Pic is me as a kid

>Pic is me as a kid

I get off from people telling me what they'd do to me as a shota.
Nothing is off the table, beatings, rape, kidnap, lovey dovey stuff, I don't care

I'm not posting my contacts again, sorry guys

Yes I'm messed up in the head for wanting this, I know, you don't need to tell me

Attached: 9 7.jpg (668x1040, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shut up fag

No fuck no fuck off never that

Yeah lol

Is this thread bannable? This is getting dangerously close to CP

Yes that
No, I'm not breaking the rules

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My son is nine and I'd spank his ass if he did anything this retarded, so you'd get the same treatment

Not really.

The reason CP is bannable is because it's illegal and because usually actual children were abused in the makings of said images.

This is just a fantasy, similar to rape fantasies. It's squicky for many, but not illegal.

In any case you can just tell him you'd hug him. I know I'd hug him.



No that

Yes that

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I have beach photos but I always get banned when I post those

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spanking shota is my kink.

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you say you weren't sad as a kid but you don't look happy

When did I say I was not sad?
I was abused a lot, hence my fucked up fetish

Tell us more about that, user

ok looking back you said the last time you were really happy was when you were a kid but I guess you meant really young

I'm not in the mood to share that today, sorry. Almost all of it was physical and emotional abuse anyway, only sexually abused as a toddler

It's hard to explain, but when I was a kid, despite everything that was happening, I still sort of had hope and cared for others more, but eventually that got beat out of me

This thread is a bit creepy, but you were a cute kid user. I'd play videogames with you until next morning.

Thanks fam :3

I'm kinda drunk today lol
unblock me on discord please?
I didn't mean to ghost you but I had a lot of things going on (Dad almost died) and I kinda just never saw the "Hey. I feel ok to talk to you again"
I'm sorry for ghosting you I hope you can forgive me

>tfw you think you might have been sexually abused as a little kid because growing up you were oddly very sexual and knew a lot more than you should about sex

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Why are you blushing so hard?

I blocked everyone from that thread. Sorry.

I find it really hard to talk to people, I'm sorry. I haven't spoken to any of my irl friends in over 3 weeks

I'm sorry about what happened to your dad

It's possible. I sort of felt like that too and then one day I got a flashback to when I was a toddler and I suddenly remembered loads, there is a good chance that there is even more that I don't remember

I'm always blushing lol

Have you considered counseling? You need a hug.

I used to go, but I stopped a few months ago (life got in the way and couldn't go any more)
I'm starting again soon

Thank you

Very cute ! Femanon here and hope you’re having a good night! Definitely trying not to fuel bad thoughts or get vanned so I can’t participate and feel you probably should be careful too my friend.

Please do start again. I'm a pedophile. I understand. You need love and someone to talk to.

ok but like,
I actually want to talk to you and treat you like a real person

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Aww. Thanks.
I never (I think) get femanons in these threads
I'm doing ok, thank you and I understand, I know it's kind of messed up to ask people this

Ok. Thank you

I don't know...

>Femanon here
If you say so...

I know it's hard, how about you un block me, get some sleep, and we can talk tomorrow. if you still think that you don't want to I'll stop

You probably get more than you think. If i was around for the contact feature threads I’m sure we’d get along great. Know you can always decide what you wanna do but be careful with how it could effect you and enable in others. As you know some can be all talk or a real issue for other youngins.

Still don’t understand this consistent doubt as if women don’t like porn or have fucked kinks lmfao. Suit yourself missing out on interesting convos

I try to keep myself to only talking to a few people. If I unblock I'll probably end up blocking you again
You were one of my favourite people to talk to, but I don't know if I want to unblock, sorry

>calls for abuse to the figure of himself as a child to the internet hate machine
>instead the internet hate machine offers nothing but understanding and love

Post tits or gtfo cunt.


Back in the day I was a member on a manga inspired web forum, with a large gay section.

First two guys I hooked up with turned out to be women just pretending to be gay guys.

It was weird and kinda embarrassing.

Yea Forums is an odd place haha
I always ended up blocking everyone on there anyway, no matter how much I liked talking to people
I never find female shotacons so I'm honestly interested haha

ok, if you ever want to talk to me no hard feelings, just dm me

This is the single most interesting thread I've seen this month

Rip it’s unfair they lead you on. I’ve been trying to find a roleplay partner to let me play a guy involved roughly with girls or other dudes (preferably girls lol) but I’d chicken out before ever lying about it. I’m too chicken to roleplay overall but I’m getting desperate to explore that side of myself lol

I’d post my kik myself, but I’d get too many unwanted people I’m sure. I’d never ask you to deal with whatever you went through to make you uninterested in doing it again either, but believe me I’d like to talk too. If i ever see you post here or somewhere again I’ll say heyo. Not savvy enough to figure out a way to get in contact otherwise lol

Ok. Again, I'm sorry

Well it has been about a month I think since I made the last one

That's ok. I want to start using Yea Forums again often. So I'll probably go back to my usual role of starting gay shota threads and acting sad in them

I still have those nudes.

Looks like I’ll be in more gay shota threads then. Usually don’t even drop into loli ones, but if there’s a chance you’re there

That's ok, but please don't post them. I have been getting better at taking them and I don't want my bad ones out there

I usually post a lot of Young Link too and claim he's my boyfriend or something cringey lol

Aside from that forum I've only hooked up here on Yea Forums after trading throwaway accounts.

I'm not single now though xP

that's not me saying that I'm not that much of a dumb ass, but also where do you post now?

Not going to say, but it is available for anyone to stumble on one day

I will never share any content on here beyond the odd post. I liked the flaccid foreskin pictures.

Oldest pic I'll post
>I'm 14 here

Attached: 14 2.jpg (1538x3120, 842K)

That's fine

yeah id date you and cherish you if i was your age at that time. like i tried to do my bf at the time before hormones made him cheat xD

Nah he’s cute I can’t blame you lol. Thanks for the heads up and I hope to find you here again.


Not him but I think I’ve seen you around. Gay shota threads aren’t super big / populated so you can get a feel for the regulars.

Why would you do that?

My friend told me to write that and it's out of date, I'm not a virgin anymore

Rip I’m sorry they were a dick. Won’t look at anything though since you’re uncomfortable with it. Don’t lose hope in kind people on the internet

Lmao is that you user?

It's ok. You can if you want...


Fucking based. You should post more.

>I get off from people telling me what they'd do to me as a shota.
i HOPE YOU HEAL. The molestation doesn't have to rule your life.

I have been tempted to figure out how to make money off of it tbh.
Might make an onlyfans account or patreon. The place that I have started posting my nudes is getting pretty popular pretty quickly

Thank you, but it pretty much does

Where might that be

>it pretty much does
you were molested as a toddler, it shouldn't affect you now.

I don't know if there want to share here
I was also abused in every other way until I was 17

I wouldn't mind posting more, but it might be weird now that someone shared my PornHub account, especially since you can see my face sometimes in it

Damn you were cute. I would have bought you a nice young Link costume.

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Ugh... Puberty was already starting to ruin you.

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....shut it...
I like my link costume... It was my first cosplay. Wish I had the confidence to wear it to cons though. Instead I just act like a slut in them

Bitch I'm adorable and always have been

Truth be told your face looks exactly the same as it did when you were 14

Initial femanon here. Made an account to follow and add friend. very cute stuff.

Well you still looked good but your shota-essence was starting to fade away.

you look retarded

You're a cute kid, just a little too feminine for my tastes. I hope you find someone who can appreciate you.

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Yeah, I know. I look pretty much the same, just better hair and teeth
Sadly we can't be shotas for ever
I am
That's ok. Thanks

You looked sad. I would have hugged you, and told you that you were a wonderful kid no matter what anybody said. Then, I would have kissed you on your cheeks.
Your butt cheeks. And then I would have tongued your asshole.

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Sounds lovely

>this whole thread

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I'm assuming it was mostly dad who molested you
Did your mom ever do anything sexual to you?

I messaged you on there

You would make a pretty successful e-boy. Give it a thought. You already posted your face here. If you posted more I know I'm not the only one that would be interested in seeing it.

Boy butts are dirty user

I'm not going to say, sorry
Thanks, since my PornHub account got out I have been tempted to post a good pic of me now, but I don't think it's a good idea. Enough is out already

That's the best part.

Top fuckin kek. So whats the name of this fetish? Just when i thought i had seen it all

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It seems to be pretty common among shotacons

Btw, I hit puberty at 11

I replied (too many times lmfao sorry)

How is it sad?
I was expecting most people to be creeped out

Okey OP, tell us where the child is and what you did to him.

>another thread I'll carry with me in my subconscious for a week

Sure, the fetish itself may be creepy, but the direction your life had to go through to get such a fetish is sad

Robot's don't have a subconscious.

You don't dream electric dreams either. Fuck off Watson you fucking asshole.

I just want to say that just like all normal people, there´s good and bad pedophiles, those who actually feel love for a child and will never allow anyone hurt them, and those who are cruel and evil. Sadly most people think we are all monsters. I would never hurt you and hope you find the joy and care you deserve.

That's the problem though isn't it pedo jimmy. Pedophiles dont think they're hurting children. They're 'loving timmy and sarah' not hurting them. Love can't possibly hurt, right?

Delusional pedophiles like you are the ones considered predatory and dangerous. You won't fuck your own kids or your families, but you'll go after everybody elses and force your fucked up love on them, break hips, pop bones, tear colons, tear the uterus of girls...etc etc out of love.

You should all be burned alive on national TV.

anime is one thing, but 3d pedophiles are another.

hey OP, anyone ever do anything with your feet?

>All sex is penetrative
*Yawn*, your whole world view and point, defeated so easily.

>you gotta have your dick in to hurt

That is what you directly said and is true, so yes, *Yawn*.

Not really user, for you see, I'm not the same guy

Attached: Yawn.png (720x813, 186K)

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what happened to the pic op? you were cute

Nice shoop. But even then you would be wrong, unless your greentext is not meant to be sarcastic. Penetration is what causes those things, obviously. Unless you meant that it doesn’t need to go all the way in to hurt, which is just trying to make a distinction without any difference. It is still what it is.

That's hot.

Every butts on earth are dirty if they're not washed. I'd wash shota op's butt before tonguefucking it.

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>nice shoop
t. paranoid faggot

What I am saying reserves some distance from what you imply, for I am merely stating that you can hurt children both psychologically and physically through your pedophilic urges without even having your dick out

What do you mean? The pics are still there

>you can hurt children both psychologically and physically through your pedophilic urges without even having your dick out

How so? By telepathy?

t. seething cause caught

Hurt them physically how? Like beating them? Anyone can get hurt that way, genius. Same goes for psychologically. That isn’t exclusive to them. It all depends on the context. Other first world countries and even most states in the US have the age of consent at 16, which I know must rattle and shake your sensitive special snowflake perspective, but it’s true. And some places like Japan have it even lower than that depending on the region and the situation. But all that is probably too much for you to want to understand because it sounds like you just want to hold onto your moral panic outrage above all else.

Even though a few basement dwellers on this site are nothing compared to the practical pedo factory and business being ran at the highest level by businessmen and politicians who will never face any repercussions for their actions because people would rather act like they’re doing anything on an anonymous underwater basket weaving symposium.

i meant along the lines of if there were more lol

Stop arguing....

Attached: TipYoHat1TitsorGTFO.jpg (300x225, 46K)

One of those wasn’t even an argument post

Hi, i am the user who post that first one comment you reply to.

Even tho you are right about that bad people can think they are doing right, there are lots of guys who would never actually harm a child. Never, not in a single way. And your "gore talking" about bones and uterus makes you sound like a real sicko. Just proves my point that most people see us as the worst, even if we aren´t.

Still waiting for the tits....

Attached: TipYoHat1TitsorGTFO.jpg (300x225, 23K)

>Newfag this proud of his latest favorite unfunny meme pic

>Dumb ass thinking Yea Forums is a discourse on humanity

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>Retard mad and sad because accurately called out
>D-Dis place is da dumb anyway!
Yeah, doesn’t mean I care about discourse either. You just make it incredibly obvious that was what you’re doing.

As the post that originated this nonsense said, you may hurt them without realising so, groping, touching, grabbing, there's so many ways your animalistic pedo lust may hurt sensitive children, and all of that data you have presented about the age of consent is close to irrelevant for the law is not the same as ethics, and it may be influenced by the culture of the country itself instead of common sense and morality, if your argument is that children may be physically able to reproduce at young ages, I may bring up again my argument that you may psychologically damage them, as their body may be mature, but their brain may not be.

>also jews rape kids
We know already, but this discussion is certainly about morality and not legal failure.

Haha, right on target faggot

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I've seen this somewhere before..

I'll take your favorite shirt then pee on your bed faggot

hope you find whatever peace you need to in order to stop making these threads user

>Touching is now hurting
Oh so you are a liberal feminist who thinks brushing up against someone is rape. You just think “Well you might hurt them like you’re are big Frankenstein oaf who doesn’t know how to control their strength!”

If you want this to be entirely about what may be ethically right then there isn’t much to talk about because that basically comes down to what we feel on a subjective basis.

based father

>lol how could I possibly hurt kids? He just resisted a bit so I had to tie him up, that's it!

As an 84 year old man, I have been touched, wrestled with, climbed over, rubbed up against, hugged, kissed and downright had more kids sit in my lap and talk about the first thing that "pops" up.
Life gets better with age.

Attached: 4ChanRandomAutism.jpg (442x160, 40K)

Still haven't seen the tits.....

Attached: TipYoHat1TitsorGTFO.jpg (300x225, 57K)

Epic meme

Op here.

This is by far the most bizarre and longest lasting one of these threads, but I really need to sleep now, was expecting the thread to die in an hour or two lol. Goodnight you bunch of faggots

Thank you

I'd groom then fuck you OP. At 14 you kinda lost your appeal But then again so did I. I think all pedos are kids who never grew up.

Goodnight OP
Also you look really cute on your pornhub vids

I'd probably play Legos with you

Night OP! And hope you eventually get the help you need to not feel sad over this fetish of yours and that trauma. Though I don’t think this thread was particularly arousing for you if you are really into the kinky stuff instead of the lovey dovey and supportive kind. But that’s probably a nice change too.

This. This shit is not normal this whole thread is a honeypot.

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