Petite girl thread

Petite girl thread

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Got any nudes?

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You have my attention

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Hot af with the nipple barely showing

No unfortunately, just pics of her IG

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Oh yeah, she’s a tease like that

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Post more

Keep going


Attached: alllly.jpg (541x720, 79K)

Kik jvolkes1

Attached: bjjydchutd - Copy~01.jpg (480x853, 31K)

So fuckin hot

Wish I had more

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Anybody have?

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Would look so good all covered in cum.

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she really likes her Snapchat filters

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How big is your feet

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Glazed, head to toe
Bikini? Nudes?

Attached: 9B8A7364-EA60-46DE-B3C6-A1E6DC400D57.jpg (2436x1370, 289K)

No nudes. :(

Attached: yibH7Kjuy.jpg (540x720, 100K)

All good. God, shes hot
What fo you think of this one?

Attached: 49551608_1786637498131881_450857053522975714_n.jpg (960x960, 86K)

I'd buy her a Pandora bracelet.

Attached: A7712179-8A1D-4109-BD9A-7A80E5680DAE.jpg (736x1104, 90K)

yespls more

Kek i saw that thread too. Fucking hilarious

Shes alright. I'm definitely into blondes.

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underrated comment

omg pls drop all of her i only have a couple

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Anyone still got the link?

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Porn needs a new Amai Liu. Not enough petite Asians

Attached: 9CDCDFD2-E0C6-47F6-A952-F4673D93947C.jpg (853x1280, 205K)

she's cute but petite isnt the word i would use

Got Wickr Me?

whats that an app?


Attached: 7D1D6A9A-2F01-4F2A-9A4A-3EE46E21EF0F.jpg (686x1029, 82K)

yup, a superior kik

Attached: 488AA96A-A072-48B1-A533-1C8DE4A421EE.jpg (1280x960, 126K)

Gotta give her credit, her figures great.

God, shes incredible. Those tits

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ok wickr me @ kiernonm

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Exaktri. She's fat.

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Wasn't she called Claire something?


She looks underage.
> no thanks

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Her tits are so good for her age.. heavy young tits

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He wants to know how big your (her) feet are

Lol you know who this is?

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Um, mods...

Of course, but I don't have the set


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Just post her, user

Fuckkkkkkk yes mckayla.. all of her

Just type her name followed by fappening into duckduckgo images with safesearch off, thank me later


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do you have the other ones of her?

She’s a goddess

Attached: 30E8D4C3-D769-4B03-9B10-CE31C877E799.jpg (640x480, 113K)


She needs a good ramming

Attached: 71053819_2320670734930197_9090079864124104090_n.jpg (720x1278, 106K)

Drained my balls many many times to her... one of my favorites. Would cum all over her


Didn't have this one, nice thanks


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Theres gotta be something spicy user...


I really fucking wish... only social media pictures.. :/ shoulda got creepshots when I had the chance

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What's your Wickr?

Attached: A51806AA-C5EF-4DE7-8D4F-2F71184B07C5.jpg (750x1334, 83K)

Spread pussy?

All good. Something more revealing?

send it my way @whytrip

Attached: yV5JFAu.jpg (2448x3264, 702K)

Damn she's like a 10/10 to me

Fuck yeah, love those v-lines

Why would I not be posting more revealing stuff if I had it? Idk, i dont find it too hard to fantasize with these

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Such a shame Brooke Shields didn’t age well

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dead thread?


The only girl you can get complete legal nudes of at 13.

She's 18 you fucking faggots

This slut used to have a kik, she was fun.


What a world

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You guys should check out the 1980s French film Beau Pere, you might like it

I like your style, mate

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Damn really?? What kind of things did she talk about....

She's not even 18 now

the first step is denial. Don’t worry, buddy, you’ll get there

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Any Latinas?

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So this is from 2013 or 2014?

Yeh its an old one.

Seriously super interested what she was up to on there.. I know Aly personally.

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Big oof

It doesn't matter if she's 18. If you're attracted to her you're a fucking pedo.

So would you say being attracted to an underage girl who looks 18+ wouldn’t make you a pedo?

Being attracted to features that don't make a girl look like they belong in elementary school does in fact not make you a pedo.

So I can fuck a 14 year old as long as she looks 18 but not an 18 year old who looks 14

Cállese, triple gonorrea malparido.

Doesn't work bro

Need more


No. You fucking a 14 year old that looks like an 18 year old still makes you a pedo. Stop trying to fuck children user

But you’ve already made the argument that not being attracted to underage features makes me not a pedo. So if I’m sexually attracted to a 14 year old because of mature features and not for any age related reasons aside from that, I by your logic would not be a pedo.

Cállese usted también, tombo hijueputa.

Logically, yes. But you'd also be fucking an underage girl. Is this not hard to understand?

Being attracted to underage features makes you a pedophile

Fucking underage girls making you a child rapist

There is no winning with either. Don't try lmao

>She's 18 you fucking faggots
Es él no guacala?

In Italy, the age of consent is 14. If logically I’m correct, then my argument would still stand in a country like that where fucking a 14 year old is legal.

emily when she was 18 and still in hs

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No, it wouldn't retard, because it'd be legal there. You'd have to make the girl in question like 8 instead. Do you not understand cultural relativism?


>It doesn't matter if she's 18. If you're attracted to her you're a fucking pedo.
But as you clearly stated here, it doesn’t matter about legality. The issue was never age, but purely physical attributes. So I can only be attracted to a 14+ year old person with under 18 year old features as long as I’m Italian? Seems questionable, no?

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Once again, you have no idea what cultural relativism is, do you?

If you're attracted to little girls then you're a pedo, and you know the kind that I mean. You were just jerking to one before it got deleted.

The difference is that you wont get arrested in Italy for being a pedo apparently, doesnt make you any less of one tho

Shut up, sugar-tits.

Well then isn’t your whole basis of what makes someone a pedo cultural relativism? Clearly your opinion stems from whatever society you were raised in. Whose to say your definition of what’s acceptable in attraction is the right one, or if there really is a universal moral code that we could base this off? I think you’re just triggered, mate.

Attached: B7A05642-85D2-4F24-A711-51BA28EA5DF7.jpg (1704x2272, 804K)

got a kik

this is relevant to my interests

Ooh. More of her?

Prepubescent is pedo everywhere, as it should be. Post varies


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Anel bajate los calzones no agas ruido tu hermana y tus papas ya esta dormidos deja te meto toda mi verga mi amor ... hojala y quedes embarazada te amor mi amor

Got anymore of her?

Attached: 8BC1157F-17A4-4B50-A69D-893CDC43D57C.jpg (2272x1704, 827K)

Nah I don’t fuck with kik

pls proceed


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Weak af privacy settings

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definitely want moar

She is perfect. Want more too

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Shes so cute more



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Last one

Attached: 4CB8347A-514B-4561-A601-C4313EA021FA.jpg (1704x2272, 888K)

Love her features.
She's a keeper

Thanks for the drop. Saved

ok ill get wickr

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got Wickr

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What’s your account?

i also got wickr - glademicrospray
pls dump

What a tight ass

works fine for me

vola... /r/11627r90r


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I'd cum all over her face.
Anything more user

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Love how her body just connects so nicely.


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Well that was a good thread, gents. Time for this one to hit the ol’ 404

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if you have to ask, you know the answer won’t be good

old enough

I‘d do me as well user

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I’m sure a man of your taste knows who that is

Got more?

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Not sure that’s why I asked

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Got more

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Attached: 6F6C924C-6224-4212-9494-144C692F1839.jpg (402x696, 106K)

Kik name?


Kik or disc?

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Attached: CAB12471-6555-4232-8E0D-0FB5EEEE3436.jpg (576x720, 405K)

Any nudes?

Attached: 8141F009-3A69-47AE-94BD-219970B79CE7.png (642x479, 698K)

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Attached: 72713A13-C827-4B8F-8776-1DE4C512C4A7.jpg (934x1236, 304K)

What site?

Yea Forums

Attached: 98C44535-F446-4230-AB14-66781E201DC4.jpg (2592x1944, 953K)

Any other sites u know of with more like her?

Didn't she do a shitload of non nude stuff? I think i remember her. God I hope you have more

U know of any other sites like this for pics?

Definitely not all, but yeah

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She looks familiar for some reason

Moar please or name


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Who is she?

I think her name is Melissa? Not sure

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Pls dump @ calwus

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What's your wickr?

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Got more?

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Damn she's cute

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Goddam, more


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Aren't any

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