Everyone needs to smoke 50g of DMT at least once in there life

Everyone needs to smoke 50g of DMT at least once in there life.

It will change you as a person.

It's non addictive psychedelic and absolutely safe. Only lasts 5-20 minutes.

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50mg not 50g

Ive airways wanted to try it but don't know where to get it

I'd rather inject sulphuric acid directly into my brain. All psychedelics really do is give you brain damage that will make you go dillusional and schizophrenic. Your whole perception of reality will be skewed if you take enough, and DMT is probably one of the strongest psychedelic drugs out there. Don't fall for the meme, this shit will make you go insane without you realising it.

...ok, yeah

wanna know how i know you haven't done a single "psychedelic" in your life and your degenerate friends who don't practice moderation have skewed YOUR reality?


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My cousin won the noble prize for dna and came up with the pattern on lsd, Kary Mullis. He just recently passed away@

Dude make it yourself. It takes about 3 days and is genuinely super cheap and easy. Check the stickied post of r/DMT. The hardest part is getting the actual plant material but you could literally just order it online.

Thanks I'll give it a whirl

You're a fucking idiot if you actually believe this. psychonautdocs.com/?fbclid=IwAR25JIpMgD8hNorOwczFvsewA9axzYwSqLBcrslyu4poPgVgfIBL-cmvwVY and entire collection of scholarly articles about psychedelics.

What did it do for you?

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>It will change you as a person

>All psychedelics really do is give you brain damage that will make you go dillusional and schizophrenic. Your whole perception of reality will be skewed


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>I'd rather inject sulphuric acid directly into my brain.

as a chemist I lold hardy at it

also I was speaking to my friend today who said that he needs to tell me something... it was about these people, or beings that connected with his brain 5 years ago and won't leave him alone now, doing experiments and shit. We talked for an hour, I was trying to be rational and gentle and I asked him if he is aware of the fact that some people get mentally ill and believe in delusions and that he says things like one of these people. He responded that he was like this when he took drugs but now it's all real, it's actually happening.

Should I recommend him a good DMT treatment? Maybe he didn't hear enough about God in those 5 years?

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gayguy detected

I truly can't explain the experience in a way you can understand. To understand you have to have the experience. There are truly just no human words to explain it. I can't even fully comprehend it as a human.

Some people see entities, other people see themselves from outside of their own bodies. Some people just float in an endless darkness and feel all the information of the universe upload into their minds. Ultimately if you have a "breakthrough" dose you'll get to a point of which you will fail to ever understand the experience fully.

Can you OD on DMT, and what happens when you do

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it makes you believe that Dragon Ball is real

>should smoke 2 ounces of dmt
Damn son I'd like to meet your connection.

No it's impossible/has not been recorded before.

And you'd get to a point of passing out before you could OD tbh. Doing 50mg you're barely able to toke after the second hit.

Autist, but kinda “right”. Your “perception of reality” is altered, making you self-deluded into thinking that you are “enlightened”. In small percentages it can “work” with a beneficial, positive effect. The majority are experiencing a brain chemistry tornado. Then in worst cases, permanent neurochemical disruption. Institutionalized. Do what you want, just don’t make tax payers pay for your stupid mistakes.

Trips of delusional psychosis. Tripping with trips.

Wow, all the information of the entire universe uploaded all at once into their minds? I didn't know you could get all that information without actual space travel, and experiencing things first hand.

Spotted the baby boomer!

If you do it right it actually does the opposite.
but you wouldn't know because you never actually read any facts on the subject.

I don't know where to get it or how to smoke it. Please help.