Are all women actually terrible, or do I just hold disgusting views because I am a weakling/uninformed? Discuss

Are all women actually terrible, or do I just hold disgusting views because I am a weakling/uninformed? Discuss

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Women are extremely susceptible to groupthink. Modern society (aka cooperate Jews) have created an image of female “self expression” as being a vapid whore. Its not that women are stupid, it’s just a combination of weak men and a depressing society not caring about he future mental health of modern women.

Ladies and gentlemen, the state of Yea Forums. Stop LARPing you tards

Funnily enough, this is the most common response I see. The actual promiscuity rate has been lowering. Seems perception is more important to you :^)

No one is here to impress you, especially considering that you are unimpressive.

You're a cunt, go start a log thread.

>Durr larp
Great contribution. Have sex
As someone who recently finished attending school at a university I can only state my views as through the lens of a college student. If people are truly having less pre martial sex then good on them

Yeah they kinda suck

Read "Woman's Inhumanity to Woman" by Phyllis Chesler
Get a copy at libgen . is (Current working mirror) if you don't want to pay for it.
It's a multi-decade spanning odyssey into how fucking savage women are. Especially to each other.
Read about the raping, pillaging, betrayals, emotional torture, incest, life wrecking deeds, husband hunting, sister hating, mother's, daughters, sisters, best friends and the like and how it oh so often turns to absolute shit.

Everyone has their own lens guy, give your view. As a psychologist, the issues faced by both sexes seem different but just as varied. I think the hate between is unnecessary

Why? I bet a few would like you if you shared your passion

Because guys never did any of this

What are win conditions?

All women aren't terrible people, just like how all men aren't terrible. There are shitheads and whores in both parties.

Moving the goalposts and changing the discussion. Tits or GTFO.

You’re right, it isn’t necessary. But talking about the issues are. Many truths might be hard to swallow but ultimately if improvement is to happen then certain things need to be said. For example weak men create a weak society, and out of control women (as a result of weak men) create more weak men

The "Ebullience" a state of exalted, euphoric, jubilant life. When the mother/daughter dyad is forged properly, when the sister/sister dyad is nurtured and creates, then the woman is able to disengage from their mother and live.
They create the best friend, the life long partner in crime, out of the lessons they learn from their mother and sisters.

The second option seems most likely.

You’re right. Though both are terrible. So if vacuously, both suck, there’s nothing additional to pointing it out.

The physical differences between men and women will be more obvious the closer we get to pure equality, yes. So finding the right use for the right skills is important.

OP Asked
>Are all women actually terrible, or do I just hold disgusting views because I am a weakling/uninformed? Discuss

>You Replied with a Thought Terminating Cliche level answer.

Again, Tits or GTFO.
The book recommendation was to understand more about why women suck and the reasoning and methods behind it.

In the options given, the second is most likely, in all options, there are many other views that seem viable

Your point on women being terrible is perfectly fine. I pose further that if both parties are committing the same crimes, it would be more important to highlight the specific differences.

The answer is AWALT
NAWALT is not real

Pure equality is a fallacy. Like you say the biological differences begin to show the closer they try and force it. Shattering the illusion of equality is important for understanding gender roles as nature designed, and how we can incorporate them into our modern civilization. People need to stop shying away from discussing this topic. Its practically a taboo to talk about the real inequalities between men and women. And instead opting to allow society to let them exploit and prey on each other.

Which is again what the book recommendation was for. It is 500 pages of discussion on the subject. Also it is very clearly written and laid out well in the presentation. No fucking Foucault level shit in it.

The Gender Revolution needs to be stopped to regain control of the narrative on biologic sex differences.
The Future is Female. Pass the Gender Equality Act. We all identity as female and Thanos Snap away all the legal differences. True Equality.

Would you consider woman worse than men due to this?

I got quads hating on Foucault ... That makes my night.
No. Men and Woman are two sides of the human condition. They compliment and defame the other in their social gyrations. Morality/Ethics being a subjective cluster pit aside?
Men right now have the Red Pill, MGToW, the Manosphere, and other levels and layers to again reinvent and cope with modernity.
Feminism is not such a vehicle for women.
I would say that women are "worse off" in the sense of a support network to cope with the future. They are not ready for how bad it's going to get. And it makes me sad having an idea of how hard it will hit them.

women don't deserve human rights, suffrage was a mistake

ooo nice