Help! Need your advice!
I'm going for a business trip to a fair soon.
A young trainee (23) will join me. Pic related.
We will spend 2 nights in the same hotel. Not in the same room of course.
She's my kind of girl and I'm dying to have sex with her. She loves to drink ... so that makes it easier.
But what if nothing works out? Should I drug her and how? Any serious suggestions?
Help! Need your advice!
Just be a good person and wait for her to consent you cunt, probably wanna drug her so she doesn't witness you cum before you hit jer holes.
Oh yeah, I forgot I drugged every person I ever slept with beforehand.
Lol. Don't fuck her.
You're gonna lose your job and she's gonna take your job after reporting you sexually assaulted her.
She's already got you outplanned. Surprise her by not doing it and not spending nights in some angry corner hoping your company still belongs to you after she brings in people to threaten you in a million directions. You help her, people like me wont help you like we have to after every recession, women make a mess, but stand up to yourself and you can tell yourself you said no. I will keep an eye on her to match that she cant promise things she wont give, and you saying means no. Those commies are all I'm watching right now and I dont want to drag into it anything I dont intend on taking out. She makes another move, she made one in my typing of this, and I'll drag her out of the mud yelling things at her name. Shes a commie to me. I hate them. Thanks for posting. Dont do it now.
Crush up Tylenol pms before you go, put powder in a baggie. Dump the baggie into her drink when she's not looking. Make sure she's a bit drunk before so she doesn't taste it. It's easier to do then you think.
Went from hooking up to rape pretty quick there friend.
Also just spend on the second room or go to a a bar and be out until shes asleep and record things at the bar happening without her. Success then means sleeping and waking and the rest is her using your guidance on you. Youre allowed to be stupid with your money. She has to prove she is just a trainee and making more of that will mean you cannot serve her into your company or she will downplay your position that she cant know the difference between a bargain and the clear and cut idea of what marriage might mean to you and your wife. If there is one. If there isnt, thats not a hotel room. Its a conference room and she asked to stay the night. You owe her nothing of the sort for training. She is just "too down for her shit", so to speak. I hate spicks. Thats all spick in coming to the teacher shit. Its gross. Im white but im brown so i know, and im new money so girls all over are setting me up for this shit but i have federal surveillance and all right to use it. Im going to win, so should you. Faggot. OP is always a faggot.
thank you. sounds good!
Anymore pics of this hot bitch?
If you drug another human being for sex you are nothing but a waster of space and you should kill your self.
How many pills would you recommend? Just one?
No, we're all going to die so while I'm here, I'm going to take what I want because I can. There's plenty of weak prey out there and little faggots like yourself can't do anything about it. Women are the lesser sex and I look at them like property or livestock. They're here only for my pleasure. If they weren't so weak, I wouldn't have been able to take as many as I have over the years.
oh hell! I hate this preacher talks!
No risk no fun. That's what I'm looking for!
At least 4, no more than 6. You want her unconscious, not dead
Tylenol PM? Can't be serious right ?
Hmmmm, the term RAPE comes to mind......
You two know you're just going at it at each other and we can tell he is being a comment of satire and not just sarcastic, right? I don't like your style lady.
That is her, sir.
That is him, lady.
They cheat like that. You can't be "live" but they can. Do not test my judgement. We will be all overhead and speech and you can have nothing then.
It works well with alcohol. Any kinda script will lead back to you
We don't have that in my country I've only heard about from my American friends
Get a phone charger or other outlet cam, then enjoy seeing her fully naked in the bathroom.
Best thing is because it's a hotel you can deny any involvement if she found out what it was somehow.
Have many of her. Not of the sample.
But of course I will not post.
Only if I'll be successfull I'll post her nudes, because I will definitely make pictures of her!
Post nudes. If she has these links she will show up posting, or you can say she didnt and just made it up. She was asking for them herself. Thats half a nude right there.
Jesus christ OP, stop being such a pussy shit for brains and either a) man up and take the consequences when you tell her you want to fuck her or b) shut the hell up and go jerk it.
Fucking losers like you give everyone a bad name.
If he fucks ever he deserves. At least hes not hollow.