Yea Forumsros what a boring night

Yea Forumsros what a boring night.
what are you guys up to/into tonight?

also post anything thread

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Spent my evening at a wedding with a bro and my lady. Free bar, so I'm about 9 shots deep now. Yourself?

I quit regularly smoking pot back in February but i smoke once or twice a month if that . Had some high
potency shit this evening now i am retarded. What about you?

Not op but what are you drinkin?

sitting around the house, was gonna go to the bar but i got too fucked. im on half a gram of mdma

classic movies hotshots part 2... doing the same as you board off my ass scrolling the forms for some thing funny , or some thing to ketch my eye..

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very good movie

wish I could afford ether of those options :( broke till October 4th :( and sober till then as well :(

im fucked i cant see straight. im all twitchy eyed

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Just watching livepd

Ops are all faggots. Gotten two trips; one op didn’t eat shoe and another didn’t post nudes.

Oc gf pic for the good thread op

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i dont have a photo of her tits, otherwise i would show you

Mainly Crown vanilla and Cap'n Morgan. Having a High Life now that I'm home.
I wanna try MDMA so bad

its one of my favourite drugs

Having a smoke and scrolling while I wait for my dealer to txt back

Working on making an rpg earlier. Just relaxing now

gettin some bow or what

I'm 5 natty dads deep and fucked p.s haven't read thread past the 1st post

Playing some Fallout New Vegas

>gettin some bow
Some what?

Natty dad guy with bump tried to post pic but to big for neo 4 chan

What's gif from

Sorted some "High Seas Bounty" and now thinking about playing a game. It's late enough I might just go to bed. I live in the basement of a radio station and the manager needs me to flip a switch for her in the morning. She's doing a live show and needs a changeover to her mobile feed.