

What have y'all got against cleaning up your home?

The ecosystems are far less diverse, slowing or limiting evolution

>assuming OP is american


we can also use plankton and maybe GMO trees. co2 in itself isn't really a problem if we invest in protection and don't fuck over the oceans, which India is singlehandedly doing

Okay, so ban everything that is bad for the environment instead of making that part of the world not bad for the environment.
Retarded faggot...

the only countrys that do are shitty liberal countrys like sweden and america

the co2 doesn't magically create heat. if you put a co2 jar in the sun, it will hold that warmth longer than an oxygen-filled jar. its not about creating energy and heat, it's about keeping the constant stream of heat energy from the sun inside. Venus is hotter on average than mercury because of its dense co2 atmosphere. enough c02 in the atmosphere can make a planet hoter than a planet closer to the sun. the co2 is a better terminal isolator than oxygen, so a constant stream of sunlight will over time make the entire atmosphere hotter over time.

>it's ok to pollute as long as more people are involved.

>Implying most of Sweden listens to her
>Implying the reason she even gets mentioned here is not because her parents are famous
I have not heard anyone here that is not in the media actually say anything positive about her bullshit.

you are making stuff up now.
sahara is full of nutrients.
This is a picture of the sahara after rainfall, which happens about once every few years.

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holy fuck, go back to 5th grade science

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>Hurr durr Saddam bad

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the sun cant reaches the plants as well because the co2 is in the way. the plants need sunlight to grow too.

>Doesn't even have to download homoporn, already got several drives full because that is the only thing Americans get hard about
>Makes up any other explanation to not seem like the largest faggot in the whole world
>Looks good, no one has noticed yet, may get away with it without being called out

In my post(), I was just pointing out that, while conditions may become less than ideal for humans or human civilization, life will continue and adapt to the changes. I could care less about humanity or life in general, I was just pointing out that we aren’t gonna kill everything by increasing temperatures.

that is ony true in a closed system, which the atmosphere is not.
also, the atmosphere on venus is almost 100% CO2, earth only has 0.04% C02.
The test with CO2 in a jar only shows a difference when it is almost 100% CO2, the temp difference between 0.04% and 0,1% can't even be measured in lab conditions.

>The poor people should solve climate change while the rich sit back and take plane flights to exotic beach vacations because I like to pretend the rich represent me and I'll join them some day
>just ignore that even the best Americans have a carbon foot print DOUBLE the world average and ONLY focus on muh ebin maymay biased image emotional appeal to people's preconcieved views!

It's really the procession of excuses that makes it obvious that you're disingenuous feels-driven liars.
First it's that
>there's no climate change period
>it's all a Chinese/Jewish conspiracy
Then it's admiting that
>well of course the climate changes but it always changes and you're not allowed to consider the RATE of change
>even if that were an issue it's not influenced by humans at all
Then finally we get as close to the truth as you can let yourself go
>well ok humans have an influence and could do something but ME and my wealthy first world nation can't be expected to lift a single finger until all the poor nations that we export all our dirty polluting jobs and waste to fix everything first
Nevermind that if you're conceding the existence of climate change then it shouldn't matter who's "responsibility" it is because it's a threat to EVERYONE and so what should matter is everyone contributing what they can.
It's as if you're in an apartment building on fire and own the water tower on the roof and sprinkler controls but refuse to use a drop until the poor people on lower floors finish splashing around every drop of liquid in their fridges and spit and piss in their body while every moment the flames spread and climb and grow too intense to be put out when you finally feel the heat and act.
Climate migration is already happening on the coasts with the government buying up and demolishing flood-prone houses even as greedy douchebags outpace that rate with new constructions.

>listen to people you disagree with
And then tell them how they're wrong, like you do?

I've never heard something this stupid.
You do know that farmers add CO2 to greenhouses to make plants grow better, right?
(about 3times higher levels as in open air)

Its plants for higher


Because sweeping government action is litterally the only way to address it, moron.
Even if all the climate hippies abandoned modern Life and lived as low-impact as they could it wouldn't make a dent. Governments could force companies to comply with even just the laws we have already but because of shills with their pockets stuffed with corporate cash the penalties are so low that the companies don't even care and just absorb the fines into their profit calculations, even when fixing the problem would actually save them money over time.

why not,she's just as left wing as any other retard in sweden

CO2 does slightly dampen the amount of heat energy directly hitting the plants, but plants don’t use heat for photosynthesis, they use light. The frequency of light waves is significantly higher than that of heat, and is able to pass through CO2 with ease, so taking all that into account, the plants will receive almost exactly the same amount of light, more CO2, less direct heat energy (because it’s diffused by the CO2), more ambient heat (as the CO2 helps insulate and contain the heat it diffuses), and a higher humidity.

per capita has no merit when discussing the environment. its the net numbers that matter and by using the per capita graph you are basically admitting you dont actually care about the environment, you only care about getting headpats and dopamine rushes

But no one has gone to India to tell them to stop polluting the world.

I know you're "Le pretending to be retarded XD" but your suggestion is just as retarded as veganism. Overgrazing can contribute to desertification even more than farms because they can effect a wider area and in fact NEED a wider area contributing energy because the conversion of feed into food for humans is less efficient the bigger the animal.
The best method is meat minimalism. Eating meat less often, but of much higher quality because it's not factory farmed drug pumped shit. The bulk of your diet should be plants and that's healthy for you but you need meat to be healthy too and careful controlled grazing can actually help fight desertification.

You say that as if we dont have a 50/50 split of right wing and left wing.
But among people I have spoken to its more that people already feel like they are doing shit for the environment and she could take her hippie ass down to south east asia instead and shout there.
Also environment is not only a left issue in Sweden, but the split is more what to do about it all.

>Governments could force companies to comply with even just the laws we have already

with guns right?

Absolutely nothing like that. Stop trying to use analogies, you’re bad at it.

climate is doing just fine.
You've been lied to by the eco-communists.

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I like how you waited for him to have likely left to say something.


China is also actually near if not is the country investing the most in alternative energy. Because of virtue signalling politicians cutting funding here we've actually fallen years behind them and are losing the tech race.
It's not like the want to use so much coal, their people aren't happy about it either, but they're still a developing nation for a huge portion of their population and territory and they're using the dirty fuel they have to try to power the effort to transition to better sources like we should have been doing.

Our wastefulness sis jut ingrained in us. You know that the us gov owns the majority of all helium resources on Earth but rather that safeguarding that resource for the future and it's many uses in medical and scientific equipment, rather than controlling the price to get the most out of our inheritance, we've litterally Bering trying to use it up, selling it cheap enough for stupid shit like birthday balloons. At least your kids(if you ever have them) will be able to console their grandkids that although they no longer have the medical tech to save their life at least they got a fun party out of it.

the right wing has done more to help the environment than the far left ever will

Those uneducated kids just referring to the very much educated scientists, of whom are allmost all completley agreeing that we have to act now.................................FAGGOT.

>25 rmb have been deposited to your account

This has to be a joke -
Kuru is a thing, and it’s not pretty.

I can't wait to tell my kids we wasted a finite resource on making colorful plastic float

You’re fucking nuts.

>Nooo don't look at the actual info with stats and numbers, just look at these totally not biased pics of dirty people compared to a pretty stock/posed photo! Feels >>>>>facts!!!!

More heat, more water vapor in the atmosphere, thus more clouds. More clouds can either keep heat from escaping (global warming) or reflect light and lead to cooling (global cooling). Considering we grow our crops in particular areas because of good soil. Changes in how hot it gets can be devastating to growing seasons and communities that rely on those crops

So out prime minister is an absolute retarded fuckcunt, but even I am sure that he does not advocate for cannibalism.

Fuck you subhuman

I don’t think that much of you idiots.
I do other shit, I don’t stay here in rapt attention to you fucking retards regardless of how minutely entertaining some of you are at times.

you lost the game

I'm sure you can't name a single one.

(And no, Michael Mann doesn't count, he is a fraud and has recently been convicted. His 'hockey stick' theory turned out to be false.)

Bugs are pretty tasty. Just gotta get over eating it. Candied crickets are fuckin weirdly good.

Climate is changing regardless of mankind. And what exactly is "normal" temperature? Because if normal is a constant then this planet had serious problems billions of years ago.

Fuck the activists. I'll throw my plastic in the blue trash bin and turn the lights off when I leave a room, but I'm not going to change my entire lifestyle around trying to keep the global temperature down by 0.1 Celsius; especially when the real polluters don't do shit.

Cant convert units? you lost at life

>why dont you know the names of scientists

Seriously? That's you're rebuttal.

Bugs are used all the time in candy making, but if I am to just eat insects for protein, I would make minced insect meat.

leave him those people will alway find a way to argue for their ignorance.

when it's about 5 degrees difference, a percentage of co2 has a lot to say for the result as 5 degrees increase is nothing. moving te earth a kilometre closer to the sun would probably do it. co2 holds the heat. if you let the sun shine on the earth constantly, then the heat will increase over time. the only counter would be to decrease the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which photosynthesis does naturally. the problem now is that it increases faster than it decreases, so the heat only adds up more and more. without a decrease, the heat will continue to add up like a car in the sun

I am pretty sure his rebuttal is based in you not being able to source any scientist that you "mentioned"
And since you just ignored that part I get the feeling he is right about you.

The only problem with that is the color of bug meat isn't red when ya get it all chopped up. Shit is like whitish brown. It looks nasty kek

Anything red made with carmine is made with insect parts.


Whoa there friend. You need to slow down.

it can get through, but not 100%. having more to get through will block a larger percentage of the waves

Most things dont look perfect without being cooked anyways, but I would care more for taste in the long run no matter what I eat.

Never, when this post hits 88mph you are gonna see some shit!

go street-view any third world country and tell them to stop polluting

The effect that cloud cover would have wouldn’t be as high as you are making it out to be. If it was, then tropical rain forests wouldn’t be one of the most productive ecosystems, and, as I stated earlier, I don’t care about humanity (or the crops needed to sustain it) or life in general, I’m just stating the fact that increased CO2 levels will not have the consequences that most think they’ll have.

if it was a conspiracy, how will the larger businesses earn money on a co2 tax? how do countries earn money on dropping oil which is making them rich as fuck? how does, for example, Norway earn money on sponsoring consumers who chose to buy tesla cars and drop their road taxes for driving one? unless Elon Musk were to literally own Norway and all organisations and scientists working to prevent climate change, I doubt there is any conspiracy. there must be a clear motive or its just as stupid as flat earth and anti-vax

Doc everytime I go to the future I get really shaky. What does that mean?

It's Parkinsons, Marty!! You're gonna be like a leaf in the wind!

Cut to Marty crying in a closet as the tremors begin.

>he actually believes this
lmao, the US wrecks the middle east because our greatest ally hates stable neighbors (and wants their resources)

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Yes, 0.0002% is larger than 0.0001%. There is a difference, but it is so tiny that the effect would be negligible.

Just some dumb aspie, goblin looking cunt being used as a shield to hide behind while pushing "muh climate change"


Yes, and you're not relying on political reasons.

Please... do tell, what are those political reasons? What political benefit is climate change to libs?

>Veganism is destroying the earth. Plant agriculture destroys the nature
Growing animals is a waste of solar energy.

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Yeah, the current migrant crisis that triggers so many will look like a joke when the climate migration that is already starting really ramps up.
People are already dying at abnormal rates in India from heat, eventually the staple crops of all of Africa will no longer grow and the continent will become uninhabitable,some of the lowest laying areas expected to be impacted first in Asia are also the densest concentration of people anywhere in the world.

Even in American climate migration is quietly starting. They've provided money under general disaster funds and left it up to states to actually decide what to do so it's all on the DL but it's woefully inadequate. Areas like Florida who will be the hardest and first hit are falling behind states further north in buying and demolishing flood-prone homes because of the real estate influence but even in the better states new constructions overwhelm the rate of demolitions.
Top down change is the only solution but as you can see from the thread people aren't just opposed on grounds of "muh small gov" but are wilfully ignorant, even in denial, of how it could even help.
I have hope for humanity but frankly I don't know how this will be resolved and it's almost certainly gonna get BAD first, like post-apoc bad.

Cricket or mealworm flour is good, just mix it into damn near anything.


Hell I wish I got paid for shitposting on Yea Forums. If you got a link I'd be happy for you to hook me up.
Of course this is really just a pathetic deflection for you. Anyone who triggers your sensetive feels and I secure beliefs by saying something that clashes with said feels can be easily ignored as a "shill". It's pretty convienient, anything that clashes with your views can coincidentally just be disregarded because you just "know" in your FEELS the truth ;^)


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India will stay earths toilet for a while. Algea have great possibilities but id also like to have greener cooler cities. This and last summer already was like hellfire here

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To be completely accurate (because I care about that unlike the blissfully ignorant fossil-fuel shills) it's not really finite. We CAN capture and concentrate helium, it's jut so much ridiculously more expensive than harvesting form purer finite sources that there's basically no chance that the great grandkids of anyone of Yea Forums will be able to afford it.
It will be resevered for the decendants of the filling class that idiots happily shill for and worship under the delusion that they too will one day be welcomed to the club.
Protip for anyone reading on, the wealthy never I tend to share and will actively fight to keep you poor because rid everyone is "rich" then no one is. You can't pay a billionaire a couple bucks to worship the ground you walk on and pick up your pet's shit, you can only do that if they're desperate and poor.