Weather boys can't even predict the upcoming weather for the next 3 days...

Weather boys can't even predict the upcoming weather for the next 3 days, yet they want me to believe that the world is ending in 12 years, again and again?

Attached: climate change hoax.png (421x444, 154K)

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What else is new?

It is easier to predict longer term trends rather than the forecasting the exact weather of next few days.
World isn't probably going to end in 12 years, but it will get progressively more and more shit unless we do something.

let it, just sit back and watch everyone die

none of the long-term claims have held up. check out the data


fuck the climate change shit, we're not even 0.1% of the earths biomass, we ain't doing shit.

If you think about psychology we suck at predicting future and it will happen eventually because everything does we just suck at knowing when

We banned CFCs so the ozone is slowiny healing itself and global warning and climate change are the same thing, you fucking retard.

this thread is proof that none of you are paying any attention.

>Not knowing about the "agenda"

Fucking NPC's.

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1) dude that started ice age shit was wrong, media hyped it like idiots even after he said he was wrong
2) acid rain was real. environmental regs forced people to use scrubbers that stopped it
3) ozone loss was real. we banned CFCs and it recovered
4) the glaciers are literally melting. we're losing more and more ice each year
5) this is your own bullshit
but you'll just keep posting your stupid image and trying to convince everyone they're wrong for no reason.
I wonder if shits like you ever feel guilt once they've created a horrible situation for themselves, or if you'll just blame everyone else for not being smart enough to ignore you.

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>you cunt, you have read a book in your life, and you sure as hell have checked no data.

>sensational media
>they want me to believe
"they" don't give a shit what you believe, retard

>1) dude that started ice age shit was wrong, media hyped it like idiots even after he said he was wrong
exactly, all this crap is bullshit.
why even bother. We dont even have the power to change the planet, it was going to change anyhow and anything we do is insignificant.

we obviously and measureably have the power to change the planet
your denial cannot change reality.

correlation is not causation, there is no way to prove the minuscule amount of pollutants we output to the atmos has any effect compares to the seemingly endless volume that naturally occurs

>the world is ending in 12 years
I wish it would end right now

It's almost like we all got together and banned certain aerosols back in the '90s, then the ozone problem went away.
Crazy, right?
Can you imagine the political bullshit if that problem were to have cropped up just now?
"mrrr, mex'can 'weathermen' are stealing our jobs, my kids need food on the table, these aerosols provide it. make murrika great again, fuck the hole in the ozone, i'll plug it with my cock. USA, USA, USA."
In norse/icelandic mythology they talk about the 3rd age of humanity, the age of degenerate mongoloids. I think we're there.

>The absolute state of denial

>Millions of tons of shit gets dumped into the air every year
>Not even factoring in other pollution

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Do the Koch brothers pay you well?

This. The asshats that are pushing against climate change are the same ones that tried to claim acid rain was a hoax.

Like go to war with China and India?

>new boomers wading through waist deep water in downtown LA
>why didn't anybody warn us

Hello oil industry shill

Na, this is a /pol/tard incel getting a boner over the thought of mowing down climate refugees with one of the AR-15s he panic-bought because Obama was "coming for his guns" or maybe because Jade Helm or some bullshit.

Enjoying playing with may-may magick, Jayonaise?

fuck you, pedo libtard

for, pedo libtard

minorities are literally lower on every scale, intelligence, looks, strength, talent, ethics.

minorities are not solving any of the worlds problems, they're breeding like rabbits and causing more. the best solution is to nuke india, africa, indonesia, mexico, china, and most of south america. get the worlds population down to around 500 mil, dooable without losing anybody from the only countries that actually matter.


You do know that if you get the purge you want, you're gonna be the one stuck with the shit jobs, right!

minorities work shit jobs because they're the easiest jobs to get, they will lie and cheat to get those jobs, mostly they get hired by other immigrants that don't have any cultural affinity for the land they currently reside in. this means they'll lower the wages to such a point where nobody who actually lives in the country can live on that wage, the only people who can are the minorities who either work illegally, or live 20 to a house.

if you cant see how that makes it untenable for white people to work shit jobs, and how that problem would be solved by removing the shinskins and mudslimes, you're retarded.

Spoken like a true cunt.

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Check out this indoctrinated shitbag

itt polar bears could go extinct and trump supporters would still deny climate change exists.

0/10 wasting gas flying to the US to retrieve a billion dollar yacht isn't helping polar bears

The data never indicated that the hole did or did not exist prior. Expansion and shrinkage may just be a natural phenomena for all mankind knows. But pat your back thinking you made a difference

You are making very little sense, but I'm assuming you're talking about that little girl climate activist who traveled on a sail boat to america and some how think that she's not going to go back on the same boat.

>Yes, dumping shit into the atmosphere that actively harms its ability to stop deadly ionizing radiation from killing us all is fine and dandy

Are you reading any material with your ass? It‘s not what she said.

Much as I do not completely agree her agenda, do not be an idiot and think for yourself, do not be sheep.
