I don't enjoy living. What do I do?

I don't enjoy living. What do I do?

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an hero , i'm on my way , waiting for my old dog to die, gonna die on the same day

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find something you want to do, no matter how fucked up, and do it.


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You maybe don't enjoy the dystopian society you find yourself entwined in. You dread your future because it will involve working and suffering to pay your landlord and health insurance company.

I'm in the same boat. I'm saving up money and I'm going to be a stay at home dad on some lovely rural land. We'll have goats, chickens, cats, dogs, and we'll cook vegetables and meat over fires, and look at the starts at night.

The goal is in sight. 6 months of saving and we'll have the down payment we want.

My dog died this morning

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What about electricity and internet and shit like that? You'll still have to work.

This. Climb Mount Everest and take a piss on the top if you'd like.

Maybe don't be a whiny bitch , there are people who count on you. They are your responsibility.

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then find a way to fucking enjoy it killing yourself is the most coward-est thing to do

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Try new things, see how they make you feel.


Anyway my wife will be able to work and provide for us, including healthcare. And we'll have people living on the property too paying rent so we might have pretty low expenses. We'll be set basically.

Right now I kinda hate my life because of how much work, commuting, and anxiety I have to go through. I'm in the wrong field but I already graduated with a degree in this one. The idea of doing college all over again is horrible, it was stressful enough the first time. I was a dean's list student but it wasn't worth the mental hardship I think.

I just need to have time to figure myself out and what I need. I've only just started to try to pay attention to my personal feelings and inclinations instead of ignoring them.

I'm married and my wife wants me to be the homeschool dad while she works.

Was same way. Once you find out you are terminal, you WILL want to live.

Don't worry bro, it's all good.

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get the fuck outta here

probably wont listen but

>get gym membership
>start mewing
>get on testosteron boosters
>go to social clubs or parties
>get good hygiene
>even perform some fucking surgeries if you want to

She make good money?


enjoy it.

Yeah enough to provide for us all if we don't spend money like assholes. We could have a couple of kids and not break the bank with the kind of simple lifestyle we want to have. Nothing trashy or poor, just not buying tons of shit


It helps bro, chicks at the gym start looking, some wants to fuck your brains out one day!

Bring hang glider

it gets better user, i promise , also your picture speaks to me , i cant even explain to anyone the situation i'm in, but as far as your dog , it will get better

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Then that sounds like a good life as long as you do the education right.

Hey, to each his own.
Personally, I have come to embrace the rat race. Got a super laid back city government job, and get a decent paycheck for doing next to nothing. I get paid to watch movies and goof off most of the time. Plus the benefits are legit. Life is good.
Protip: Become a state certified water or wastewater treatment operator (better yet both)
There is a huge deficit in the job market right now, and there will be for the foreseeable future.

Yeah well my parents homeschooled me so I can definitely make improvements to what they did. It'll be kind of unschooling, except I'm not going to let them have unrestricted access to technology and the internet until I feel like they're ready for it, for instance. We're going to be outdoors in beautiful places doing fun things most of the time, I hope.

I make a lot more than them right now and my job is way easier. It's because I live in a tech desert I guess.

Bitch is going to cheat on you. Mark my words.

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Fuck it. That's how it is. Most people aren't happy or even stable.

Don't pursue happiness. Chasing happiness is for women. Study philosophy and learn to be tranquil. In the meantime, work on yourself (job, education, hobbies, and health) for a few years, to start. If you can stay focused and don't over stress, you'll be fine. Live a simple life.

same shit you do every day (like starting this thread). after all why wouldnt anything change if you repeat same shit over and over day after day?

even if you enjoyed life, true satisfaction can't be found in the shifting conscious experience (even if positive) that is our actual existence

there is nothing wrong at all with death. just total satisfaction and peace/stillness