I'm a white Republican male that supports trump.
I've never used the N word
I've never wore black face
I'm a white Republican male that supports trump.
I've never used the N word
I've never wore black face
You bigot
So far it's mainly been strong liberals caught with black face and saying the n word. Says a lot about who is really racist.
They say the people who complain about certain things the most are actually the biggest perpetrators.
Republicans simply don't feel the need to disguise their racism, because their base actually responds well to it.
It shows that they use black people for votes, but in reality they (liberal whites) consider them a fucking joke.
Keep telling yourself that you racist libby.
White libs are modern slave owners. Telling blacks they are being kept down and cant achieve anything. Helps wear down the resistance.
Liberals don't need to make threads about how they aren't racist because its not shocking or out of the ordinary.
That must be a tough pill for you to swallow.
I'm a trump supporter and I'm African American, I wear white face at parties and I say nigga everyday nigger.
Those two are clearly having a good time with him tho. This is like your friend giving you an n word pass and you use it around them in private.
good for you
>Telling blacks they are being kept down and cant achieve anything.
Give one shred of proof that backs up this statement, im sure you've got plenty.
Only a racist lib would try that hard to get approval from black or brown people. It's a inner shame that makes them feel that non whites are beneath them. It's not a conscious thought, but it's embedded in to their psyche.
You're basically Jesus +Confucious bro! Great job!
Every lib statement about black people ever.
Republicans are such tolerant people they would never say a bad thing about blacks
So no proof?
Thought so
i think you're on the wrong site
Lol, do you guys even know about Canada? In the 1970-1978 the NDP party of Canada along with the Province of Saskatchewan and the Ranch Ehlro corporation built the ranch Ehlro Wilderness Challenge, a program that raped, abused, starve, tortured and sleep deprivation, all so the NDP party could make a few dollars under the table, google APTN|Last Resort, they couldn’t air anything about rape and molestation from Councillors and other kids being abused....
Truth hurts. But liberals tend to become blind and deaf when confronted with reality.
Lmfao you kids don’t know Canada’s past of child slavery and segregation
Let me guess, some of your best friends are black?
>confronted with reality.
>President Trump has made 12,019 false or misleading claims over 928 days
Look up APTN|Investigates : last resort
That’s half the amount of bombs dropped on children by Obama
Times have changed.
34 here.
Bombs vrs misleading, I choose misleading when Obama’s dropped 26,000 bombs 1 year in 2016
Who the fucks talking about Obama?
It's almost like people obsessed with race are racist. Almost.
He just likes costumes okay. What's the big deal?
Oh right, hes to conservative for your type
No really, answer the question
I have a few yes. They're right leaning centrist. Great guys.
So you would rather we not drop them?
Are you saying that we should be a weak military?
well you got the white male part right but
nope,no republican supports donald trump.he's a pile of liberal shit
So much inner shame in that man. Having trouble fighting his racist demons.
Why the fuck would you think they are?
It's almost like he uses race/religion to pander to his audience. Almost
what's your point?
The man is a chameleon
Now imagine this group all came out with rifles instead of tiki torches
I want to tie him down and fuck him in front of my girlfriend
I'm ready for your cummies gentlemen
Just gett'n those votes.
he should be honest about it.
Like the majority liberal shooters?
As prime minister, I vow to appropriate every culture that resides on Canadian soil!
Pretty low bar of standards man, congrats tho?
>Like the majority liberal shooters?
Yeah, but with an actual working knowledge of firearms
the guy is a white cuck fuck head like the rest of canadian white people
Don't play dumb you smug little prick
this guy is basically just Ryan from the office
wasnt this like over a decade ago? who the fuck cares?
liberals like to project their insecurities. everything they accuse the other side of being, is exactly who they are. leftists tend to be insecure elitists, who really need social approval from other people so they virtue signal and constantly feel the need to put down other people.
republicans freed the slaves and forced the civil war, brainwashed libshit.
Yeah, that's why it's always Republicans in blackface, ay?
Not sure how to evaluate this...
You're both racists, stop playing dumb
I personally love niggers. I got a few of them hanging in my family tree.
Republicans are not the ones telling blacks that they are victims, that they are not empowered, that they need the Government to weigh in on their side because otherwise they can never make it. Nor are Republicans the ones who design welfare programs to keep them poor, but barely hanging on, so they can't risk rocking the boat by daring to step off the Democrat plantation.
>republicans freed the slaves and forced the civil war
>what was the 'Southern Strategy'?
"He has positioned himself as..." is pretty fucking honest, though.
there's more ways to be a bigot or racist than being a cartoon villain. most racist people don't think of themselves as racist, but are unaware of the biases and double standards they exhibit. acting like racism is a basically a hoax, but then crying about reverse racism is a common example. a lot of people who weren't ever pro cop suddenly are proud bootlickers once BLM became a thing, and the cops, like your champion donnie boy are all incapable of any wrongdoing
Republicans are such nice people wanting to take away welfare and food off peoples table and telling them "We believe in you to get your own food unlike those Democrats"
Its ok if you starve and die because we are acting like we believe in you.
republicans being racist is literally a liberal media meme and its the only thing the left can run on, despite being a lie, because they have nothing else to offer. they are as corrupt as they come and their existence literally depends on having an oppressed minority base. ill let you think about that carefully.
Welfrare programs keep them in a state of constant poverty. Making someone dependent isn't helping them, it's guaranteeing an underclass.
If government programs worked, reservations would be utopias.
any word is only offensive to the person believes it is when said to them
The current mode a person is in reflects how the react to advertised speech,
you cant have a welfare state and open borders retard. there are 7 billion people in the world. are you going to give them all welfare when they decide to move to america to cash on in free healthcare and free handouts?
I'm a white male that votes republican.
I constantly say nigger.
I hate niggers with every ounce of my being so I would never dress up as one.
Lets go to peoples houses together and i'll stand there and watch you tell them you are taking everything away from them because it keeps them down.
I'm sure you won't mind doing that, right?
I have no problem telling people to return stolen property. Lets do it, you free tomorrow? Say 3ish?
Nah. We're forcing. Grab your rifle, bug out bag, and daki.
This is going to be a long march my friend.
are we going to give 7 billion which is everyone on earth welfare?
did you really just ask that stupid fucking question?
Oh, even better! I just sighted in my 6.5
Say nigger you faggot, stop being a pussy.
you haven't personally known many people on assistance other than people resigned to disability then. i've known many people who've used benefits to help them get through and out of hard times
Don't even bother explaining it to him, people like that will never understand.
I myself had to be on food assistance for a short period of time when I lost my job several years ago and it saved me, now I make 55k a year and im in a better place.
People like him don't know whats going on in the real world.
Lole every twot decades ago brought up with a right wing politician
How can you be so shit with finances that you need to leech off of others? Learn to be financially responsible or neck yourself, don't use the government to strong-arm actually successful people to pay your way.
>People like him don't know whats going on in the real world.
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Because I was basically a kid early in the workforce with no savings. I don't think that is unusual.
Lets take you for instance, a white trash loser.
You say the 'N' word and get fired and need assistance. You would rather whore out your asshole on the street for a little bit of money and free AIDS.
I went on assistance and got back on my feet, thats the difference between me and you.
I hope that cleared things up.
Wow, sick burn.
every single candidate in the democrat primary litearlly said on teh debate stage they wanted to give welfare and healthcare to illegal aliens living in america, and they also dont believe its a crime to come here illegally and they also believe the wall is immoral. its all on youtube moron
Nice try kid. Paid for my engineering degree with my savings from the military. I started at almost 2x your salary. You're worthless and weak.