What is the most painless way to kill oneself?

What is the most painless way to kill oneself?

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A room mate once overdosed and died on heroin. He was having a great time before he nodded off...
This one's for you Mike

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cyanide but i doubt you'll find any

Shotgun to the head. Here's a suicide pain index.

(one is reded out because I was trying to convince an user that drowning was the wrong choice)

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how the fuck would getting hit by a train be so painless

Head on the train track under the wheels

absorbing an energy field made of 70 years of Yea Forums posts and a clown

Shotgun to head
OD on the hardest shit you can find

there was this painless death kit of items pic that is posted here every now and then . I think it was a breathing mask, a tube, and some kind of gas

Become a Jew, then run through the streets of Iran naked.

Stab yourself in the back

Thats the helium kill kit

don't do it. things really do get better, even if you don't see that as a possibility right now.

>snu snu



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There are no guarantees. Actually you will be lucky if things just stay the same.

Protip: they do not.

Suicide is the only unforgivable sin since you can't ask forgiveness after you have committed murder of yourself, Not pushing my morality on anyone, just explaining why I haven't done it yet. But to tell people not to do this "because it will get better" is a crock of shit. For some it may, and it just might for this person, but for a number of people that wish they were dead, it wont. I've been waiting for it to get better more than a decade and it hasn't. I still wish I was dead.

Sleeping pills, but not all at once. Try taking double the dose first, and set your loudest alarm to see if you sleep through it. If you do, that's the correct first dose.

1. Take first dose
2. Wait til you just CANNOT keep your eyes open
3. Take the whole bottle just before you drop off to sleep
4. The rest of the pills kick in when you're deep asleep, so you avoid the pain of taking a whole bottle at once.

It would be a courtesy to those who have to collect you if you do it on a shower curtain on your bed, to make it less messy.

>It would be a courtesy to those who have to collect you if you do it on a shower curtain on your bed, to make it less messy.

what would be messy about that death?

Shit, piss, and maybe vomit.

heroin od

>Burning alive is only a 95

Jesus, what does it take to get to 100% pain?

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Heroin overdose. Not only is it painless; it's euphoric, and then you go to sleep and don't wake up.

Nitrogen gas from a gas supply like airgas is cheap. Less than $50. It's how I'd go instead of helium.

living a long life ;3

Is that why they puke? Out of bliss?

Helium or CO2

How the fuck is shotgun to the chest at #4.

Like nigga just pumped a hole in his chest and could give a pain index

This is just a jumbled list

maybe not painless

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go away

Tylenol overdose

being alive


Whiskey and sleeping pills.

>Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles.
Nope, just send you to the Jewish loonybin. Jews have a long history in Persia.

Vote Democrat, it may take awhile but eventually they will kill us all .

Living your life as a decent human.

you used to be able to buy suicide kits off amazon.

Think it was a small tank of helium or something and a plastic bag with an elastic band.

utterly painless.

Industrial wood chipper. Going feet first would only be slightly more painful than head first mainly because it would take you a fraction of a second longer to become Manhattan man chowder. And you get the pregame amusement of knowing how brutal night clean up crew will be. LoL. Not to mention the cost of the lost chips. LoL. Or the horror of the guys making partical board of plywood with human meat in it. LoL. Seriously, feet or head first and it will all be over in less than a second. LoL.

What a night

buried alive, although I could be wrong.


Opiate overdose.

imagine the smell

Yeah, I met a guy that almost drowned in a boating accident. He said that inhaling water was the only pain worse than the terror of know that you are going to involuntarily have to inhale at some point.

Braphog. LoL


Well, when your limbs are instantly detached from your body, the pain signals can't reach the brain they're not attached to.

How do you properly hang yourself having only a door handle to tie the rope?

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acid injection

How does shotgun to the head register at all on the pain index? If you load a 12 ga with 00 buckshot your head is going to instantly cease to exist

the simplest ways are the best ways

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Let me guess you’re in your 20’s, no one likes you assumabley, and you refuse to better yourself?

How does Shotgun to Head take 1.72 minutes to die?

you aren't alive long enough after the impact to feel anything. as soon as the train hits, your body goes into shock, and by the time that shock ends, your brain would become mashed potato.

ever been in a road accident? for a few seconds you don't feel anything. the impact feels like your hands and leg and bodys are made of wood, like you have no sensation at all.

>Nitrogen gas from a gas supply like airgas is cheap

Dafuq do you care about cheap? You're gonna be dead.

I got a 3rd degree burn on my leg a few years ago. It did not hurt what so ever until the next day. In the ambulance they asked me if I wanted some morphine and I declined because it didn't hurt at all, which in hind sight was kinda dumb cause I could have gotten fucked up instead.

I was very cold though, but no pain, by the next day however it felt like someone was hitting my leg with a sledgehammer.

Opiate OD or sleeping pills are best bet. I like the helium idea too. Never was quite sure about headshot idea...

I mean it's undoubtedly super-effective, but I've read theories that actually sending your spirit/soul onto the next dimension actually requires DMT release in the brain.. So ideally leave brain matter intact.

> but I've read theories that actually sending your spirit/soul onto the next dimension actually requires DMT release in the brain.. So ideally leave brain matter intact.

one of the gayest things ive ever read

I mean if you don't believe in afterlife or anything like that then sure... But i mean we have such vivid imaginations and dreams.

Don't you want to explore 4d/5d dreamlike state for eternity? It will be like everything in this world and more. Only you can phase in and out of different states when you're bored of it.