But I paid five thousand dollars to be a woman. This would mean I I'm not really a woman. Ih, I'm just a...

>But I paid five thousand dollars to be a woman. This would mean I I'm not really a woman. Ih, I'm just a... a I'm just a guy with a mutilated penis!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Watch them do an episode apologizing for this like they did with Manbearpig.

It's called The Cissy, they already did it.

Was that episode actually saying that trannies are valid? To me it seemed like it was making fun of them for the whole bathroom thing.

>Stan comes out as trans
>Randy has a mental breakdown over it
>Stan reminds him that he's Lorde
>Randy is now Lorde for the rest of the show

Not really, it was making fun of Cartman for being a moron and representing what people think the bathroom thing amounts to, but then you had Stan actually questioning where he should go, Butters wearing a skirt, it was all framed very positively.



>Stan is trans
Oh, this is my time.

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you genuinely and legitimately deserve death for corrupting such sweet and innocent characters by turning them into fucking roasties
kill yourself

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Oh man sorry I didn't mean to do that.

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they would unironically ruin stan's character like this. i can see it happening.
damn, i guess i kinda blocked all the pro-degenerate shit out of my mind. how unfortunate, i thought matt and trey were better than that. but i guess i should've known seeing as how they've been acting these past few years.

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Would you feel better about it if you managed to get the government to pay for it using other people's taxes?

I would like to see it happen! I mean, it's not like Stan is that interesting as a character anyway in current south park, he does nothing. They might as well.

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Matt and Trey are centrists. They'll move wherever the overton window moves.

>i kinda blocked all the pro-degenerate shit out of my mind
You're posting borderline shota porn of their characters.

Keeping Garrison as a tranny for a while was the first nail in South Park's coffin

And not even good one.

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Why would anyone get terrible mutilation surgery at the moment when bona fide transplants are about 5 years away at most.

Changing him back was the final nail in the coffin. Mrs Garrison was the best character on the show and the shows writing was at it's peak. I'll never understand why they decided to push Mackey all of a sudden and put Garrison in the background

Firing him and making PC principal take his place is the best thing that has ever happened to this show in a long time.

Wait a minute...is Cis not pronounced “siz”?

It is not.

For similar reasons most early cosmetic procedures of any kind were terribly barbaric compared to modern medicine. Patients either willingly or unwittingly become essentially medical guinea pigs. Their successes and failures in part aid future innovation in medical cosmetics.

We're a hundred years too early for futa girls.

>We're a hundred years too early for futa girls.
NO! They must come within my lifetime!

thats wrong.

he would be just a MENTALLY ILL guy with a mutilated penis.

dick transplant is actually a thing already.
dick transplant is super hard on the mind.
you are fucking with another guy's penis.
The jizz you are outputting is also not yours.

You mean to tell me I can get a better dick?

> a moron and representing what people think the bathroom thing amounts to,
But Cartman was portrayed as a tranny in the exact episode who was just taking advantage to take a shit like what real trannies do while Wendy was playing a tranny to be an attention seeking cunt like real trannies. How was this a positive portrayal of it. Honestly people see South park through left or right glasses. There is no real truth.

>his kids will love you and never even know he exists


Nope, it's pronounced sis, like a nickname for your sister.

>I was born male but I want to be a female instead.
Okay. That's abnormal, and probably the result of some mental issued or childhood abuse. Are you sure you're not just gay?
>Well, I do enjoy sex with men and dressing up as a woman, but it's not the same.
Okay, but you'll never be able to have children, and you'll need intensive hormone therapy to reverse decades of testosterone influencing your body.
>That's fine. I'll still pass for a woman.
Not exactly. You'll settle into the Uncanny Valley with your strong chin, Adam's Apple and narrow hips. You'll gain water weight and your features will soften up, but only closer inspection it will be obvious you're not a biological female.
>I don't care. It's the only way I can be happy.
Your appearance will make others uncomfortable and no stable well adjusted man will want to fuck you. You'll be an outsider your entire life who only earns sympathy from other mutants and detrimentally inclusive social circles.
>It's still better than being stuck with a body I don't belong in.

How the fuck is this not mental illness?

It's not a mental illness for the same reasons being gay isn't a mental illness.

>gay isn't a mental illness
But it is?

>five thousand dollars
more like fifty thousand

It's funny because there are actual trannies who get off on harassing women in the bathroom/locker rooms. They gloat about going around butt naked with an erection. So "lady like" and totally not a fetish u gaiz!

Oof, that did not age well...

>It's funny because there are actual trannies who get off on harassing women in the bathroom/locker rooms
Holy shit you are really pathetic. Go back to /pol/

but he's right.

>Okay. That's abnormal, and probably the result of some mental issued or childhood abuse
How can people buy the "abnormal brain development in the womb" excuse for gayness, but automatically assume trans is something inflicted by nurture?

Gay people aren't cutting off healthy body parts and pumping themselves full of artificial hormones, though.

But they are compelled to engage in abnormal, non-reproductive sexual behaviors. Please keep in mind that I'm not attempting to come across as bigoted or hateful, I'm just drawing comparisons where I see them.

Yeah okay.
Prove it.

Okay but that's still natural.


i would not
you write like a tranny
go dilate like one
not even close, do you even know what porn is?

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Can we just purge all these cringey right wingers that bring trannies into everything?
You're fucking obsessed.

What if we purged trannies instead?
Then there'd be no reason to bring them up.

Yeah lets just kill all these weirdos with sexual identities.
You first.

I bet you think the LBGT and the SJW movements are the same thing.

While we're at it let's just ban everyone who uses political slurs. It's like listening to kids use non-threatening insults.

Only retards are saying it isnt a mental illness. Gender dysporia is very much listed as a mental illness if it wasnt then the surgery and horomone shit wouldnt be covered in medical insurance.

right wingers think every even slightly masculine woman is automatically trans, so even if there were 0, RW-ers would still complain there's too many.

Yeah this place gets super annoying about it, just a bunch of retards who dont know shit about what they are talking about and just ens up pushing the 40% meme and the bottom surgery meme.

anyone can have a sexual identity. but when someone with a sexual identity decides that identity isn't good enough and spends a fortune on hormone supplements and genital mutilation it's best for everyone involved to take that person behind the shed and do the needful

Trannies are only 0.6% of the overall American population, so there is no good reason to pander to them.

How does a tranny write like?

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You're attempting to use rhetoric to discuss a medical and psychological issue without considering any of the research done over the past few decades and without acknowledging that transition is the "least-bad" option recommended by doctors and backed by years of research, compared to simply repressing, which almost always has worse outcomes (with regard to depression, suicide).


> We conducted a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. We identified 56 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 52 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. We found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm.

This isn't something that you can argue with philosophy out of your ass. Identify the problem: People are sad and killing themselves because they feel their body is wrong. Research solutions. Prescribe the best treatment available. You can't turn a gay person into a straight person, and you can't turn a trans person into a cis person. We don't have the tech to wield that control over brains, so we do the best we can.

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>But Cartman was portrayed as a tranny in the exact episode who was just taking advantage to take a shit like what real trannies do
this kinda

I don't get how you can feel like a woman, what does feeling like a woman feel like? I'm really curious, ya know, as a woman.

They can't kill themselves fast enough.
Yet they're largely overrepresented, almost every major television show features a tranny now

No Cartman was portrayed as a poser, and so was Wendy, we didn't see any actual trans people in the episode. We know Cartman is a dick, and he is often used to represent the worst possible human. He's not trans, he's using the fact that they exist for his own benefit.
What we actually saw regarding gender was Stan being indecisive of where to go, and... I don't know what else, I don't remember the episode that well.
Think of it like when Cartman claimed Kyle was his boyfriend, the show wasn't making a point about gay people, it was just Cartman being himself.

>Yet they're largely overrepresented, almost every major television show features a tranny now
Name five

We know the brain has a sort of mental map of the body. Almost everyone who has a body part amputated will experience phantom limb syndrome, the brain has an idea of what goes where.

Given how trans people seem to have existed across the world throughout history (with different cultures dealing with and labelling it in different ways), and listening to trans people talk about how having a certain sex's body feels so wrong while having another feels right, it's possible this mental map is fucked and the brain is in some way oppositely gendered. There's some research out there that shows trans brains have areas that align much more with their proclaimed gender than their birth sex, even without hormones. Something fucky is going on in the brain, and trans people as they're identified today is just our culture's way of framing that fuckup.

>No Cartman was portrayed as a poser, and so was Wendy, we didn't see any actual trans people in the episode. We know Cartman is a dick, and he is often used to represent the worst possible human. He's not trans, he's using the fact that they exist for his own benefit.
like most who claim to be trans
but if you recall he liked the one that was a complete seperate bathroom, to which trans people dont want they just want their sex specific bathroom.
Lets not forget Stan's dad taking a shit singing lalala i am lord

None of the main characters have ever had proper personalities, not in a sense that I would consider literally anything they would do "ruining" their character. At best they were charming archetypes in a very well crafter strawman comic. Literally all of them have enjoyed seeing people get murdered and literally all of them have won moral victories.
And them being fags for an episode "ruins" their character? Get fucking real.

>Why would anyone get terrible mutilation surgery
I agree.

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To be fair every single home has a gender neutral bathroom so why should it be a shocking thing in public.

Ah, you mean >transvestigators
Absolute honey-pot of cringe. The alt-right clearly has begun to eat itself as fortold in prophecy.

5 years is very optimistic, I'd say at least 20 before it comes anywhere close to commonplace.

Sounds like a fetish

>tfw moralfags make me horny

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because people's homes vary from home to home. Ever live with female roommates? Mine was separated

>Attracted to the same sex is the same as having the delusion you're a different person trapped in the wrong body and paying to pump yourself full of hormones and have a blade taken to your genitals

Now. fuck off with that.

I think it's fine for a small company or local restaurant but can you imagine what unisex stadium bathrooms would look like?

Of course they vary, but generally speaking houses only have one bathroom, and even when they have more they're not necessarily gendered when you live with your family.

>it's a Yea Forums talks social climate thread

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He didn't say anything about commonplace. Even if perfect sex surgery (complete with a working womb) was a thing it would never be "commonplace", that's very much besides any point about any topic.

Its neither of those things, retarded people (apply wathever label you want to them, i dont care) are quick to champion South Park as pandering to their values now because they want a win and they want to tale something away from those fuckers over there
In reality South Park is a show that has always parodied televisión and thats the only thing South Park has ever done
And there is nothing left on tv to parodt

Mah boi, this cringe is what all true shitposters strive for!

>They feel better after the surgery

Maybe the fact that they get validation from their new clique is enough to make them feel better? Maybe it's connected to the fact that more and more people are feeling depressed lately? The answer isn't to mutilate someones body, if a person genuinely thinks they are napoleon do you let them live a life of delusion? No, you try to remove the issue at the center of these symptoms.

Fuck you for being ok that depressed people are being encouraged to mutilate themselves.
Fuck you.

I didn't mean to imply that it would would ever be commonplace within the general population but rather among those who seek to transition.

Surely you, with your little theory you thought of in two minutes, know more than decades of doctors and scientists researching this. Surely they never thought of your genius ideas and are all biased. Again, you can't get out of the proof presented with moronic "maybe it's like this", either you present your own proof or you accept that you're pushing misinformation for the sake of your own negative bias.

but public areas arent family houses, thats the point.

I'm trans and there's no delusional thinking involved. I know what I am, I was born genetically male with a male body. I was uncomfortable with it and wanted to be happy. Suppressing these feelings didn't work. Changing my body made me feel better. Practically speaking it's easier for everyone to call me a woman. Killing myself would probably circumvent any societal tension but that's not really in my best interest so from my perspective I did the best thing I could. There's no confusion about the truth here, I just want to live a good life like anyone else.

Fair enough.

I mean. Fuck. I kinda wish I thought I was Napoleon and people indulged me. Made for a pretty good Lucky Luke story anyway.

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Okay and what's the big difference?

If it turned out that cutting off the left arm cured severe suicidal depression, then yes, doctors would recommend it because it would lead to better outcomes. Of course, it doesn't so they don't, but it turns out it does make trans people happier than not doing it. Where is your body-is-a-temple sanctimony coming from? If you have a better idea than what doctors have come up with after decades of research, let's hear it.

>Killing myself would probably circumvent any societal tension but that's not really in my best interest

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So you're just a layperson who doesn't want to look at the science but is just going by your very strong feelings on the issue. Gotcha.

They intentionally chose that name as revenge for bullies calling them sissies in school.

Other user but there's a lot of things people do in their home with their loved ones they won't do in public spaces.
I mean I doubt the people who shit on walls do that at home to.

Wait really? I thought South Park made that shit up. Which lots of people must have said throughout the years.

But shitting on walls isn't gendered. I'm just asking why is the third neutral option, to be had along with the gendered ones, such a badly received one? It's basically more bathrooms for everybody.

>If it turned out that cutting off the left arm cured severe suicidal depression, then yes, doctors would recommend it because it would lead to better outcomes.

Not really, there is a controversy over how to treat Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Doctors haven't agreed what the best option is to treat if someone says they have always identified as being blind or with a certain limb missing.

I know you're joking but cis- is the opposite latin prefix of trans-.
Trans means on the opposite side of, while cis means on the same side of.

Parents don't want to explain penises and vaginas to their 5 year olds who don't have them, and that should be okay. You can't expect people to behave properly in public bathrooms, shit like period blood should stay in the women's bathroom and 2 faggots jerking each other should stay in the men's.

You contradicted yourself in so many ways it's almost funny. First of all, having a third nongendered option doesn't negate the existence of the two gendered ones. Second, it won't forse parents to explain shit, they can just say "that's a bathroom where both can go, like the one we have at home". Third, "you can't expect people to behave properly in public bathrooms" okay, and how is that a gendered issue that is solved with the absence of a gender neutral bathroom? The shit you're describing would still need the parents to explain stuff to their kids, even if they were to enter the gendered bathroom. Maybe a parent who just entered a bathroom for men where two guys are having sex (???) doesn't wanna explain to his male child about penises either. Do we outlaw bathrooms?

no, them being fags for an episode doesn't ruin their character, making them trannies would though.
especially since children cannot be transgender, and if you think otherwise you probably are a pedophile and would-be chomo.

>children cannot be transgender,
They shouldn't be allowed to transition, but if you talk to any trans person, I'm pretty sure they'll tell you they knew since they were kids. So yes kids can be trans, they can also be gay, masturbate, and be assholes. Kids can be a lot of things.


I thought we were talking about gender neutral shared bathrooms as the norm. Nevermind.
I'm pretty curious what the pictogram would be though.
Hey man, dopn't go there, men jerking each other is a proud tradition.

>Trans means on the opposite side of, while cis means on the same side of.
Well, trans people do tend to cross over to "the other side" early, so I guess that's apt.

Yeah, because of you. Also, what's the statistic on depressed people's suicide rates? Higher or lower? Remember dysphoria is still a mental illness (that's why transition costs can be partly medically covered), you're basically making fun of people with mental cancer. Not cool user.

How about you prove it doesn't happen. Trannies acting out predatory sexual behavior in female only areas and claiming prejudice when called out on it is so well documented that only a retard, a tranny, or a retarded tranny would say otherwise.

They didn't make them trannies. They portrayed Butters wearing a dress as not a big deal.
Which it really isn't. Some kid putting on a dress doesn't mean they'll want to chop off their dick. You should discuss the issue with the kid and see what he thinks he's up.
And Stan? Yeah, if you're 8 years old and your dad, that you love unconditionally, suddently decides he's a chick, sometimes, you're probably going to indulge that to some extent. Like he indulged Randy's alcoholism, to some extent.

Are "artificial" genitals actually functional when it comes to sex? I can't imagine it feeling like the real thing for both parties.

>Yeah, because of you.
Citation needed

other people besides 1 family are using them.

homeless people sleep in them

>And Stan? Yeah, if you're 8 years old and your dad, that you love unconditionally, suddently decides he's a chick, sometimes, you're probably going to indulge that to some extent. Like he indulged Randy's alcoholism, to some extent.
"indulging" that does not mean stan should become a tranny

don't make people post images

Not that tranon, and not saying it doesn't happen, but that's not how flasification works. You prove that something happens, not that something doesn't happen. Because something not happening is the absense of proof that the thing happens.

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>Yeah, because of you
good to know i'm making a difference!

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Which isn't what happens. Stan is still Stan in the next episodes, it's not even implied to be a reoccuring behavior like his alcoholism (which let's be honest even that implication is a stretch).

Short answer: no.

>And Stan? Yeah, if you're 8 years old and your dad, that you love unconditionally, suddently decides he's a chick, sometimes, you're probably going to indulge that to some extent. Like he indulged Randy's alcoholism, to some extent.
I hadn't even thought of it like that, that's kinda genius. Isn't Stan 10 though?
Good for them.

>it's not even implied to be a reoccuring behavior like his alcoholism
Too bad though, it could've been interesting at least. Just as interesting as seeing people lose their shit if it happened (which it won't).

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it wouldn't have been interesting at all. 90% of people don't want to watch a show about a tranny.

Nah. South Park isn't your animu shit, it going away from episodic is the biggest mistake every time.

Says who? I would've liked to see him repress the feelings, struggle with inadequacy and uncomfortableness, then slowly realize what's really going on and freaking out. And Cartman making fun of him, while Kyle says he doesn't give a shit but still acts awkward around him.
Even just the questioning without it going anywhere/him realizing it wasn't anything would have been cool, mostly because I would despise a design change and also because what the fuck I wouldn't want to see a kid transition or do any of that shit. I like the implication that it'll happen in the future though, it's undeniable. How else would you describe that scene?
I don't want it to stray from its episodic formula believe me. It wouldn't have to be anything more than what his alcoholism is, and M&T could even make some political points/jokes if they wanted, just like with creek.

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Honestly that's a thing that's left out with the controversy around that episode (and to a lesser extent the AA and Little League, and really lots of other episodes), how much Stan loves his dad.
Trey probably did too.

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how about this
how about we don't ruin established characters by making them into "people" who deserve to be fucking shot?
stan is not a tranny nor should he be. fuck you for trying to inject your own personal insanity into every fucking thing.
people who act like you literally make me want to go out, find a tranny, and kill it. i know that sounds edgy but that is how angry you make me.
you can't leave anything alone. EVERYTHING must cater to your delusions, everything must cater to a group that makes up less than 1% of the population. you can't even be sensible and ask for NEW characters who are transgender, you have to go around demanding that established fucking characters be made into trannies.
i hope we hang "people" like you one day

>anything more than what his alcoholism is
So literally never even implied after the episode it was relevant in. Which is what happened with him being """trans""" too.

Seriously though, just write another fanfic.

Bruh, have a cup of tea. I agree it's bullshit but chill.

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>climate-change deniers

Uh huh

>dead trannies


i'll chill when these goddamn degenerates stop trying to ruin my favorite cute boys (and everything else in the world that i love, or so it seems)

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It's an accurate depiction of where atheism will take you.

Why is transition costs covered for gender dysphoria but not BDD?

Well, why don't you? Yeah, are you a faggot? Go out and do it. Go get arrested and spend your life sentence in prison.
Your anger only fuels me, I'm having a blast. I can't believe my posts make you THIS pissed, talk about being a snowflake. You probably don't even like or care about south park anymore, why would it torment you this much? Are you angry because Stan can be a beautiful lady and you can't?
Eh, it was mentioned like twice. I'd be okay with that. And I don't like writing, I'd rather it happen in canon.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Oh so it was you. Anger discarded then.

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Everyone hates trannies, the only group that don't are male dominated gaming/anime forums and "woke" twitter/tumblr circles.

They don't have the influence on M&T, you're autistically screeching about nothing you gay shotafaggot.
Jesus Christ what is with this fanbase?

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i am angry because you're advocating that one of my favorite characters in fiction should become a mentally ill degenerate just to pander to you and an insignificant minority of insane people. you want to take an established character and change him into someone completely different. make your own fucking characters, asshole.
and no, stan could not be a beautiful lady, because he's a boy. he has XY chromosomes and male genitalia. he's a cute boy, but he's a boy and always will be.
just like you.

You autists have destroyed episodic comedy shows at this point. Just fuck off.

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South Park insists upon itself.

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>everyone agrees with my beliefs
>except the people who don't, but I just make up backstories for them to convince myself they don't count

Stan is a man — with titties.

This is the same guy who's writing an ongoing fanfiction about him and Kyle. IIRC, he surpassed 60,000 words.

it's 70,000 now

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user please, your sweat-drenched unwashed gut is trying to push through my monitor.

so you think this possibility NEVER came up in the entire history of the world?, please don't have children

At least I'm self aware.
Oh yeah my uncle who works on south park told me they're gonna make Stan a beautiful girl just because I asked. That's so nice of them!
I don't think I will.
Jeez, the autism. And you're calling me a degenerate, there's a lot more projection here than I had anticipated, and it's not coming from me buddy. Just accept they hinted that Stan will canonically be a girl, it's not hard. Don't worry he's still a boy while young, you have time to do what you gotta do.

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I see. Back in my day South Park threads used to just be cancered by /pol/.

>beautiful girl
>generic anime face

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>pedophile throwing a tantrum accusing others of being mentally ill degenerates

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they didn't hint that at all. but, you already experience some pretty serious delusions, so it doesn't surprise me that you interpreted it that way.
through the warped lens of a delusional mind obsessed with autogynephilia, just about anything will seem like it's validating your fetish.
now excuse me, i have some writing to do.

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i'm not sexually attracted to children though

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how many erotic fantasies have you had about children who have not finished puberty since you yourself stopped puberty?

I hope in a new episode you have Tansgender people say they were born in the wrong body only to cut to Timmy and Jimmy who are healthy people born in sickly bodies.

I am not the artist of these many fanarts, sorry that the content I'm posting doesn't tickle your fancy. I'll try harder.
You do know that neither Kyle nor Stan exist, right? Sorry what's my delusion exactly? The scene happened, we all saw it. What other interpretation could it have? And just because Stan is not the gender you thought he was doesn't mean he's any different personality-wise, he'd be the same character, so not ruined. Maybe you're just gay and wouldn't be able to like him as a female, is that it? You're gay? Well, sucks to be you.

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Interesting... and what point do you think that would make?

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Heh, y'know Jimbo, trans people who suffer from dementia in later life uniformly revert back to their original gender identity. Ain't that just quackin' crazy?

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>What other interpretation could it have?
I dunno I liked mine.
> Yeah, if you're 8 years old and your dad, that you love unconditionally, suddently decides he's a chick, sometimes, you're probably going to indulge that to some extent. Like he indulged Randy's alcoholism, to some extent.
Kids emulate their parents. Stan is just aping Randy because he thinks (or wants to prove to himself/others) that his dad is cool.


>You do know that neither Kyle nor Stan exist, right? Sorry what's my delusion exactly? The scene happened, we all saw it. What other interpretation could it have? And just because Stan is not the gender you thought he was doesn't mean he's any different personality-wise, he'd be the same character, so not ruined.
i'm fully aware they don't exist
your delusion is that you or anybody else can be anything but the gender you are according to your chromosomes
it means he is a mentally ill faggot, so yes his character would be different and ruined
>Maybe you're just gay and wouldn't be able to like him as a female, is that it? You're gay? Well, sucks to be you.
yes, i am a gay male. do you have a problem with that, or something?
also he wouldn't be a female, he'd be a male with a mutilated body and permanently destroyed endocrine system, wearing womens' clothes.

Just something I noticed, most people don't like trans people, especially women. I spend a lot of time in female dominated spaces online and they all despise trannies. Doesn't matter the racial or cultural makeup of the website, they all see through the charade that the trans community is presenting. At the end of the day they're mentally ill and need involuntary commitment to a mental institution.

Is dementia particularly common in transfags? Because that seems specific.

dementia is common in older people in general. if a tranny doesn't join the 45% before it gets to the age where dementia becomes likely, it's at the same risk for dementia as anyone else (unless the hormones/surgical mutilations have some sort of effect on rates of dementia)

>this show
>this board
>this thread
>this bump to tell O.P. to dance on an interstate wile playing hide & go fuck yourself

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You can't be this autistic, right? A kid maybe thinking he could have been a girl in one episode where his dad influences him towards those tendencies isn't anywhere near as much as a headcase as you are, reagardless of your brand of faggotry.
Some kid doesn't fucking think of chromosomes, they think in gender roles, they want to be the other gender moreso than the other sex. I doubt he's looking up a vagina diagram and thinking "oh yeah that's me", rather he identifies with quallities generally associated with the female sex in humans.
And no, that's not just being a gayfaggot, it's some other form of intense faggotry.
Yes, regardless of your political opinions,m it's an iimportant distinction.

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Five thousand dollars doesn’t seem like a lot of money for gender reassignment surgery.

I have included indulging in being a girl but finding out that ultimately he isn't one in the possibilities, it's up there somewhere in one of my posts. And I like your interpretation! Stan certainly takes a lot from his father even if they're not always on good terms, I think it's really cute.
You're a gay male who likes kids? Calling me (or stan) a degenerate? Man... here's a bonus trans girl Kyle just for you!
He's too autistic to understand that, user. He's really mad at this scene where Stan is questioning his gender, it's hilarious. Bet he's a misogynist and that's why he's gay, actually I bet he never even had sex considering he's in love with a drawing.

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except that stan displays no qualities generally associated with the female sex in humans. he is, if anything, more masculine than the rest of his friends.
this is why your idea is shit and why it makes me angry.
you don't take into account what the characters' character traits actually are, because you don't actually care. all that matters is cramming your sad little autogynephilia fetish into everything you possibly can.

>tween Jewish Merida with a penis

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What can I say? Some centrists are crazy.

It's not my idea at all.Read my posts again
>A kid maybe thinking he could have been a girl in one episode where his dad influences him towards those tendencies
>if you're 8 years old and your dad, that you love unconditionally, suddently decides he's a chick, sometimes, you're probably going to indulge that to some extent. Like he indulged Randy's alcoholism, to some extent.
There's no fucking character traits except Stan being fickle and influencable, which is established in a ton of episodes.

more stalls & the pee troughs in the middle of the room & lowered for squatting...burning fiery glances between genders? Revulsion that some one so cute can be cheering for THAT TEAM! Some sassy black woman bitching about how guys piss all over the floor, & never wash they hands. Some ham beast & her meth head boyfriend trying exhibitionism. One dude had a stroke taking a shit & died 2 hours ago, the door to the stall is still locked. some asshole/cunt/dick/ has started flinging wet paper towels on to the ceiling, they don't all stick. And at the changing table a widowed mother of 4 changes the diaper of her son with her 7 & 4 year olds keeping an eye out on the rest of the sea of humanity, all ready on the look out to warn Mommy of pickpockets.

Stan isn't more masculine at all, generally speaking they're all pretty feminine, kenny and cartman crossdressed, kyle is whiny and submissive. Stan is sensitive, gets emotional easily, is able to feel a lot of empathy, and he's rather fragile.
There's more where that came from, for the joy of user. Here's the whole group as trans girls. He said it himself, they're pretty feminine, and I think he was onto something!
>There's no fucking character traits except Stan being fickle and influencable, which is established in a ton of episodes.
True. That's also very cute.

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lol do it you could totally pass it off as a suicide

ah fuck it i've had enough of getting angry at faggots for one night
plus i think it's time for you to dilate anyway

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That dick is getting chopped off canonically my friend, stay mad.
Not with his autism he can't, they'd probably find his creepy secret stash of shota porn and make his sentence longer just to be safe.

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>Kyle's hair isn't curly
>you see Kenny's hair let alone his mouth

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Now kiss.

says the "it" with folders of trans kiddos

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That was back when the center was between "nuh uh" and "maybe".
That's the problem with centrists, when the right wing becomes more extreme, they have to move right just to stay "center".

>between "nuh uh" and "maybe".
That's just called skepticism, it's got little to do with politics. The US hasn't gotten a proper leftist president since FDR, and most politicians in our lifetimes have been center right with wrinkles.

If your brain has a sophisticated mental map of where body parts should be to the point amputated limbs feel like they're still there, wouldn't that mean surgery wouldn't be able to fool it at all? If it knows what should be there wouldn't fleshcrafting a dick to look like a vagina not work at fucking all because your brain map will literally know it isn't one.

the radicalization of centrist usually comes from a push from the ideology of the group the move
away from not to

>the ideology of the group the move
Sounds funky.

user's point is that they'repeople born with a dick whose brains have fantom vaginas, or vice versa. No idea whether that's true.

Wow its almost like the vast majority of them are into it because it's popular. I mean surely nobody would adopt an entire extreme identity and get their body surgically altered to match it just because they want attention right? Oh wait, tattoos, piercings, gauges, implants, and cosmetic surgery exist exactly because people are superficial and shortsighted in that exact fucking way.

I'm asking how the fuck surgically rearranging your dick into a vagina shape could possibly help with that, wouldn't it be easy to tell for sure by physically forcing your dick into vag shape using a horrible plastic camel toe cup or something to check? I mean that would also force it into vag shape and surely if that's what's important you'd feel disphora relief or whatever.

It all sounds like horseshit desu

>wouldn't it be easy to tell for sure by physically forcing your dick into vag shape using a horrible plastic camel toe cup or something to check

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group they move*

Still sounds pretty funky, brother.

He didn't think he was Napoleon, he just modeled himself after him and other similar European leaders.

>gender is a social construct, does not exist
>but I feel like a woman and am not a man

Explain THIS liberals.

well extremist echo chambers are some seriously mank places

Remember the otherkin comics thread? That was great. Better than what season 23 is going to be.

These milquetoast apology episodes never really feel that authentic.

The dolphin episode was great because it points out the basic axiom that trannies really can't get over until we get some of that sweet Junsenkyo Water: Plastic surgery no more makes you a woman than it makes you a dolphin.

The "Cissy" is like, I dunno, some vague shit about tranny bathrooms with Matt and Trey's ultimate stance being that you shouldn't care about who uses a bathroom? It lacks any real punch, and I suspect folks on the internet only like it because it's seen as a "Mea Culpa", but of course, an episode with a milquetoast message can only ever be a milquetoast Mea Culpa.

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>Given how trans people seem to have existed across the world throughout history (with different cultures dealing with and labelling it in different ways),
No, this is just people transing the dead to further an agenda.
Sex is immutable, but gender is bullshit. A woman can "identify" however she pleases, and so can a man, but their bodies are still their bodies.
Intersex people also don't want to be classified as a magical third gender, so don't bother bringing them up as "proof".

unironically based tranny, Blanchard would be proud

The episodes are shit because they are out of touch boomers. Satire requires truth.

bottom surgery is becoming less and less popular. it seemed like an intuitive solution to some people but over time people are realizing it's not worth it

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